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Que   Listen
Que  n.  A half farthing. (Obs.)

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"Que" Quotes from Famous Books

... will not oppose your return to power." Evidently part of France favoured the adventure and was not a little annoyed at its failure. As an allied power with Italy and England she had to show a forbidding front to Karl, but as "Le Figaro" said, "Ce n'est pas sur le Danube que nous menacent des perils mortels, c'est sur le Rhin." The Allies, however, as they are called, had little power to help or stop ex-Kaiser Karl. It was the little States that stopped him—the Petite Entente of ...
— Europe—Whither Bound? - Being Letters of Travel from the Capitals of Europe in the Year 1921 • Stephen Graham

... tamen, Hercule, siquis Forte Deo doliturus erit, daia praemia nollet, Sed meruise dari sciet, invitus que ...
— Woman in the Ninteenth Century - and Kindred Papers Relating to the Sphere, Condition - and Duties, of Woman. • Margaret Fuller Ossoli

... me vocet vltro, Accedam? an potius mediter finire dolores? Exclusit: reuocat, redeam? non si obsecret. Ecce Seruus non Paulo sapientior: Here, qu res Nec modum habet, neque consilium, ratione modque Tractari non vult. In amore, hc sunt mala, bellum, Pax rursum: hc si quis tempestatis prop ritu Mobilia, et cca fluitantia sorte, laboret Reddere certa, sibi nihil plus explicet, ac si Insanire paret certa ...
— The Schoolmaster • Roger Ascham

... who was then merrily drinking with his guests, heard his son roar out for drink, he said to him in French, "Que Grand Tu As et souple le gousier!" That is to say, "How great and nimble a throat thou hast." Hearing this, the company said that the child verily ought to be called Gargantua, because it was the first word uttered by his father at his birth. Which the father graciously permitted, and to calm ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol VII • Various

... for with my health; but I had to think of my child. Kromitzki is very clever. He has large concerns at Odessa, and is at present engaged in some large speculations in naphtha at Baku, or some such place, 'que sais-je.' It seems there is some difficulty about his not being a Russian subject. If he married Aniela he might clear the estate; and as an extensive landowner he would have no difficulty in ...
— Without Dogma • Henryk Sienkiewicz

... herself and her husband. Broadly speaking, love is a legitimate motive for the dramatist when it is used, not as a purpose in itself, but as a setting for something else. In the words of Corneille, "l'amour ne doit etre que l'ornement, et non l'ame de nos pieces," and this is how it is generally employed by the best dramatists. The love of Benedict and Beatrice, for example, is simply a setting for their witty talk and repartee. On the Spanish stage love is often a setting for entertaining intrigue, as in Lope de ...
— Wagner's Tristan und Isolde • George Ainslie Hight

... regenerate the devotee for eternity is proved by an inscription found at Rome, which records that a certain Sextilius Agesilaus Aedesius, who dedicated an altar to Attis and the mother of the gods (Cybele) was taurobolio criobolio que in aeternum renatus." (2) "In the procedure of the Taurobolia and Criobolia," says Mr. J. M. Robertson, (3) "which grew very popular in the Roman world, we have the literal and original meaning of the phrase 'washed in the blood of the lamb' (4); ...
— Pagan & Christian Creeds - Their Origin and Meaning • Edward Carpenter

... him with affection, that he should be known as 'Good King Guntram' and that the church should actually have canonized him after his death. Good King Guntram; Michelet has summed him up in a phrase 'Ce bon roi a qui on ne reprochait que deux ou trois meurtres.' ...
— Medieval People • Eileen Edna Power

... m' ensigniez, il faut que ie apprend a parlen: Comient appelle vous le main en Anglois? Alice. Le main ...
— The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare

... Upon this he desired to explain himself, and that I would state to you that he was inclined to think, not that he thought, your Government would go on more easily there than you expected. He alluded to De Retz's maxim: "Le peuple ne se souleve jamais que quand on l'opprime." To the truth of this I agreed perfectly, but said that the people there are really oppressed, and miserable to a degree I had not at all conceived till I went into the country. That ...
— Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of George the Third - From the Original Family Documents, Volume 1 (of 2) • The Duke of Buckingham and Chandos

... somewhat inaccurately, in his Memorials (p. 205). The original MS. runs thus: "Item in Camera Gildaule sunt sex Instrumenta de Laton vocata Gonnes cum quinque teleres ad eadem. Item pelete de plumbo pro eidem Instrumentis que ponderant iiijc li et dj. Item xxxij li de ...
— London and the Kingdom - Volume I • Reginald R. Sharpe

... beaucoup plus courte et plus etroite; les cavites nasales sont beaucoup moins larges; l'espace entre les orbites des yeux est plus etroit; la partie posterieur du crane au contraire est plus large que dans l'espece du continent. ...
— Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon • J. Emerson Tennent

... is made to read: 'Qui, comme de raison, avait saintement forme le projet d'allier les interets du ciel aux oeuvres de ce monde.' Casanova tells us that Therese would not commit a mortal sin 'pour devenir reine du monde;' pour une couronne,' corrects the indefatigable Laforgue. 'Il ne savoit que lui dire' becomes 'Dans cet etat de perplexite;' and so forth. It must, therefore, be realized that the Memoirs, as we have them, are only a kind of pale tracing of the ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... have been undervalued or quite ignored by several foreign writers, but have been fully admitted by some, for instance by M. Lemoine,[5] who with great justice says:—"Le livre de Ch. Bell devrait etre medite par quiconque essaye de faire parler le visage de l'homme, par les philosophes aussi bien que par les artistes, car, sous une apparence plus legere et sous le pretexte de l'esthetique, c'est un des plus beaux monuments de la science des rapports du physique ...
— The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals • Charles Darwin

... la corniche sur les quatre cotes de la stalle superiere en sont le seul ornement. Cette simplicite, cette severite de style, jointes a l'idee de force et de puissance qu'eveillent les dimensions enormes des materiaux employes, sont des caracteres que nous avons deja signales dans ...
— History of Phoenicia • George Rawlinson

... Van Beneden, 'Rech. sur la Fauna littor. de Belgique' Crustacees pages 73 and 74), induce me, on the basis of numerous investigations of my own, to declare in Van Beneden's words; "Parmi toutes les formes embryonnaires de podophthalmes ou d'edriophthalmes que nous avons observees sur nos cotes, nous n'en avons pas vu une seule qui eut meme la moindre resemblance avec un Cuma quelconque." The ONLY THING that suits the larvae of Hippolyte, Palaemon and Alpheus, in the family character of the Cumacea as given by Kroyer which occupies three pages ...
— Facts and Arguments for Darwin • Fritz Muller

