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Matin   Listen
Matin  n.  
Morning. (Obs.)
pl. Morning worship or service; morning prayers or songs. "The winged choristers began To chirp their matins."
Time of morning service; the first canonical hour in the Roman Catholic Church.

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"Matin" Quotes from Famous Books

... entendit cette histoire. Il se dit: "Quelle bonne chose que je ne sois pas encore mari. J'irai demain matin pouser cette demoiselle, et je serai riche, plus riche que cette vieille femme qui ...
— Contes et lgendes - 1re Partie • H. A. Guerber

... she, "it is all one to Mariquita. You may wait till the matin bell rings. Fine times, indeed, when every thieving guerilla thinks he may find free quarters where he pleases! No, no, senor, stay where you are; the fresh air will cool your impatience. It will be daybreak in an hour, and that will be time enough for your ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 364, February 1846 • Various

... auteur comique d'Angleterre: ses pieces les plus estimees sont Le Fourbe, Le Vieux Garcon, Amour pour Amour, L Epouse du Matin, Le Chemin du Monde.— Manuel Bibliographique. Par G. Peignot. ...
— Gryll Grange • Thomas Love Peacock

... incontinence; By ruins, charity; by riots, abstinence. Confessions, fasts, and penance set aside, Oh, with what ease we follow such a guide, Where souls are starved, and senses gratified! Where marriage pleasures midnight prayers supply, And matin bells, a melancholy cry, Are tuned to merrier notes, Increase and multiply. Religion shows a rosy-colour'd face; 370 Not batter'd out with drudging works of grace: A down-hill reformation rolls apace. What flesh and blood ...
— The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Vol I - With Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes • John Dryden

... themselves; and, farther, that there were thirty-five boats, all of which were destroyed or sunk, [Footnote: "Toutes les barques furent brisees ou coulees a fond; le feu fut continuel depuis environ minuit jusqu'a trois heures du matin." Duchambon au Ministre, 2 Sept. 1745.]—though he afterwards says that two of them got away with thirty men, being all that were left of the thousand. Bigot, more moderate, puts the number of assailants at five hundred, of whom he says that all ...
— A Half-Century of Conflict, Volume II • Francis Parkman

... heaven I dream, But that is a pullet and clouted cream; Myself by denial I mortify— With a dainty bit of a warden-pie; I'm clothed in sackcloth for my sin— With old sack wine I'm lined within; A chirping cup is my matin song, And the vesper's bell is my bowl, ding-dong. What baron or squire, Or knight of the shire, Lives half so well ...
— The Book of Humorous Verse • Various

... of the wilderness, Blithesome and cumberless, Sweet be thy matin o'er moorland and lea! Emblem of happiness, Bless'd is thy dwelling-place— O to abide in the desert with thee! Wild is thy lay and loud, Far in the downy cloud, Love gives it energy, love gave it birth. Where ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume II. - The Songs of Scotland of the past half century • Various

... she; "cinque fois," she repeated.—"Humph!" said Mr. Jorrocks to himself, "what can that mean?—cank four—four times five's twenty—eat twenty times a day—not possible!" "Oui, Monsieur, cinque fois," repeated the Countess, telling the number off on her fingers—"Cafe at nine of the matin, dejeuner a la fourchette at onze o'clock, diner at cinque heure, cafe at six hour, and souper at neuf hour." "Upon my word," replied Mr. Jorrocks, his eyes sparkling with pleasure, "your offer is werry inwiting. My lady," said he, bowing before her, "Je suis—I am much ...
— Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities • Robert Smith Surtees

... saying, humbly: "Don't be angry, darlin', 'tis foolish of me, an ould crippled wolf, to be thinking of matin' with a fawn like y'rself. I don't blame ye. ...
— Money Magic - A Novel • Hamlin Garland

... de la brume Un severe sapin, vieilli dans l'Appenzell, A l'heure ou le matin au souffle universel Passe, des bois profonds balayant la lisiere, Le preux ouvre son casque, et hors de la visiere Sa longue ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... plus purs et plus roides, que ne sont ceux que nous estudions si curieusement en l'escole. Combien en vois ie ordinairement, qui mescognoissent la pauvrete: combien qui desirent la mort, ou qui la passent sans alarme et sans affliction? Celui la qui fouit mon iardin, il a ce matin enterre son pere ou son fils. Les noms mesme, dequoy ils appellent les maladies, en addoucissent et amollissent l'asprete. La phthysie, c'est la toux pour eux: la dysenterie, devoyment d'estomach: un pleuresis, c'est un morfondement: ...
— Pot-Boilers • Clive Bell

... woods; its purple moors and the wonder of its silent mountains; its cobwebs glittering with a thousand jewels; the pageantry of starry nights. Form, colour, music! The feathered choristers of bush and brake raising their matin and their evensong, the whispering of the leaves, the singing of the waters, the voices of the winds. Beauty and grace in every living thing, but man. The leaping of the hares, the grouping of cattle, the flight of swallows, the dainty loveliness of insects' ...
— All Roads Lead to Calvary • Jerome K. Jerome

... street of Mary of Burgundy, and went on his way out of the chiming city as its matin bells were rung, and took with him a certain regret, and the only innocent affection that had ever awakened in him; and thought of his self-negation with half admiration and half derision; and so drifted away into the whirlpool of his amorous, cynical, changeful, passionate, callous, many-colored ...
— Bebee • Ouida

... my duty to be near the person of my mistress, and it is a happiness to be near it on the occasion of this early matin." ...
— The Bravo • J. Fenimore Cooper

