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Milieu  n.  Environment. "The intellectual and moral milieu created by multitudes of self-centered, cultivated personalities." "It is one of the great outstanding facts of his progressive relation to the elements of his social milieu."

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"Milieu" Quotes from Famous Books

... description of the habitues of her salon and of the desire that pervaded all to show their wit: "L'auditoire etait respectable. J'y vis rassembles Montesquieu, Fontenelle, Mairan, Marivaux, le jeune Helvetius, Astruc, je ne sais qui encore, tous gens de lettres ou savants, et au milieu d'eux une femme d'un esprit et d'un sens profonds, mais qui, enveloppee dans son exterieur de bonhomie et de simplicite, avait plutot l'air de la menagere que de la maitresse de la maison: c'etait la Mme. de Tencin ... je m'apercus bientot qu'on y arrivait prepare a jouer son role, et que l'envie ...
— A Selection from the Comedies of Marivaux • Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux

... of her coming life. Delighted to be friendly with Mademoiselle Minard, her elder by four years, she persuaded her father and godfather to cultivate the Minard establishment, with its gilded salons and great opulence, where many political celebrities of the "juste milieu" were wont to congregate, such as Monsieur Popinot, who became, after a time, minister of commerce; Cochin, since made Baron Cochin, a former employee at the ministry of finance, who, having a large interest ...
— The Lesser Bourgeoisie • Honore de Balzac

... criticism he seldom attacks any one, or anything, without a show of reason. To all gospels there are two sides; and a great teacher who, by reason of the very fire that makes him great, disdains to halt and hesitate and consider the juste milieu, seldom guards himself against misinterpretation or excess. Mazzini writes, "He weaves and unweaves his web like Penelope, preaches by turns life and nothingness, and wearies out the patience of his readers ...
— Thomas Carlyle - Biography • John Nichol

... faux tissus de planches fugitives, S'entrouvrant au milieu des eaux, Ont elles, par milliers, dans les gouffres de Loire Vomi des Francais enchaines, Au proconsul Carrier, implacable apres boire, {271} Pour son passetemps amenes? Et ces porte-plumets, ces commis de carnage, Ces ...
— The French Revolution - A Short History • R. M. Johnston

... are three stars in his belt which, as is well known, lie in a straight line pointing to Sirius. They are not so bright as Sirius, but they are sufficiently bright to attract attention. A long tradition gives them the name of the Three Kings. Dupuis (1) says: "Orion a trois belles etoiles vers le milieu, qui sont de seconde grandeur et posees en ligne droite, l'une pres de l'autre, le peuple les appelle les trois rois. On donne aux trois rois Magis les noms de Magalat, Galgalat, Saraim; et Athos, Satos, Paratoras. Les Catholiques ...
— Pagan & Christian Creeds - Their Origin and Meaning • Edward Carpenter

... aggressive, almost brutal man of action. The sentimental stories of the heart are followed by works of keen intuition, in which with compelling suggestiveness strange human communities are comprehended and presented in the characteristic atmosphere of their milieu. What we find in the insane asylum of God's Beloved we find also in the lives of Breton fisherfolk in the novel The Sea (1910); it is unadulterated primitive nature, which blends the roar of billows and the instinctive ...
— The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries - Masterpieces of German Literature Vol. 19 • Various

... au printemps de son age, Ni les temps, ni les lieus n'alterent son esprit; Ne cedent qu' a ses gouts simples et sans etalage, Au milieu des ...
— The Story of Cooperstown • Ralph Birdsall

... "You and I know, as sensible men must, that in our milieu there are at any given moment thousands of intrigues and plots and counterplots simmering away in the Party halls, the ministries, the barracks and anywhere else you care to look. Of course it is treason, don't misunderstand, general, but most of it is ...
— I Was a Teen-Age Secret Weapon • Richard Sabia

... says Bernardin de St. Pierre of such a scene, "une de ces nuits delicieuses, si communes entre les tropiques, et dont le plus abile pinceau ne rendrait pas le beaute. La lune paraissait au milieu du firmament, entouree d'un rideau de nuages, que ses rayons dissipaient par degres. Sa lumiere se repandait insensiblement sur les montagnes de l'ile et sur leurs pitons, qui brillaient d'un vert argente. Les vents retenaient leurs haleines. On entendait ...
— The Beauties of Nature - and the Wonders of the World We Live In • Sir John Lubbock

... delicacy, knowing his incorrigible zeal as a collector, had restrained her, and then, as Dennis had guessed, her den was her sanctuary, admission to which implied an intimacy difficult to concede. Whatever the merits of the case, the rupture had produced in a milieu consumed by the desire to guess what Emma would do, at least one person who was solely interested in what Crocker's next move might be. For the first time in a singularly calculable life he had become an object of ...
— The Collectors • Frank Jewett Mather