... Froissart tells us, that Joan of Kent, the mother of Richard II., took refuge during Wat Tyler's rebellion, when forced to fly from the Tower of London. The old historian writes that after the defeat of the rebels "pour le premier chemin que le Roy fit, il vint deuers sa Dame de mere, la Princesse, qui estoit en un chastel de la Riolle (que l'on dit la Garderobbe la Reyne) et la s'estoit tenue deux jours et deux nuits, moult ebahie; et avoit bien ...
— Notes & Queries 1849.12.22 • Various

... phrases which it is impossible to render adequately in English, "se profile le groupe tragique. Aucun geste superflu; le drame est interieur. La Douleur plane dans l'air alourdi du crepuscule, comme une aile fatale—Jesus est mort! Le grand cadavre livide, que les apotres angoisses soutiennent, n'a rien dans sa robustesse inerte de la depouille emaciee des Christs mystiques. Le fils de Dieu semble un patriarche douloureusement frappe ...
— Six Centuries of Painting • Randall Davies

... que Don Antonio Piementel de Prado, Envoye Extraordinaire de sa Majeste le Roi d'Espagne a sa Majeste la Reine de Suede, soit maintenant sur son retour de ce lieu a Neufport en Flandres, dont son Excellence est Gouverneur; ...
— A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. • Bulstrode Whitelocke

... marmitons de l'areheveques de Vienne avaient impose un tribut sur les mariages; on croit que certains feuditaires extgeaient un droit obscene de leur vassaux qui se marienient, quel fut transforme ensuite en droit de cuissage consistant, de la part du seigneur, a mettre une jambe nue dans ...
— History of Woman Suffrage, Volume I • Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage

... "what is it that I bring home this time? How much is paste? My God, how droll that smile of Clinch.... Which is the false—his jewels or mine? Dieu que j'etais bete!—— Me who have not suspec' that there are two trays within my jewel-box!... I unnerstan'. It is ver' simple. In the top tray the false gems. Ah! Paste on top to deceive a thief!... Alors.... Then what I have recover of Clinch is the real!... Nom de Dieu!... How should ...
— The Flaming Jewel • Robert W. Chambers

... d'tre du pays est si agrable, la temprature si bonne, et l'on y vit dans une libert si honnte, que je n'aye pas vu un seul homme, ny une seule femme, qui en soient revenues, en qui je n'aye remarqu une grande passion d'y retourner."-LE ...
— Two Years in the French West Indies • Lafcadio Hearn

... Rebells alleront a le Temple ... et alleront en l'Esglise, et pristeront touts les liveres et Rolles de Remembrances que furont en lour huches deins le Temple de Apprentices de la Ley, et porteront en le haut chimene ...
— Memorials of Old London - Volume I • Various

... say,' said Trevor. 'The old man you saw to-day in the studio was Baron Hausberg. He is a great friend of mine, buys all my pictures and that sort of thing, and gave me a commission a month ago to paint him as a beggar. Que voulez-vous? La fantaisie d'un millionnaire! And I must say he made a magnificent figure in his rags, or perhaps I should say in my rags; they are an old suit ...
— Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories • Oscar Wilde

... Pierrot! Danse, Pierrot! Danse un peu, mon pauvre Jeannot! Vive la danse et l'allegresse! Jouissons de notre bell' jeunesse! Si moi je pleure ou moi je soupire, Si moi je fais la triste figure— Monsieur, ce n'est que pour rire! Ha! Ha, ha, ha! Monsieur, ce ...
— The Gadfly • E. L. Voynich

... "La communication entre Kachmir et Ceylan n'a pas eu lieu seulement par les entreprises guerrieres que je viens de rappeler, mais aussi par un commerce paisible; c'est du cette ile que venaient des artistes qu'on appelait Rakchasas a cause du merveilleux de leur art; et qui executaient des ouvrages pour l'utilite et pour l'ornement d'un pays montagneux et sujet aux inondations. Ceci confirme ...
— Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and • James Emerson Tennent

... petite! Endormez ma p'tite enfant Jusqu'a l'age de quinze ans! Quand elle aura quinze ans passe Il faudra la marier Avec un p'tit bonhomme Que viendra ...
— The Ruling Passion • Henry van Dyke

... Incubierto, Vendra cierto; Entrera en el huerto, Per el puerto, Questa mas a ca del muro; Y'lo que paresce escuro, ...
— The Works Of John Dryden, Vol. 7 (of 18) - The Duke of Guise; Albion and Albanius; Don Sebastian • John Dryden

... attack or to bombard by any means whatever (par quelque moyen que ce soit) towns, villages, habitations, or ...
— Letters To "The Times" Upon War And Neutrality (1881-1920) • Thomas Erskine Holland

... would teach him. When he leaves me, I grant you, he will be neither a magistrate, a soldier, nor a priest; he will be a man. All that becomes a man he will learn as quickly as another. In vain will fate change his station, he will always be in his right place. "Occupavi te, fortuna, atque cepi; omnes-que aditus tuos interclusi, ut ad me aspirare non posses." The real object of our study is man and his environment. To my mind those of us who can best endure the good and evil of life are the best educated; hence it follows that true education consists less in precept than in practice. ...
— Emile • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

... fishing, sailing, and so forth, time passes quickly away. Its salubrity is remarkable; there has never been any disease—indeed sickness of any kind is unknown. No toothache nor other malady, and no spleen; people die by accident or from old age; indeed, the Montereyans have an odd proverb, "El que quiere morir que se vaya del pueblo"—that is to say, "He who wishes to die ...
— Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet • Captain Marryat

... children brought the grandmother and Rebecca, his sister, from the city. This was on Tuesday, the 16th of April, in the afternoon. My comrade was in the front room when the news came, though there were no particulars. He came to me in the back room sorrowful, and said to me, "Vous ne savez que le malin a eu possession sur nostre pauvre homme."[324] "What man?" I asked. "Our Theunis," he replied, "word came that he had hanged himself, and afterwards that they did not know whether he was alive." We were alarmed; the old woman, his mother, had gone to him; and after ...
— Journal of Jasper Danckaerts, 1679-1680 • Jasper Danckaerts