... vision, and these swords Are the finest which my shop affords. Go home and use them; do not spare Yourself; let that be all your care. Whatever you have means to buy Be very sure I can supply." He slowly walked to the window, flung It open, and in the grey air rung The sound of distant matin bells. I took my parcels. Then, as tells An ancient mumbling monk his beads, I tried to thank for his courteous deeds My strange old friend. "Nay, do not talk," He urged me, "you have a long walk Before you. Good-by and ...
— Sword Blades and Poppy Seed • Amy Lowell

... The Paris Matin relates that on the arrival of a train bringing wounded Senegalese riflemen nearly all were found smoking furiously from long porcelain pipes taken from the enemy and seemingly indifferent to their wounds. One gayly told of ...
— America's War for Humanity • Thomas Herbert Russell

... when he was presented to him at the levee by Marshal Augereau. The Emperor and the Empress complimented him on his dress and military appearance, and Bonaparte said to him Venez me voir en particulier demain matin. O'Connor went and was alone with him near two hours. On that day Bonaparte did not say a word to him respecting his intention on England; all their conversation regarded Ireland. O'Connor was with him again on the Thursday and Friday following. Those three audiences are all that O'Connor ever ...
— The Life of Napoleon I (Volumes, 1 and 2) • John Holland Rose

... crimson light The golden gates of day, He longed to fill the air with chimes Sweet as a matin's lay. ...
— Poems • Frances E. W. Harper

... her education was perfected by her communing with nature. The bees taught her to work, the doves taught her purity, the happy sparrows to speak joyfully to her father, the quiet water taught her peace, the serenity of the sky taught her contemplation, the matin-bell of the distant church called her to devotion, and the universal good in all nature, which reflected the love of God, ...
— Sielanka: An Idyll • Henryk Sienkiewicz

... vrai, tiens: Dioggne en vain Cherehait jadis un homme, une lanterne a la main, Eh bien, a Paris ce matin Il l'eut trouve dans ...
— Joseph II. and His Court • L. Muhlbach

... relationship. Some had already paired, and were at work upon their domiciles, but more were in the blissful and excited state of courtship, and their conversational notes, wooings, and pleadings, as they warbled the pros and cons, were quite different from their matin and vesper songs. Not unfrequently there were two aspirants for the same claw or bill, and the rivals usually fought it out like their human neighbors in the olden time, the red-breasted object of their ...
— Nature's Serial Story • E. P. Roe

... anticipation of a holiday—a long summer day of liberty and ease! In anticipation it was a thing boundless and endless, a foretaste of Elysium. It extended from the prima luce, from the earliest dawn of radiance that streaked the "severing clouds in yonder east," through the sun's matin, meridian, postmeridian, and vesper circuit; from the disappearance of Lucifer in the re-illumined skies, to his evening entree in the character of Hesperus. Complain not of the brevity of life; 'tis men that are idle; ...
— The Life of Mansie Wauch - Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself • David Macbeth Moir

... house Regina passed slowly, a trifle paler from her matin reverie; and when she entered the pretty breakfast-room, Mr. Chesley had just deposited his ...
— Infelice • Augusta Jane Evans Wilson

... not just now speakin' of such a possibeelity?" demanded the housekeeper, and in her surprise, dropping for the moment into broad Scotch. "And they are baith of them old enough tae be thinkin' of matin'. Yes!" ...
— The Corner House Girls Growing Up - What Happened First, What Came Next. And How It Ended • Grace Brooks Hill

... convenient hour, say eight or nine o'clock in the morning. I would have leave to do what my heart night prompt in the great hours of adoration. Reading the Scriptures with a word of comment, sometimes, or t word uttered as the spirit moved, without reading; or instead, a matin hymn or old Gregorian chant, solemn seasons, free breathings of veneration and joy; sometimes he reading of a prayer of the Episcopal Church, or of he venerable olden time, always a bringing down A the great sentiment of devotion ...
— Autobiography and Letters of Orville Dewey, D.D. - Edited by his Daughter • Orville Dewey

... scarcely an impression in the broad current of military activity. A solitary postman, with a mere handful of letters, made his morning rounds of echoing streets, and a bent old man with newspapers hobbled slowly along the Rue Sadi-Carnot shouting, "Le Matin! Le Journal!" to boarded windows and bolted doors. Meanwhile, we marched back and forth between billets in the town and trenches just outside. And the last thing which we saw upon leaving the town, and the first upon returning, ...
— Kitchener's Mob - Adventures of an American in the British Army • James Norman Hall

... vini dimin bon matin; ma di toi qui pou fe." Toi venir demain bon matin; moi va dire ...
— Nights With Uncle Remus - Myths and Legends of the Old Plantation • Joel Chandler Harris

... rosebud very long Brought on by dew and sun and shower, Waiting to see the perfect flower: Then, when I thought it should be strong, It opened at the matin hour And fell ...
— Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems • Christina Rossetti

... the morning by a sweet-toned lark, which rising in the ethereal vault of Heaven, made his watch-tower, as the poet calls it, ring with his matin song. I know nothing more pleasing to a traveller than to pass a night at one of these provincial inns, provided he gets a good bed and clean blankets. The moon shines through his casement with a soft and clear splendor unparalleled in humid climates; and in the morning he is ...
— Travels through the South of France and the Interior of Provinces of Provence and Languedoc in the Years 1807 and 1808 • Lt-Col. Pinkney

