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Metisse   Listen
Metisse, Metis  n.  
The offspring of a white person and an American Indian.
The offspring of a white person and a quadroon; an octoroon. (Local, U. S.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Metisse" Quotes from Famous Books

... the erthe or by the see/ neuertheles it is no grete thynge to fede the bely/ no thynge so grete as is the desire of many metes Wherof Quyntylian sayth/ That hit happeth ofte tymes in grete festes & dyners/ that we be fylde wyth the sight of the noble and lichorous metis and whan we wolde ete we ben saciat and fild/ And therfore hit is sayd in prouerbe/ hit is better to fylle the bely than the eye/ And lucan sayth that glotonye is the moder of alle vices/ and especiall of lecherye/ and also is destroyer of all goodes And may not haue suffisance ...
— Game and Playe of the Chesse - A Verbatim Reprint Of The First Edition, 1474 • Caxton

... hour of sickness and distress; and the third are directed solely to the purposes of gain, rather than to the noble aim of assisting his fellow-creatures; and yet such a character finds support. To the individual who can depend upon his abilities we may exclaim, "tibi seris, tibi metis," and so dismiss him to ...
— The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831 • Various

... kamelon. La kamelo iris trans la straton gxis la pordo, kaj diris al la arabo, "Frato, mi ne estas varma, mi volas meti nur la nazon en vian varman domon." La arabo skuis la kapon, sed la kamelo metis la nazon tra la pordo en la cxambron. La kamelo komencis pusxi sian tutan vizagxon en la domon. Baldaux li havis la kapon gxis la kolo en la domo. Post la kapo iris la kolo en gxin, kaj baldaux la tuta ...
— A Complete Grammar of Esperanto • Ivy Kellerman

... la hundo gxuis[31] sin en la saloneto, sed sia gxojo ne estis longedauxranta. Sia granda korpo okupis tro multe da spaco; kaj la servistino, kiam sxi arangxis la cxambron, metis siajn piedojn sur lia kapo aux sur lia vosto, kauxzante al li grandan doloron. La mangxajxoj kiuj estis estintaj suficxaj por la katino, sxajnis esti nenio al lia forta stomako, kaj li sentis kvazaux mortonta de malsato. Fine la saloneto, unue ...
— The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 2 • Various

... from depths of over 1000 fathoms. Mr. J. J. Lister, who has described the physical characters of these islands, has shown very clearly that they lie along a line—probably that of a great fissure—stretching from the volcanic island of Amargura on the north (lat. 18 deg. S.), through Lette, Metis, Kao (3030 feet), Tofua, Falcon, Honga Tonga, and the Kermadec Group into the New Zealand chain on the south. Some of these volcanoes are in a state of intermittent activity, as in the case of Tofua (lat. 20 ...
— Volcanoes: Past and Present • Edward Hull

... Proclamation of Macdonell that food should not be taken out of settlement. Attack on colony by Metis Indians encouraged by N.W. Co. Withdrawal of colonists ...
— Ontario Normal School Manuals: Science of Education • Ontario Ministry of Education

... metis delicate, Departith wyth youre fellowys in gentyl wyse, The clarke seith, 'nature is content and saciate 220 Wyth meane diete, and lytill shall suffice.' Departyth therfore, as I to you devise; Engrosith not ...
— Caxton's Book of Curtesye • Frederick J. Furnivall

... volatu Vulturis, incidunt properatis saecula metis. ....... Jam prope fata tui bissenas Vulturis alas Implebant; seis namque tuos, scis, Roma, labores. —See Dubos, Hist. ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 3 • Edward Gibbon

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