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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Mort   Listen
Mort  n.  
Death; esp., the death of game in the chase.
A note or series of notes sounded on a horn at the death of game. "The sportsman then sounded a treble mort."
The skin of a sheep or lamb that has died of disease. (Prov. Eng. & Scot.)
Mort cloth, the pall spread over a coffin; black cloth indicative or mourning; funeral hangings.
Mort stone, a large stone by the wayside on which the bearers rest a coffin. (Eng.)

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"Mort" Quotes from Famous Books

... began to adopt ours as a medium for her thought. Her first essay, published when she was eighteen, was a monograph, in the "Bengal Magazine," on Leconte de Lisle, a writer with whom she had a sympathy which is very easy to comprehend. The austere poet of "La Mort de Valmiki" was, obviously, a figure to whom the poet of "Sindhu" must needs be attracted on approaching European literature. This study, which was illustrated by translations into English verse, was followed by another on Josephin Soulary, in whom she saw more than her maturer ...
— Hindu Literature • Epiphanius Wilson

... say:—there is, however, ONE benefit that the country has gained (as for liberty of press, or person, diminished taxation, a juster representation, who ever thinks of them?)—ONE benefit they have gained, or nearly—abolition de la peine-de-mort pour delit politique: no more wicked guillotining for revolutions. A Frenchman must have his revolution—it is his nature to knock down omnibuses in the street, and across them to fire at troops of ...
— The Paris Sketch Book Of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh • William Makepeace Thackeray

... purifiee de sa consecration aux Divinites infernales. J'aime mieux voir dans cette reserve un scrupule religieux du poete laissant a la morte sa dignite d'Ombre. Alceste a ete nitiee aux profonds mysteres de la mort; elle a vu l'invisible, elle a entendu l'ineffable; toute parole sortie de ses levres serait une divulgation sacrilege. Ce silence mysterieux la spiritualise et la rattache par un dernier ...
— Robert Browning • Edward Dowden

... Isabelle, and excuses herself for not beginning at the beginning: "Puisque je sais que vous n'ignorez pas l'amour du Prince de Masseran, les violences et les artifices de Julie, la trahison de Feliciane, le genereux ressentiment de Doria [this is another Doria], la mort de cet amant infortune, et ensuite celle de Julie." In other words, all these things have been the subject of previous histories or of the main text. And so it is always. Diderot admired, or at least excused, that ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 - From the Beginning to 1800 • George Saintsbury

... in the Mort d'Arthur, the ship which carried the remains of Gustavus from the German shore bore away heroism as well as the hero. Gustavus left great captains in Bernard of Weimar, Banner, Horn, Wrangel and Tortensohn; in the last, perhaps, a captain equal to himself. He left in Oxenstierna ...
— Lectures and Essays • Goldwin Smith

... aboutiroient ces mouvemens extraordinaires, lorsque sur le midi ou vit ouvrir les portes du chateau, et, au travers de deux files de soldats, des illustres prisonniers, la plupart encore avec les marques de leur dignite, conduits a la mort ...
— Gustavus Vasa - and other poems • W. S. Walker

... other white adventurers of Saxon origin who found their way into that trackless region, firstly on Gershom himself, and secondly on his residence. These names were obtained from the intensity of their respective characters, in favor of the beverage named. L'eau de mort was the place termed by the voyagers, in a sort of pleasant travesty on the eau de vie of their distant, but still well-remembered manufactures on the banks of the Garonne. Ben Boden, however, paid but little attention to the drawling remarks of Gershom ...
— Oak Openings • James Fenimore Cooper

... how we have the deth before us, illustre et tres excellente dame, coment nous auons la mort deuant nous, ...
— An Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly • Anonymous

... perceiving the satirical note. "Now there's De Maupassant's Fort comma la Mort—quite the most interesting variation—shows the turn a genius can give. There the triangle is the man of middle age, the mother he has loved in his youth and the daughter he comes to love. It forms, you might say, the head of a whole ...
— Murder in Any Degree • Owen Johnson

... be full of fears, I warrant now, of some design upon me, till I tell you, that he was with Mrs. Jervis when he gave them me; and he gave her a mort of good things, at the same time, and bid her wear them in remembrance of her good friend, my lady, his mother. And when he gave me these fine things, he said, These, Pamela, are for you; have them made fit for you, when your mourning is laid by, and wear them for your good ...
— Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded • Samuel Richardson

... of Roland" might be called the national epic of France. It corresponds to the "Mort d'Arthur" of England, the "Cid Chronicles" of Spain, the "Nibelungen Lied" of Germany, and the Longobardian legends of North Italy. Italian mediaeval literature is rich in the Roland romances, founded on the fabulous "Chronicle ...
— Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 • Various

... employment: on the other hand, Alphonse, embracing the grand extremes of his stereotyped national oratory, where 'SI JAMAIS,' like the herald Mercury new-mounting, takes its august flight to set in the splendour of 'ausqu'n LA MORT,' declared all other service than my father's repugnant, and vowed himself to a hermitage, remote from condiments. They both meant well, and did but speak the diverse language of their blood. Mrs. Waddy withdrew a respited heart ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... n'a pas manque d'avoir aussi son Arcadie, laquelle ne nous a este montree que depuis peu par la traduction qui en a este faite. Je ne trouve point d'ordre la dedans et il y a beaucoup de choses qui ne me peuvent satisfaire.... Il est vrai que Sidney, etant mort jeune, a pu laisser son ouvrage imparfait." In his defence of romances, Philiris answers: "Quant a l'Arcadie de Sidney, apres avoir passe la mer pour nous venir voir, je suis marry que Clarimond la recoive avec un si mauvais compliment. S'il ...
— The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare • J. J. Jusserand

... mort, pour la femme et pour la gloire!" and with a shout half-exulting, half-maddened, the Gallic blood again fired to the desperate feat. Then there was a diversion—a rush to the opposite side of the building—a ladder might be of use there. A notion of forcing open ...
— Girlhood and Womanhood - The Story of some Fortunes and Misfortunes • Sarah Tytler

... what I drove Bart out for. Mort Cobden's daughter—Mort, mind ye, that was a brother to me since I was a boy! Jane that that child's mother! Yes, all the mother poor Archie's got! Ask Miss Jane, she'll tell ye. Tell ye how she sits and eats her heart out to save her sister that's ...
— The Tides of Barnegat • F. Hopkinson Smith

... sans nulle reserve, ni condition: And let me die, if I do not think myself the happiest nymph in Sicily—My dear French dear, stay but a minuite, till I raccommode myself with the princess; and then I am yours, jusqu' a la mort. Allons donc.— [Exeunt ...
— The Works Of John Dryden, Volume 4 (of 18) - Almanzor And Almahide, Marriage-a-la-Mode, The Assignation • John Dryden