... Que veut cette horde d'esclaves, De traitres, de rois conjures? Pour qui ces ignobles entraves Ces fers des longtemps prepares? Francais, pour nous ah! quel outrage, Quels transports il doit exciter! C'est nous qu'on ose mediter De rendre a l'antique ...
— History of the Girondists, Volume I - Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution • Alphonse de Lamartine

... les ans vengeurs de mon martyre Que l'or de vos cheveux argente deviendra, Que de vos deux soleils la splendeur s'esteindra, Et qu'il faudra qu'Amour tout confus s'en retire. La beaute qui si douce a present vous inspire, Cedant aux lois du Temps ses faveurs reprendra, L'hiver de ...
— A Life of William Shakespeare - with portraits and facsimiles • Sidney Lee

... compos'd, and which gave Rise to those many Performances, that were afterwards attempted in the same Way. [B]Mr. Menage has highly extoll'd this Translation. Elle est, says he, bien belle, & bien francoise, & montre que son Auteur entend parfaitement le Grec. Je puis dire que j'y ay vu des Choses, que, peut etre, Faute d'Attention, je n'avois pas vues dans le Grec. This is great; and it must be own'd that Mr. Menage was a Man ...
— A Critical Essay on Characteristic-Writings - From his translation of The Moral Characters of Theophrastus (1725) • Henry Gally

... French gentleman who, when in a circus, expressed an opinion that there was nothing remarkable in the wonderful performances of an acrobat on a tight-rope, or trapeze. "Voyez-vous monsieur" he exclaimed; "Ce n'est que la mathematique—rien que ca!" And only the Imagination—"all your Imagination" is still the universal solvent in Philistia for ...
— The Mystic Will • Charles Godfrey Leland

... exception of the Destruycion de las Indias by the notorious Las Casas, than any other. This is the work of Fray Alonso de Benavides, on New Mexico, first published in 1630 under the misleading title of Memorial que Fray Juan de Santander de la Orden de San Francisco, Comisario General de Indias, presenta a la Magestad Catolica del Rey don Felipe cuarto nuestro Senor, etc., Madrid, 1630. Benavides was custodian of the Franciscan province of New Mexico for some ...
— Documentary History of the Rio Grande Pueblos of New Mexico; I. Bibliographic Introduction • Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier

... "seguro que si! But alas," he added sadly, "one cannot live on air alone. Ah, que malo, ...
— Hidden Water • Dane Coolidge

... and this is true of the verse which lies wholly outside the line of that Hebrew-Greek-Roman tradition which has affected so profoundly the development of modern European literature. Yet to express "ce que tout le monde pense"—which was Boileau's version of Horace's "propria communia dicere"—is only part of the function of lyric poetry. To give the body of the time the form and pressure of individual feeling, of individual ...
— A Study of Poetry • Bliss Perry

... Plaideurs of Racine and Les fourberies de Scapin of Moliere, both exceedingly well given; particularly the scene in the latter wherein it is announced to Geronte that his son had fallen into the hands of a Turkish corsair, and his answer "Que diable allait-il ...
— After Waterloo: Reminiscences of European Travel 1815-1819 • Major W. E Frye

... best was Ma-que-a-pos (the Wolf's Word), an ignorant and unintellectual person. I knew him perfectly well. His nature was simple, innocent, and harmless, devoid of cunning, and wanting in those fierce traits that make up the Indian character. His predictions were sometimes absolutely astounding. ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 105, July 1866 • Various

... que l'on nous conteste le droit de qualifier ainsi [that is, to call heresies] les tendances qui furent si vivement combattues par les premiers Peres. La designation meme d'heresie semble une atteinte portee a la ...
— The Kingdom of God is within you • Leo Tolstoy

... as the Major wrote of course, sent Doctor Portman to Fairoaks, and he went off with that alacrity which a good man shows when he has disagreeable news to commit. He wishes the deed were done, and done quickly. He is sorry, but que voulez-vous? the tooth must be taken out, and he has you in the chair, and it is surprising with what courage and vigour of wrist he applies the forceps. Perhaps he would not be quite so active or eager if it were his tooth; but, in fine, it is your duty to have it out. So ...
— The History of Pendennis • William Makepeace Thackeray

... the irritable Lenoir, "je te ficherais une danse si j'avais le temps pour t'apprendrs ce que c'est que la politesse. I'd dust your jacket for you if I had the time to teach ...
— Jack Harkaway's Boy Tinker Among The Turks - Book Number Fifteen in the Jack Harkaway Series • Bracebridge Hemyng

... voudrai que la maison ci la, et tout ca qui pas femme' ici, s'raient encore maudits! (May this house, and all in it who ...
— The Grandissimes • George Washington Cable

... hoc hresen non statim divinitus eradicantur auctores, ut probati manifesti fiant; id est, ut unusquisque quam tenax, et fidelis, et fixus Catholic fidei sit amator, appareat. Et revera cum quque novitas ebullit, statim cernitur frumentorum gravitas, et levitas palearum: tunc sine magno molimine excutitur ab are, quod nullo pondere intra aream tenebatur.—VINCENTIUS LIRINENSIS, Adversus Hreses, ...
— Inspiration and Interpretation - Seven Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford • John Burgon

... Grand Traison! Les Couillions que je porte Lors que leur Maitre est en prison Ces Gallans ...
— The Merry-Thought: or the Glass-Window and Bog-House Miscellany - Parts 2, 3 and 4 • Hurlo Thrumbo (pseudonym)

... to learn more, see more, hear more," she thought. "I have one of those nasty, unserviceable, betwixt-and-between talents: voice not high enough for 'Robert, toi que j'aime,' nor low enough for 'Staendchen'; not flexible enough for 'Caro Nome,' nor big enough for 'Ocean, Thou Mighty Monster'; poor French accent, worse German; awfully good English, but that doesn't count. Can sing old ballads, folk-songs, and nice, ...
— Ladies-In-Waiting • Kate Douglas Wiggin

... ortu we see the same difficulty in knowing when to sound the aspirate which the cockney Englishman has. The silence of the final -m, and the reduction of ae to e are also interesting. Presta mi sinceru (sincerum): si te amet que ...
— The Common People of Ancient Rome - Studies of Roman Life and Literature • Frank Frost Abbott

