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Losel   Listen
Losel  n.  One who loses by sloth or neglect; a worthless person; a lorel. (Archaic) "One sad losel soils a name for aye."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Losel" Quotes from Famous Books

... the Divorce quarrel he deals—this time in English—no less contemptuously: "I mean not to dispute philosophy with this pork, who never read any." The creature is a conspicuous gull, an odious fool, a dolt, an idiot, a groom, a rank pettifogger, a presumptuous losel, a clown, a vice, a huckster-at-law, whose "jabberment is the flashiest and the fustiest that ever corrupted in such an unswilled hogshead." "What should a man say more to a snout in this pickle? What language can be low and degenerate enough?" In the Apology for Smectymnuus, ...
— Milton • Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh

... is undermost[FN101], save God the Most High.'[FN102] The Cadi will say, 'What is the meaning of thy saying," The two words are not alike"?' And do thou make answer, saying, 'I deposited with thee a damsel from the palace of the Sultan, and most like some losel of thy household hath transgressed against her or she hath been privily murdered. Indeed, there were on her jewels and raiment worth a thousand dinars, and hadst thou put those who are with thee of slaves and slave-girls to the question, thou hadst assuredly lit on some ...
— Tales from the Arabic Volumes 1-3 • John Payne

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