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Magnum   Listen
Magnum  n.  
A large wine bottle. "They passed the magnum to one another freely."
(Anat.) A bone of the carpus at the base of the third metacarpal bone.
A magnum pistol, or the cartridge such a pistol uses; as, he always carried a.44 magnum.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Magnum" Quotes from Famous Books

... precibusque uacaret, ignis ab excelsis uenerat arce poli. Defunctusque puer conspexit lumina uite, et sancti magnum glorificant Dominum [Deum MSS.]. De celis lapsus rutilans accenditur ignis, ...
— The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran - Translations Of Christian Literature. Series V. Lives Of - The Celtic Saints • Anonymous

... Bahia, commonly known as Washington Navel, Thompson Improved, Maltese Blood, Mediterranean Sweet, Paper Rind St. Michael, and Valencia. Homosassa, Magnum Bonum, Nonpareil, Boone, Parson Brown, Pineapple, and Hart are favorites in Florida. The tangerines and mandarins, or the "kid-glove" oranges, have a thin rind that is easily detached from the rather dry pulp. Orange trees are frequently injured by various scale insects, but for several of ...
— Manual of Gardening (Second Edition) • L. H. Bailey

... is a significant name and therefore fictitious: it is only necessary to mention Goettling's derivation from IEMI to ODOS (which would make 'Hesiod' mean the 'guide' in virtues and technical arts), and to refer to the pitiful attempts in the "Etymologicum Magnum" (s.v. {H}ESIODUS), to show how prejudiced and lacking even in plausibility such efforts are. It seems certain that 'Hesiod' stands as a proper name in the fullest sense. Secondly, Hesiod claims that his father—if not he himself—came from Aeolis and settled ...
— Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns, and Homerica • Homer and Hesiod

... followed this remark, and in the fog of tobacco-smoke Colonel PURSER could be dimly seen draining a magnum ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 99., November 8, 1890 • Various

... this theory no doubt bore every semblance of truth. In passing, however, it is interesting to note that DIGBY'S Discourse called forth a reply from J. F. HELVETIUS (or SCHWETTZER, 1625-1709), physician to the Prince of Orange, who afterwards became celebrated as an alchemist who had achieved the magnum opus.(1) ...
— Bygone Beliefs • H. Stanley Redgrove

... the big .44 Colt Walker and tried the balance. "Man, this even makes that Colt Magnum of mine feel light!" he said. "Say, Jeff, if Farnsworth's going after Gillis, it's probably on account of those stories about him and Mrs. Rivers. At least, all that stuff would come out if he arrested him. Maybe we could get a fee out ...
— Murder in the Gunroom • Henry Beam Piper

... house-agent with the wild whiskers, who called himself Montmorency. The spears, the green umbrella, and the cavalry sword hung in parallels on the wall. The sealed jar of strange wine was on the mantelpiece, the enormous rifle in the corner. In the middle of the table was a magnum of champagne. Glasses ...
— The Club of Queer Trades • G. K. Chesterton

... laughing at him. "Eheu! what do my eyes perceive?—It is—yet it is not—yes, most truly it is, my son Jacob. Welcome, most welcome," cried the old man, descending from his desk, and clasping me in his arms. "Long is it since I have seen thee, my son, Interea magnum sol circumvolvitur annum. Long, yes long, have I yearned for thy return, fearful lest, nudus ignota arena, thou mightest, like another Palinurus, have been cast away. Thou art returned, and all is well; as the father said in the ...
— Jacob Faithful • Captain Frederick Marryat

... Arabian work I consider my husband's Magnum Opus.... We were our own printers and our own publishers, and we made, between September 1885 and November 1888, sixteen thousand guineas—six thousand of which went for publishing and ten thousand into our own pockets, ...
— Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 7 • Various

... Mr. Homan purchased a few bottles, and gave one to a friend, Dr. Tamplin of London, who had been kind to his daughter. At a dinner-party some time afterwards at the Doctor's, a connoisseur being present, the magnum in question was placed on the table, the guests being unaware from whence it came. Reference was made to the choice quality of the wine. "Yes," said the connoisseur, "it is good—very fine. I never tasted the like before, except ...
— A Week's Tramp in Dickens-Land • William R. Hughes

... ex ovo,—all animals come from an egg. You ought to know it, for the great controversy going on about spontaneous generation has brought it into special prominence lately. Well, then, the ovum, the egg, is, to speak in human phrase, the Creator's more private and sacred studio, for his magnum opus. Now, look at a hen's egg, which is a convenient one to study, because it is large enough and built solidly enough to look at and handle easily. That would be the form I would choose for my thinking-cell. ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... wholly and completely drunk when he charged into the ballroom at two in the morning, brandishing a full bottle, and singing uproariously. He staggered into the middle of the dancers, whirling his magnum. ...
— The Missing Link • Edward Dyson

... variety of apple you want to grow on the tree. The Magnum Bonum is a great favorite as a fall apple. The Winesap is a good winter apple, while the Red Astrachan is a profitable early apple, especially in the lowland of the coast region. The Northern Spy, AEsop, and Spitzenburg are also admirable kinds. Possibly some other apple that you know may suit ...
— Agriculture for Beginners - Revised Edition • Charles William Burkett