... new and strange to my eyes. I had never before seen the grenadiers of the Republican Guard, with their enormous shakos, and their long-flapped vests descending to the middle of the thigh; neither had I seen the "Hussars de la mort," in their richly braided uniform of black, and their long hair curled in ringlets at either side of the face. The cuirassiers, too, with their low cocked hats, and straight, black feathers, as ...
— Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Volume 1, No. 3, August, 1850. • Various

... ensuite par les revoltes, dans une bataille. Jacques IV, perit dans un combat qu'il perdit. Marie Stuart, sa petite-fille, chassee de son trone, fugitive en Angleterre, ayant langui dix-huit ans en prison, se vit condamnee a mort par des juges Anglais, et eut la tete tranchee. Charles Ier, petit-fils de Marie, Roi d'Ecosse et d'Angleterre, vendu par les Ecossois, et juge a mort par les Anglais, mourut sur un echafaud dans la place publique. Jacques, son fils, septieme du nom, et deuxieme en Angleterre, ...
— Life Of Johnson, Volume 5 • Boswell

... walked on, his rage mounting as he went, till presently he began talking aloud to himself. "Mort d'aieul and Cosenage!" he muttered, grinding his teeth over these oaths; "matters have come to a pretty pass, per my and per tout! And this is what my wine-bibbing ancestor has brought on his posterity by his omission to ...
— The Dragon of Wantley - His Tale • Owen Wister

... qui se debat dans le Royaume des Deux Siciles, est une question de vie ou de mort pour d'autres ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria

... folio volume entitled "La Vie, Mort, et Miracles de St. Jerome." The first large illumination, which is prettily composed, is unluckily much injured in some parts. It represents the author kneeling, with his cap in his right hand, and a book bound in black, with gold clasps and knobs, in the other. ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... pas voulu de moi, Iokanaan. Tu m'as rejetee. Tu m'as dit des choses infames. Tu m'as traitee comme une courtisane, comme une prostituee, moi, Salome, fille d'Herodias, Princesse de Judee! Eh bien, Iokanaan, moi je vis encore, mais toi tu es mort et ta tete m'appartient. Je puis en faire ce que je veux. Je puis la jeter aux chiens et aux oiseaux de l'air. Ce que laisseront les chiens, les oiseaux de l'air le mangeront . . . Ah! Iokanaan, Iokanaan, tu as ete le seul homme que j'ai ...
— Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde - with a Preface by Robert Ross • Oscar Wilde

... proceeded—literally over hill and dale—in our canoe; and in the course of a few days ascended Mecan River, and traversed Cross Lake, Malign River, Sturgeon Lake, Lac du Mort, Mille Lac, besides a great number of smaller sheets of water without names, and many portages of various lengths and descriptions, till the evening of the 19th, when we ascended the beautiful little river called the Savan, and arrived at the ...
— Hudson Bay • R.M. Ballantyne

... wild thorough the wood-es went on every sid-e shear; Greyhounds thorough the grov-es glent for to kill their deer. This began in Cheviot, the hills abone, early on a Monnynday; By that it drew to the hour of noon a hundred fat harts dead there lay. They blew a mort upon the bent; they sembled on sidis shear, To the quarry then the Percy went, to see the brittling of the deer. He said, "It was the Douglas' promise this day to meet me here; But I wist he would fail, verament"—a great ...
— A Bundle of Ballads • Various

... between them. Il fait le mort, as they say in France; but he is looking out of the corner of his eye. You can depend upon it he has not burned his ships; he has kept one to come back in. When I am dead, he will set sail again, and then she ...
— Washington Square • Henry James

... took up the fashion, and wore that garment so long without other provision, as when the same was torn from their shoulders, every man despised them as miserable and naked beggars. The wretched success they had (saith a learned Frenchman) shows, "que en ceste mort il y avait plus du fait des homines que de Pieu, ou de la justice": "that in the death of that Prince, to wit, of Bernard the son of Pepin, the true heir of Charlemagne, men had more meddling than ...
— Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books - with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations • Charles W. Eliot

... later, as we were on deck in the cool of the evening, the thing was settled. "My wife," Sir Ivor said, coming up to us with a serious face, "has delivered her ultimatum. Positively her ultimatum. I've had a mort o' trouble with her, and now she's settled. EITHER, she goes back from Bombay by the return steamer; OR ELSE—you and Miss Wade must name your own terms to accompany us on our tour, in case of emergencies." He glanced wistfully at Hilda. ...
— Hilda Wade - A Woman With Tenacity Of Purpose • Grant Allen

... put the question to myself a mort o' times, and never found no answer. And theer's one curious thing—that, though he is so pleasant, I wouldn't fare to feel comfortable to try and get his mind upon 't. He never said a wured to me as warn't as dootiful as dootiful could be, and it ain't likely as he'd begin to speak ...
— David Copperfield • Charles Dickens

... entered the courtyard of the mansion where he found an excuse for all his vanities, he was saying to himself as he reflected on Trompe-la-Mort's scheming: ...
— Scenes from a Courtesan's Life • Honore de Balzac

... in which case their safety would have been assured; but red-capped Pindar struck his hand hurriedly over the chords, and cried, in the shrill sharp tones, that both the prisoners remembered too well, "A la mort! a la mort!" and in ten minutes their bodies were lying headless, side by side, amidst the hootings and howlings of ten thousand demons, exemplifying to astonished Europe the perfection of civilization and philanthropy. Little more needs to be said of the Sieur ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 57, No. 356, June, 1845 • Various

... packings in Frounce, Spaine and Italy: it is no harme for you to heare of them, but come not neere them. What is there in Fraunce to be learnd more than in England, but falshood in fellowship, perfect slouenrie, to loue no man but for my pleasure, to sweare Ah par la mort Dieu when a mans hammes are scabd. For the idle Traueller, (I meane not for the Souldiour) I haue knowen some that haue continued there by the space of halfe a dozen yeare, and when they come home, they haue hyd a little weerish leane face vnder ...
— The Vnfortunate Traveller, or The Life Of Jack Wilton - With An Essay On The Life And Writings Of Thomas Nash By Edmund Gosse • Thomas Nash

... liberte!" yells that ruffian Mafile. 'Mort aux bourgeois who send us to Cayenne! They shall soon know ...
— A Set of Six • Joseph Conrad

... everything now: how they'd took the castle, and was wineing and beering theirselves, and going to stop there, when Nick Garth—ah! I do mort'ly hate that fellow—sets fire to the place, and burns 'em out. Makes me feel as if I could half forgive him all old scores. My pick! ...
— The Black Tor - A Tale of the Reign of James the First • George Manville Fenn

