"Maturation" Quotes from Famous Books
... tranquillity of a community which was now so rapidly growing in extent and importance. A town-clock was also erected in Sydney, a luxury which had been hitherto unknown, and affords evidence of the gradual maturation of the settlement; and, indeed, the whole of this enumeration is calculated to impress the reader with an idea of the rapid strides which the few last years had enabled the colonists to make in the path of respectability. The natives had been, of ... — The Present Picture of New South Wales (1811) • David Dickinson Mann
... disease during the fifth month of gestation. Mauriceau supposed the child to be immune after the delivery. Vidal reported to the French Academy of Medicine, May, 1871, the case of a woman who gave birth to a living child of about six and one-half months' maturation, which died some hours after birth covered with the pustules of seven or eight days' eruption. The pustules on the fetus were well umbilicated and typical, and could have been nothing but those of ... — Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould |
Words linked to "Maturation" : teething, amelogenesis, blossoming, palingenesis, cohesion, psychosexual development, ontogenesis, psychogenesis, growing, proliferation, growth, suppuration, cenogenesis, cainogenesis, foliation, masculinization, development, organic process, anthesis, inflorescence, myelinisation, auxesis, cytogenesis, sprouting, vegetation, virilization, culture, medical specialty, cytogeny, psychomotor development, nondevelopment, teratogenesis, masculinisation, virilisation, odontiasis, fructification, gametogenesis, maturement, festering, kenogenesis, dentition, bodily process, intussusception, gastrulation, apposition, habit, isometry, neurogenesis, body process, bodily function, angiogenesis, cultivation, efflorescence, suppression, rooting, infructescence, ripening, kainogenesis, germination, life cycle, leafing, florescence, myelinization, mature, medicine, morphogenesis, maturational, biology, maturate, biological process, caenogenesis, recapitulation, flowering |
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