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Marcher   Listen
Marcher  n.  One who marches.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Marcher" Quotes from Famous Books

... when speaking of the prospect of a continental War, 'la Russie peut-etre pourroit envoyer cette annee 100,000 hommes contre la France, mais j'ai pour cela assez de monde a ma disposition: je ferois meme marcher, s'il le faut, une armee contre la Russie, et si l'Empereur d'Allemagne refusoit un passage a cette armee dans son pays, je la ferois passer malgre lui.' He afterwards said—'il y a plusieurs moyens de detruire l'Angleterre, mais celui de lui ...
— The Life of Napoleon I (Volumes, 1 and 2) • John Holland Rose

... limp-stepped throng would have upon him. A smile flitted across his face. His eyes were intense and concentrated. He made no comment. The last men of the parade passed with shouts. A drunken marcher fell. The lights faded. We turned into ...
— Children of the Market Place • Edgar Lee Masters

... emergencies such as you describe. If I do not want it, myself, it may turn out useful to keep up some wounded comrade. It will not add much to the load that I shall have to carry, and which I expect I shall feel, when we first march. As I am now, I think I could keep up with the best marcher in the regiment but, with the weight of the clothes and pouches, a hundred and twenty rounds of ammunition, and my rifle, it will be a very different thing; and I shall be desperately tired, by the time we get to the ...
— Through Three Campaigns - A Story of Chitral, Tirah and Ashanti • G. A. Henty

... the Cingalees regarded their "Ersatz" Buddha's tooth at Kandy as fully equal to the original. The French landlord told us that in view of the strong local feeling, he was obliged, in the interests of his business, to pay for a visit from the Ikon, "afin de faire marcher mon commerce," and he invited Vogue and myself to ...
— Here, There And Everywhere • Lord Frederic Hamilton

... pendant ce temps avec agitation. Est-il un plus beau role que celui de sauveur dans un incendie!... marcher sur des poutres enflammees ... disparaitre au milieu des tourbillons de fumee et de feu ... au moment le plus terrible ... quand la toiture va s'ecrouler.... Voir tout a coup a une fenetre un vieillard, une femme qui tend vers ...
— Bataille De Dames • Eugene Scribe and Ernest Legouve

... so on. In short, to use a slang expression, I distinctly got away with it. Moreover, I soon felt what I said. I was honestly rather proud of my wife for having had the nerve to march. It must have been quite a struggle, for she was no born marcher. ...
— The Harbor • Ernest Poole

... professed to be guided by the opinion which they gave. As the 'Pares' of the empire, the Witenagemot decided' the disputes between the great vassals of the crown. * * The jurisdiction exercised in the Parliament of Edward I., when the barony of a Lord-Marcher became the subject of litigation, is entirely analogous to the proceedings thus adopted by the great council of Edward, the son ...
— An Essay on the Trial By Jury • Lysander Spooner

Words linked to "Marcher" :   footer, wheeler, parader, march, inhabitant, denizen, doughboy, walker, infantryman, soldier, pivot man, foot soldier, footslogger, indweller, habitant, pivot

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