... unchangeable. To give an example from a conscientious writer (10/139. Godron 'De l'Espece' tome 2 page 64.) who, relying on the labours of M. Naudin, and referring to the species of Cucurbita, says, "au milieu de toutes les variations du fruit, les tiges, les feuilles, les calices, les corolles, les etamines restent invariables dans chacune d'elles." Yet M. Naudin, in describing Cucurbita pepo (page 30), says, "Ici, d'ailleurs, ce ne sont pas seulement les fruits qui ...
— The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication - Volume I • Charles Darwin

... of the first satisfactory specimens upon a fairly large scale. He is, indeed, a more satisfactory, because a more independent, example of the new species than the Great Cham himself. The late Professor Beljame has shown us how the milieu was created in which, with no subvention, whether from a patron, a theatre, a political paymaster, a prosperous newspaper or a fashionable subscription-list, an independent writer of the mid-eighteenth century, provided that he was competent, could begin to extort something ...
— Travels Through France and Italy • Tobias Smollett

... and ingenious author excels in representing, is that of finance and the middle classes; it is the society of the Chaussee d'Antin, rather than that of the Faubourg Saint Germain. His Gymnase repertory is of the Left Centre, the juste milieu, nearer the National Guard than the royal guard. The protege of Madame the Duchess of Berry never flattered the ultras. There is not in his plays a single line that is a concession to their arrogance or their rancor; not a single phrase, not one word, that shows the least trace ...
— The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X • Imbert De Saint-Amand

... about him, who had studied his work from the beginning, and had realized the ambition of his first imaginative flights. He was more perplexed by the poet's utterance in later years. 'Quel homme extraordinaire!' he once said to me; 'son centre n'est pas au milieu.' The usual criticism would have been that, while his own centre was in the middle, he did not seek it in the middle for the things of which he wrote; but I remember that, at the moment in which the words were spoken, they impressed ...
— Life and Letters of Robert Browning • Mrs. Sutherland Orr

... romance. He wrote the Brut under the patronage of Henry II, and, if we may trust Layamon's statement, he dedicated it to Queen Eleanor, who was the ardent propagator in England of the courtly ideals of southern France. Accordingly Wace, perhaps partly because of his own milieu, partly because of his royal patroness, wove into Geoffrey's narrative more pronouncedly chivalric material. The lack of the courtly virtue of mesure (moderation) that is noticeable in Geoffrey's Arthur, Wace is careful ...
— Arthurian Chronicles: Roman de Brut • Wace

... get anything accomplished these days; this eternal sunshine has played me the scurvy trick of paralysing my imagination. I am in the middle of a descriptive passage about a rainy season, a raw and chilly milieu, and I cannot get anywhere with it." He mumbled ...
— Shallow Soil • Knut Hamsun

... give you confidence for confidence. This is, as you suggest, my ninth season. Living in an absurd milieu where marriage with a wealthy man is regarded as the one aim in life, I have, during the past few weeks, done all that lay in my power to wring a proposal ...
— Five Little Plays • Alfred Sutro

... "pioneers of evolution," whose views have been often discussed and appraised. Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772-1844), whose work Goethe so much admired, was on the whole Buffonian, emphasising the direct action of the changeful milieu. "Species vary with their environment, and existing species have descended by modification from earlier and somewhat simpler species." He had a glimpse of the selection idea, and believed in mutations or sudden leaps—induced in the embryonic condition by external influences. The ...
— Darwin and Modern Science • A.C. Seward and Others

... anywhere, that he entirely forgets the existence of the first queen of France,—never names her, nor, as such, the place of her birth,—but contributes only to the knowledge of the young student this beneficial quota, that Gondeband, "plus politique que guerrier, trouva au milieu de ses controverses theologiques avec Avitus, eveque de Vienne, le temps de faire mourir ses trois freres et ...
— Our Fathers Have Told Us - Part I. The Bible of Amiens • John Ruskin

... escape from middle-class conditions, what everyone is the better for seeing is not how life might conceivably be handled, but how it actually has been handled, freshly and distinctly, by someone in a commonplace milieu. Life isn't a bit romantic, but it is devilish interesting. It doesn't go as you want it to go. Sometimes it lags, sometimes it dances; and horrible things happen, often most unexpectedly. In the novel, everything has to be rounded off and led up to, ...
— Father Payne • Arthur Christopher Benson

