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Mano   Listen
Mano  n.  The muller, or crushing and grinding stone, used in grinding corn on a metate. (Mexico & Local U. S.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mano" Quotes from Famous Books

... el sombrero en la mano para irse a la calle, har poco ms de una hora, me dijo Miguel que el Ministro de la Gobernacin le tena citado para esta noche a las doce, y que a las diez y media volvera a casa a vestirse, advirtindome que los ministros suelen citar a las doce y recibir a las tres o las cuatro de la madrugada.[1] ...
— Ms vale maa que fuerza • Manuel Tamayo y Baus

... de pergaminos que hacian de los cueros de venados, tan anchos como una mano o mas, e tan luengos como diez o doce passos, e mas e menos, que se encogian e doblaban e resumian en el tamano e grandeza de una mano por sus dobleces uno contra otro (a manera de reclamo); y en aquestos tenian pintados sus caracteres o figuras de tinta roxa o negra, de tal ...
— Aboriginal American Authors • Daniel G. Brinton

... sakkayaditthi, belief in the existence of the self, (2) vicikiccha, doubt, (3) silabbataparamaso, trust in ceremonies of good works, (4) kamarago, lust, (5) patigho, anger, (6) ruparago, desire for rebirth in worlds of form, (7) aruparago, desire for rebirth in formless worlds, (8) mano, pride, (9) uddhaccam, ...
— Hinduism and Buddhism, Vol I. (of 3) - An Historical Sketch • Charles Eliot

... than horse-play, or 'jeux de main' of any kind whatever, and has often very serious, sometimes very fatal consequences. Romping, struggling, throwing things at one another's head, are the becoming pleasantries of the mob, but degrade a gentleman: 'giuoco di mano, giuoco di villano', is a very true saying, among the few true ...
— The PG Edition of Chesterfield's Letters to His Son • The Earl of Chesterfield

... Our narrative is drawn from the Libra del Passo Honroso, defendido por el excelente caballero Suero de Quinones, copilado de un libro antiguo de mano por Fr. Juan de Pineda, Religiose de la orden de San Francisco. Segunda edicion. Madrid, 1783, in the ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XXVI., December, 1880. • Various

... di 3183 versi fra cui alcuni in frammenti che noi abbiamo cercato di completare senza alterare lettera del testo. Una mano recente lo ha diviso in 43 canti, detti in ags. fitte; ne notiamo il numero anche nella versione. Iversi che il Mllenhoff reputa interpolati, sono disposti in linee rientranti; quelli attributi ad A portano di pi questa lettera ...
— The Translations of Beowulf - A Critical Biography • Chauncey Brewster Tinker

... expect a buono mano from the passengers in the stage coach, especially from those who ride in ...
— Rollo in Rome • Jacob Abbott

... the walls, carefully arranged in patterns to show to the best advantage. Here were colored reproductions of actresses in languid attitudes, of peasants dancing, of babies smiling, of elaborate young people with carefully dressed hair making love with "Molti Saluti!" "Una stretta di Mano!" "Mando un bacio!" "Amicizia eterna!" and other expressions of friendship and affection, scribbled in awkward handwritings across and around them. And mingled with them were representations of saints, such as are sold at the fairs and festivals of Sicily, and are ...
— The Call of the Blood • Robert Smythe Hichens

... casarme-he con una mujer muy rica, fermosa, de grant logar, emprearla-he de fijo varon, nacer complido de sus miembros, et criarlo-he como fijo de rey, castigarlo-he con esta vara, si non quisiere ser bueno obediente'. E l deciendo esto, alz la vara que tenia en la mano, et feri en la olla que estaba colgada encima dl, quebrla, cayle la miel la manteca ...
— Chips from a German Workshop - Volume IV - Essays chiefly on the Science of Language • Max Muller

... lips And made her black snakes writhe to hide their fangs. Then followed Ruparaga—Lust of days— That sensual Sin which out of greed for life Forgets to live; and next him Lust of Fame, Nobler Aruparaga, she whose spell Beguiles the wise, mother of daring deeds, Battles and toils. And haughty Mano came, The Fiend of Pride; and smooth Self-Righteousness. Uddhachcha; and—with many a hideous band Of vile and formless things, which crept and flapped Toad-like and bat-like—Ignorance, the Dam Of Fear and Wrong, Avidya, hideous hag, Whose ...
— The Light of Asia • Sir Edwin Arnold