... impersonal word on is French, and the French have a right to use it, because they are a democracy. And when a Frenchman says "one" he does not mean himself, but the normal citizen. He does not mean merely "one," but one and all. "On n'a que sa parole" does not mean "Noblesse oblige," or "I am the Duke of Billingsgate and must keep my word." It means: "One has a sense of honour as one has a backbone: every man, rich or poor, should feel honourable"; and this, whether possible or no, is the purest ambition ...
— Eugenics and Other Evils • G. K. Chesterton

... la regle et le compas, Parloit de la lumiere et ne l'entendoit pas; Il estoit de l'antique un assez bon copiste, Mais sans invention, et mauvais coloriste. Il ne pouvait marcher que sur le pas d'autruy: Le genie a manque, c'est ...
— Essays on Art • A. Clutton-Brock

... burden; the peasant and the laborer sleep beneath the trees of the Alameda, lulled by the sultry chirping of the locust. The streets are deserted, except by the water-carrier, who refreshes the ear by proclaiming the merits of his sparkling beverage, 'colder than the mountain snow (mas fria que la nieve).' ...
— Baddeck and That Sort of Thing • Charles Dudley Warner

... Maman! Ma bonne m'avait dit qu'il etait un avorton, et que ce serait tres amusant de le voir. Elle m'a conseiller ...
— The History of Sir Richard Calmady - A Romance • Lucas Malet

... the fatiguing effect of theatrical splendour too persistently displayed. St. Evremond finds juster cause for his bored state of mind in the triviality of the subject-matter of operas, and his words are worth quoting at some length: 'La langueur ordinaire ou je tombe aux operas, vient de ce que je n'en ai jamais vu qui ne m'ait paru meprisable dans la disposition du sujet, et dans les vers. Or, c'est vainement que l'oreille est flattee, et que les yeux sont charmes, si l'esprit ne se trouve pas satisfait; mon ame d'intelligence avec mon esprit plus qu'avec mes sens, forme une resistance ...
— The Opera - A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions - of all Works in the Modern Repertory • R.A. Streatfeild

... de rigueur, Modere un peu ta violence: Que te sert si grande depense? C'est trop de flammes pour un coeur. Epargnez en une etincelle, Puis fais ton effort d'emouvoir, La fiere qui ne veut point voir, En quel feu je brule pour elle. Execute, Amour, ce dessein, Et rabaisse un peu son audace: Son coeur ne doit etre de glace, ...
— Rosalynde - or, Euphues' Golden Legacy • Thomas Lodge

... warned Champfleury not to follow his example, which led after the production of many books to an existence of deplorable poverty, but to write only three novels a year, so that ten months annually should be left for making a fortune by working for the theatre, "car il faut que ...
— Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings • Mary F. Sandars

... "V'la ce que c'est la gloire—au grabat!" said Cigarette, now grinding her pretty teeth. She was in her most revolutionary and reckless mood, drumming the rataplan with her spurred heels, and sitting smoking on the corner of old Miou-Matou's mattress. Miou-Matou, who had acquired that title among ...
— Under Two Flags • Ouida [Louise de la Ramee]

... de hombre, que es el modo de estar el primer ser que es la essentia que en Dios y los Angeles y el hombre es modo personal." Diego Gonzalez Holguin, Vocabvlario de la Lengva Qqichua, o del Inca; sub voce, Cay. ...
— American Hero-Myths - A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent • Daniel G. Brinton

... altum in praelia tollit, Ostendit[que] humeros latos, alterna[que] Iactat Brachia portendens, & verberat Ictibus ...
— Parodies of Ballad Criticism (1711-1787) • William Wagstaffe

... the count, "you Americans will want a cigar. On peut etre fin, mais pas plus fin que tout ...
— A Diplomatic Adventure • S. Weir Mitchell

... half-truths, his empiricism and his wanton appeals to popular ignorance, I say when this man (for I take it he was a man, and a wicked one) was passing through France he launched among the French one of his pestiferous phrases, 'Ce n'est que le premier pas qui coute' and this in a rolling-in-the-mouth self-satisfied kind of a manner has been repeated since his day at least seventeen million three hundred and sixty-two thousand five hundred and four times by a great mass of Ushers, Parents, Company Officers, Elder Brothers, Parish Priests, ...
— The Path to Rome • Hilaire Belloc

... Situation Critique ou se trouvent nos affaires je dois Vous donner mes Ordres pour que dans tout Les Cas Malheureux qui sont dans la possibilite des Evenemens vous Soyez autorisse aux partis quil faut prendre. 1)[Yes; but there follows no "2)" anywhere, such the haste!] Sil arivoit (de quoi le Ciel preserve) qu'une de mes ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XVII. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great—The Seven-Years War: First Campaign—1756-1757. • Thomas Carlyle

... Turins, met him at a court ball and tried to rouse his pity for Turin and the girl Turchaninova, he shrugged his shoulders, stretching the red ribbon on his white waistcoat, and said: "Je ne demanderais pas mieux que de relacher cette pauvre fillette, mais vous savez le devoir." And in the meantime Katia Turchaninova was kept in prison. She was at times in a quiet mood, communicated with her fellow-prisoners by knocking on the walls, and read the books that were sent to her. But then came days when she ...
— The Forged Coupon and Other Stories • Leo Tolstoy

... 'One of my younger boys is what is called a genius—that is to say, he has vivacity, attention, and good organs. I do not think one tear per month is shed in the house, nor the voice of reproof heard, nor the hand of restraint felt. To educate a second race costs no trouble. Ce n'est que ...
— Richard Lovell Edgeworth - A Selection From His Memoir • Richard Lovell Edgeworth

... the following summer. I cannot describe what every one felt at beholding the skeleton which the Doctor's debilitated frame exhibited. When he stripped, the Canadians simultaneously exclaimed, "Ah! que nous sommes maigres!" I shall best explain his state and that of the party, by the following extract from his journal: "It may be worthy of remark that I should have had little hesitation in any former period of my life, at plunging ...
— Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819-20-21-22, Volume 2 • John Franklin

... "Desde que se proclamo la constitution de Cadiz, ese pacto fundamental of las libertades Espanolas, hasta la ultima revolucion, nuestra patria cuenta numerosos ...
— Sentimental Education, Volume II - The History of a Young Man • Gustave Flaubert

... of secretary to Napoleon, and who remained attached to the Emperor until the end, says of Josephine (tome i. p. 227), "Josephine was irresistibly attractive. Her beauty was not regular, but she had 'La grace, plus belle encore que la beaute', according to the good La Fontaine. She had the soft abandonment, the supple and elegant movements, and the graceful carelessness of the creoles.—(The reader must remember that the term "Creole" does not imply any taint of black ...
— The Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte • Bourrienne, Constant, and Stewarton