... gloom and shadow of the world! Then, thought first feels its attribute divine, And like a callow eagle spreads its wings, And makes its rest amid the lumin'd heavens. The lark sings poized above me in the sun, Like Moslem in his gilded minaret Calling the faithful unto matin prayer. There would my spirit follow thee, sweet bird, Ling'ring for ever in the midway air, Earth shrouded 'neath me by ascending mists, And sunny-crested cloudlets, like the base Of bright Imagination's airy halls, Whose roof is the star-fretted empyrean: ...
— Eidolon - The Course of a Soul and Other Poems • Walter R. Cassels

... parley: we so strangely dumb In such a close communion! It befell About the sounding of the Matin-bell, And lo! her place was vacant, and the hum Of loneliness was round me. Then I rose, And my disordered brain did guide my foot To that old wood where our first love-salute Was interchanged: the source of many throes! There did I see her, not alone. ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... bee; corn-husking [U. S.], corn-shucking [U. S.]; house raising, barn raising; husking, husking-bee [U. S.]; infare[obs3]. party, entertainment, reception, levee, at, home, conversazione[It], soiree, matine; evening party, morning party, afternoon party, bridge party, garden party, surprise party; kettle, kettle drum; partie carre[Fr], dish of tea, ridotto[obs3], rout|!; housewarming; ball, festival &c; smoker, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus • Peter Mark Roget

... of dawn had passed through the slats of the blinds. The matin birds began their song in the chestnut-tree near the window. M. de Camors raised his head and listened in an absent mood to the sound which astonished him. Seeing that it was daybreak, he folded in some haste the pages he had just finished, pressed ...
— Serge Panine • Georges Ohnet

... threshold ever crossed by Saturday or Friday or vigil or Ember-days or Lent, that is so long; rather here we are at work day and night, threshing the wool, and well I know how featly it went when the matin bell last sounded. Wherefore with him I mean to stay, and to work while I am young, and postpone the observance of feasts and times of indulgence and fasts until I am old: so get you hence, and good luck go with you, but depart with what speed you ...
— The Decameron, Volume I • Giovanni Boccaccio

... Las Cases a rendu compte a l'Empereur de la conversation qu'il a eue ce matin a votre bord. S. M. se rendra a la maree de demain, vers quatre ou cinq heures du matin, a bord de votre vaisseau. Je vous envoye Monsieur le Comte de Las Cases, Conseiller d'Etat, faisant fonction de Marechal de Logis, ...
— The Surrender of Napoleon • Sir Frederick Lewis Maitland

... donc qu'il ne m'enuit Quant vos l'aves si adosse Que mis l'aves en un fosse? Metes Ten fors je le comant! Di le clergie que je li mant! Ne me puet mi repaier Se le matin sans delayer A grant heneur n'est mis amis Ou plus beau leu de ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... Pinard of the Academy of Medicine contributes an article to the Matin showing that "war children" are stronger and healthier than their predecessors, and that France is rapidly ...
— New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol 2, No. 1, April, 1915 - April-September, 1915 • Various

... height Aurora's face Shines brighter than a star, As stepping forth in dewy grace, The gates of day unbar; And lo! the firmament, the hills, And the vales that intervene— Creation's self with gladness thrills To greet the matin queen. ...
— Poems - Vol. IV • Hattie Howard

... was a time when I lived on Morskaia Street, AU REZ-DE- CHAUSSEE, and had marvellous apartments, furniture, you know, and I was able to arrange it all beautifully, not so very expensively though; my father, to be sure, gave me porcelains, flowers, and silver—a wonderful lot. Le matin je sortais, visits, 5 heures regulierement. I used to go and dine with her; often she was alone. Il faut avouer que c'etait une femme ravissante! You didn't know ...
— Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian • Various

... Thou, when thine arm should bend the bow, And hurl the dart, and curb the steed, Thou, Greek in soul if not in creed, Must pore where babbling waters flow,[fe] And watch unfolding roses blow. Would that yon Orb, whose matin glow 90 Thy listless eyes so much admire, Would lend thee something of his fire! Thou, who woulds't see this battlement By Christian cannon piecemeal rent; Nay, tamely view old Stambol's wall Before the dogs of Moscow fall, Nor strike ...
— The Works Of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 7) • Lord Byron

... sunlight on her lemon streets. Moist pith of farls of bread, the froggreen wormwood, her matin incense, court the air. Belluomo rises from the bed of his wife's lover's wife, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a saucer of acetic acid in her hand. In Rodot's Yvonne and Madeleine newmake their tumbled beauties, shattering with gold teeth chaussons ...
— Ulysses • James Joyce

... matin chimes of Lent announced that the gay season was ended, but although gayety arrayed itself in sackcloth and sprinkled ashes broadcast, the sackcloth moved in the waltz as its wearer tripped over the ashes. There were successions of ...
— Perley's Reminiscences, Vol. 1-2 - of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis • Benjamin Perley Poore

... shows the matin to be near, And 'gins to pale his uneffectual fire. Hamlet, Act i. ...
— The World's Best Poetry — Volume 10 • Various

... took the Princess under her protection, and she settled at Weimar in the Altenburg, while Liszt lived in the Hotel zum Erbprinzen. Many tender missives passed between them. "Bonjour, mon bon ange!" writes Liszt. "On vous aime et vous adore du matin au soir et du soir au matin."—"On vous attend et vous benit, chere douce lumiere de mon ame!"—"Je suis triste comme toujours et toutes les fois que je n'entends pas votre voix—que je ...
— The Loves of Great Composers • Gustav Kobb

