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Quant   Listen
Quant  n.  A punting pole with a broad flange near the end to prevent it from sinking into the mud; a setting pole.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Quant" Quotes from Famous Books

... investigations sur les lieux. Seulement il pourrait bien se faire qu'on pris trop a la lettre un mot de son edition de 1632, ou il dit que les vaisseaux de Cartier hivernerent la ou etait de son temps la demeure des Jesuites. Quant a Charlevoix, non-seulement il n'a pas, eclairci la question, mais il n'a fait que l'embrouiller. Tout ce qu'il dit la dessus, a tres peu d'exception pres, est plein d'erreurs, et inconciliable ...
— Picturesque Quebec • James MacPherson Le Moine

... qui l'enfant enseognoit l'eu mena i jour en riviere, et quant il revint, la reine Gerberge dist que se il jamais l'enmenait fors des murs, elle li ferait ...
— The Little Duke - Richard the Fearless • Charlotte M. Yonge

... Pierre Champion has kindly communicated to me the text of this unpublished ballad, which he discovered in a French MS. at Stockholm, LIII, fol. 238. This is the title which the copyist affixed to it about 1472: Ballade faicte quant le Roy Charles VII'eme fut couronne a Rains du temps de Jehanne daiz dicte ...
— The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2 (of 2) • Anatole France

... appreciation, one's critical independence? It was because of that that I abandoned journalism, and took to so much duller work: tutoring and private secretaryship. There is a good deal of drudgery, of course; but one preserves one's moral freedom, what we call in French one's quant a soi. And when one hears good talk one can join in it without compromising any opinions but one's own; or one can listen, and answer it inwardly. Ah, good conversation—there's nothing like it, is there? ...
— The Age of Innocence • Edith Wharton

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