... pro reis non saepe dixerunt. For his mordant style see Cic. de Orat. ii. 59, 240. The lofty opinion which he was supposed to hold of himself is illustrated in Cic. de Orat. ii. 66, 267 Velut tu, Crasse, in contione "ita sibi ipsum magnum videri Memmium ut in forum descendens caput ad fornicem ...
— A History of Rome, Vol 1 - During the late Republic and early Principate • A H.J. Greenidge

... Sweet, Blue Beauty, Dr. McLean's, Alaska, Yorkshire Hero, Telephone, Premium Gem, Juno, McLean's Advancers, Clay Cow, Queen, Champion of England, American Wonder, Alpha, Telegraph, Pride of the Market, Heroine, Duke of Albany, Abundance, Nott's Excelsior, Gregory's Surprise, Gradus, Everbearing, Magnum Bonum Corn.—Leaming, Virginia Horse Tooth, Snow Flake, Early Yellow Canada, Farmer's Favorite, Compton's Early Flint, Sanford's White Flint, Angel of Midnight, Hickory King, White Surprise, Longfellow, Thorburn's White Flint, Mastodon ...
— New York at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis 1904 - Report of the New York State Commission • DeLancey M. Ellis

... he gives us a gorgeous description of the apparatus of North's solitary confinement when writing for Blackwood; his daughter's unvarnished account of the same process agrees exactly as to time, rate of production, and so forth, but substitutes water for the old hock and "Scots pint" (magnum) of claret, a dirty little terra-cotta inkstand for the silver utensil of the Noctes, and a single large tallow candle for Christopher's "floods of light." He carried the whim so far as to construct for himself—his Noctes self—an imaginary hall-by-the-sea on the Firth of Forth, ...
— Essays in English Literature, 1780-1860 • George Saintsbury

... it to be? In honour of the occasion and to show our contempt of circumstances, shall we say a magnum of Heidsieck? All in ...
— The Dark House • I. A. R. Wylie

... juvenesque senesque Finem animo certum, miserisque viatica canis. Cras hoc fiet. Idem eras fiet. Quid? quasi magnum Nempe diem donas? sed cum lux altera venit, Jam cras hesternum consumpsimus; ecce aliud cras Egerit hos annos, et semper paulum erit ultra. Nam quamvis prope te, quamvis temone sub uno ...
— The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 - With Translations and Index for the Series • Joseph Addison and Richard Steele

... et nostri fuissemus verisimiliter confusionis[137] magnae subjecti. Sed Deus misericordiarum, videns nos in tantis periculis constitutos, graciosius et cicius, quam humana racio judicare poterat, misit nobis magnum navale subsidium, et insperatum numerum armatorum, ac semper ventum prosperum juxta votum, et sic, sub spe coelestis auxilii, et justiciae nostrae fiducia, dictum portum navigio venientes, invenimus dictam ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

... heri boves, Dat magnis hodie jura Quiritibus: Et quae bobus ademerat, Imponit Gabiis, & Curibus juga. Idem Phosphorus aspicit Magnum quem tenuem viderat Hesperus. Quod si seria ludicris Fortuna placeat texere; Rusticus Hesternam repetet casam, Ridentis populi non humilis jocus: Et queis rexerat omnia, Findet laurigeris ligna securibus. Quod si defuerit salix Fasces pauperibus ...
— The Odes of Casimire, Translated by G. Hils • Mathias Casimire Sarbiewski

... victory without the dust of vain regrets to mar their gleaming leaves, and when he saw Wilhelmina riding in from Jail Canyon he retreated to a doorway and winced. This was to have been his high spot, his magnum of victory; but somehow he sensed that no great joy would come from it, although of course she had it coming to her. And Wilhelmina simply stared at the sign "Bank Closed" and leaned against ...
— Wunpost • Dane Coolidge

... small, and the advantage great. Onward speed our dapper greys, fresh as four-year-olds; and the further we go, the better they seem to like it. The only bait they get is five minutes' breathing time, and a great bucket of water, which they seem to relish as much as if it were a magnum of iced champagne. The avenue before us leads into Geneseo, the place of our destination, where my kind friend, Mr. Wadsworth, was waiting to welcome us to his charming little country-place, situated just outside the ...
— Lands of the Slave and the Free - Cuba, The United States, and Canada • Henry A. Murray

... over before I'd even had a chance to mix in. I stood there, holding an eleven millimeter Magnum revolver in my hand and ...
— Nor Iron Bars a Cage.... • Gordon Randall Garrett

... fruit of my leisured ease, the magnum opus of my latter years!" He picked up the volume from the table and read out the whole title, Practical Handbook of Bee Culture, with Some Observations upon the Segregation of the Queen. "Alone I did it. Behold the fruit of pensive nights and laborious days when I watched the little ...
— His Last Bow - An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes • Arthur Conan Doyle

... before seen there. "I have thought as you do in regard to this poor Indian prince, but I must confess I don't see how he can get out of giving the Queen that diamond. Have a cigar, Mr. Postlethwaite, and, waiter, bring us a triple magnum of champagne. Do you really think, Mr. Postlethwaite, that there is a way out of it? If you would like a ticket to Westminster for the ceremony, there ...
— The Enchanted Typewriter • John Kendrick Bangs

