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Longe  n.  
A thrust. See Lunge.
The training ground for a horse.

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"Longe" Quotes from Famous Books

... she would be as mindfull of her when God should call her as if she were w{i}th her, and in testimony of her good likinge of her seruice she would allowe her forty shillings yearly towarde her maintainance as longe as herself should liue. Iam soe well acquainted w{i}th what she hath as yet disposed to her by will, and soe little value forty shillings to my coson Hunton's credit, as I gaue her noe thankes. Mr Downes (Iheare) is sent ...
— Early English Meals and Manners • Various

... preterea pedes auro, manus etiam catenis aureis; nec collo aureum vinculum deerat, quod scurra Persicus praeferebat. Huic ab Aureliano vivere concessum est. Ferturque vixisse cum liberis, matronae jam more Romanae, data sibi possessione in Tiburti quae hodieque Zenobia dicitur, non longe ab Adriani palatio, atque ab eo loco cui nomen est Conche."—Hist. Aug. Lugd. Batav. 1661, ...
— Zenobia - or, The Fall of Palmyra • William Ware

... admirable, nay, the amazing, play, as the men, regaining coolness to some extent, gathered their forces and fell cautiously to the deadly work, it would have been enough to change the cold shimmer of her face to a flash of warm delight. For she would have understood every feint, longe, parry, and seen at a glance how Father Beret set the pace and led the race at the beginning. She would have understood; for Father Beret had taught her all she knew about ...
— Alice of Old Vincennes • Maurice Thompson

... Salutem in Christo Jesu, and Syr here ys no lesse joynge and rejossynge in thes partees for the byrth of our prynce, hoom we hungurde for so longe, then ther was (I trow), inter vicinos att the byrth of S. J. Baptyste, as thys berer, Master Erance, can telle you. Gode gyffe us alle grace, to yelde dew thankes to our Lorde Gode, Gode of Inglonde, for verely He ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... lief, if shee should kepe yow company, Indeede, my good Lord, I have heard some say so; but if shrewdnesse or sharpnesse may be a juste cause of separation between a man and wiefe, I thinck fewe men in Englande would keepe their wives longe; for it is a common jeste, yet trewe in some sense, that there is but one shrewe in all the worlde, and everee man hath her: and so everee man must be ridd of his wiefe that wolde be ridd of a shrewe." It is wonderful this good bishop did not use ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3) • Isaac D'Israeli

... rise to no little animated discussion. Few economists now assent to this doctrine when stated as above, and without changes. The first attack on this explanation of the rate of wages came from what is now a very scarce pamphlet, written by F. D. Longe, entitled "A Refutation of the Wage-Fund Theory of Modern Political Economy" (1866). Because laborers do not really compete with each other, he regarded the idea of average wages as absurd as the idea of an average price of ships and cloth; he declared that there was no predetermined ...
— Principles Of Political Economy • John Stuart Mill

... Ex morbis quos patiuntur ab adventu Europaeorum longe frequentissima et maxime fatalis est lues venerea. An hic morbus indigenis, priusquam illis immiscebuntur Europaei erat notus, sciri nunc minime potest. Ipsi jamdiu ex oriente adductum dicunt, ex quo maxime probabile videtur, eum, origine prima ex Europa, inde de gente in gentem ...
— Journals Of Expeditions Of Discovery Into Central • Edward John Eyre

... durynge the terme of his lyfe. Then he thanked the kynge and the lordes, and went to his wyfe, and kissed her; and then they wente togyder to the chyrche of our ladye, in Parys, and made theyr offerynge, and then retourned to their lodgynges. Then this Sir John of Carongne taryed not longe in Fraunce, but went, with Syr John Boucequant, Syr John of Bordes, and Syr Loys Grat. All these went to se Lamorabaquyn,[A] of whome, in those dayes, ...
— Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, Vol. II (of 3) • Walter Scott

... et longe pulcherrima sunt etiam illa profundissima sapientia hic exstructa opera tua, O Jehovah! quae non nisi bene armatis nostris oculis patent! Qualia autem erunt denique illa, quae sublato hoc speculo, remota mortalitatis caligine ...
— The Church of England Magazine - Volume 10, No. 263, January 9, 1841 • Various

... Missa Jovis, quoties inimicus saevit in urbes, Exaequant sonitum undarum, veniente procella: Littora littoribus reboant; vicinia late, Gens assueta mari, et pedibus percurrere rupes, Terretur tamen, et longe fugit, arva relinquens. Gramina dum carpunt pendentes rupe capellae, Vi salientis aquae de summo praecipitantur, Et dulces animas imo sub gurgite linquunt. Piscator terra non audet vellere funem; Sed latet in portu ...
— The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume I (of 2) • Jonathan Swift