... to the contrary notwithstanding that Lyttleton had not stolen the jewels and that she knew positively who had! The man was a favourite of Mrs. Gosnold's; she had proved it too often by open indulgence of his nonsense. He amused her. And it seemed that in this milieu the virtue of ...
— Nobody • Louis Joseph Vance

... hellenique y a penetre comme dans le 3 evangile et dans les Actes. Dans son ensemble le N.T. garde le caractere d un livre hebraique. Le christianisme ne commence avoir une litterature et des doctrines vraiment helleniques qu au milieu du second siecle. Mais il y avait un judaisme celui d Alexandrie qui avait faite alliance avec l hellenisme avant meme qu il y eut ...
— History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7) • Adolph Harnack

... audience do not permit the spirit of Hamlet's father to appear on the stage: "L'apparition se passe, (says Madame de Stael)[3], en entier dans la physionomie de Talma, et certes elle n'en est pas ainsi moins effrayante. Quand, au milieu d'un entretien calme et melancolique, tout a coup il apercoit le spectre, on suit tout; ses mouvemens dans les yeux qui le contemplent, et l'on ne peut douter de la presence du fantome quand un tel regard l'atteste." The remark is perfectly just, nothing can be imagined more calculated ...
— Travels in France during the years 1814-1815 • Archibald Alison

... S[OE]UR,—Veuillez me permettre, Madame, d'offrir a votre Majeste mes sinceres felicitations de son heureuse delivrance.[10] Puisse le bon Dieu conserver votre Majeste et toute son auguste famille, c'est mon v[oe]u de tous les jours. Plus que jamais, Madame, au milieu des desastres qui renversent l'ordre social, l'on eprouve le besoin de relier les liens d'amitie que l'on a ete heureux de former dans de meilleurs temps; ceux-la au moins nous restent, car ils sont hors de la portee des hommes, et je suis ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria

... cet amas de maisons Quetreignent nos remparts couronnes de gazons, Et ces faubourgs naissants que la ville trop pleine Pour ses enfants nouveaux eleve dans la plaine. Immobiles troufieaux ou notre clocher gris Semble un patre au milieu de ses blanches brebis, Jai pense que, malgre notre angoisse et nos peines, Sous ces toits paternels il existait des haines, Et que des murs plus forts que ces murs mitoyens Separent ...
— George Sand, Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings • Rene Doumic

... family of them," he repeated inwardly. A drawback indeed. Why could an interesting young organism so seldom be detached from its milieu and enjoyed in isolation? Prosy parents; tiresome, detrimental brothers ... He wondered if she had any idea what they were all like. It might be just as well, however, ...
— Bertram Cope's Year • Henry Blake Fuller

... connaissances a l'epoque de De Lamarck sur les Polypiers? Les Hydraires etaient loin d'avoir fourni les remarquables observations qui parurent dans le milieu a peu pres du siecle qui vient de finir, et cependant De Lamarck deplace hardiment la Lucernaire—l'eloigne des Coralliaires, et la rapproche des etres qui forment le grand groupe des Hydraires. Ce trait me parait remarquable et le rapporte a cette reputation qu'il avait au Museum ...
— Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard

... chaque haleine Ce mot qu'un sourd sanglot entrecoupe au milieu, Comme si tous les sons dont la nature est pleine N'avaient pour sens unique, hlas ! qu'un grand ...
— French Lyrics • Arthur Graves Canfield

... romances of Marlitt; she was a great admirer of the good Queen Louise, whom the bad Napoleon Buonaparte treated with so marked a lack of knightly chivalry. What might have been her future development had she remained in this milieu? Fate—or was it economic necessity?—willed it otherwise. Her parents decided to settle in St. Petersburg, the capital of the Almighty Tsar, and there to embark in business. It was here that a great change took place in the life ...
— Anarchism and Other Essays • Emma Goldman

... Like the king the pope began to say, "L'Eglise c'est moi." This merging of the mediaeval state and mediaeval church in the personal supremacy of king and pope may be termed the special feature of the last age of feudalism which preceded the Renaissance. It was thus that the necessary milieu was prepared. The organization of the five great nations, and the levelling of political and spiritual interests under political and spiritual despots, formed the prelude to that drama of liberty of which the Renaissance was the first act, the Reformation the second, the Revolution ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07 • Various

... a requirement for success in organizing the nucleus of a civilization, than a generalization about the natural and social milieu out of which competing nuclei arise. Success of one among the many competitors is a characteristic feature of the struggle for nuclear survival, development and ...
— Civilization and Beyond - Learning From History • Scott Nearing