... hominibus tamen exceptis. Hinc ilium, voti compotem, non aliunde quam ab homine necis periculum urget: tu ergo, humanitate assumpta eum intertice. Sic monitus Vishnus, Superum princeps, quem mundus universus adorat, magnum Parentem oeterosque deos, in concilio congregatos, recti auctores, affatur: Mittite timorem; bene bobis eveniat! Vestrae salutis gratia, postquam praelio necavero Ravanam cum filiis nepotibusque, cum amicis, ministris, ...
— The Ramayana • VALMIKI

... it is manifest he hath wholly neglected some, and been very imperfect perfect in the rest. For, first of all, as eminent a cabalist as his disciples would represent him, his account of the opus magnum is extremely poor and deficient; he seems to have read but very superficially either Sendivogus, Behmen, or Anthroposophia Theomagica {102b}. He is also quite mistaken about the sphaera pyroplastica, a neglect not to be atoned for, and (if the reader ...
— A Tale of a Tub • Jonathan Swift

... occipital bone at the back, between the two temporals, meeting the sphenoid bone in the centre of the base. The cerebellum rests in the deep double concavities of the occipital bone, and the spinal cord ascends through the large opening (foramen magnum) in the middle of its base, assuming the form called the ...
— Buchanan's Journal of Man, April 1887 - Volume 1, Number 3 • Various

... defined by the lights in front of him, the paratimer centered them on the base of the creature's spine, just above its secondary shoulders, and carefully squeezed the trigger. The big .357 Magnum bucked in his hand and belched flame and sound—if only these Fourth Level weapons weren't so confoundedly boisterous!—and the nighthound screamed and fell. Recocking the revolver, Verkan Vall waited for an instant, then nodded in satisfaction. The beast's ...
— Police Operation • H. Beam Piper

... quo aliquid est uelut iustitia iustus. Item cum dico "currit" uel "regit" uel "nunc est" uel "semper est," refertur quidem uel ad facere uel ad tempus—si tamen interim diuinum illud semper tempus dici potest—sed non quo aliquo aliquid est uelut magnitudine magnum. Nam situm passionemque requiri in deo non oportet, neque ...
— The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy • Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius

... possumus imperatorem aliquo in numero putare, cujus in exercitu veneant centuriatus atque venierint? Quid hunc hominem magnum aut amplum de republica cogitare, qui pecuniam ex aerario depromtam ad bellum administrandum, aut propter cupiditatem provinciae magistratibus diviserit aut propter avaritiam Romae in quaestu reliquerit? Vestra admurmuratio facit, Quirites, ut agnoscere videamini qui haec fecerint: ego autem ...
— Caesar: A Sketch • James Anthony Froude

... written half-a-dozen lives of him. But there is something left for her yet to do. She has no more comprehended magnum Erasmum, than any other pigmy comprehends a giant, or ...
— The Cloister and the Hearth • Charles Reade

... Their bind was just a Scots pint over-head, and a tappit-hen to the bill, and no man ever saw them the waur o't. It was thae cockle-brained callants of the present day that would be mair owerta'en with a puir quart than douce folk were with a magnum." ...
— St. Ronan's Well • Sir Walter Scott

... aequora ventis, E terra magnum alterius spectare laborem; Non quia vexari quemquam 'st jucunda voluptas, Sed, quibus ipse malis careas, quia cernere suave ...
— Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official • William Sleeman

... what I'm partial to, mari mango, in the last reach, terra, from the towing path, alterius magnum spectare laborem, to witness the tortures of you wretched beggars in the boat. I'm obliged to translate for Drysdale, who never learned Latin," said Blake, finishing his tie before the glass. There was an awkward silence. Miller was chafing inwardly and running over in his mind ...
— Tom Brown at Oxford • Thomas Hughes

... ventis E terra magnum alterius spectare laborem; Non quia vexari quemquam est iucunda voluptas, Sed quibus ipse malis careas quia cernere suave est. Suave etiam belli certamina magna tueri Per campos instructa, tua sine parte pericli; Sed nil dulcius est bene quam munita ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley

... Corneli, in Italia. Ad fluvium Rhenum properat cum copiis Romanis quia est[4] fama Novi belli cum Germanis. Liber Germaniae populus Romanos Non amat. C. Estne filius tuus copiarum Romanarum legatus? M. Legatus non est, sed est apud legionarios. C. Quae[5] arma portat[6]? M. Scutum magnum et loricam duram et galeam pulchram portat. C. Quae tela portat? M. Gladium et pilum longum portat. C. Amatne legatus filium tuum? M. Amat, et saepe filio meo praemia pulchra et praedam multam dat. C. Ubi est terra Germanorum? M. Terra Germanorum, ...
— Latin for Beginners • Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge

... thought claret safer for one in his lordship's condition—one who having drunk would drink again. He went therefore to the wine cellar, which had once been the dungeon of the castle, and brought thence a most respectable-looking magnum, dirty as a burrowing terrier, and to the eye of the imagination hoary with age. The eyes of the toper glistened at the sight. Eagerly he stretched out both hands towards it. They actually trembled with desire. Hardly could he endure the delay of its uncorking. No sooner ...
— Warlock o' Glenwarlock • George MacDonald