... things for his monastery—for one of which books our immortal Alfred (a very Helluo Librorum! as you will presently learn) gave afterwards as much land as eight ploughs could labour.[229] We now proceed to BEDE; whose library I conjecture to have been both copious and curious. What matin and midnight vigils must this literary phenomenon have patiently sustained! What a full and variously furnished mind was his! Read the table of contents of the eight folio volumes of the Cologne edition[230] of his works, as given by Dr. Henry in the appendix to the fourth volume ...
— Bibliomania; or Book-Madness - A Bibliographical Romance • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... of the matin hymns softened by distance, floated into her room, but failed to soothe her ...
— The Lost Lady of Lone • E.D.E.N. Southworth

... toutes les grand's routes vous pouvez voir Parcourant les trottoirs Du matin jusqu'au soir Les defenseurs Belges, portant tous la meme tenue Depuis que l'ancienne a disparue, Aussi quand on voit I'9e defiler C' n'est plus regiment ...
— Golden Lads • Arthur Gleason and Helen Hayes Gleason

... heard crowing in the woods of America, and these, perhaps, might be caught by spiritual senses; or the woodcutter may be supposed, upon Hamlet's principle, either scenting the morning air, or catching the sounds of Christian matin bells, from some dim convent, in the depth of American forests. However, so it was; the woodcutter's axe began to intermit about the earliest approach of dawn; and, as light strengthened, it ceased entirely. At nine, ten, or eleven o'clock in the forenoon ...
— Autobiographic Sketches • Thomas de Quincey

... Paul? What taught, what wrought he that his name should shine Thus like the stars in heaven?"' As Sebert stood, The sweetness of the morning more and more Made way into his heart. The pale blue smoke, Rising from hearths by woodland branches fed, Dimmed not the crystal matin air; not yet From clammy couch had risen the mist sun-warmed: All things distinctly showed; the rushing tide, The barge, the trees, the long bridge many-arched, And countless huddled gables, far away, Lessening, yet still descried. A voice benign Dispersed the Prince's trance: ...
— Legends of the Saxon Saints • Aubrey de Vere

... arriving in front of Bombarda's, the worn-out, exhausted beast had refused to proceed any further. This incident attracted a crowd. Hardly had the cursing and indignant carter had time to utter with proper energy the sacramental word, Matin (the jade), backed up with a pitiless cut of the whip, when the jade fell, never to rise again. On hearing the hubbub made by the passersby, Tholomyes' merry auditors turned their heads, and Tholomyes took advantage of ...
— Les Miserables - Complete in Five Volumes • Victor Hugo

... eastern clime Advancing, sowed the earth with orient pearl, When Adam waked, so customed; for his sleep Was aery-light, from pure digestion bred, And temperate vapours bland, which the only sound Of leaves and fuming rills, Aurora's fan, Lightly dispersed, and the shrill matin song Of birds on every bough; so much the more His wonder was to find unwakened Eve With tresses discomposed, and glowing cheek, As through unquiet rest: He, on his side Leaning half raised, with looks of cordial ...
— Paradise Lost • John Milton

... "Some love the matin-chimes, which toll The hour of prayer to sinner: But better far's the mid-day bell, Which speaks the hour of dinner; For when I see a smoking fish, Or capon drown'd in gravy, Or noble haunch on silver dish, Full glad I sing ...
— The Paris Sketch Book Of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh • William Makepeace Thackeray

... de venir demain mardi matin a potsdam pour affaire pressante, et d'aporter (SIC) avec luy les diamants qui doivent servir pour la representation de la tragedie qui se jouera a cinq heures de soir chez S.A.R. Monseigneur le Prince henri Ce ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XVI. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great—The Ten Years of Peace.—1746-1756. • Thomas Carlyle

... ("O God, the merciful!"). Scarcely had his footsteps died out when I heard the soft silvery sound of a bell, whose melodious music seemed to roll out like billows into space, and as the reverberations were carried away to a more distant region, a chime of bells rang out merrily; these were the matin bells calling the Christians to prayers. The streets and arches again re-echoed hurrying footsteps, which were those of the Catholic monks hastening to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. As they passed the window I could hear the clicking of their rosaries, and distinguish the words "Dominus, Dominus," ...
— Harper's Young People, July 6, 1880 - An Illustrated Weekly • Various

... comp. L'Alleg. 52, "the cock ... Stoutly struts his dames before"; 114, "Ere the first cock his matin rings." Grammatically, 'count' (infinitive) forms with 'cock' the complex object ...
— Milton's Comus • John Milton

... rising to begin his labor as the poet was pacing homewards to rest after his work all night. Thirty years had passed; but that unforgotten melody, that dear bird's song, gave him then as much true pleasure as when, to his wearied head and heart, it was the matin ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 88, February, 1865 • Various

... right track ye're on, Donald!" cried Tom Caldwell heartily, as he seated himself and gazed happily about him; "the Glen's gettin' to be like Sodom, that's what it is, an' it's mesilf that couldn't be lettin' the matin' pass widout comin' up an' givin' ye a helpin' hand. We'll bring down a blessin', glory be; so let's jist fire ahead an' have a ...
— The Silver Maple • Marian Keith

... that the bed was an insult to one's higher nature and an ingratitude to their gracious hostess, who had spread out this lovely garden and walks for their pleasure; that nothing was more beautiful than the dew sparkling on the rose, or the matin song ...
— Maruja • Bret Harte

... de mes parents a la reception de cette lettre, qui fut bientot suivie par le retour de Catherine. Elle completa le recit du pasteur en disant qu'un matin en sortant de ce village, elle alla trouver un petit bois, quand elle vit au bord du chemin un homme etendu mort, mais qui venait seulement de cesser de vivre. Elle le regarda, l'examina et reconnut son mari; il lui parut evident qu'il faisait son retour vers ...
— Welsh Fairy-Tales And Other Stories • Edited by P. H. Emerson