... Arnold was a traitor. This is not like that. America's large enough for a mort of countries. All the states are countries—federated countries. Say some man is big enough to make a country west of the Mississippi—Well, one day we may federate too. Eh, Lewis, 'twould be a powerful country—great ...
— Lewis Rand • Mary Johnston

... tout vous navre Et quand la mort viendra pour vous Maigre et froide, votre cadavre ...
— Suspended Judgments - Essays on Books and Sensations • John Cowper Powys

... such devotion on the part of French volunteers were exemplified early in the morning of April 12, at a point called Caurettes Woods, along the northeastern slopes of the hill known as Le Mort Homme (Dead Man's Hill), where a French withdrawal had been carried out. Volunteers remained behind to signal information to the French batteries, and an eyewitness of the attack described what ...
— America's War for Humanity • Thomas Herbert Russell

... he cried, "who'd ever have thought that there was all that mud under the beautiful clear water? Ah, it must be a mort of years since it was cleared out, and now we are at it we will do it well—let the water come in a little and give it a good wash out two or three times over. I won't let it fill up at all till we have scraped this all clear. That's the way to do it," he continued, ...
— Glyn Severn's Schooldays • George Manville Fenn

... Edouard Michel Halley Capitaine de Corvette Officier de la Legion d'honneur Fondateur de la colonie de Vait-hua Mort au champ d'honneur ...
— White Shadows in the South Seas • Frederick O'Brien

... Ce Memoire contient des renseigne mens curieux sur la conduite politique de Th. Payne en france, pendant la Revolution, et a l'epoque du proces de Louis XVI. Ce n'est point, dit il, comme Quaker, qu'il ne vota pas La Mort du Roi mais par un sentiment d'humanite, qui ne tenait point a ses ...
— The Writings Of Thomas Paine, Complete - With Index to Volumes I - IV • Thomas Paine

... Lapierre left Chloe Elliston's school after the completion of the buildings, he proceeded at once to his own rendezvous on Lac du Mort. ...
— The Gun-Brand • James B. Hendryx

... that evening grumbling a good bit. 'Tis a sixteen-mile drive, and the ostler in at Bodmin had swindled the poor old horse out of his feed, I believe; for he crawled like a slug. But they were so taken up with discussing the day's doings, and what a mort of people had been present, and how the sheriff might have used milder language in refusing my father, that they forgot to use the whip. The moon was up before we got halfway home, and a star to be seen here and there; and still we never mended ...
— I Saw Three Ships and Other Winter Tales • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... sont seulement desguisez en ce Theatre, a fin de n'affliger pas tant les familles de ceux qui en ont donne le sujet." The fate of Bussy forms the subject of the seventeenth history, entitled "De la mort pitoyable du valeureux Lysis." Lysis was the name under which Margaret of Valois celebrated the memory of her former lover in a poem entitled "L'esprit de Lysis disant adieu a sa Flore." But apart from this proof of identification, the details given by Rosset are ...
— Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois • George Chapman

... Joys and griefs, Huntsmen and hounds, ye follow us as game, Poor panting outcasts of your forest-law! Each cheers the others,—one with wild halloos, And one with whines and howls.—A dreadful chase, That only closes when horns sound a mort! ...
— Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911: Francesca da Rimini • George Henry Boker

... richest subject in Europe. For the last ten years they have declined very materially, and several of them have been entirely lost through a defect that has been discovered in the title. The original purchaser obtained these in the way of mort-gage, and having foreclosed them in an untechnical manner, advantage has been taken of the informality by the heirs of the mortgagors, and Mr. Beckford has been dispossessed. The defence of his title, ...
— Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. • Pierce Egan

... remplit le corps de bourre," says the old chronicler from which these details are derived, "et ainsi la structure en aiant ete comme retablie, on le revetit de ses armes, et le fit voir au roi, tout debout apuye sur son baton de general, de sorte qu'il semblait encore vivant. L'aspect d'un mort si illustre ayant excite quelques larmes, on le porta a l'Escurial dans l'Eglise de St Laurens auprez ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXLV. July, 1844. Vol. LVI. • Various

... are numerous. In 1485 Caxton publishes Malory's selections from French and English sources, the whole being Tennyson's main source, Le Mort d'Arthur. {13} ...
— Alfred Tennyson • Andrew Lang

... Fifth, "The Mort Artus," or Death of Arthur, winds up with supernatural horrors the tale into which the fall of the ancient Britons had been thus transformed. Arthur, wounded and dying, is carried by the fairy of the lake to the enchanted ...
— Handbook of Universal Literature - From The Best and Latest Authorities • Anne C. Lynch Botta

... up your alley, Mort," he was saying to his companion. "Chemistry and physics department. Want ...
— Omnilingual • H. Beam Piper

... fils vive encore, il reviendra, bien sur, Madame. S'il est mort, moi, je ne peux pas vous aider." Terrible to relate, the sight of such grief annoyed ...
— "Contemptible" • "Casualty"

... is welcomed noisily With din and song and shout and clanging bell, And all the glare and blare of fiery fun. Sing high the welcome to the New Year's morn! Le roi est mort. Vive, vive le roi! cry out, And hail the new-born ...
— Violets and Other Tales • Alice Ruth Moore

... 2-6), as uncertain what at the last revolution will become of them, when they are locked up into an unchangeable condition; and if they have any frolic fits of mirth, 'tis as the constrained grinning of a mort-head [death's-head], or rather as acted on a stage, and moved by another, ther [than?] cordially coming of themselves. But other men of the second sight, being illiterate, and unwary in their observations, learn from [differ ...
— Folk-Lore and Legends - Scotland • Anonymous

... animation, sa verve et sa precision habituelle de la situation politique en Angleterre. II y avait ce jour—la sur cette noble figure toute bleme, une dignite, j'ose dire une majeste, extraordinaire; il etait deja marque par la mort; il la regardait venir avec une tranquillite et un courage absolu; j'emportai de cette visite le douloureux sentiment que je ne le reverrais pas, et une admiration qui me restera toujours pour ce que je ...
— The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Vol. 2 • Stephen Gwynn

... and uncommon ardour of soul. Would he had been a Christian! I cannot help earnestly venturing to hope that he is one now. BOSWELL. Voltaire writing to D'Alembert on Aug. 25, 1759, says:—'Que dites-vous de Maupertuis, mort entre deux capucins?' Voltaire's Works, lxii. 94. The stanza from which Boswell ...
— Life Of Johnson, Vol. 2 • Boswell, Edited by Birkbeck Hill

... refert Hen. Kormannus de mir. mort. lib. 1 cap. 14. Perdite amavit mulierculam quandam, illius amplexibus acquiescens, summa cum indignatione suorum ...
— The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior

... d'Malbrough est mort, Mironton, mironton, mirontaine; Monsieur d'Malbrough est mort, Est mort ...
— The Dynasts - An Epic-Drama Of The War With Napoleon, In Three Parts, - Nineteen Acts, And One Hundred And Thirty Scenes • Thomas Hardy