... virtute; opus excipe magnum; Afflatuq. Dei et praesenti; numine fortis Perge, viamq. rape invictam per littora mundi. Non tumidum mare, non saevi violentia belli, Nec populi rabies, circumq. volantia tela, Immotos quatient animos; sacrum omnia vincet Auxilium, et praesens favor omnipotentis Olympi. Graia tibi excussa ...
— Gustavus Vasa - and other poems • W. S. Walker

... dwarf of a letter came yesterday. That is right;—keep to your 'magnum opus '—magnoperate away. Now, if we were but together a little to combine our 'Journal of Trevoux!' But it is useless to sigh, and yet very natural,—for I think you and I draw better together, in the social line, than any two other ...
— Life of Lord Byron, With His Letters And Journals, Vol. 5 (of 6) • (Lord Byron) George Gordon Byron

... Kumara Carita), and of Bhartri-hari's Apophthegms. Colebrooke records his debt to Carey for carrying through the Serampore press the Sanskrit dictionary of Amara Sinha, the oldest native lexicographer, with an English interpretation and annotations. But the magnum opus of Carey was what in 1811 he described as A Universal Dictionary of the Oriental Languages, derived from the Sanskrit, of which that language is to be the groundwork. The object for which he had been long collecting the materials of this mighty work was the assisting ...
— The Life of William Carey • George Smith

... Queen liked it, and so did Harley; but Bolingbroke didn't—he drank Florence and Champagne. Dr. Swift put water to his wine. 'Jonathan,' I once said to him—but bah! autres temps, autres moeurs. Another magnum, James." ...
— Roundabout Papers • William Makepeace Thackeray

... mature conficias face. Nam res rustica sic est; si unam rem sero feceris, omnia opera sero facies. Stramenta si deerunt frondem iligneam legito; earn substernito ovibus bubusque. Sterquilinium magnum stude ut habeas. Stercus sedulo conserva, cum exportabis spargito et comminuito; per autumnum evehito. Circum oleas autumnitate ablaqueato et stercus addito. Frondem populneam, ulmeam, querneam caedito, per tempus eam condito, non peraridam, pabulum ...
— Latin Literature • J. W. Mackail

... labor, will be published in forty-six sheets measuring 0.90 m. x 0.60 m. each. The first, comprising sheets nos. iii., x., xvii., xxiii., xxx., and xxxvi. (from the gardens of Sallust to the Macellum Magnum on the Caelian), will be ready in May, 1893. The plan is drawn in five colors, referring respectively to the royal, republican, ...
— Pagan and Christian Rome • Rodolfo Lanciani

... a wee sitting-room for meals and music—the two Berkeleys would doubtless as soon have gone without the one as the other; and a tiny study where Arthur might work undisturbed at his own desk upon his new and original magnum opus, destined to form the great attraction of the coming season at the lately-opened Ambiguities Theatre. Things had prospered well with the former Oxford curate during the last twelve-month. His cantata at Leeds had proved a wonderful ...
— Philistia • Grant Allen

... in Athens where Dionysus was honored. A reference in Bekker's Anecdota is[139] more explicit. Here the Lenaeum is described as a place sacred to [Greek: (ieron)] Dionysus where the contests were established before the building of the theatre. In the Etymologicum Magnum[140] the Lenaeum is said to be an enclosure [Greek: (periaulos)] in which is a sanctuary of Dionysus Lenaeus. Photius declares[141] that the Lenaeum is a large peribolus in which were held the so-called contests at the Lenaeum before the theatre was built, and that in ...
— The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1 • Various

... veniens Olympo, Te, Patri, magnum fore nasciturum, Nomen, et vitae seriem gerendae, ...
— The Dramatic Works of John Dryden Vol. I. - With a Life of the Author • Sir Walter Scott

... ever saw or heard of would in such circumstances and at such a distance immediately have charged home. She turned tail and ran away. I missed her as she ran, then knocked her down with a third shot. She got up again, but was immediately hit by Captain D.'s.350 Magnum and brought to a halt. The dogs, seeing her turn tail and hearing our shots, had scrambled madly after her. We dared not shoot again for fear of hitting one of them, so we dashed rapidly into the grass and out the other side. Before ...
— African Camp Fires • Stewart Edward White

... if we can manage some champagne," said Darbishire, and the "merry" three were soon mournfully gazing on a costly magnum. Sip by sip we contrived to drink a glass each; then the false thirst woke, the nausea departed, and we were ...
— The Chequers - Being the Natural History of a Public-House, Set Forth in - a Loafer's Diary • James Runciman

... taken from the anteriormost inferior border of the foramen magnum to the anteriormost ...
— Geographic Distribution of the Pocket Mouse, Perognathus fasciatus • J. Knox Jones, Jr.