... glades along!' The sable hunter hoarse replies; 'To muttering monks leave matin song, And ...
— The Children's Garland from the Best Poets • Various

... waterfalls that leap from jutting ledge In happy song, are speechless as the tomb, And every melody that haunts the woods and streams Has vanished from the earth, and Nature's voice That erstwhile woke the matin in the mead Is silent now ...
— The Loom of Life • Cotton Noe

... vous dirai pas exactement s'il avait soupe et s'il se coucha sans manger comme font quelques faiseurs de romans qui reglent toutes les heures du jour de leurs heros, les font se lever de bon matin, confer leur histoire jusqu'a l'heure du diner, reprendre leur histoire ou s'enfoncer dans un bois pour y aller parler tout seuls, si ce n'est quand ils out quelque chose a dire aux arbres et aux rochers" ("Roman comique," chap. ix. ...
— The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare • J. J. Jusserand

... worship of truth is the most essential thing in journalism," says the editor of Le Matin. Or, as the ads read, "love of truth essential ...
— The So-called Human Race • Bert Leston Taylor

... The matin-bells, or the birds, or both, awoke me early, but when I got downstairs I found my host had preceded me. His fine face looked fresh and strong, and yet I ...
— Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Vol. 2 of 14 - Little Journeys To the Homes of Famous Women • Elbert Hubbard

... the Caroline Islands. "Ils sont accoutumes a se baigner trois fois le jour, le matin, a midi, et sur le soir." Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, tom. ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 15 (of 18) • Robert Kerr

... father's door as the last notes of the matin bell died away on the cool, clear morning air. She held in her hand a silken scarf, which, according to the custom of her country, was thrown lightly across the head, and confined ...
— Inez - A Tale of the Alamo • Augusta J. Evans

... and how in natur' can it be otherways than that they have good complexions. But it tante safe to be caged with them in a house out o' town. Fust thing you both do, is to get spooney, makin' eyes and company-faces at each other, and then think of matin', like a pair of doves, and that won't answer for the like of you and me. The fact is, Squire, if you want to see women, you musn't go to a house in the country, nor to mere good company in town for it, tho' there be first chop articles in both; but you must go among the ...
— The Attache - or, Sam Slick in England, Complete • Thomas Chandler Haliburton

... speak harshly to young creatures on the strength of these ugly truths, and so sooner or later, smite some tender-souled poet or poetess on the lips who might have sung the world into sweet trances, had we not silenced the matin-song in its first low breathings! Just as my heart yearns over the unloved, just so it sorrows for the ungifted who are doomed to the pangs of an undeceived self- estimate. I have always tried to be gentle ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes

... left—there would be enough in him in all conscience, he would say, to set the world a-going again. A treasure therefore was he indeed! an institute of all that was necessary to be known of noses, and every thing else—at matin, noon, and vespers was Hafen Slawkenbergius his recreation and delight: 'twas for ever in his hands—you would have sworn, Sir, it had been a canon's prayer-book—so worn, so glazed, so contrited and attrited was it with ...
— The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman • Laurence Sterne

... bids him hail the matin strain, As morn's first blush illumes the vale; And wake at midnight hour again, To listen to ...
— The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 6, June 1810 • Various

... man came in. "I am from the MATIN," he announced. "I understand that Monsieur Rokoff has a story ...
— The Return of Tarzan • Edgar Rice Burroughs

... war-correspondents with our army. Of these the only Frenchman, M. Carrere of the 'Matin' was an ardent pro-Boer. Read his book, 'En pleine Epopee.' He is bitter against our policy and our politicians. His eyes are very keenly open for flaws in our Army. But from cover to cover he has nothing but praise for the devoted Tommy and his ...
— The War in South Africa - Its Cause and Conduct • Arthur Conan Doyle

... night of February 12, 1322, the eve of S. Ermenilda's day, the central tower fell. Its insecurity had long been known. The monks had just left their matin service in S. Catharine's Chapel. Some persons conclude from this fact that the choir had already been disused as being unsafe; but unless there is other evidence of this, the mere fact of the monastic matins being held in the chapel nearest to the domestic buildings ...
— Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ely • W. D. Sweeting

... near the ringing of matin-bell, The night was well-nigh done, When a heavy sleep on that Baron fell, On the eve of ...
— The Haunted Hour - An Anthology • Various

... Me ne reccheth De son matin leuer Of his erly risyng Ou de son dormier, Or of the[5] slepyng, 20 Ne de son veiller. Ne of ...
— Dialogues in French and English • William Caxton

... the history of the development of a musician of genius. The present volume comprises the first four volumes of the original French, viz.: "L'Aube," "Le Matin," "L'Adolescent," and "La Revolte," which are designated in the translation as Part I—The Dawn; Part II—Morning; Part III—Youth; Part IV—Revolt. Parts I and II carry Jean-Christophe from the ...
— Jean-Christophe, Vol. I • Romain Rolland

... the Sumida, loaded barges, covered for the night with huge squares of fringed straw mats, begin to nod and preen themselves like a covey of gigantic river birds. Sounds of prayer and of silver matin bells come from the temples, where priest and acolyte greet the Lord Buddha of a new day. From tiny chimneyless kitchens of a thousand homes thin blue feathers of smoke make slow upward progress, to be lost in the last echoes of the ...
— The Dragon Painter • Mary McNeil Fenollosa