... I had to spring, and no mystery about it, ere ever I got to the top of the rift leading into Doone-glade. For the stream was rushing down in strength, and raving at every corner; a mort of rain having fallen last night and no wind come to wipe it. However, I reached the head ere dark with more difficulty than danger, and sat in a place which comforted my ...
— Lorna Doone - A Romance of Exmoor • R. D. Blackmore

... keurent par accort, chascuns tenoit l'espee, Et une forte targe a son col acolee. Esclamars va ferir sans nulle demoree, Un gentil crestien de France l'onneree— Armeire n'i vault une pomme pelee; Sus le senestre espaulle fu la chars atamee, Le branc li embati par dedans la coree,[30] Mort l'abat du cheval; ...
— The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory - (Periods of European Literature, vol. II) • George Saintsbury

... preceding. She was the widow of a bailiff at Mort-la-Ville, and she and her present husband owned a house there. She was exceedingly stout, and suffered from an affection of the legs which prevented ...
— A Zola Dictionary • J. G. Patterson

... SMIKE, qui entrait dans la pension bien vetu, ses frais payes ponctuellement, et qui tombait bien bas, jusqu'a balayer le plancher, et a servir a table. Et plus tard le SMIKE noir devait mourir accable de cruautes, d'une mort encore plus larmoyante et plus terrible que la douce phthisie du SMIKE blanc. Il est mort dans la seconde maniere de DICKENS, plus travaillee, plus tendue que le style jeune ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 99., November 29, 1890 • Various

... hart-royal," he answered, fiercely, taking up the hunter's challenge. "You shall not escape. We shall sound the mort of the deer in a moment. Give ...
— The Lady of Loyalty House - A Novel • Justin Huntly McCarthy

... chapter of Isaiah and certain verses of the Kings. There was an unhappy wight who could not hear his own name pronounced without being thrown into convulsions. Marguerite of Valois, sister of Francis I, could never utter the words "mort" or "petite verole," such a horrible aversion had she to death and small-pox. According to Campani, the Chevalier Alcantara could never say "lana," or words pertaining to woolen clothing. Hippocrates says that a certain Nicanor had the greatest horror of ...
— Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould

... the same class is the rule that when a fief falls to one, he cannot claim it unless he be present in the land and seek the investiture in his own person. Hence is explained the oft-repeated maxim of the feudal lawyers of Jerusalem: A mort ne peut aucune chose escheir; which means that in matters of inheritance, substitution is not valid, and each must derive his claim from the last holder of the fief—thus restricting the succession of ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 5, November, 1863 • Various

... contain flint points flung with sufficient force to penetrate deeply the bony tissue. Always indefatigable in his researches, Dr. Prunieres also mentions having found in the cave known as that of L'HOMME MORT bones bearing traces of cicatrized wounds, and he presented to the Scientific Congress at Clermont a human vertebra found beneath the Aumede dolmen pierced with an arrow-head, which is, so to speak, encased in the wound by the ...
— Manners and Monuments of Prehistoric Peoples • The Marquis de Nadaillac

... He depicts himself quite elated; his eyes seemed so much better that he had once more resumed work in the studio of his friend Goyers. "Gruss from maternal and self," he ends; "ganz hertzlich; come soon, or write soon, or do something soon, hang it.—Thy RAG, jusqu' a la mort." ...
— In Bohemia with Du Maurier - The First Of A Series Of Reminiscences • Felix Moscheles

... had greatness thrust on me. I am, like Simpcox in the dramatis personae of "Henry IV.," "an impostor;" and yet I scarcely know how I could have escaped this deplorable (though lucrative) position. "Love is a great master," says the "Mort d'Arthur," and I perhaps may claim sympathy and pity as a victim of love. The following unaffected lines (in which only names and dates are disguised) contain all the apology I can offer to a ...
— In the Wrong Paradise • Andrew Lang

... Dame Leonarde, voici un jeune garcon," &c. Again, "On dressa dans le salon une grande table, et l'on me renvoya dans la cuisine, ou la Dame Leonarde m'instruisit de ce que j'avais a faire.... Et comme depuis sa mort c'etoit la Senora Leonarda qui avoit l'honneur de presenter le nectar a ces dieux infernaux," &c. This expression "Senora Leonarda," is much in favour of a Spanish original; why should not Le Sage have repeated the expression "Dame Leonarde," on which we have a few observations to offer, ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 • Various

... content: Marius, tu es mort. Speak dy preres in dy sleepe, for me sal cut off your head from your epaules, before you wake. Qui es stia? what kinde a ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VII (4th edition) • Various

... dit d'etre une nourriture animale fort saine, et peu chere. Il vit bien longtems. Enfin il meure, en laissant a ses heritiers une carte du Salon a Lecture on il avait existe pendant sa vie. On pretend qu'il revient toutes les nuits, apres la mort, visiter le Salon. On peut le voir, dit on, a minuit, dans sa place habituelle, tenant le journal du soir, et ayant a sa main un crayon de charbon. Le lendemain on trouve des caracteres inconnus sur les bords ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... docteur, me dit-il, sort d'ici; il a pense que j'avais une fievre nerveuse, et a ordonne une saignee pour laquelle il doit incessamment m'envoyer le chirurgien.—Le chirurgien! m' ecriai-je, garde-t'en bien, ou tu es mort; chasse-le comme un meurtrier, et dis lui que je me suis empare de toi, corps et ame. Au surplus, ton medecin connait-il la cause occasionnelle de ton mal?—Helas! non, une mauvaise honte m'a empeche de lui fairs une confession ...
— The Physiology of Taste • Brillat Savarin

... cross, trumpet, clarion, bugle, pibroch[obs3], slogan; war-cry, war-whoop; battle cry, beat of drum, rappel, tom-tom; calumet of war; word of command; password, watchword; passage d-armes[Fr]. war to the death, war to the knife; guerre a mort[Fr], guerre a outrance[Fr][obs3]; open war, internecine war, civil war. V. arm; raise troops, mobilize troops; raise up in arms; take up the cudgels &c. 720; take up arms, fly to arms, appeal to ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... vo segneur, je ne le vous voel tolir, mais je estoie venus en ceste ville, prendre consel a vous, comment je poroie vengier la mort son pere, qui me rapiela d'Engletiere. Il me fist roi, il me fist avoir l'amour le roi d'Alemaigne, il leva mon fil de fons, il me fist toz les biens, et jou en renderai au fill le guerredon se ...
— The Little Duke - Richard the Fearless • Charlotte M. Yonge