... que faire!" cried Nicolas, catching at somebody's shoulder for support without seeing whose it was. It was Michel's, who had not stirred from his side since he had first clasped his arm. Michel's face was as white as the mother's; but there was a resolute light ...
— Stories By English Authors: France • Various

... belles princesses du pais, mariee avec le prince de Venouse, laquelle s'estant enamourachee du comte d'Andriane, l'un des beaux princes du pais aussy, et s'estans tous deux concertez a la jouissance et le mari l'ayant descouverte ... les fit tous deux massacrer par gens appostez; si que le lendemain on trouva ces deux belles moictiez et creatures exposees et tendues sur le pave devant la porte de la maison, toutes mortes et froides, a la veue de tous les passants, qui les larmoyoient et ...
— The Well of Saint Clare • Anatole France

... pas dompter Le vieux lion de Flandres, Tant que le lion a des dents, Tant que le lion ...
— A Journal of Impressions in Belgium • May Sinclair

... me lanzo a calle Con el futsaque y el cla, Todas las ninas se asoman Solo por ver me pasar: Unas a otras se dicen Que chico mas resa lao! De la sal que va tirando Voy ...
— The Great White Tribe in Filipinia • Paul T. Gilbert

... seul pres des flots par une nuit d'etoiles. Pas un nuage aux cieux, sur les mers pas de voiles; Mes yeux plongeaient plus loin que le monde reel, Et les bois et les monts et toute la nature Semblaient interroger, dans un confus murmure, Les flots des mers, les ...
— Astronomy for Amateurs • Camille Flammarion

... it is not so much the joy of killing, as the pleasurable noise of the gun, which creates these local sportsmen; as the sagacious "Ultramontain" observed long ago. "Le napolitain est pas-sionne pour la chasse," he says, "parce que les coups de fusil flattent son oreille." [Footnote: I have looked him up in Jos. Blanc's "Bibliographic." His name was C. Haller.] This ingenuous love of noise may be connected, in some way, with ...
— Old Calabria • Norman Douglas

... was Samuel is not to be taken to imply that, even now, Saul actually saw the shade of the prophet, but only that the woman's allusion to the prophetic mantle and to the aged appearance of the spectre convinced him that it was Samuel. Reuss [3] in fact translates the passage "Alors Saul reconnut que c'etait Samuel." Nor does the dialogue between Saul and Samuel necessarily, or probably, signify that Samuel spoke otherwise than by the voice of the wise woman. The Septuagint does not hesitate to call her [Greek], that ...
— The Evolution of Theology: An Anthropological Study - Essay #8 from "Science and Hebrew Tradition" • Thomas Henry Huxley

... divitias et opes alienas Fur, rapiens, spolians quod mihi, quod-que tibi, Proprium erat, temnens haec verba, meum-que tuum-que Omne suum est: tandem Cui-que Suum tribuit. Dat resti collum; restes, vah! carnifici dat; Sese ...
— The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb IV - Poems and Plays • Charles and Mary Lamb

... me, that at every place they had touched at, and been near, they had found all the nautical and astronomical remarks of Captain Cook to be very exact and true; and he concluded with saying, "Enfin Monsieur Cook a tant fait, qu'il ne m'a rien laisse a faire, que ...
— An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island • John Hunter

... Roi de grand savoir N'a pas trouve bon de me voir, En voici la cause infallible; C'est que ravi de mon ecrit Il cout que j'etois tout esprit Et ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 14, No. 384, Saturday, August 8, 1829. • Various

... toi que j'ai tant aimee Songes-tu que je t'aime encor? Et dans ton ame alarmee, Ne sens-tu pas quelque remord? Viens avec moi, si tu m'aimes, Habiter dans ces deserts; Nous y vivrons pour nous memes, Oublies ...
— Ziska - The Problem of a Wicked Soul • Marie Corelli

... acknowledges one of the less formidable of these unwelcome gifts. "Mon cher Ami,—Je ne laisserai pas partir Mr. Inglis sans le charger de quelques lignes pour vous, afin de vous remercier du Christian Observer que vous avez eu la bonte de m'envoyer. Vous savez que j'ai a great taste for it; mais il faut vous avouer une triste verite, c'est que je manque absolument de loisir pour le lire. Ne m'en envoyez plus; car je me sens peine d'avoir sous les yeux de si bonnes choses, ...
— Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay • George Otto Trevelyan

... vous ert par ce livre apris, Que Gresse ot de chevalerie Le premier los et de clergie; Puis vint chevalerie a Rome, Et de la clergie la some, Qui ore est en France venue. Diex doinst qu'ele i soit retenue Et que li lius li abelisse Tant que de France n'isse ...
— Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold • Matthew Arnold

... 11, 1492.—Navego al Ouesudueste, turvieron mucho mar mas que en todo el viage habian tenido. Despues del sol puesto navego a su primer Camino al Oueste; andarian doce millas cada hora. A las dos horas despues de media noche parecio la tierra, de la cual estarian dos leguas. Amainaron todas las ...
— Christopher Columbus and His Monument Columbia • Various

... consummate workers. Rousseau's school has laid too much stress on the tendency of higher civilization to diminish individual independence. Quand on sait creuser un canot, battre l'ennemi, construire une cabane, vivre de peu, faire cent lieues dans les forets sans autre guide que le vent et le soleil, sans autre provision qu'un arc et des fleches; c'est alors qu'on est un homme!(380) We might reply that to build a steamship or a palace, and to travel around the world are far better. (Dunoyer.) ...
— Principles Of Political Economy • William Roscher

... that mother church taught, (Joinville, p. 10,) but he cautioned Joinville against disputing with infidels. "L'omme lay (said he in his old language) quand il ot medire de la loi Crestienne, ne doit pas deffendre la loi Crestienne ne mais que de l'espee, dequoi il doit donner parmi le ventre dedens, tant comme elle y ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 6 • Edward Gibbon