... je suis redevable, comme de mille autres faveurs, a votre Majeste), comme par l'obeissance du navire a ses experts conducteurs, nous mimes pied a terre a Tremon, le port de Lubec, Mercredi le 7 Juin. Samedi nous arrivames a Hambourg, ou je suis a present, dans la maison des Anglais. Ce matin j'ai pense ne voir point le soir, ayant ete travaille d'un mal soudain, et tempete horrible qui m'a cuide renverser dans ce port. Mais il a plu a Dieu me remettre en bonne mesure, ainsi j'espere que je ne serai empeche d'achever mon voyage. Je prie Dieu qu'il preserve votre Majeste, et qu'il ...
— A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. • Bulstrode Whitelocke

... parried, piebald! Ha, that was a slicer! Go it, piebald! go it, gray!—go it, gray! go it, pie—Peccavi! peccavi!" said the old man, here suddenly closing his eyes, and falling down on his knees. "I forgot I was a man of peace." And the next moment, muttering a hasty matin, he sprung down the ledge of rock, and was by the side ...
— Burlesques • William Makepeace Thackeray

... volaille perfide, Qui brave les efforts d'une dent intrepide; Souvent par un ami, dans ses champs entraine. J'ai reconnu le soir le coq infortune Qui m'avait le matin a l'aurore naissante Reveille brusquement de sa voix glapissante; Je l'avais admire dans le sein de la cour, Avec des yeux jaloux, j'avais vu son amour. Helas! la malheureux, abjurant sa tendresse, Exercait ...
— Pelham, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... Cashel! I would gaze Upon the wreck of thy departed powers Not in the dewy light of matin hours, Nor in the meridian pomp of summer blaze, But at the close of dim autumnal days, When the sun's parting glance, through slanting showers, Sheds o'er thy rock-throned battlements and towers Such awful gleams as brighten o'er decay's Prophetic cheek. At such a time, ...
— Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 11 • Various

... of which our souls are made, when the spirits are unbroken and the heart buoyant, when a fresh morning is to a young heart what it is to the skylark. The exuberant burst of joy seems a spontaneous hymn to the Father of all blessing, like the matin carol of the bird; but this is not religion: it is the instinctive utterance of happy feeling, having as little of moral character in it, in the happy human being, as in ...
— Sermons Preached at Brighton - Third Series • Frederick W. Robertson

... connu Fleeming Jenkin! C'etait en Mai 1878. Nous etions tous deux membres du jury de l'Exposition Universelle. On n'avait rien fait qui vaille a la premiere seance de notre classe, qui avait eu lieu le matin. Tout le monde avait parle et reparle pour ne rien dire. Cela durait depuis huit heures; il etait midi. Je demandai la parole pour une motion d'ordre, et je proposai que la seance fut levee a la condition que chaque membre francais, EMPORTAT a dejeuner un jure ...
— Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin • Robert Louis Stevenson

... you," was the young officer's response. "Matin has a bad reputation and I would advise you to ...
— The Boy Allies At Verdun • Clair W. Hayes

... bids old Nature mar the plan no more; Yet still the seasons circle as before. Ah, still as soon the young Aurora plays, Tho' moons and flambeaux trail their broadest blaze; As soon the sky-lark pours his matin song, Tho' Evening lingers at the mask so long. There let her strike with momentary ray, As tapers shine their little lives away; There let her practise from herself to steal, And look the happiness she does not feel; The ready ...
— Poems • Samuel Rogers

... chill and wet, the rain still dripping from the trees. Far in the cypress swamps the lone birds piped their matin songs—the only sounds in those dim solitudes, so soon to be filled with the roar ...
— The Drummer Boy • John Trowbridge

... was chill, o'er the mist-covered hill, And the palmer's limbs were old; And weary the way his feet had trod, Since the matin-bell had tolled. ...
— Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2) • John Roby

... touched the broomstalk on which they sung. The cushat, as she thrid her way through the wood, continued to croon in her darksome tree—and the lark, although just dropped from the cloud, was cheered by her presence into a new passion of song, and mounted over her head, as if it were his first matin hymn. All the creatures of earth and air manifestly loved the Wanderer of the Wilderness—and as for human beings, she was named, in their pity, their wonder, and their delight, the Blind ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. 12, Issue 330, September 6, 1828 • Various

... matine idol with his soft blond beard and wavy yellow hair, rather apologetically defending the Soviet nakaz. Terestchenko followed, assailed from the Left by cries of "Resignation! Resignation!" He insisted that the delegates of the Government ...
— Ten Days That Shook the World • John Reed

... inquiry was not easy. Meanwhile the sun had mounted high up in the heavens and was shining brightly, the birds were singing their matin songs, and in the roadside pastures the cattle were quietly grazing. It was a peaceful, pastoral scene, but its peace did not enter the heart of the wanderer. Somehow the world did not appear half so attractive in his eyes as it had ...
— Sword and Pen - Ventures and Adventures of Willard Glazier • John Algernon Owens

... as she had knelt the whole night through, before the dismantled altar in the battered little chapel of the Convent, with the big white stars looking down upon her through the gaps in the shell-torn roof. When it was the matin-hour she rose and rang the bell. Matins over, she still knelt on. When it was broad day she broke her fast with the Sisters, and went about the business of the day calmly, collectedly, capably as ever. Only her face was white and ...
— The Dop Doctor • Clotilde Inez Mary Graves

... not the least anxious of them, but long ere light the next morning Henry stood at his bedside, saying, 'I must go round the posts before mass, Jamie. Will you face the matin frost?' ...
— The Caged Lion • Charlotte M. Yonge

