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Making-up   Listen
Making-up  n.  
The act of bringing spirits to a certain degree of strength, called proof.
The act of becoming reconciled or friendly.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Making-up" Quotes from Famous Books

... is memory!—"but we have been friends for a long time and I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings." "No, instead you prefer to hurt mine." "Now, dearest, be reasonable." It was their nearest approach to a quarrel and was a very, very sad affair. The making-up was sweet, of course, but the question of further correspondence with Helen Kendall remained just where it was at the beginning. And, ...
— The Portygee • Joseph Crosby Lincoln

... she had sinned against him, that she had nothing to bring, that she must go to him a beggar. The scales had fallen from her eyes, and she realised that in love there is no reckoning—no pitiful making-up of accounts. The pride that cannot take has no place there; where love is, giving and ...
— The Splendid Folly • Margaret Pedler

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