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Plop   Listen
plop  v. t.  
To drop (something) so that it makes a plopping sound; especially, to drop with the sound of something falling into water.
To set down quickly, so as to make a sound; used often with the reflexive; as, He plopped himself into the sofa.
Synonyms: plank, flump, plonk, plunk, plump down, plunk down, plump.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Plop" Quotes from Famous Books

... on a visit to relations in India, the next best method of annexing husbands for them is to take them hacking on a long sea voyage. For has it not been known that many a man driven to the verge of madness by the everlasting sight of flying fish, and the as enduring sound of the soft plop of the little bull-board sandbag, has become engaged to "a perfectly im-poss-ible person in the second class, you know," so as to break the deadly monotony ...
— Desert Love • Joan Conquest

... to where they was sitting. 'T was a wet night; the windows and trees seemed like they was crying. The great drops that fell from them, plop—plop, was like tears. There was a rainbow around the street light that made it look like the moon had dropped down close. Mis' MacFarland looked at them and she just shut her mouth and she shook her head and I could tell she wasn't ...
— The Best Short Stories of 1919 - and the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various

... The "plop" of the bullet upon the creature's hide distinctly reached my ear a second or two after the crack of the rifle; but instead of toppling over, dead, as I fully expected, the beast simply wheeled about and, in a sequence of enormous bounds, ...
— The Strange Adventures of Eric Blackburn • Harry Collingwood

... struck the match. The gas flared up with a plop. Their curious eyes flew to each other's faces. Evan saw—well, he was not disappointed. His instinct had rightly told him in the dark that she was adorable. Not regularly beautiful; the most charming women are not. There were fascinating contradictions. ...
— The Deaves Affair • Hulbert Footner

... often see—thick and clayey and of a peculiarly gluey substance, and in some places quite a foot deep. You can imagine the feeling at the back of your spine as you are squeezing past another car. If you aren't extremely careful plop go the side wheels off the "bloomin' pavee" into the mud beyond and it takes half the Belgian Army to help to heave you on to the "straight and narrow" path ...
— Fanny Goes to War • Pat Beauchamp

... with an elastic, went flying through the air, to fall with a rustling plop into the half-empty caldron. An inquisitive senior going out to investigate spied only the deserted stairs, and heard nothing but four scampering feet on the corridor overhead. Saint Valentine, with a voice that dropped lower and lower into a muffled murmur, read her own name fifteen times ...
— Beatrice Leigh at College - A Story for Girls • Julia Augusta Schwartz

... battling with an enemy you could not see! It must be hard, at times, I think, for, the gunners to realize that they are actually at war. But, no—there is always the drone and the squawking of the German shells, and the plop-plop, from time to time, as one finds its mark in the mud nearby. But to think of shooting always at an enemy you ...
— A Minstrel In France • Harry Lauder

... emitting a hissing bellow. Then it curled into a ball and hung suspended in the air for an instant before it dropped back into the shrubbery with a wet plop. ...
— The Weakling • Everett B. Cole

Words linked to "Plop" :   plank, put down, noise, plump, set down, descend, flump, plunk, place down, fall, colloquialism, plunk down, plump down, plonk, go down, drop

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