... kyng come in to Engelond, and tok the castell of Notynghame, and disherited John his brother. And the same yere kyng Richarde was crowned ayeyne at Westm'. And in the same yere an heretyke called with the longe berd was drawen and hanged for heresye and cursed doctrine that ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

... saue, good Chyld Waters!' Sayes, 'Christ you saue and see! My girdle of gold which was too longe Is now to ...
— Ballads of Romance and Chivalry - Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - First Series • Frank Sidgwick

... with which they had been furnished by nature. They were both men of great bulk and vigour, and while struggling each anxious to bring the other to the ground, a grenadier who saw the contest, ran to the assistance of his officer, made a longe with his bayonet, missed Joiett's body, but drove it beyond the curve into his coat. In attempting to withdraw the entangled weapon, he threw both combatants to the ground; when getting it free, he raised it deliberately, determined not to fail again in his purpose, but to transfix ...
— The Yankee Tea-party - Or, Boston in 1773 • Henry C. Watson

... Truite de Lac. Sce. Genevoise. Pommes Natures. Longe de Veau a la Hongroise. Petits pois au Jambon. Chapons de Chalons rotis. Salade and Compots. Peches ...
— The Gourmet's Guide to Europe • Algernon Bastard

... south side of the vestrarie standeth a grete library with ij longe lecturnalles theron ...
— The Care of Books • John Willis Clark

... shee stiketh bothe tinie fistes intoe hir small syde-pockets, and propelleth onward mightilie independente, caring naught for nobodie. I haue herd from dyvers graue and reuerend menn, who oughte to know, [sith that ther wyves hadd tolde them,] that manie of these demoiselles do wear verie longe bootes, but howe long they ...
— Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. V, May, 1862 - Devoted To Literature And National Policy • Various

... and my singuler good Lorde, my Lorde Robert Dudley, Maister of the Queenes Maiesties horse, one of her highes pri- uie Counsaile, and knight of the moste honou- rable order of the Garter: Richard Rai- nolde wisheth longe life, with ...
— A booke called the Foundacion of Rhetorike • Richard Rainolde

... potentissima ac opulentissima quondam fuerit et pro minima occasione, nempe fractionis unius fenestralis vitri vix valoris obolaris, humiliata sit, tamen leges maritimae et decisiones omnium controversiarum singulariter longe lateque observantur. Ex distructa autem Vineta Gothlandos incolas marmor, ferrum, cuprum, stannum, argentum, et inter alia duas aenei portas grandis ponderis petiisse, et secum in ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 57, November 30, 1850 • Various

... he were about making a longe into him, hit or miss, the General seizes up the big carving-knife (generally used by Grandpapa Marcy) and asks who will have the first bit? The pall-bearers, still retaining their bright aprons and white caps, had taken seats at the table, among the guests. 'It's all for ...
— The Adventures of My Cousin Smooth • Timothy Templeton

... were committed; Notice whereof being given to the said Montackett Sachem and hee Required to attend the Commissioners att this meeting att Plymouth The said Sachem with five of his men came over from longe Island towards the latter part of August in Captaine Younges Barque whoe was to carry the Newhave Commissioners to Plymouth but the Wind being contrary they first putt in att Milford. The Sachem then desiring to Improve the season sent to speake ...
— John Eliot's First Indian Teacher and Interpreter Cockenoe-de-Long Island and The Story of His Career from the Early Records • William Wallace Tooker

... and from thence she remoued by dyuerse lodgynges tyll she came all most within iii miles of Abuyle besyde the forrest of Arders, and ther kynge Loyes vppon a greate courser met her, (which he so longe desired) but she toke her way righte on, not stopping to conurse. Then he returned to Abuyle by a secret waye, & she was with greate triumphe, procession & pagiantes receyued into the toune of Abuyle the VIII day of October by the Dolphin, which receyued her ...
— When Knighthood Was in Flower • Charles Major

... turpentine and hive-honey, and anoint your bait therewith, and it will doubtless draw the fish to it." The other is this: " Vulnera hederae grandissimae inflicta sudant balsamum oleo gelato, albicantique persimile, odoris vero longe suavissimi". "'Tis supremely sweet to any fish, and yet assa foetida may do ...
— The Complete Angler • Izaak Walton

... apparent, hastasque reductis Protendunt longe dextris; et spicula vibrant; Quique altum Preneste viri, quique arva Gabinae Junonis, gelidumque Anienem, et roscida rivis Hernica saxa colunt: ... qui rosea rura Velini, Qui Terticae horrentes rupes, montemque Severum, Casperiamque ...
— The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 - With Translations and Index for the Series • Joseph Addison and Richard Steele