... individual or a class, concentrating their efforts upon their own well-being exclusively, do but beget troubles both for others and for themselves also. No individual life can be truly prosperous, passed, as Obermann says, in the midst of men who suffer; passee au milieu des generations qui souffrent. To the noble soul, it cannot be happy; to the ignoble, it cannot be secure. Socialistic and communistic schemes have generally, however, a fatal defect; they are content with too low and material a standard of well-being. That instinct of perfection, which ...
— Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold • Matthew Arnold

... all, and in truth the greatest in the Pyrenees, is the ascension of the Pic de Nethou (11,170 ft.), the highest of the range, and its two great buttresses, the Pics Maladetta (10,867 ft.) and Milieu (11,044 ft). None but experienced mountaineers, with the most experienced guides, attempt this ascent, which is attended with much danger; but there are many other delightful trips in the vicinity, including a ...
— Twixt France and Spain • E. Ernest Bilbrough

... devises, elle fit de sa main de belles et grandes tapisseries, entre lesquelles il y a une tente de douze ou quinze pieces excellente qui s'appelle les Prisons brisees, par lesquelles elle donnoit a connoistre qu'elle avoit brise les liens et secoue le joug de la captivite du Pape. Au milieu de chaque piece, il y a une histoire du Vieu Testament qui resent la liberte, comme la delivrance de Suzanne, la sortie du peuple de la captivite d'Egypte, l'elargissement de Joseph. Et a tous les coins il y a des chaisnes rompues, des menottes brisees, des strapades et des gibbets en pieces, ...
— Needlework As Art • Marian Alford

... defeat, in the neighbourhood of Toledo, a body of the Carlists, commanded by Orejita, whose numbers more than trebled his own. In reward for this exploit he was persecuted by the government, which, at that time, was the moderado or juste milieu, with the most relentless animosity; the prime minister, Ofalia, supporting with all his influence numerous and ridiculous accusations of plunder and robbery brought against the too- successful general by the Carlist canons of Toledo. He was likewise charged with a dereliction of duty, in having ...
— The Bible in Spain • George Borrow

... frequent recourse to champagne in that I constantly felt depressed and bored, owing to the fact that I was living in the most bourgeois commercial milieu imaginable—a milieu wherein every sou was counted and grudged. Indeed, two weeks had not elapsed before I perceived that Blanche had no real affection for me, even though she dressed me in elegant clothes, and herself tied my tie each day. In short, she utterly despised me. But that ...
— The Gambler • Fyodor Dostoyevsky

... good will may go with disorder and carelessness! They may fly order and thrift. They will fly them when order and thrift are held as the more desirable. A woman is often slow to learn that good housekeeping alone cannot produce a milieu in which family happiness thrives and to which people naturally gravitate. She looks at it as the fulfillment of the law—the end of her Business. It is the exaggerated place she gives it in the scheme of things, which brings disaster to ...
— The Business of Being a Woman • Ida M. Tarbell

... perusal. A particularly good version of this tale is rendered by Baron Vaerst in his book "Gastrosophie," Leipzig, 1854, who has based his version on the original translation from the Greek, entitled, Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece vers le milieu du quatrieme siecle avant l'ere vulgaire par J. J. Barthelemy, Paris, 1824. Vaerst has amplified the excerpts from the young traveler's observations by quotations from other ancient Greek writers upon the subject, thus giving us a most beautiful and authentic ideal description ...
— Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome • Apicius

... his brilliant paradoxes, and, at times, his real eloquence. Of course, with regard to the value of beautiful surroundings I differ entirely from Mr. Whistler. An artist is not an isolated fact; he is the resultant of a certain milieu and a certain entourage, and can no more be born of a nation that is devoid of any sense of beauty than a fig can grow from a thorn or a rose blossom from a thistle. That an artist will find beauty in ugliness, le beau dans l'horrible, is now a commonplace ...
— Miscellanies • Oscar Wilde

... criant; Vive l'empereur! il fut suivi aussitt de tous les survivants. Je n'ai presque plus de souvenir net de ce qui suivit. Nous entrmes dans la redoute, je ne sais comment. On se battit corps corps au milieu d'une fume si paisse, que l'on ne pouvait se voir. Je crois que je frappai, car mon sabre se trouva tout sanglant. Enfin j'entendis crier: "Victoire!" et la fume diminuant, j'aperus du sang et des ...
— Quatre contes de Prosper Mrime • F. C. L. Van Steenderen

... of his power to continue his journey, had, previous to the arrival of the burgomaster, despatched Karl to Leipsic, as the bearer of a letter which he was to put immediately into the post. The address of this letter was as follows: "A Monsieur Rodin, Rue du Milieu ...
— The Wandering Jew, Complete • Eugene Sue

