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Manually   Listen
manually  adv.  By hand. In some contexts, contrasted with automatically.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Manually" Quotes from Famous Books

... VHF perma-set tuning control on the tuner is also the VHF channel oscillator adjustment. No additional oscillator adjustments are incorporated. Therefore, should re-tuning of a VHF TV channel be required, select the channel and then manually turn the tuning knob for best picture and sound. Each individual VHF channel is ...
— Zenith Television Receiver Operating Manual • Zenith Radio Corporation

... took lifters and equipment and went off foraging. The rest of them went to the communications center to get the telecast station, the radio beacon, and the inside-screen system into operation. There were a good many things that had to be turned on manually, and more things that had been left on, forty years ago, and now had to be repowered or replaced. They worked at it most of the night; before morning, almost everything was working, and they were sending a signal across twenty-eight million miles to ...
— The Cosmic Computer • Henry Beam Piper

... refers to the method as "simple," the patent under consideration covers one of the most bold and daring projects that Edison has ever evolved. He proposed to eliminate the slow and expensive method of breaking large boulders manually, and to substitute therefor momentum and kinetic energy applied through the medium of massive machinery, which, in a few seconds, would break into small pieces a rock as big as an ordinary upright cottage piano, ...
— Edison, His Life and Inventions • Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin

... quarterly accounts which were regularly submitted by the postmasters of the country. Mr. Davidson's attention was first directed to the loss in time through the necessity for periodically stopping to manually dispose of the paper coming from the machine. He invented a rewind device which served as an attachment for automatically taking up the paper as it issued from the machine, and adapted it for use again on the reverse side, ...
— The Colored Inventor - A Record of Fifty Years • Henry E. Baker

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