... Quincy did will be lost in the crowd of newer activities; it is the memory of what he was that is precious to us. Bonum virum facile crederes, magnum libenter. If John Winthrop be the highest type of the men who shaped New England, we can find no better one of those whom New England has shaped than Josiah Quincy. It is a figure that we can contemplate with more than satisfaction,—a ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867 • Various

... eundem Joannem Dominum Carmichael, tanquam Supremum Nostrum Commissionarium, quoad effectum & modum supra mentionatum, agnoscant, Colant, & dicto ipsius audientes se praebeant, stricte Mandamus & Imperamus. Et denique hanc Nostram Commissionem, a die quo Magnum hujus Regni Nostri Sigillum, Presentibus est appensum, ac durante Prima dicti Generalis Conventus Sessione, aut usque donec haec Nostra Commissio per nos Revocetur, Continuare Declaravimus, ac per Praesentes Declaramus. In cujus ...
— The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland

... marks by which, if you were to study them closely, you might distinguish the occult qualities of Boys and divide them into genera and orders. The subject only wants its Linnaeus. If ever I gird myself for my magnum opus, I am determined it shall be a "Compendious Guide to the Classification ...
— Behind the Bungalow • EHA

... model for many subsequent pharmacopoeias. He was also instrumental in founding the public museum of Bologna, which contains, especially in the natural history department, a large number of specimens collected by him. The results of his various researches were embodied in a magnum opus, which was designed to include everything that was known about natural history. The first three volumes, comprising his ornithology, were published in 1599, and a fourth, treating of insects, appeared in 1602. After his death a number of other volumes were compiled ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... munitions of war. These gentlemen, with the exception of the latter, are rather men of words than of action. They do neither harm nor good. Of General Trochu, into whose hands, by the mere force of circumstances, all civil and military authority is concentrating, Bonum virum, facile dixeris, magnum libenter. He is, I believe, a good general and a good administrator. Although he awakens no enthusiasm, confidence is felt by the majority in his good sense. It is thought, however, that he is wanting ...
— Diary of the Besieged Resident in Paris • Henry Labouchere

... "Annuncio vobis gaudium magnum [I announce to you a great joy]," he said; "I let you, Charles of Burgundy and Earl of Flanders, to know, in my master's name, that under favour of a dispensation of our Holy Father of Rome, presently expected, and ...
— Quentin Durward • Sir Walter Scott

... heads, which have been carried by old men, are then hung up over the principal hearth on the beam on which the old heads are hanging; they are suspended by means of a rattan, of which one end is knotted and the other passed upward through the FORAMEN MAGNUM and a hole cut in the top of the skull. After this the men sit down to drink, and the chief describes the taking of the heads, eulogising the warrior who drew first blood in each case, and who is ...
— The Pagan Tribes of Borneo • Charles Hose and William McDougall

... description of the city of Vienna, which is equally brief and spirited, may deserve to be quoted. "VIENNA autem urbs magnifica ambitu murorum cingitur duorum millium passuum: habet fossa et vallo cincta: urbs autem fossatum magnum habet: undique aggerem prealtum: menia deinde spissa et sublimia frequentesque turres; et propugnacula ad bellum prompta. AEdes civium amplae et ornatae: structura solida et firma, altae domorum ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume Three • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... my boy," I cried; "look at that!" And I pointed to the [Greek: anerithmon gelasma] of old AEschylus; but what was his AEgean or even his Mare Magnum to the free and unfettered Atlantic? Oh! it was grand, grand! What do I care about your Riviera, and your feeble, languid Mediterranean? Give me our lofty cliffs, sun-scorched, storm-beaten, scarred and seamed by a thousand years of gloom ...
— My New Curate • P.A. Sheehan

... let us toast In a magnum of merry champagne— Let us make of this moment the most, We may not be so lucky again. So drink to our sovereign host And his highly intelligent reign— His health and his bride's let us toast In a ...
— The Complete Plays of Gilbert and Sullivan - The 14 Gilbert And Sullivan Plays • William Schwenk Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan

... us all have our will! But with what, with what, boys, shall we fill? Sweet Ariadne—no, not that one—ah no; Fill me the manna of Montepulciano: Fill me a magnum and reach it me.—Gods! How it glides to my heart by the sweetest of roads! Oh, how it kisses me, tickles me, bites me! Oh, how my eyes loosen sweetly in tears! I'm ravished! I'm rapt! Heaven finds me admissible! Lost in an ecstasy! blinded! invisible!— ...
— New Italian sketches • John Addington Symonds

... from the pen of that eminent philosopher. In addition to the fact that Bacon himself says he had (for obvious reasons) written nothing except a few tracts (capitula quaedam) prior to the composition of his Opus Magnum in 1267, the real author of the Liber de speculis is probably mentioned by Bacon in the following passage ...
— Gilbertus Anglicus - Medicine of the Thirteenth Century • Henry Ebenezer Handerson

... said; "you never know anything about women. I'd as soon trust a woman to be just as I'd—I'd finish that magnum; it'd give me gout in ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... find it in Frazer's Golden Bough. Simpler folk will find it in the peasant's song of John Barleycorn, now made accessible to our drawingroom amateurs in the admirable collections of Somersetshire Folk Songs by Mr. Cecil Sharp. From Frazer's magnum opus you will learn how the same primitive logic which makes the Englishman believe today that by eating a beefsteak he can acquire the strength and courage of the bull, and to hold that belief in the face of the most ignominious defeats by vegetarian ...
— Preface to Androcles and the Lion - On the Prospects of Christianity • George Bernard Shaw

... minister of the Tolbooth Church, not acting in restraint of his convivial humour, he was held to be excellent company even by those of dissolute manners; while, being a five-bottle man, he could lay them all under the table. This had brought on him the nickname of Dr. Bonum Magnum in the time of faction. But never being indecently the worse of liquor, and a love of claret, to any degree, not being reckoned in those days a sin in Scotland, all his ...
— Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character • Edward Bannerman Ramsay