... au milieu de ses Chats-fourrez—'par Stix, puisqu' autre chose ne veux dire, or ca, je te monstreray, or ca, que meilleur te seroit estre tombe entre les pattes de Lucifer, or ca, et de tous les Diables, or ca, qu'entre nos ...
— The Story of Rouen • Sir Theodore Andrea Cook

... the existence of weariness or exhaustion. To be bored even is natural enough, if one is bored by, say, forced inaction, or obligatory action of a futile, meaningless kind. But negative boredom; to be uninterested, not because adverse circumstances confine you to this or that barren and uncongenial milieu, but because you see nothing of interest in life as a whole; because life seems to you a dull, empty, or prosaic business—that argues a kind of blindness, a poverty of imagination, which amounts to disease, and, surely, to disease of ...
— The Record of Nicholas Freydon - An Autobiography • A. J. (Alec John) Dawson

... a number of learned works on antiquarian subjects, but the great work on which his fame rests is Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, vers le milieu du quatrieme siecle avant l'ere chretienne (4 vols., 1787). He had begun it in 1757 and had been working on it for thirty years. The hero, a young Scythian descended from the famous philosopher Anacharsis, ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 - "Banks" to "Bassoon" • Various

... amount of independence and comfort. Those who are apt to think that the comfort of the crowd must mean the ennui of the cultured may safely be reminded of Obermann's saying, that no individual life can (or ought to) be happy passee au milieu des generations qui souffrent. This source of unhappiness, at any rate, is less potent in the United States than elsewhere. It is only natural that material prosperity should come more quickly than emancipation from ignorance, as Professor Norton has noted in a masterly, though perhaps ...
— The Land of Contrasts - A Briton's View of His American Kin • James Fullarton Muirhead

... garcon sortait d'une maison pour aller a la ferme voisine. Un fermier qui rentrait en hate l'apercut et lui cria: "N'as-tu pas peur d'aller dans les champs au milieu de cet orage?—Non, pas a present.—Pourquoi pas a present?—Parce que le maitre d'ecole dit que, d'apres la statistique, la foudre ne frappe qu'une seule personne par an dans ce voisinage, et cette seule personne a deja ete frappee. Par consequent, ...
— French Conversation and Composition • Harry Vincent Wann

... Jules's death in 1870. Possibly, as M. Zola once suggested, M. Edmond de Goncourt did at first intend to depict the circus-life, after his wont, in true "naturalistic" manner, softening and extenuating nothing: but "par une delicatesse qui s'explique, il a recule devant le milieu brutal de cirques, devant certaines laideurs et certaines monstruosites des personnages qu'il choisis-sait." The two facts remain that in Les Freres Zemganno M. de Goncourt (1) made professional life ...
— Adventures in Criticism • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... which resembles in form the madreporitic island of Medinilla), and appear to be without reefs.—MANGS, however, is described (by Freycinet, page 219, "Hydrog.") from some Spanish charts, as formed of small islands placed "au milieu des nombreux recifs;" and as these reefs in the general chart of the group do not project so much as a mile; and as there is no appearance from a double line, of the existence of deep water within, I have ventured, although with much hesitation, to colour them red. Respecting FOLGER and MARSHALL ...
— Coral Reefs • Charles Darwin

... incrustee de porcelaines fines; et le lambris dore et azure qui orne le fond d'une coupole qui regne au-dessus, est des plus riches.... Une fontaine artificielle et jaillissante, dont le bassin est d'un pretieux marbre verd qui m'a paru serpentin ou jaspe, s'elevoit directement au milieu, sous le dome.... Je me trouvai la tete si pleine de Sophas de pretieux plafonds, de meubles superbes, en un mot, d'une si grande confusion de materiaux magnifiques, ... qu'il seroit difficile d'en donner une idee claire."—Voyages, ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... un fragment? Non. Il existe a part. Il a, comme on le verra, son exposition, son milieu ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... with a country-woman and an old family friend, Madame La Poissonnier, who had been appointed head nurse to the Duke of Burgundy; and, as the child in her charge required lulling to sleep, Cazotte composed the favourite romances (ballads), Tout au beau milieu des Ardennes, and Commere II faut chauffer le lit. These scherzi, however, brought him more note than profit, and soon afterwards he ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 6 • Richard F. Burton

... infinite boredom, I went into the smoking-room. He was sitting there in absolute immobility, which was really fakir-like and impressive. I began to wonder what could be the associations of that sort of man, his "milieu," his private connections, his views, his morality, his friends, and even his wife—when to my surprise he opened a conversation in a deep, ...
— Within the Tides • Joseph Conrad

Words linked to "Milieu" :   environment

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