... le 14 Juillet 1788, par une societe d'amateurs dans un Chateau aux environs de Versailles; par M. l'Abbe de Vermond, Lecteur de la Reine: A Baville (Lamoignon's Country-house), et se trouve a Paris, chez la Veuve Liberte, a l'enseigne de la Revolution, 1788.—La Passion, la Mort et la Resurrection du Peuple: Imprime a Jerusalem, &c. &c.—See Montgaillard, i. 407.) this poor Plenary Court met once, and never any second time. Distracted country! Contention hisses up, with forked hydra-tongues, wheresoever poor Lomenie sets his foot. 'Let a Commandant, ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

... fut par un triste sort Blesse d'une main cruelle. On croit, puis qu'il en est mort, 'Que ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith • Oliver Goldsmith

... work by Bruhier [Footnote: L'incertitude des Signes de la Mort, 1740, tom 1, p. 430] the following remarks, freely translated by the writer, may be found, which note a custom having great similarity to the exposure of bodies to ...
— An introduction to the mortuary customs of the North American Indians • H. C. Yarrow

... panels by M. Pauwels showed most vividly the progress of the "Pest," under the title of the "Mort d'Ypres" (de Dood van Yperen, Flemish). It represented the "Fossoyeur" calling upon the citizens upon the tolling of the great bell of St. Martin's, to bring ...
— Vanished towers and chimes of Flanders • George Wharton Edwards

... small circumference of three miles! The veterans of the Peninsular campaign assert that those scenes of carnage were less cruel. This city, where pleasure so lately reigned, now presents only the images of death. Vraiment nous respirons la mort dans les rues! L'Hotel-de-Ville, the hospitals, and some of the churches, are already occupied by the wounded; wagons full remaining in the streets, and many sitting on the steps of the houses, looking round in ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 20, - Issue 566, September 15, 1832 • Various

... a spirited attack with hand grenades in the region of the Four de Paris," continued the reader. "We progressed slightly to the East of Mort Homme, and took an element of trenches. We captured two machine guns, ...
— With Those Who Wait • Frances Wilson Huard

... any other language in the world; whereas the speech of the Abrahamites is a horrid jargon, composed for the most part of low English words used in an allegorical sense—a jargon in which a stick is called a crack; a hostess, a rum necklace; a bar-maid, a dolly-mort; brandy, rum booze; a constable, a horny. But enough of these Pikers, these Abrahamites. Sufficient to observe that if the disguised priests associated with wandering companies it must have been with these people, who admit ...
— Romano Lavo-Lil - Title: Romany Dictionary - Title: Gypsy Dictionary • George Borrow

... un Chretien se determine A voyager, Faut bien penser qu'il se destine A des dangers; Mille fois a ses yeux la mort Prend son image, Mille fois il maudit son sort Dans le ...
— Ringfield - A Novel • Susie Frances Harrison

... Of Merlin and the Mort d'Arthure, Mingled together in his brain With talcs of Flores and Blanchefleur, Sir Launcelot, Sir Morgadour, Sir ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 74, December, 1863 • Various

... Geneva, and citizens of that free republic, assembled at the house of meeting, and vociferated amidst other expressions of hostility—we transcribe the words with shame and horror,—A bas Jesus Christ! A bas les Moraves! A mort, a la lanterne, &c. and pursued the obnoxious ministers as they came out, with similar cries. Neither did they stop here: their valour and zeal, as is the case with all mobs, became more impetuous as they were not resisted. "Our silence," says one who was present, ...
— Fox's Book of Martyrs - Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant - Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs • John Fox

... The poet Leon Guillot, in dying, bid his comrades describe him to his father and mother as "tombe au champ d'honneur et mort joyeusement pour son pays."—"Les Diverses Familles Spirituelles de la ...
— Three French Moralists and The Gallantry of France • Edmund Gosse

... merciful, "Aussitot le conducteur fut dclar digne de mort tout d'une voix, et il s'y condamna lui-mme," etc. The criminal, indeed, condemns himself and firmly offers his ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton

... tu es, je autiel fu, tu seras tiel come je su, De la mort ne pensay je mie, tant come j'avoy la vie. En terre avoy grand richesse, dont je y fys grand noblesse, Terre, mesons, et grand tresor, draps, chivalx, argent et or. Mesore su je povres et cheitifs, perfond en la terre gys, Ma grand beaute est tout alee, ma char est tout gastee Moult est ...
— The Cathedral Church of Canterbury [2nd ed.]. • Hartley Withers

... opprime avec nous les grands anchoretes, qui se font un bonheur des macerations: car jadis, ayant su te plaire, O Bhagavat, il a recu de toi ce don incomparable. 'Oui, as-tu dit, exaucant le voeu du mauvais Genie; Dieu. Yaksha ou Demon ne pourra jamais causer ta mort!' Et nous, par qui ta parole est respectee, nous avons tout supporte de ce roi des rakshasas, qui ecrase de sa tyrannie les trois mondes, ou il promene l' injure impunement. Enorgueilli de ce don victorieux, il opprime indignement les Dieux, les rishis, les Yakshas, ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... poured forth her whole history, expressing in every lineament her concentrated abhorrence of her libertine master, "Mort Cunningham." Over that story, it is needful to pass lightly, simply saying, she endured all outraged nature could endure and survive. For the sake of humanity we may trust there were few such fiends even among ...
— The Underground Railroad • William Still

... plaira d'envoyer v^{re} filz vers moy, il sera le bien venu. Son traittement rendra tesmoinage de l'estime que je fais de vostre amitie. De vous envoyer des nouvelles, ce seroyt d'envoyer Noctuas Athenas. Tout est coy icy. La mort de Concini a rendu la France heureuse. Mais l'Italie est en danger d'estre exposee a la tirannie d'Espagne. Je vous baise les mains, et suis, Mons^r, ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 213, November 26, 1853 • Various

... and both men passed on, Finn following cheerfully enough by Desdemona's side, conscious only that the men-folk were talking in friendly, kindly fashion, and reeking nothing of the meaning of their words. From his point of view, men-folk use such a mort of words at all times, most of them quite unnecessary, and only a few of them comprehensible. To folk accustomed, like the dog people, to intercourse confined chiefly to looks and movements, the continuous babble of words which humans indulge in is one of their most puzzling ...
— Jan - A Dog and a Romance • A. J. Dawson

... the sudden recollection of practical jokes, at which they shook with laughter after all those years. Oh! the morning when they had burned the shoes of Mimi-la-Mort, alias the Skeleton Day Boarder, a lank lad, who smuggled snuff into the school for the whole of the form. And then that winter evening when they had bagged some matches lying near the lamp in the chapel, in ...
— His Masterpiece • Emile Zola