... appear most in adversity. It is yet a higher speech of his, than the other (much too high for a heathen), It is true greatness, to have in one the frailty of a man, and the security of a God. Vere magnum habere fragilitatem hominis, securitatem Dei. This would have done better in poesy, where transcendences are more allowed. And the poets indeed have been busy with it; for it is in effect the thing, which figured in that ...
— Essays - The Essays Or Counsels, Civil And Moral, Of Francis Ld. - Verulam Viscount St. Albans • Francis Bacon

... fact, "Thus Spake Zarathustra", though it is unquestionably Nietzsche's opus magnum, is by no means the first of Nietzsche's works that the beginner ought to undertake to read. The author himself refers to it as the deepest work ever offered to the German public, and elsewhere speaks of his other writings as being ...
— Thus Spake Zarathustra - A Book for All and None • Friedrich Nietzsche

... must do for himself and within himself. If it be replied that this is exactly what theology does, we answer it is exactly what it does not. It simply does what the green-grocer does when he arranges his apples and plums in his shop window. He may tell me a magnum bonum from a Victoria, or a Baldwin from a Newtown Pippin. But he does not help me to eat it. His information is useful, and for scientific horticulture essential. Should a sceptical pomologist deny that there was such a thing as a Baldwin, or mistake it for a Newtown Pippin, we should be glad ...
— Natural Law in the Spiritual World • Henry Drummond

... consisted, when complete, of eight colleges; of which the constitution seems, in every respect, to have corresponded with that of the similar establishments in Oxford and Cambridge. Of these, the Collegium Magnum was endowed by Charles himself for a master and twelve fellows; the Collegium Reginae Hedvigis obtained its revenues from Queen Hedwige, of Poland, the enlightened founder of the Jagellonian University at Cracow; while, in 1451, the College of the Apostles was endowed for the maintenance ...
— Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Visited in 1837. Vol. II • G. R. Gleig

... the humerus and the shaft of the humerus. Insertion of this large muscular mass is effected by means of several tendons to the olecranon. A synovial bursa is situated underneath the tendinous attachment of the posterior portion of the triceps brachii—the long head or caput magnum. ...
— Lameness of the Horse - Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1 • John Victor Lacroix

... incessantly across the green cloth; from an inner room came the unmistakable click of a roulette-wheel. Men talked loudly of their projects and ambitions shortly to be accomplished. An epic poet was about to publish his magnum opus, the birth of a new star in the poetical firmament; a speculator had made his great coup—to-morrow he would have the ...
— The Gates of Chance • Van Tassel Sutphen

... hills above the lake, Catharine amused herself by looking for flowers; she had filled her lap with ripe May-apples, [FN: Podophyllum peltatum-May-apple, or Mandrake. The fruit of the May-apple, in rich moist soil, will attain to the size of the magnum bonum, or egg-plum, which it resembles in colour and shape. It makes a delicious preserve, if seasoned with cloves or ginger; when eaten uncooked, the outer rind, which is thick and fleshy, and has a rank taste, should be thrown aside; the fine acid pulp ...
— Canadian Crusoes - A Tale of The Rice Lake Plains • Catharine Parr Traill

... movements as Bernhardi militarism and the Crown Prince's war book. Perhaps it will not be inappropriate here to cite from "War and the People of War," in "Also Sprach Zarathustra," (Pages 67-68,) the magnum opus of Nietzsche: ...
— The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 - What Americans Say to Europe • Various

... dicitur magnus, bonus, sapiens, beatus, verus, et quidquid aliud non indigne dici videtur; sed eadem magnitudo ejus est quae sapientia, non enim mole magnus est, sed virtute; et eadem bonitas quae sapientia et magnitudo, et eadem veritas quae illa omnia: et non est ibi aliud beatum esse et aliud magnum, aut sapientem, aut verum, aut bonum ...
— The Philosophy of the Conditioned • H. L. Mansel

... to-day; a magnum of the best—it's my birthday, so hang the expense! Oh, yes, I know it's a ten-pound note, but I do feel this infernal shaking, noise and heat, and when else would we feel better able to appreciate a good sparkling 'tall drink'? I ...
— The Confessions of a Caricaturist, Vol 2 (of 2) • Harry Furniss

... led her spiritual judge captive up another flight of stairs, and into her little boudoir. A cheerful wood fire crackled and flamed up the chimney, and a cloth had been laid on a side table: cold turkey and chine graced the board, and a huge glass magnum of purple Burgundy glowed and shone in the ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 100, February, 1866 • Various

... to them as they walked to the elevator. Rick noted that the guard could watch the stairs as well as the elevator doors. He also noted that the guard's coat was loose, and that the butt of a Magnum revolver was within easy reach of his hand. Knowing how Steve Ames operated, Rick also suspected that other, less visible, methods had been taken to guard the fourth floor, but there ...
— The Electronic Mind Reader • John Blaine