... Moralist. The Frenchman was by far the most vehement of the two, and the Swiss seemed to take much pleasure in leading him on. His philosophy seemed to be drawn from a source equally pure with his Morality; assuming for his Motto his first and favourite Maxim, "que tous les hommes sont egaux par les lois de la Nature," &c., he thought himself justified in wishing Buonaparte (I was going to say) at the Devil (but I soon found out that the existence of that Gentleman was a matter of great doubt with the Philosopher) for daring to call himself ...
— Before and after Waterloo - Letters from Edward Stanley, sometime Bishop of Norwich (1802;1814;1814) • Edward Stanley

... party. Every one came, my big room was full, there was music and a modest spread; and I've not forgotten the light of admiration in Outreau's expressive face as at the end of half an hour he came up to me in his enthusiasm. "Bonte divine, mon cher—que cette ...
— The Beldonald Holbein • Henry James

... recevoir les deux memoires que vous avez bien voulu m'adresser en date du 10 Novembre dernier (1846) sur la situation des Israelites de l'Empire et du Royaume de Pologne. L'une et l'autre de ces pieces out ete placees sous les yeux de l'Empereur, ...
— Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, Volume I • Sir Moses Montefiore

... petra ut dealbaret ossa sua semper, quia timuit ignem, et zelavit Pat. de Deo vivo, dicens non vere dicitis quia rex aquarum fons erat hoc necnon cum eis habuit rex aquarum, et dixit Patricius petram elivari et non potuerunt elevavit autem eam petram; Cainnech, que, baptizavit Patricius, et dixit erit semen tuum benedictum in secula. Cill-Tog, in the territory of Corco-Themne—it was this church that Bishop Cainnech, Patrick's monk, founded. One time, as Patrick was travelling in the plains of Mac-Ercae—i.e., in Dichuil and Erchuil—he ...
— The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick - Including the Life by Jocelin, Hitherto Unpublished in America, and His Extant Writings • Various

... Portuguese language were these: "Amai a vossos inimigos, fazei bem aos que vos tem odio." (Love your enemies; do good ...
— Out of the Triangle • Mary E. Bamford

... time the town was filled with confusion. Guns were being fired and folk were crying out in the streets. It was not yet light, and certain of the garrison, who had been quartered outside the city, ran to and fro with burning matches, shouting out "Que gente? Que gente?" The town at that time was very full of people, and this noise and confusion, and the sight of so many running figures, began to alarm the boat guard on the beach. One Diego, a negro, ...
— On the Spanish Main - Or, Some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien. • John Masefield

... seoir au meillieu de ces deux ambassadeurs qui est l'honneur d'Italie que d'estre au meillieu; et me menerent au long de la grant rue, qu'ilz appellent le Canal Grant, et est bien large. Les gallees y passent a travers et y ay ven navire de quatre cens tonneaux ou plus pres des maisons: et est la plus belle rue que je croy qui soit en tout le ...
— The Stones of Venice, Volume I (of 3) • John Ruskin

... varry goot to say so; but I feel I can at all not—at all not,—qu'est que veut dire, 'exprimer?'—ach! ach!" he exclaimed, putting his finger in his mouth, and pressing it, meditatively, between his front teeth, "I can at all not speak moin feeling in ze ...
— A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden - 2nd edition • W. A. Ross

... l'avoue avec vous Que tous les poetes sont fous; Mais sachant ce que vous etes Tous les fous ...
— Books Condemned to be Burnt • James Anson Farrer

... Quoi que nous puissions faire, Je souffre; il est trop tard; le monde s'est fait vieux. Une immense esperance a traverse la terre; Malgre nous vers le ciel il ...
— A Selection From The Lyrical Poems Of Robert Herrick • Robert Herrick

... "Digo-li que vengue, moun bon!—Tell him what's happened, old dear!" screamed the Moorish woman, leaning over the first floor gallery with a pretty ...
— Tartarin of Tarascon • Alphonse Daudet

... about one in the world,' said the husband, 'il n'y a que ca—there is nothing else worth while. A man, look you, who sticks in his own village like a bear,' he went on, '—very well, he sees nothing. And then death is the end of all. And ...
— An Inland Voyage • Robert Louis Stevenson

... et cinq ans passez qu'il ne me fut monstre une coupe de terre, tournee et esmaillee d'une telle beaute que . . . deslors, sans avoir esgard que je n'avois nulle connoissance des terres argileuses, je me mis a chercher les emaux, comme un homme qui ...
— Self Help • Samuel Smiles

... 'Jugez done s'il doit s'amuser a menager certaines convenances de sentiments si importantes pour le commun des hommes? Peut-il considerer les liens du sang, les affections, les puerils menagements de la societe? Et dans la situation ou il se trouve, que d'actions separees de l'ensemble et qu'on blame, quoiqu'elles doivent contribuer au grand oeuvre que tout le monde n'apercoit pas? ... Malheureux que vous etes! vous retiendrez vos eloges parce que vous craindrez que le mouvement de cette grande machine ...
— Machiavelli, Volume I - The Art of War; and The Prince • Niccolo Machiavelli

... hearth-lighter), who, as Griraldus hath it, extinguished more virtue than she lit fires; and now the rectory is seldom gladdened by the presence of noisy little nephews and nieces. The popular morals, using the word in its limited sense, were peculiar. The number of espostos que nao se sabe quem, sao seus pais (fatherless foundlings) outnumbered those born de legitimo matrimonio; and few of the gudewives prided themselves upon absolute fidelity. This flaw, which in England would poison all domestic affection, was not looked upon in ...
— To the Gold Coast for Gold - A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Vol. I • Richard F. Burton

... common opinion of her sex that a man is always a brute to leave a woman who is attached to him, but that a woman is much to blame if he does. <i Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ...
— The Moon and Sixpence • W. Somerset Maugham

... regiment the society of the officers is a thousand times worse than it is here," he continued. "I hope that it is saying a good deal; J'ESPERE QUE C'EST BEAUCOUP DIRE; that is, you cannot imagine what it is. I am not speaking of the yunkers and the soldiers. That is horrible, it is so bad. At first they received me very kindly, that is absolutely the truth; but when they saw that I could not help despising them, you know, in these inconceivably ...
— Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian • Various

... "Que como—puede ser—" faltered Ulrich, who confused by the question, had strayed into the language in which he had been long accustomed to think. But scarcely had the smith distinguished the foreign words, when ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... which lies very near, in the southeastery direction. (Prescott, 'History of the Conquest of Mesico', vol. i., p. 284.) Later commentators have confounded this phenomenon, which Montezuma regarded as a warning of his misfortunes, with the "estrella que humeava" (literally, 'which spring forth'; Mexican 'choloa, to leap or spring forth'). With respect to the connection of this vapor with the star Citlal Choloha (Venus) and with "the mountain of the star" (Citialtepetl, the volcano of ...
— COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 • Alexander von Humboldt