... sur sun cheval pasmet E Olivier ki est a mort nafrez! Tant ad sainiet li oil li sunt trublet Ne luinz ne pres ne poet veeir si cler Que reconuisset nisun hume mortel. Sun cumpaignun cum il l'ad encuntret Sil fiert amunt sur l'elme a or gemmet ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... dont les debris se sont precipites au fond. Ces debris forment la premiere couche qui est posee immediatement sur les montagnes primitives. D'apres l'ancien langage de mineurs, nous avons jusqu'aujourd'hui appelle cette couche le sol mort rouge, parce qu'il y a beaucoup de rouge dans son melange, qu'elle forme le sol ou la base d'autres couches, et peut-etre de toutes, qu'elle est entierement inutile et, en quelque facon, morte pour l'exploitation des mines. Plusieurs ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton

... fling Went he, adone with tapping of the foot And drumming on the board. Had but his suit Been granted—so he said—the war were done And Troy a name ere full three years had gone: For as for Helen and her daintiness, Troy held a mort of women who no less Than she could pleasure night when work was over And men came home ready to play the lover; And in housework would better her. Let Helen Be laid by Paris, villain, and dead villain— Dead long ago if he had taken ...
— Helen Redeemed and Other Poems • Maurice Hewlett

... Cowper, in the name of the New South Wales association. The delegates, invited to a public banquet in honor of their mission, were met by the city members, the mayor, the principal merchants, and professional gentlemen. The immense wool store of Messrs. Mort, decorated for the occasion, exhibited a striking scene of luxury and magnificence. Speeches, such as Britons make when their hearts are loyal and their wrongs are felt, promised a hearty struggle, and predicted a certain victory. A public meeting of the colonists assembled to recognise the ...
— The History of Tasmania, Volume I (of 2) • John West

... man" reminds one of the French Revolution. Like the French Revolution, Socialism has imposed upon itself the mission to convert the world to its doctrine, and people may again be placed before the alternative "La Fraternite ou la Mort." ...
— British Socialism - An Examination of Its Doctrines, Policy, Aims and Practical Proposals • J. Ellis Barker

... brek, faire breche; this is my first journey, c'est ma premiere journee; have you not desire to laugh? n'avez vous pas envie de rire; the place will hold unto the death, la place tiendra jusqu'a la mort; he may not come forth of the house this long time, il ne peut pas sortir du logis de long-tems; to make me advertisement, faire m'avertir; put order to it, metire ordre a cela; discharge your heart, decharger votre coeur; make gud ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. - From Elizabeth to James I. • David Hume

... par terre, a leur maniere, mais audessous des trois personnes assises, et assez loin du prince. Alors celui-ci demanda comment se portoit son frere le roi de Cypre, et il lui fut repondu qu'il avoit perdu son pere, qu'il envoyoit renouveler l'alliance qui du vivant du mort, avoit subsiste entre les deux pays, et que pour lui il la desiroit fort. Je la ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 10 - Asia, Part III • Richard Hakluyt

... to his creed; we may, however, express a preference that he should do so without religious circumlocutions—that the verdict should be, as in the famous historical instance, "la mort, sans phrase." When ...
— Problems of Immanence - Studies Critical and Constructive • J. Warschauer

... we went off by way of the Place de Bourgogne. No damage had been done in the Chamber itself, but as we quitted the building we noticed several inscriptions scrawled upon the walls. In some instances the words were merely "Vive la Republique!" and "Mort aux Prussiens!" At other times, however, they were too disgusting to be set down here. In or near the Rue de Bourgogne we found a fairly quiet wine-shop, where we rested and refreshed ourselves with cannettes of so-called Biere de Strasbourg. ...
— My Days of Adventure - The Fall of France, 1870-71 • Ernest Alfred Vizetelly

... mort du docteur Kearsley, il passa dans differentes mains, et il devint enfin l'esclave du docteur George West, chirurgien du seizieme regiment d'Angleterre, sous lequel, pendant la derniere guerre en Amerique, il remplit ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916 • Various

... parish knew and talked of your differences—'give the old man time, and you'll be coming home for the Christmas holidays as welcome as flowers in May.' 'Not me,' says you; 'my father's is a house o' wrath, and there's no place for me.' A mort o' tide-water have runned up an' down since you spoke they words; but here be I, Nicholas Vro, takin' 'ee back home as I promised. Many times I've a-pictered 'ee, hearing you was grown prosperous ...
— Shining Ferry • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... clear the way for this great attack the German General Staff decided that it would be necessary first to capture the French positions of Mort Homme and Cumieres on the left bank of ...
— The Story of the Great War, Volume V (of 8) • Francis J. (Francis Joseph) Reynolds, Allen L. (Allen Leon)

... one ruffian to the other; "tour the bien mort twiring at the gentry cove!" [Footnote: Look sharp. See how the girl is coquetting with the ...
— The Fortunes of Nigel • Sir Walter Scott

... Palice est mort, Il est mort devant Pavie; Helas! s'il n'estait pas mort, Il serait encore ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 36. Saturday, July 6, 1850 • Various

... me as grotesque in comparison with Durer's 'Melancholy,' yonder, or with Holbein's 'Les Simulachres de la mort.'" ...
— Vashti - or, Until Death Us Do Part • Augusta J. Evans Wilson

... by it, were Hill 304 and Le Mort Homme of bloody memory, while on the horizon, looking like low, round-topped hillocks, were Forts Douaumont and de Vaux (what a thrill those names must give to every Frenchman!) and farther down the slope and a little nearer me were Fleury ...
— Italy at War and the Allies in the West • E. Alexander Powell

... Joseph Cadoudal, Judas Maccabeus; Lahaye Saint-Hilaire, David; Burban-Malabry, Brave-la-Mort; Poulpiquez, Royal-Carnage; Bonfils, Brise-Barriere; Dampherne, Piquevers; Duchayla, La Couronne; Duparc, Le Terrible; La Roche, Mithridates; ...
— The Companions of Jehu • Alexandre Dumas, pere

... The blewe a mort uppone the bent, The semblyd on sydis shear; To the quyrry then the PersA" went To se the ...
— Ballad Book • Katherine Lee Bates (ed.)