... impression of any thing that pertains to antiquity, though these were not so large as those of Diocletian. The view south takes in the Caelian Hill, the ancient residence of Tullus Hostilius. The beautiful Temple of Divus Claudius, the Arch of Dolabella, the Macellum Magnum,—a market founded by Nero,—the Castra Peregrina, the Temple of Isis, the Campus Martialis, are among the most conspicuous objects of interest. This hill is the residence of many distinguished Romans. It is covered ...
— The Old Roman World • John Lord

... in the plush-upholstered chair, How shall I thrill with valour to observe Among the implements of torture there A magnum of the best, ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, May 26, 1920 • Various

... I ought here to remark, that the authors are much injured by the present system. It having been satisfactorily proved, that a three-volume work is the only one that can be published at the minimum of expense, and the magnum of profits, no publisher likes to publish any other. There is the same expense in advertising, etcetera, a two volume, or a one octavo book, as a three. The author, therefore, has to spin out to three volumes, ...
— Diary in America, Series Two • Frederick Marryat (AKA Captain Marryat)

... course, with your poor cousins; you are delighted to have them drop in to dinner, and liberal enough with the claret when they do; but when the magnate comes, there is a magnum of champagne, and an extra lamp in the drawing-room, and—I blush to write it—a far more agreeable hostess at the head of the table. Dives is such good company, you see. And speaking for my own sex, ...
— The Eagle's Shadow • James Branch Cabell

... the Prince de Turenne, who was in a high fever, and after he was gone Madame d'Urfe began to discuss alchemy and magic, and all the other branches of her beloved science, or rather infatuation. When we got on to the magnum opus, and I asked her if she knew the nature of the first matter, it was only her politeness which prevented her from laughing; but controlling herself, she replied graciously that she already possessed the philosopher's stone, ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... off a glass of champagne and laughed loud and long at one of his neighbour's silly sayings. It was a glorious joke! The more he thought of it, the more he liked it. He called for more champagne, and all, save the little brown girl, greeted the magnum which presently appeared with cheers. Even Mrs. Da Souza unbent a little towards the young women against whom she had declared war. Faces were flushed and voices grew a little thick. Da Souza's arm unchidden sought once more the back ...
— A Millionaire of Yesterday • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... but the demands of art have been more than I can bear. I corrected proofs before breakfast, went to Court after that meal; was busy till near one o'clock. Then I went to Cadell's, where they are preparing to circulate the prospectus of the magnum, which will have all the effect of surprise on most people. I sat to Mr. Graham till I was quite tired, then went to Lady Jane, who is getting better. Then here at four, but fit for nothing but to ...
— The Journal of Sir Walter Scott - From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford • Walter Scott

... either wing two champions fought; Redoubted Staig, who set at nought The wildest savage Tory; And Welsh who ne'er yet flinch'd his ground, High-wav'd his magnum-bonum ...
— Poems And Songs Of Robert Burns • Robert Burns

... majori parte Angliae omnes proceres suo dominio in humagio et stipendio copulavit. In eodem parliamento moneta tam in auro quam in argento fuerat aliqualiter in pondere minorata ex causa permutationis extraneorum, qui in suis partibus ratione cambii magnum sibi cumulabant emolumentum, et Regi et suis mercatoribus Angligenis in magnum ...
— Henry of Monmouth, Volume 2 - Memoirs of Henry the Fifth • J. Endell Tyler

... compensated at the expense of Holland. Lord ROBERT CECIL denounced it as an invention of the enemy. But I don't suppose the denial had the smallest effect upon Mr. KING, who probably went off and dined heartily on a magnum ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 153, Nov. 28, 1917 • Various

... Somehow, a .44 Magnum Colt didn't seem as romantic as a sword. Malone pictured himself saying: "Take that, varlet." Was varlet what you called them, he wondered. ...
— Brain Twister • Gordon Randall Garrett

... Mu[l]ta novit uulpes sed Echinus unum magnum Semper Africa aliquid monstrj parit Ex eodem ore calidum et frigidum. Ex se finxit velut araneus Laqueus laqueum cepit. Hinc ille lachrime; Hydrus in dolio Dicas tria ex Curia (liberty vpon dispaire) Argi Collis (a place of robbing). Older ...
— Bacon is Shake-Speare • Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence

... (afterwards Bishop of Durham), the great prelate whom Dr. Grenville alludes to, prayed with Hobbes, who first stipulated that the prayers should be those authorised by the Church of England; and he also received the sacrament with reverence. Hobbes says:—"Magnum hoc erga disciplinam Episcopalem signum erat reverentiae."—It is evident that the conversion of Father Mersenne, to which Hobbes facetiously alluded, could never be to Atheism, but to Protestantism: and had Hobbes been an Atheist, he would not have risked his safety, when he arrived in ...
— Calamities and Quarrels of Authors • Isaac D'Israeli

... is a crushing blow," said the old man. "That is my MAGNUM OPUS—the pile of papers on the side table yonder. It is my analysis of the documents found in the Coptic monasteries of Syria and Egypt, a work which will cut deep at the very foundation of revealed religion. With my enfeebled health I do not know whether I shall ever be able to complete ...
— The Return of Sherlock Holmes • Arthur Conan Doyle

... mean these unpleasant surmises? I scarce know what prognosis to form of the crisis: And our friends, quite perplex'd at this puzzling delay, Can't imagine how scruples should stand in the way. Must the grand Opus Magnum be brought to a fix, Because some jarring drugs are unwilling to mix? His lordship, I'm certain, would cut the thing shorter, If he'd borrow a touch of my ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 364, February 1846 • Various