... known. [Footnote: Do., Miro to Galvez, June 28, 1786, "que summistrase estas municiones a McGillivray Jefe principal to las Talapuches con toda la reserve y cantata posible de modo que ne se transiendiese la mano de este socorro."] The Governor of Pensacola shortly afterwards related the satisfaction the Creeks felt at receiving the powder and lead, and added that he would have to furnish them additional supplies from time to time, as the war ...
— The Winning of the West, Volume Three - The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths, 1784-1790 • Theodore Roosevelt

... Albert Museum, No. 7629, 1861. Bocchi says: "Un quadro di marmo di mano di Donatello di basso relievo: dove e effigiato quando da le chiavi Cristo a S. Pietro. Estimata molto da gli artefici questa opera: la quale per invenzione e rara, e per disegno maravigliosa. Molto e commendata la figura di Cristo, e la prontezza che si scorge nel S. Pietro. E parimente ...
— Donatello • David Lindsay, Earl of Crawford

... encounters is harmless enough and proves that the young man had considerable wit. Count Gallenberg, the lessee of the famous Karnthnerthor Theatre, was kind to him, and the publisher Haslinger treated him politely. He had brought with him his variations on "La ci darem la mano"; altogether the times seemed propitious and much more so when he was urged to give a concert. Persuaded to overcome a natural timidity, he made his Vienna debut at this theatre August 11, 1829, playing on a Stein piano ...
— Chopin: The Man and His Music • James Huneker

... in questo mondo aver tesoro, O diletto, e piacere, honore, e stato, Ponga la mano a questa chioma d'oro, Ch'lo porto in fronte, e lo faro beato; Ma quando ha in destro si fatto lavoro Non prenda indugio, che'l tempo passato Perduto e tutto, e non ritorna mai, Ed io mi volto, e lui ...
— The History Of The Conquest Of Peru • William H. Prescott

... reef. When blamed by Arthur for his rashness, he laughed, and promised that he would not incur the risk again. From his frightened looks when he got back, I guessed that he had not found "dodging the mano" such exquisite fun as ...
— The Island Home • Richard Archer

... my eyes is increasing, and on that account I cannot write to you "mano propria." I wish to bring good luck to Wilhelm Franz. Meanwhile I thank you heartily for ...
— Letters of Franz Liszt, Volume 2: "From Rome to the End" • Franz Liszt; letters collected by La Mara and translated

... que no se enterrase sino que el cuerpo arreado se ponga junto al altar y a Tizona en la su mano; asi estuvo mucho tiempo que fueron mas de ...
— Rosinante to the Road Again • John Dos Passos

... bills which were pinned upon them. I put all three on my head and went away. The first errand was to the apartment of that old colonel of artillery, where I have often been before. I delivered the basket, unpacked it in his presence, received the money and my buona mano, and departed. The second took me to Don Filiberto, the parroco of Santa Lucia. As usual, he inquired after you, asked me that certain question which you know, gave me two whites, patted my cheek, and ...
— The Fool Errant • Maurice Hewlett

... ambitious and aggressive, and in language connection close to the Kru; the Bassa, with characteristics somewhat similar to those of the Kru, but in general not quite so ambitious; the Buzi, wild and highly tattooed; and the cannibalistic Mano. By reason of numbers if nothing else, Liberia's chief asset for the future consists in her ...
— A Social History of the American Negro • Benjamin Brawley

... Giorgione's great Venus now in the Dresden Gallery, in the year 1525, when it was in the house of Jeronimo Marcello at Venice, we learn that it was finished by Titian. The text says: "La tela della Venere nuda, che dorme ni uno paese con Cupidine, fu de mano de Zorzo da Castelfranco; ma lo paese e Cupidine furono finiti da Tiziano." The Cupid, irretrievably damaged, has been altogether removed, but the landscape remains, and it certainly shows a strong family resemblance to those which enframe the figures in the Three ...
— The Earlier Work of Titian • Claude Phillips

... Guicciardini to record here his opinion, expressed in Ricordi, Nos. ccxx. and cccxxx., that it was the duty of good citizens to seek to guide the tyrant: 'Credo sia uficio di buoni cittadini, quando la patria viene in mano di tiranni, cercare d'avere luogo con loro per potere persuadere il bene, e detestare il male; e certo e interesse della citta che in qualunque tempo gli uomini da bene abbino autorita; e ancora che gli ignoranti e ...
— Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) • John Addington Symonds

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