... des effets d'un pauvre officier qui est mort. Who will buy?" He opened the hat-trunk, produced an antiquated beaver with a gold cord, and surveyed it with a covetousness that was admirably feigned. For 'Polyte was an actor. "M'ssieurs, to own such a hat were a patent of nobility. Am ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... bust of the king stands against the second story, with an inscription. In the Rue Vivienne, No. 34, we saw the house where Moliere died, on which is a marble tablet, with this inscription: "Moliere est mort dans cette maison, le 17 Fevrier, 1673, a l'age de 51 ans." At the corner of the same street, where a small passage way branches off, is a fine monument to the memory of the great poet and the noblest comic ...
— Young Americans Abroad - Vacation in Europe: Travels in England, France, Holland, - Belgium, Prussia and Switzerland • Various

... "What's the use talking like that to me? A blind mackerel could see she's let poor old Lindley think he's High Man with her these last few months; but he'll have to hit the pike now, I reckon, 'cause this Corliss is altogether too pe-rin-sley for Dick's class. Lee roy est mort. ...
— The Flirt • Booth Tarkington

... America is undoubtedly Charles Martin Loeffler; but, although he has become a loyal American, and although his best works have been composed in this country, we can hardly claim him as an American composer, for his music vividly reflects French taste and ideals. His inspired works—in particular La Mort de Tintagiles, The Pagan Poem and a Symphony (in one movement)—are of peculiar importance for their connection with works of literature and for consummate power in orchestration. Not even Debussy has ...
— Music: An Art and a Language • Walter Raymond Spalding

... questions and desultory conversation of this kind the day slowly wore away, without the occurrence of any incident whatever to relieve its weary monotony. Midnight arrived, December the seventh was dead. As Ardan said: "Le Sept Decembre est mort; vive le Huit!" In one hour more, the neutral point would be reached. At what velocity was the Projectile now moving? Barbican could not exactly tell, but he felt quite certain that no serious error had slipped into his calculations. At one o'clock that night, nil the ...
— All Around the Moon • Jules Verne

... "Goin' to write Mort up, are you? Well, by gum! I've been readin' those pieces in the 'Courier.' Your work? Good writin'; mighty interestin' readin', as old Uncle Horace Greeley used to say. I guess you carry the whitewash brush ...
— A Hoosier Chronicle • Meredith Nicholson

... faith in a continuous development throughout the ages, but by the old spirit of the Revolution, and he sees in the past only a heavy chain which the race at last flings off. The horrible past has gone, not to return: "ce monde est mort"; and the poem is at once a paean on man's victorious rebellion against it and a dithyramb on ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... government we live, it can always be said that le mort saisit le vif; that is, that inheritance and succession will last for ever, whoever may be the recognized heir. But the St. Simonians wish the heir to be designated by the magistrate; others wish him to be chosen by the deceased, or assumed by the law to be so chosen: the essential ...
— What is Property? - An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government • P. J. Proudhon

... ces beaux yeulx: Mais en effect, ce petit rys follastre, C'est a mon gre ce qui lui sied le mieulx; Elle en pourroit les chemins et les lieux Ou elle passe a plaisir inciter; Et si ennuy me venoit contrister Tant que par mort fust ma vie abbatue, Il me fauldroit pour me resusciter Que ce rys ...
— In the Name of the Bodleian and Other Essays • Augustine Birrell

... par tout, par tout amour, en tout bien"; the French rendering of a very old proverb in the mottoes of B.Aubri and D.Roce, "Al'aventure tout vient a point qui peut attendre"; J.Bignon, "Repos sans fin, sans fin repos"; the motto used conjointly by M.Fzandat and R.Granjon, "Ne la mort, ne le venin"; and the motto of Etienne Dolet, "Scabra et impolita ad amussim dolo, atque perfolio." Among the mottoes of early English printers, the most notable, partly for its dual source, and as one of our earliest examples, is that of William Faques; one sentence, ...
— Printers' Marks - A Chapter in the History of Typography • William Roberts

... additions, from a MS. life, by one of his friends. Spinosa died on the 21st February, 1677, being then little more than forty-four years old. This of itself looks suspicious; and M. Jean admits, that a certain expression in the MS. life of him would warrant the conclusion, "que sa mort n'a pas ete tout-a-fait naturelle." Living in a damp country, and a sailor's country, like Holland, he may be thought to have indulged a good deal in grog, especially in punch,[1] which was then newly discovered. Undoubtedly he might have done so; but the fact is that ...
— Miscellaneous Essays • Thomas de Quincey

... remede qu'elle peut ressentir, La seul revanche pour son tort, Pour faire trop tard l'amant repentir, Helas! trop tard — est la mort. ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith • Oliver Goldsmith

... of all the houses bear the great patriotic device: "Libert, Egalit, Fraternit, sinon La Mort)"; others are more political in their proclamation: "La Republique une ...
— I Will Repay • Baroness Emmuska Orczy

... stew'ard fro'ward sur'geon twink'le jew'el co'coa ear'nest thim'ble neu'tral nose'gay jour'nal vil'lain cor'ner gor'gon au'dit so'da cor'sair lord'ship caus'tic so'fa. corse'let mor'bid awk'ward so'ber for'feit mort'gage gaud'y sto'ic gor'geous ...
— McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book • W. H. McGuffey

... ains tout oeill en substance Sans cesser il produit des enfans differens. De la mort des ses fils ses fills[251] ont naissance Et d'icelles ...
— Publications of the Scottish History Society, Vol. 36 • Sir John Lauder

... sharply, "Ne touchez pas!" I would rather have touched a sleeping tiger than that conical piece of metal with its unexploded possibilities, but bent low to see the inscriptions on it, scratched by French gunners with wore recklessness of death. Mort aux Boches was scrawled upon it ...
— Now It Can Be Told • Philip Gibbs

... charm the attention of the reader, at least enslaves it, holding it captive with a chain of iron. Amongst his other adventures, the hero falls in with a Gypsy encampment, is enrolled amongst the fraternity, and is allotted a 'mort,' or concubine; a barbarous festival ensues, at the conclusion of which an epithalamium is sung in the Gypsy language, as it is called in the work in question. Neither the epithalamium, however, nor the vocabulary, are written in the language of the English ...
— The Zincali - An Account of the Gypsies of Spain • George Borrow

... his father was never disputed. For the first time in the annals of England, a new king commences to reign immediately after the death of his predecessor. Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi! Within a week of his father's decease, a writ was issued, in which the hereditary right of succession was distinctly asserted as forming Edward's title to ...
— London and the Kingdom - Volume I • Reginald R. Sharpe

... English name of William Barker, creditor for Georges d'Estourny. Under this name he hoodwinked the cunning Cerizet, inducing that "man of business" to endorse some notes for him. [Scenes from a Courtesan's Life.] He was also nick-named "Trompe-la-Mort." ...
— Repertory Of The Comedie Humaine, Complete, A — Z • Anatole Cerfberr and Jules Franois Christophe

... ministeriel en France.—Les secretaires d'etat depuis leur institution jusqu'a la mort ...
— The Eve of the French Revolution • Edward J. Lowell

... "Mort de Dieu!" cried Sir Guy, as he gazed at Bertrand with a look betwixt laughter and amaze, "and what said your worshipful ...
— A Heroine of France • Evelyn Everett-Green

... called "La Charlatanerie des Savans," is the following note:—"D'autres ont propose et resolu en meme tems des questions ridicules; par exemple celle-ci: Devroit-on faire souffrir une seconde fois le meme genre de mort a un criminel, qui apres avoir eu la tete coupee viendroit a resusciter?"—Finkelth, Praef. ad ...
— Tales and Novels, Vol. IV • Maria Edgeworth