... des ordres au sujet des medailles a faire seroit bien aise d'en traiter avec Monsieur Dupre, s'il voudrait bien lui faire l'honneur de passer chez lui demain matin ...
— The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 • J. F. Loubat

... William Shakespeare "Sleep, Angry Beauty" Thomas Campion Matin Song Nathaniel Field The Night-Piece: To Julia Robert Herrick Morning William D'Avenant Matin Song Thomas Heywood The Rose Richard Lovelace Song, "See, see, she wakes! Sabina wakes" William Congreve Mary Morison Robert Burns Wake, Lady Joanna Baillie The Sleeping ...
— The Home Book of Verse, Vol. 1 (of 4) • Various

... splendor, whose sameness never fails, but now a flock of ring-doves break for a moment with dots of purple its monotonous beauty, and the carol of a tiny bird (the first of the season), though I cannot see the darling, fills the joyful air with its matin song. ...
— The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52 • Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe

... thy happy flight to heaven, again, sweet bird, thou art; The morning beam is on thy wings, its influence in thy heart; Like matin hymns blest spirits sing in yonder happy sky, Break on the ear, the small, sweet ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. XIX. No. 541, Saturday, April 7, 1832 • Various

... morn, His shadowy flail hath thresh'd the corn That ten day-labourers could not end; Then lies him down the lubber fiend, And, stretch'd out all the chimney's length, Basks at the fire his hairy strength; And crop-full out of doors he flings, Ere the first cock his matin rings. Thus done the tales, to bed they creep, By whispering winds soon lull'd asleep. Tower'd cities please us then, And the busy hum of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold, In weeds of peace high triumphs hold, With ...
— The Golden Treasury - Of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language • Various

... plates in the annuals, and black proofs in broad shop windows, are of a nobly monumental character,—"chalybe perennius"? I am afraid your patience has been too much like yonder poor Italian child's; and over that genius of yours, low laid by the Matin shore, if it expired so, the lament for Archytas would have to be sung again;—"pulveris exigui—munera." Suppose you were to shake off the dust again! cleanse your wings, like the morning bees on that Matin promontory; rise, in noble impatience, for there is such a thing: ...
— On the Old Road Vol. 1 (of 2) - A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature • John Ruskin

... is busied thus in the borders of Aeolia, Evander is roused from his low dwelling by the gracious daylight and the matin songs of birds from the eaves. The old man arises, and draws on his body raiment, and ties the Tyrrhene shoe latchets about his feet; then buckles to his side and shoulder his Tegeaean sword, and swathes himself in a panther ...
— The Aeneid of Virgil • Virgil

... by wasting sickness worn, Weary has watched the lingering night, and heard Unmoved the carol of the matin bird Salute his lonely porch; now first at morn Goes forth, leaving his melancholy bed; He the green slope and level meadow views, Delightful bathed with slow-ascending dews; Or marks the clouds, that o'er the mountain's head In varying forms fantastic wander white; Or turns ...
— The Poetical Works of William Lisle Bowles, Vol. 1 • William Lisle Bowles

... object of the incantation. The demons answered (how we are not told) that he would meet her ere a month had passed away. This prophecy, as it happened, was fulfilled. Then they redoubled their attacks; the necromancer kept crying out that the peril was most imminent, until the matin bells of Rome swung through the darkness, freeing them at last from fear. As they walked home, the boy, holding the Sicilian by his robe and Benvenuto by his mantle, told them that he still saw giants leaping with fantastic gestures on their path, now running along the ...
— Renaissance in Italy Vol. 3 - The Fine Arts • John Addington Symonds

... would come in exclaiming. "Quel un beau matin! Vous trouverez les jeunes dames et messieurs en ...
— The Unclassed • George Gissing

... chanticleers sounded their alarms; a colt whistled in a paddock and his mother neighed softly from her stall; a cow lowed; then, sweet and clear as a mountain stream, broke forth the whistle of a wild bird in the marsh. This matin of the feathered songster rose higher and higher till he reached the very top note of his scale and then fell again, by cadences, until it mingled with the less ...
— Cap'n Abe, Storekeeper • James A. Cooper

... the year, of day and May the prime, How fitly do we scale the steep dark stair, Into the brightness of the matin air, To praise with chanted hymn and echoing chime, Dear Lord of Light, thy sublime, That stooped erewhile our life's frail weeds to wear! Sun, cloud and hill, all things thou fam'st so fair, With us are glad and gay, greeting the time. The College of the Lily ...
— The Charm of Oxford • J. Wells

... light, And deck with lambent flames the shrine of Night. So, warm'd and kindled by meridian skies, 180 And view'd in darkness with dilated eyes, BOLOGNA'S chalks with faint ignition blaze, BECCARI'S shells emit prismatic rays. So to the sacred Sun in MEMNON's fane, Spontaneous concords quired the matin strain; 185 —Touch'd by his orient beam, responsive rings The living lyre, and vibrates all it's strings; Accordant ailes the tender tones prolong, And holy ...
— The Botanic Garden - A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: The Economy of Vegetation • Erasmus Darwin

... his matin sung, Clad in his hunting garb of green, The brave, the noble, and the young, The Boy of Egremont was seen! Who in his fair form could not trace, The youth was born of high degree; He was the last of Duncan's race, The only ...
— A Book For The Young • Sarah French