... the barber, who said, with much pride, to Voltaire, "Je ne suis qu'un pauvre diable de perruquier, mais je ne crois pas en Dieu plus que les autres." ...
— Wisdom, Wit, and Pathos of Ouida - Selected from the Works of Ouida • Ouida

... and compliments, in the space of two hundred and fifty years!'—What this gentleman alludes to, is the Ambassador's letter to the Conetable Montmorency, previous to the meeting of Henry the Eighth and Francis the First, near Ardres; for, (says the Ambassador) sur-tout je vous prie, que vous ostiez de la Cour, ceux qui unt la reputation d'etre joyeux & gaudisseur, car c'est bien en ce monde, la chose la plus haie de cette nation. And in a few lines after, he foists in an extract ...
— A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse

... the life of Lycurgus. There was "Grandeur d'ame de Lycurgue," and "Lycurgue consulte l'oracle," and then there was "Calciope a la Cour." Under this was written in French and Spanish: "Modele de grace et de beaute, la jeune Calciope non moins sage que belle avait merite l'estime et l'attachement du vertueux Lycurgue. Vivement epris de tant de charmes, l'illustre philosophe la conduisait dans le temple de Junon, ou ils s'unirent par un serment ...
— The Way of All Flesh • Samuel Butler

... Monsieur, que vous vous portiez bien, ainsi que Monsieur, ayant su aussi que vous parliez de moi dans votre lettre cette nouvelle m'a fait bien plaisir Je profite de l'occasion pour vous faire passer ce petit billet ou Je voudrais pouvoir ...
— The Paris Sketch Book Of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh • William Makepeace Thackeray

... "Alors que je me croyais aux derniers jours de l'automne, dans un jardin depouille." The words are Madame de Hauterive's, one of the most charming among eighteenth-century letter-writers; but one of whom, for all the indiscretion of that age, we know little or nothing: a delicate, austere ...
— Hortus Vitae - Essays on the Gardening of Life • Violet Paget, AKA Vernon Lee

... vunt al Munt Enquierent molt e grant dreit unt Comment l'igliese fut fundee Premierement et estoree. Cil qui lor dient de l'estoire Que cil demandent en memoire Ne l'unt pas bien ainz vunt faillant En plusors leus e mespernant. Por faire la apertement Entendre a cels qui escient N'unt de clerzie l'a tornee De latin tote et ordenee Pars veirs romieus novelement Molt en segrei por son convent Uns jovencels moine est ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... avec facilite non seulement les relations exterieures des idees, mais encore leur relations metaphysiques. C'est ce qu' out commence de demontrer mes premiers chapitres de grammaire, et ce qu'achevera de faire voir ce que je vais dire sur les verbes."—Rev. M. Cuoq, Jugement Errone de M. Ernest Renan sur les Langues Sauvages. p. 32 (2d ...
— Aboriginal American Authors • Daniel G. Brinton

... The author ("Voyage a l'Isle de France, par un Officier du Roi," part i., pages 192, 200.) of an interesting pedestrian tour round the Mauritius, seems to have met with a structure of this kind: he says "J'observai que la, ou la mer etale, independamment des rescifs du large, il y a terre UNE ESPECE D'EFFONCEMENT ou chemin couvert naturel. On y pourrait mettre du canon," etc. In another place he adds, "Avant de passer le Cap, on remarque un gros banc de corail eleve de plus de quinze pieds: c'est ...
— Coral Reefs • Charles Darwin

... Professor Hearnshaw quotes: 'Il y a opposition evidente et irreductible entre les principes socialistes et les principes democratiques. Il n'y a pas de conceptions politiques qui soient separees par des abimes plus profonds que la democratie et le socialisme' (Le Bon). 'Socialism must be built on ideas and institutions totally different from the ideas and institutions of democracy' (Levine). 'La democratic tend a la conciliation des classes, tandis que le socialisme organise ...
— Outspoken Essays • William Ralph Inge

... promet un subside de deux millions la premiere des trois annees de cet engagement, et 500,000 ecus les deux autres se contentant de la parole de sa majeste Britannique, d'agir a l'egard de sa majeste conformement aux obligations qu'il lui avoit. Le Sr. Hyde demanda que le roi s'engagea a ne point attaquer les pays bas et meme Strasbourg, ternoignant que le roi son maitre ne pournoit s'empecher de secourir les pais bas, quand meme son parlement ne seroit point assemble. M. Barillon lui repondit en termes generaux par ordre du roi, que sa majeste ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part F. - From Charles II. to James II. • David Hume

... were taken by surprise, and before they quite understood the situation the rescuers were gone with the little girl. When they discovered this, they fired several shots after the party, but no harm was done. The officer, with one hand on his revolver, drove rapidly for the boat landing, and Qui Que, safe in Miss Cameron's arms, will probably never know the danger risked in ...
— Heathen Slaves and Christian Rulers • Elizabeth Wheeler Andrew and Katharine Caroline Bushnell

... by H. Joly, 1882) and the Christian and Metaphysical Meditations in 1684, the Discussions on Metaphysics and on Religion in 1688, and various polemic treatises. The best known among the doctrines of Malebranche is the principle that we see all things in God (que nous voyons toutes choses en Dieu.—Recherche, iii. 2, 6). What does this mean, and how is it established? It is intended as an answer to the question, How is it possible for the mind to cognize the body if, as Descartes has shown, mind and ...
— History Of Modern Philosophy - From Nicolas of Cusa to the Present Time • Richard Falckenberg

... recibido su apreciable carta de 10 del pasado, que me es grato contestar manifestandole que las graves dificultades economicas porgue hoi atravissa la Republica, oblejan el Gobierno a dar por terminada la comiseon de que fue ud encargado para la publicacion de los Mapas y Cartas topograficas de ...
— Life of Rear Admiral John Randolph Tucker • James Henry Rochelle

... Ayuntamiento of the Havannah, the Consulado and the Patriotic Society, have on several occasions shown a disposition favourable to the amelioration of the condition of the slaves.* (* Dicen nuestros Indios del Rio Caura cuando se confiesan que ya entienden que es pecado corner carne humana; pero piden qua se les permita desacostumbrarse poco a poco; quieren comer la carne humana una vez al mes, despues cada tres meses, hasta qua sin sentirlo pierdan la costumbre. Cartas de los Rev Padres Observantes Number 7 manuscript. ...
— Equinoctial Regions of America V3 • Alexander von Humboldt

