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Miscall   Listen
Miscall  v. t.  
To call by a wrong name; to name improperly.
To call by a bad name; to abuse. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Miscall" Quotes from Famous Books

... to spend the years I have to live on earth, temporarily and partially separated from my husband, in good works of which he would approve; with which he would sympathize and which would draw his spirit into closer communion with mine; and I hope at that ascension to the higher life which we miscall death to meet him face to face, to be able to tell him, 'I have finished my work, I have kept the faith,' and to be with him forever in one of the many mansions of ...
— For Woman's Love • Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth

... sur," burst in the impatient and indignant Rooney, "he would 'ave gone into that there room, sur,—if I may miscall a dark closet by that name—an' 'ave pulled the bed out from under Mrs Timms, who's a-dyin', sur, if I 'adn't chanced to come in, sur, an' kick the spalpeen into the street, ...
— Under the Waves - Diving in Deep Waters • R M Ballantyne

... Vienna, he'll soon be at Paris. O'er Ocean from Europe his influence hurl'd Shall animate here, O George, thy new world. Our laws, our religion, our rights he befriends, And conquest o'er savage invaders portends; O'er christians miscall'd, who their nature disgrace, Bely human form, and god's ...
— Translations of German Poetry in American Magazines 1741-1810 • Edward Ziegler Davis

... she did; it nettled her a good deal at first, but she finally got used to it; after finding out how innocent auntie was, and how apt to miscall ...
— Elsie's Womanhood • Martha Finley

... so far as to say,' pursued the meekest of little men, much encouraged, 'that what such people miscall their religion, is a vent for their bad humours and arrogance. And do you know I must say, sir,' he continued, mildly laying his head on one side, 'that I DON'T find authority for Mr. and Miss ...
— David Copperfield • Charles Dickens

... has outsoared the shadow of our night; Envy and calumny and hate and pain, And that unrest which men miscall delight, Can touch him not and torture not again; From the contagion of the world's slow stain He is secure, and now can never mourn A heart grown cold, a head grown gray in vain; Nor, when the spirit's self has ceased to burn, With sparkless ...
— On The Art of Reading • Arthur Quiller-Couch

... to deliberately footfault as to miscall a ball, and it is wholly unnecessary. The average footfault is due to carelessness, over-anxiety, or ignorance of the rule. All players are offenders at times, but it can quickly be ...
— The Art of Lawn Tennis • William T. Tilden, 2D

... mountain He beheld the kingdoms of the world and all the glory of them. Strangely and solemnly may we image to our fancy the lives that are being lived down in those cities of the plain: how many are waking at this very moment to toil and a painful weariness, to sorrow, or to 'that unrest which men miscall delight;' while we upon our mountain buttress, suspended in mid-heaven and for a while removed from daily cares, are drinking in the beauty of the world that God has made so fair and wonderful. From this ...
— Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete - Series I, II, and III • John Symonds

... Heaven itself descends in love; A feeling from the Godhead caught, To wean from self each sordid thought; A Ray of Him who form'd the whole; A Glory circling round the soul! I grant my love imperfect, all That mortals by the name miscall; Then deem it evil, what thou wilt; But say, oh say, hers was not guilt! She was my life's unerring light: That quench'd, what beam shall break my night?" ...
— My Recollections of Lord Byron • Teresa Guiccioli

Words linked to "Miscall" :   call, misname

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