... "A magnum!" Selingman ordered in a voice of thunder, shaking his fist at the startled waiter. "We seat ourselves here at the round table. Mademoiselle, we will drink champagne together until the eyes of all of us sparkle as yours do. We will drink ...
— Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... sympathize with me in my trouble. My misery did not last long. Two or three members of the committee entered the secretary's office. Presently the secretary beckoned me to his office. Round a table sat three members of the committee. In the centre of the small table was a magnum of champagne and a small bucket of ice. In silence the glasses were filled up. The oldest member of the committee, still as serious as a judge, handed me one. They each helped themselves. Then he spoke: "We have asked you to come here this morning"—and then a smile came over their faces—"to ...
— The Chronicles of a Gay Gordon • Jose Maria Gordon

... it was that last magnum of Madeira floored the bishop and Commander Babbicome, no doubt about it," observed Adair, with a twinkle ...
— The Three Lieutenants • W.H.G. Kingston

... had come in to see me and was just concluding a prayer when there was a tap, and the door opened on the instant. A large bottle, the size of a magnum, was pushed in by an orderly, who, seeing the Padre, departed in haste. (I was squinting up through my eyelashes and saw it all and just pulled myself together ...
— Fanny Goes to War • Pat Beauchamp

... "inspired" German shoemaker (1575-1624), who wrote "Aurora," "The Three Principles," etc., mystical commentaries on Biblical events. When twenty-five years old, says Hotham in "Mysterium Magnum," 1653, "he was surrounded by a divine Light and replenished with heavenly Knowledge . . . going abroad into the Fieldes to a Greene before Neys-Gate at Gorlitz and viewing the Herbes and Grass of the Fielde, in his ...
— Men and Women • Robert Browning

... ride, by setting my blood in a glow, infused into my brain. I might, otherwise, have become a mere philologist; one of those beings who toil night and day in culling useless words for some opus magnum which Murray will never publish, and nobody ever read—beings without enthusiasm, who, having never mounted a generous steed, cannot detect a good point in Pegasus himself; like a certain philologist, who, though acquainted with the exact value of every word in the Greek and Latin ...
— The Pocket George Borrow • George Borrow

... POPPINS.—'There's Cooper and Magnum's Lafitte, sir: there's Lath and Sawdust's St. Julien, sir; Bung's Leoville is considered remarkably fine; and I think you'd like ...
— The Book of Snobs • William Makepeace Thackeray

... followers await the coming of "the Artist Elias," who shall bring the Magnum Opus ...
— The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science • Thomas Troward

... conficiuntur. ... Ignotum est an aliquid metalli subsit montibus, ... etsi aspectus eorum mineras latentes prae se ferat. (M229) Nos Admiralio authores fuimus syluas incendere, quo ad inspiciendam regionem spatium pateret; nec displicebat illi consilium, si non magnum incommodum allaturum videretur. Confirmatum est enim ab idoneis hominibus, cum casu quopiam in alia nescio qua statione id accidisset, septennium totum pisces non comparuisse, exacerbata maris vnda ex terebinthina, quae ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of - the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II. • Richard Hakluyt

... his steel-pen works at Birmingham, where they slumbered for upwards of twenty years. The time at last arrived when this pile of Fiddles was to be dispersed. It fell to my lot to classify them, and never shall I forget the scene I witnessed. Here, amid the din of countless machines busy shaping magnum-bonums, swan-bills, and divers other writing implements, I was about to feast my eyes on some of the choicest works of the old Italian Fiddle-makers. Passing through offices, warehouses, and workshops, I found myself at a door which my conductor set himself to unlock—an act not ...
— The Violin - Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators • George Hart

... bulky figure, indeed a perfect Magnum among men, with a very apoplectic brevity of neck, and a logwood complexion,—and though a staunch Church-of-England-man, he might have been mistaken, from his predilection for the Port, to be a true Mussulman. To hear him discourse upon the age of his wines—the 'pinhole,' the 'crust,' the 'bees'-wing,' ...
— The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Complete • Robert Seymour

... Klengel's opus magnum, the "Canons et Fugues dans tons les tons majeurs et mineurs pour le piano, en deux parties," did not appear till 1854, two years after his death, although it had been completed some decades previously. He carried it about with him on all his travels, unceasingly improving and perfecting ...
— Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks

... peeling potatoes with her back to the window, and tossing them one by one into a bucket of water, gave a jump, and cut her finger, dropping forthwith a half-peeled magnum bonum, which struck the bucket's edge and slid away across the slate ...
— I Saw Three Ships and Other Winter Tales • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... stranger. They were men of good sense, gaiety, and general information, so that the day passed very pleasantly over; and Colonel Mannering assisted, about eight o'clock at night, in discussing the landlord's bottle, which was, of course, a magnum. Upon his return to the inn, he found a card inviting him to the funeral of Miss Margaret Bertram, late of Singleside, which was to proceed from her own house to the place of interment in the Greyfriars churchyard, ...
— Guy Mannering • Sir Walter Scott

Words linked to "Magnum" :   foramen magnum, magnum opus, wine bottle

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