... Church of Vercelli in the seventeenth century. Bock says it is still there, and he quotes an ancient inventory of the treasures of Phillip the Good, of Burgundy, which names a "Riche et ancienne table d'autel de brodeure que on dit que la premiere Emperriez Christienne Fist."[500] The Empress Helena died ...
— Needlework As Art • Marian Alford

... in amending, I have constantly endeavour'd to support my Corrections and Conjectures by parallel Passages and Authorities from himself, the surest Means of expounding any Author whatsoever. Cette voie d'interpreter un Autheur par lui-meme est plus sure que tous les Commentaires, says a very learned ...
— Eighteenth Century Essays on Shakespeare • D. Nichol Smith

... quickly cooled, a single crack breaks the whole mass. Above all, the highest spirit in the world changes only too easily at the first check into depression, and one might say into a kind of rhodomontade of alarm, the French sauve que peut.—Such an Army can only achieve something through its leader, never by itself. It must be led with double caution, until by degrees, in victory and hardships, the strength grows into the full armour. ...
— On War • Carl von Clausewitz

... belle et genereuse nature de femme, donner son ame a l'art—comme vous le faites—quand c'est la vie meme, votre coeur meme, qui parle tendrement, douleureusement, noblement sous votre jeu. Je ne puis pas me debarrasser d'une certaine tristesse quand je vois des artistes si nobles et hauts tels que vous et Monsieur Irving. Si vous deux vous etes si fortes de soumettre (avec un travail continuel) la vie a l'art, moi de mon coin, je vous regarde comme des forces de la nature meme qui auraient droit de vivre pour eux-memes et pas pour la foule. ...
— McClure's Magazine, Vol. 31, No. 1, May 1908 • Various

... frankly acknowledges his indebtedness to Boileau, whom he styles Louis the Fourteenth's 'Controleur General du Parnasse.' 'S'il m'est permis de parler pour moi-meme,' he writes, 'Boileau est un des hommes qui m'ont le plus occupe depuis que je fais de la critique, et avec qui j'ai le plus vecu en idee.'—Causeries du Lundi, tome ...
— The Age of Pope - (1700-1744) • John Dennis

... et plus que sa vie Phyllis aime un passereau; Ainsi la jeune Lesbie Jadis aima son moineau. Mais de celui de Catulle Se laissant aussi charmer, Dans sa cage, sans scrupule, Elle ...
— The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus

... la salle sont ranges les vingt caisses contenant des chantillons que Son Altesse le Khdive envoie en Angleterre pour y tre analyss. Prs de la porte de l'est sont placs les restes du temple de l'Ouadi Hamz, les moulins pour craser le quartz, les briques rfractaires, et enfin les ...
— The Land of Midian, Vol. 2 • Richard Burton

... moustique se posa un jour sur la corne d'un taureau, et, pensant qu'elle pouvait etre trop lourde pour lui, elle lui dit: 'Si je te suis a charge, fais-le-moi savoir afin que je m'envole.' Le taureau lui repondit: 'Je ne t'ai point sentie au moment ou tu es descendue, je ne saurai pas davantage quand tu t'envoleras.' Cette fable regarde celui qui cherche a s'attribuer de l'honneur et de la gloire tandis qu'il ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 189, June 11, 1853 • Various

... voila des siecles innombrables Que vous vous combattez sans pitie ni remord, Tellement vous aimez le carnage et la mort, O ...
— A Poor Man's House • Stephen Sydney Reynolds

... deserves a little consideration as to the derivation of this appellation, for so vast a proportion of the African Continent. A late French writer, M. Le Lieutenant-Colonel Daumas, defines The Sahara as "une contrée plate et très-vaste, où il n'y a que peu d'habitants, et dont la plus grande partie est improductive et sablonneuse." This definition presents no proper idea of The Sahara. We have already seen it intersected with long low ridges of mountains, but we shall soon meet with groups of high mountains, as ...
— Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846 • James Richardson

... harder, and he thought she was going to refuse him admission, but at length she gave way. "Entrez," she said. "Je pense que vous savez le chambre. Mais, ...
— Simon Called Peter • Robert Keable

... Jean ett de Marianne Chastain les pere et mere nee le 26 Septembre, 1721, est baptise le 5 Octobre, par M. Fountaine. Ils ava pour parun et marene Pierre David et Anne sa femme le quels ont declaree que cest enfan nee le jour et ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 - Devoted To Literature And National Policy • Various

... all the crazy deeds a man commits in his life, The craziest is taking to himself a wife. (De las grandes locuras que el hombre hace, No ...
— The Quest • Pio Baroja

... decorated with crosses or pendants. On the south side of this aisle is a late Perpendicular chantry, built in accordance with the will of Sir William Berkeley, dated 1486, to commemorate himself and his wife. Part of the inscription ... ARMIGERI MARGARETE QUE CONSOR ... can still be read on the frieze; on its flat ceiling are painted two large roses, one white, one red; it contains two brackets for cruets; over the entrance to it is placed an oval memorial tablet ...
— Bell's Cathedrals: Wimborne Minster and Christchurch Priory • Thomas Perkins

... reffais Au milieu du pate me mets; Mais gardes bien que tu ne failles A moi prendre six grosses cailles, De quoi tu les apuyeras. Et puis apres tu me prendras Une douzaine d'alouetes Qu'environ les cailles me mettes, Et puis pendras de ces maches Et de ces petits oiseles: Selon ...
— Manners, Custom and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the Renaissance Period • Paul Lacroix

... cloistre grand large et especieux Que est carre, et, afin qu'il soit mieulx A un prael, ou milieu, gracieux Vert sans grappin Ou a plante en my un ...
— Royal Palaces and Parks of France • Milburg Francisco Mansfield

... work, now. Joan walked the floor and dictated a summons to the Duke of Burgundy to lay down his arms and make peace and exchange pardons with the King; or, if he must fight, go fight the Saracens. "Pardonnez-vous l'un ... l'autre de bon coeligeur, entierement, ainsi que doivent faire loyaux chretiens, et, s'il vous plait de guerroyer, allez contre les Sarrasins." It was long, but it was good, and had the sterling ring to it. It is my opinion that it was as fine and simple ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

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