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Maim   Listen
Maim  v. t.  (past & past part. maimed;pres. part. maiming)  
To deprive of the use of a limb, so as to render a person in fighting less able either to defend himself or to annoy his adversary. "By the ancient law of England he that maimed any man whereby he lost any part of his body, was sentenced to lose the like part."
To mutilate; to cripple; to injure; to disable; to impair. "My late maimed limbs lack wonted might." "You maimed the jurisdiction of all bishops."
Synonyms: To mutilate; mangle; cripple.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Maim" Quotes from Famous Books

... promptly at the palace at ten o'clock to answer to the followin' charges, to wit: breach of the peace; seditious and treasonable utterance; violent assault on the chief magistrate with intent to cut, wound, maim, an' bruise; breach of quarantine; violation of harbour regulations; and gross breakage of custom house rules. In the mornin', fellow, in the mornin', justice shall be done while the breadfruit falls. And the Lord have mercy ...
— A Son Of The Sun • Jack London

... advantage or disadvantage proved the greater. As he ran, he felt for his revolver; but he did not take it out nor did he mean to use it save in the last resort. Captain Dieppe did not take life or maim limb without the utmost need; though a man of war, he did not suffer from blood fever. Besides he was a stranger in the country, with none to answer for him; and the credentials in his breast-pocket were not of the sort that he desired to produce for the satisfaction and information ...
— Captain Dieppe • Anthony Hope

... in their habits and thoughts the infancy of the human race. Their morals and modesty, as well as their games, are those of paleolithic man, and they are as remorselessly cruel. From the day of his fracas with the turkey he was a hunter—of grubs, insects, and young birds; but only to kill, maim, or torture; he did not eat them, because hunger was satisfied, and he possessed a child's ...
— "Where Angels Fear to Tread" and Other Stories of the Sea • Morgan Robertson

... is any subject which men may not freely discuss, they are timid upon all subjects. They wear an iron crown and talk in whispers. Such social conditions crush and maim the individual, and throughout New England, as throughout the whole North, the individual was crushed ...
— Emerson and Other Essays • John Jay Chapman

... the bogs was a sort of bridge of dry land. By these two avenues the English might assail the Scottish lines. These approaches Bruce is said to have rendered difficult by pitfalls, and even by caltrops to maim the horses. He determined to fight on foot, the wooded country being difficult for horsemen, and the foe being infinitely superior in cavalry. His army was arranged in four "battles," with Randolph to lead the vaward and watch against ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07 • Various

... they be, these two great nations, Japan and Russia, sendin' out their peaceable and well-behaved sons by the thousands and hundreds of thousands to cut each other to-pieces, shoot, maim and murder each other, for that is what war is, it is on purpose to kill men, the greatest crime ...
— Samantha at the St. Louis Exposition • Marietta Holley

... Dante's tale: "Seldom upriseth by its branches small Prowess of man; for God of His prowess Wills that we claim of Him our gentleness; For of our ancestors we no thing claim But temporal thing, that men may hurt and maim." (The passage in Canto 8 of the "Purgatorio" is thus translated ...
— Chaucer • Adolphus William Ward

... sanitation, and all this damned 'welfare'. Fancy a girl chained up for twelve hours every day to a thundering, whizzing, iron machine that never gets tired. The machine's just as fresh at six o'clock at night as it was at six o'clock in the morning, and just as anxious to maim her if she doesn't look out for herself—more anxious. The whole thing's still going on; they're at it now, this very minute. You're interested in a ...
— The Pretty Lady • Arnold E. Bennett

... where they are no longer understood, which is the present case. I grant that something must be lost in all transfusion, that is, in all translations; but the sense will remain, which would otherwise be lost, or at least be maim'd, when it is scarce intelligible; and that but to a few. How few are there who can read Chaucer so as to understand him perfectly! And if imperfectly, then with less profit and no pleasure. 'Tis not for the use of some old Saxon friends ...
— Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books - with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations • Charles W. Eliot

Words linked to "Maim" :   wound, cripple, mar, lame

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