... courut, non seulement a la cour, mais aussi a Possy, et jusques aux pays loingtains, que de Beze avoit este vaincu et reduict par le cardinal de Lorraine au premier colloque faict entr'eux." La Place, 157. So Beza himself heard the very morning he wrote: "Or est-il que tout ce matin il n'a cesse de se venter qu'il m'a convaincu et reduict a son opinion;" but he adds: "J'ay bons tesmoins et bons garants, Dieu mercy, de tout le contraire." Ubi supra. So also in his letter of Aug. 30th (Ib., 59): "Cardinalis ...
— The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird

... and of creation last, arose With evening harps and matin, when God said, 'Let tine earth bring forth soul living in her kind, Cattle and creeping things, and beast of the earth, Each in their kind!' The earth obeyed, and, straight Opening her fertile womb, teemed at a birth. Innumerous living creatures, perfect forms, Limbed ...
— The Making of Arguments • J. H. Gardiner

... sat breakfasting in her boudoir with her daughter—a charming little bijou of a room, all filigree work, and fluted walls, delicious little Greuze paintings, and flowers and perfume—and Lady Kingsland, in an exquisitely becoming robe de matin, at five-and-fifty looked fair and handsome, and scarce middle-aged yet. Time, that deals so gallantly with these blonde beauties, had just thinned the fair hair at the parting, and planted dainty crow's-feet about the patrician mouth, but left no thread of silver under ...
— The Baronet's Bride • May Agnes Fleming

... the worst of all her evil days, in the Temple and the Conciergerie. The book is 'Office de la Divine Providence' (Paris, 1757, green morocco). On the fly-leaf the Queen wrote, some hours before her death, these touching lines: "Ce 16 Octobre, a 4 h. 0.5 du matin. Mon Dieu! ayez pitie de moi! Mes yeux n'ont plus de larmes pour prier pour vous, mes pauvres enfants. ...
— Books and Bookmen • Andrew Lang

... tactical question. But let us see how it looked in the eyes of a French eye-witness, who was naturally inclined to a favourable view of his Dutch allies. Of the second day's fight he says: 'Sur les six heures du matin nous appercumes la flotte des Anglais qui revenoit dans une ordre admirable. Car ils marchent par le front comme seroit une armee de terre, et quand ils approchent ils s'etendent et tournent leurs bords pour combattre: parce que le front a la mer se fait par le bord des ...
— Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 - Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX. • Julian S. Corbett

... matins, on se purgera somme auparavant pour en venir an lait d'anesse que l'on prendra le matin a jeun, a la dose de 12 a 16 onces y ajoutant un cuilleree de sucre rape, on prendra ce lait le matin a jeun observant de prendre pendant son usage de deux jours l'un un moment avant le lait un bolus fait avec 15 grains de craye de Braincon en poudre fine, 20 grains ...
— Travels Through France and Italy • Tobias Smollett

... deeply rimmed with dirt. He caught sight of me reading a copy of an English weekly, and after staring at me with an interest not entirely free from a certain hostility, retreated behind the pages of the "Matin," and began picking his teeth. Possibly he belonged to that provincial and prejudiced handful to whom England will always be "Perfidious Albion," or else he took me for an English civilian dodging military service. The French ...
— A Volunteer Poilu • Henry Sheahan

... froid, je suis vetu de fer; Au point du jour, j'entends le clairon pour antienne; Je n'ai plus a ma selle une boucle qui tienne; Voila longtemps que j'ai pour unique destin De m'endormir fort tard pour m'eveiller matin, De recevoir des coups pour vous et pour les votres, Je suis tres fatigue. Donnez ...
— La Legende des Siecles • Victor Hugo

... the pure air of the early day. A solemn and beautiful repose still hung like a veil over the face of Nature. The mists of night still rested upon the majestic woods, and not a sound but the flowing of the waters went up in the vast stillness. The earth had not yet raised her matin hymn to the throne of the Creator. Sad at heart, and weary and worn in spirit, I went down to the spring and washed my face and head, and drank a deep draught of its icy waters. On returning to the house I met, near the door, old Brian the hunter, with a large fox dangling across his shoulder, ...
— Roughing it in the Bush • Susanna Moodie

... vous avez suivi les sentiers de l'ocan. L'hiver agitait les vagues[15]. Vous tes rests en dtresse pendant sept nuits sous la puissance des flots, mais il t'a vaincu dans la jote parce qu'il avait plus de force que toi. Le matin, le flot le porta sur Heatho-rmas et il alla visiter sa chre patrie[16] le pays des Brondingas, o il possdait le peuple, une ville et des trsors. Le fils de Beanstan accomplit entirement la promesse ...
— The Translations of Beowulf - A Critical Biography • Chauncey Brewster Tinker

... violente, exagre, aimant les cris, la casse et les tonnerres; au fond, un trs excellent homme, ayant seulement la main leste, le verbe haut et l'imprieux besoin de donner le tremblement tout ce qui l'entourait. La mauvaise fortune, au lieu de l'abattre, l'exaspra. Du soir au matin, ce fut une colre formidable qui, ne sachant qui s'en prendre, [4] s'attaquait tout, au soleil, au mistral, Jacques, la vieille Annou, la Rvolution, oh! surtout la Rvolution!... A entendre mon pre, vous auriez jur que cette ...
— Le Petit Chose (part 1) - Histoire d'un Enfant • Alphonse Daudet

... Hearken, love! the matin choir Of birds salutes thee, and with these Blends the voice of my desire. Unto no richer promises Of deeper, dearer, holier love than mine, Canst thou awaken from ...
— The Poems of Emma Lazarus - Vol. I (of II.), Narrative, Lyric, and Dramatic • Emma Lazarus

... after matin-song, he requested to see the Prior. The old man came in haste, and enquired anxiously after the state of ...
— Ivanhoe - A Romance • Walter Scott

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