... Romain Archeuesque du lieu, d'auoir deliure les habitans d'un Dragon qui leur nuisoit en la forest de Rouuray pres ladite ville: pour lequel vaincre il demanda a la justice deux prisonniers dignes de mort, l'un meurtrier et l'autre larron: le larron eut si grand frayeur qu'il s'enfuit, et le meurtrier demeura auecque ce saint homme qui vainquit ce Serpent. C'est pourquoy l'on dit encore en commun ...
— Account of a Tour in Normandy, Vol. I. (of 2) • Dawson Turner

... dies as he has lived; self-conscious, conscious of a world looking on. He gazes forth on the young Spring, which for him will never be Summer. The Sun has risen; he says: "Si ce n'est pas la Dieu, c'est du moins son cousin germain." (Fils Adoptif, viii. 450; Journal de la maladie et de la mort de Mirabeau, par P.J.G. Cabanis (Paris, 1803).)—Death has mastered the outworks; power of speech is gone; the citadel of the heart still holding out: the moribund giant, passionately, by sign, demands paper and pen; writes his passionate demand for opium, to end these agonies. ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

... they had been taking cover, and, marching steadily over the ground, advanced upon their objective. And then they too heard that sudden salvo of guns from across the river, and, turning their glasses, surveyed the Mort Homme and Hill 304, positions to which they had ...
— With Joffre at Verdun - A Story of the Western Front • F. S. Brereton

... qu' l'gard du non-Musulman qui, aprs avoir de son propre gr embrass publiquement l'Islamisme, est convaincu d'y avoir renonc. Nulle considration ne peut faire commuer la peine capitale laquelle la loi le condamne sans misricorde. Le seul, l'unique moyen d'chapper la mort, c'est pour l'accus de dclarer qu'il s'est fait de nouveau Musulman. C'est dans le seul but de sauver la vie a l'individu en question que nous avons, contre la lettre de la loi, qui exige que la ...
— Correspondence Relating to Executions in Turkey for Apostacy from Islamism • Various

... que son entreprinse fut si tost congneue, qu'elle ne peut nuyre au cappitaine Robertval, lequel feit prendre ce meschant traistre, le voulant pugnir comme il l'avoit merite; ce qui eust este faict, sans sa femme qui avoit suivy son mary par les perilz de la mer; et ne le voulut abandonner a la mort, mais avecq force larmes feit tant, avecq le cappitaine et toute la compaignye, que, tant pour la pitie d'icelle que pour le service qu'elle leur avoit faict, luy accorda sa requeste qui fut telle, que le ...
— Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic • Thomas Wentworth Higginson

... answered to a request which our then Ambassador at Berlin (Abbe Sieges) had made to be introduced to him, NON ET SANS PHRASE, the very words this regicide used when he sat in judgment on his King, and voted LA MORT ET SANS PHRASE. This Knobelsdorff is a very different character. He pretends to be equally conspicuous in the Cabinet as in the field, in the boudoir as in the study. A demi-philosopher, a demi-savant, a demi-gallant and ...
— The Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte • Bourrienne, Constant, and Stewarton

... Britain, France, and Ireland, had the farcy for his pains; and that there was a good farcical house, large enough to hold—aye—and sublimate them, shag rag and bob-tail, male and female, all together: and this leads me to the affair of Whiskers—but, by what chain of ideas—I leave as a legacy in mort-main to Prudes and Tartufs, to enjoy and make the ...
— The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman • Laurence Sterne

... religieux,—mais on veut un cortege portant derriere la biere des immortelles rouges;—on veut une 'oraison,' une 'predication' de Victor Hugo qui a ajoute cette specialite a ses autres specialites, si bien qu'un de ces jours derniers, comme il suivait un convoi en amateur, un croque-mort s'approcha de lui, le poussa du coude, et lui dit en souriant: 'Est-ce que nous n'aurons pas quelque chose de vous, aujourd'hui?'—Et cette predication il la lit ou la recite—ou, s'il ne juge pas a propos ...
— Our Fathers Have Told Us - Part I. The Bible of Amiens • John Ruskin

... "Quand Mort me assault et que je ne puis mourir Et se courir on ne me veult, mais me faire rudesse Et de liesse me voir bannir. Que ...
— Beatrice d'Este, Duchess of Milan, 1475-1497 • Julia Mary Cartwright

... registers on mortmains in Franche-Comte in 1788; H. 200, registers by Amelot on Burgundy in 1785. "In the sub-delegation of Charolles the inhabitants seem a century behind the age; being subject to feudal tenures, such as mort-main, neither mind nor body have any play. The redemption of mortmain, of which the king himself has set the example, has been put at such an exorbitant price by laymen, that the unfortunate sufferers cannot, and will not be ...
— The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 1 (of 6) - The Ancient Regime • Hippolyte A. Taine

... Knyghton's Chronicle. The French authorities on the other hand are vehemently on Richard's side. Froissart, who ends at this time, is supplemented by the metrical history of Creton ("Archaeologia," vol. xx.), and by the "Chronique de la Traison et Mort de Richart" (English Historical Society), both works of French authors and published in France in the time of Henry the Fourth, probably with the aim of arousing French feeling against the House of Lancaster and the war-policy which it had revived. The popular feeling in England ...
— History of the English People, Volume II (of 8) - The Charter, 1216-1307; The Parliament, 1307-1400 • John Richard Green

... of the extraordinary fortitude of the victim. The Jesuits say that it was not the Christian Indians who insisted on burning him, but the French themselves, "qui voulurent absolument qu'il fut brule a petit feu, ce qu'ils executerent eux-memes. Un Jesuite le confessa et l'assista a la mort, l'encourageant a souffrir courageusement et chretiennement les tourmens." Relation de 1696 (Shea), 10. This writer adds that, when Frontenac heard of it, he ordered him to be spared; but it was ...
— Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV • Francis Parkman

... and dies the same night of aneurism. Not guested in the house, but trysted in the morning, he goes there, and seeing preparations in the street for a funeral, asks of some one, being only half alarmed, "Qui est mort?" The ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 - To the Close of the 19th Century • George Saintsbury

... rych geme best plaine sett Quibus bonitas a genere penitus insita est ij iam non mali esse nolunt sed nesciunt Oeconomicae rationes publicas peruertunt. Divitiae Impedimenta virtutis; The bagage of vertue Habet et mors aram. Nemo virtuti invidiam reconciliauerit praeter mort ... Turpe proco ancillam sollicitare Est autem virtutis ancilia laus. Si suum cuique tribuendum est certe et venia humanitati Qui dissimulat liber non est Leue efficit jugum fortunae jugum ...
— Bacon is Shake-Speare • Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence

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