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Placer   Listen
Placer  n.  One who places or sets.

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"Placer" Quotes from Famous Books

... ice on the trail, and fell into a chasm and has not been seen since. It was in the first days of the Lillooet quartz discoveries. Gold had been mined from Cayuse Creek, Bridge River, and the Fraser River, in uncountable ounces, in the free state, by the placer or hydraulic process of mining, for a great number of years, but the source of supply from which the free gold had originated had not yet been located. It was even doubted if there was any source of supply, although it was generally ...
— Skookum Chuck Fables - Bits of History, Through the Microscope • Skookum Chuck (pseud for R.D. Cumming)

... gran placer che quella prima vista Dolcemente spiro nell' altrui petto, Alta contrizion successe, mista Di timoroso e riverente affetto, Osano appena d'innalzar la vista ...
— The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella The Catholic, V2 • William H. Prescott

... chink—a grinnin' yenshee hound from up beyond the Tehachapi—way up—up toward the Sierra Nevadas, in the placer country. White prospectors ner white miners don't often work with chinks. Chinks is only good for workin' tailin's when it comes to mines. But Len he'd saved Hong Duo's life in trouble in a dump in Placerville—ol' Hangtown—and the chink had clung to um like a burro ...
— The She Boss - A Western Story • Arthur Preston Hankins

... les autres peuples dans cette partie de la science du gouvernement. La fameuse maxime, 'Siamo veneziani, poi christiani,' n'etait qu'une formule energique qui ne prouvait point quils voulussent placer l'interet de la religion apres celui de l'Etat, mais qui annoncait leur invariable resolution de ne pas souffrir qu'un pouvoir etranger portat atteinte aux ...
— The Stones of Venice, Volume I (of 3) • John Ruskin

... one, too. I've seen him stirring dog-feed with one hand and spouting 'Gray's Elegy' with the other. I picked up a heap of knowledge from him, for he had American history pat. One story I liked particular was concerning the origin of placer mining in this country, about a Greaser, Jason Somebody, who got the gold fever and grub-staked a mob he called the Augerknots—carpenters, I judge, from the mess they made of it. They chartered a schooner and prospected along Asy Miner, wherever that is. I never seen any boys from there, but ...
— Pardners • Rex Beach

... Mormon Hill "Quartz Crusher" relieved this simple directness with more fancy: "We don't know why Messrs. —— and Co. send us, under the title of 'Selections of Californian Poetry,' a quantity of slumgullion which really belongs to the sluices of a placer mining camp, or the ditches of the rural districts. We have sometimes been compelled to run a lot of tailings through our stamps, but never of the grade of the samples offered, which, we should say, would average about 33-1/3 cents per ton. We have, ...
— The Bell-Ringer of Angel's and Other Stories • Bret Harte

... the Treasury! I hear that a corporation is now being formed by the title of The Harlow's Creek Greenback National Bank-bill Eel-fishing Company, to follow up, with seines and spears, our worthy friend's discovery! I learn that the news of this rich placer has spread to the golden mountains of the West, and that the exhausted intellects which have been reduced to such names for their mines as 'The Tombstone,' 'The Red Dog,' the 'Mrs. E. J. Parkhurst,' are likely now to flood us with prospectuses ...
— Eli - First published in the "Century Magazine" • Heman White Chaplin

... airs that he knew, always carried him back to the time when he was a car-boy at the Big Dipper Mine in Placer County, ten years before. He remembered the years he had spent there trundling the heavy cars of ore in and out of the tunnel under the direction of his father. For thirteen days of each fortnight his ...
— McTeague • Frank Norris

... look. "I 'lows you're like to take a run down to Edmonton one o' these days. A feller mostly likes to make things hum when he's got a good wad." Gagnon's tone was purely conversational. But his object must have been plain to any one else. He was bitterly resentful at the working out of the placer mine, and his anger always sent his thoughts into crooked channels. His nature was a curious one; he was honest enough, although avaricious, while his own ends were served. It was different ...
— In the Brooding Wild • Ridgwell Cullum

... wouldn't let the Gov'ner of Californy be familiar with him. He never ketched a rat in his life—'peared to be above it. He never cared for nothing but mining. He knowed more about mining, that cat did, than any man I ever, ever see. You couldn't tell him noth'n' 'bout placer-diggin's—'n' as for pocket-mining, why he was just born for it. He would dig out after me an' Jim when we went over the hills prospect'n', and he would trot along behind us for as much as five mile, if we went ...
— Lords of the Housetops - Thirteen Cat Tales • Various

... the dry bed of a high-banked placer-river, with spare lengths of steel railway-line borne across from bank to bank, covered with beams and sheets of corrugated iron and tarpaulins, with wide chinks to let in the much-needed air and light. A line of living-waggons, crowded ...
— The Dop Doctor • Clotilde Inez Mary Graves

... que la ressemblance interieure et exterieure etait tres grande. Ainsi le degre de ressemblance est le fond; la reproduction en est seulement la manifestation et la mesure, et il est logique de placer la cause ...
— Darwiniana - Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism • Asa Gray

... by Muleje and Gallinas, the inhabitants of those places collect the sands, from which they obtain small quantities of gold in dust. In another placer, which embraces an extension of seven leagues, they also extract some gold in dust in quantities as insignificant as those which result from the ...
— Mexico and its Religion • Robert A. Wilson

... tenebres l'aube et dans le jour nuit, On vit, dans le brouillard ou rien n'a plus de forme, Vaguement apparaitre une balance enorme; Cette balance vint d'elle-meme, a travers Tous les enfers beants, tous les cieux entr'ouverts, Se placer sous la foule immense des victimes; Au-dessus du silence horrible des abimes, Sous l'oeil du seul vivant, du seul vrai, du seul grand, Terrible, elle oscillait, et portait, s'eclairant D'un jour mysterieux plus ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

Words linked to "Placer" :   placer miner, alluvium, alluvial deposit, placer mining, alluvion, alluvial sediment

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