... For longe er I myght slepe me gan oppres So ponderously I coud make none obstacle In myne hede was fall suche an heuinesse. I was fayne to drawe to myne habytacle. To rowne {with} a pylow me semyd best tryacle. So leyde I me downe my dysease to releue. ...
— The Assemble of Goddes • Anonymous

... material—strong and stiff wood, such as the oak and the hazel; and strong and pliable, such as the ash-plant and various kinds of canes. What one really wants to secure is a sufficient amount of stiffness and strength to enable one to make an effective hit or longe, without any chance of snapping, and a degree of pliability and spring combined with that lightness which makes a stick handy and lively ...
— Broad-Sword and Single-Stick • R. G. Allanson-Winn

... alia monstra; celsa qua Tenedos mare dorso replevit, tumida consurgunt freta undaque resultat scissa tranquillo minans[319] qualis silenti nocte remorum sonus longe refertur, cum premunt classes mare pulsumque marmor abiete imposita gemit. respicimus; angues orbibus geminis ferunt ad saxa fluctus, tumida quorum pectora rates ut altae lateribus ...
— Post-Augustan Poetry - From Seneca to Juvenal • H.E. Butler

... appear many reasons for likening rivers to bulls. Euripides calls Cephisus taumomorphos, and Horace gives Aufidus the same epithet, for the same reason probably, as makes him call it also "longe sonans," "violentus," and "acer;" viz., the bull-like roaring of its waters, and the blind fury of its course, especially in flood time. Other interpretations may be given: thus, Milton, Dryden, and others, speak of the "horned flood," i.e., a body of water which, when it meets with ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 26. Saturday, April 27, 1850 • Various

... istis Ecclesiis, per resipiscentiam ad eum qui percussit eos, reversi, & quod nullis canescat saeculis foedere, Domino nobiscum coadunati, malis, sub quorum pondere tot annos gemiscunt, tandem subleventur. Qui Dies longe optatissimus si per Dei gratiam semel illuxerit: de consiliorum communione inter Reformatarum Ecclesiarum Synodos per Legatos & Literas concilianda redivivi possit ratio, per quam Ecclesiae hostes compescantur, haereses opprimantur, ...
— The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland

... enim Atheniensium scholas longe positus introisti' does not mean that Boethius actually visited Athens, but that he became thoroughly at home in the works ...
— The Letters of Cassiodorus - Being A Condensed Translation Of The Variae Epistolae Of - Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator • Cassiodorus (AKA Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator)

... your gracefull presence that may be truly affirm'd of you what was once appli'd to a great Prince resembling you, Jam firmitas, Jam proceritas corporis, jam honor Capitis & dignitas oris, ad hoc aetatis indeflexa maturitas, nonne longe lateque principem ostentant? since even all these assemble in your Majesties personage; Nor has fortune chang'd you after all your Travels and Adventures abroad; but brought you back to us not so much as tinged in the percolations through ...
— An Apologie for the Royal Party (1659); and A Panegyric to Charles the Second (1661) • John Evelyn

... pleasure, forssake the juste regarde of their owne defence, and savegarde of their countrie, whiche in temporall regimente, chiefly consisteth in warlike skilfulnesse. And therefore the aunciente Capitaines and mightie Conquerours, so longe as thei florished, did devise with moste greate diligence, all maner of waies, to bryng their men to the perfect knowledge of what so ever thing appertained to the warre: as manifestly appereth by the warlike games, whiche in old time the Princes of Grecia ordained, ...
— Machiavelli, Volume I - The Art of War; and The Prince • Niccolo Machiavelli

... the barrein traueiles of longe seruice, had driuen me to thinke libertie the best rewarde of my simple life, right honorable Erle and that I had determined to leaue wrastlyng with fortune, and to giue my self wholie to liue vpon ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries - Vol. II • Richard Hakluyt

... gren me graueth grene,[11] Nou hit faleweth al by-dene; grows yellow: speedily. Jhesu, help that hit be sene, seen. Ant shild us from helle; For y not whider y shal, ne hou longe ...
— England's Antiphon • George MacDonald

... Duke of Edinburgh, Pearson's Prolific, Barr's Zellernuss, Berger's Zellernuss, Beethe's Zellernuss, Eckige Barcelloner, Grosse Kugelnuss, Heynicks Zellernuss, Jeeves Samling, Kadetten Zellernuss, Kaiserin Eugenie, Kurzhullige Zellernuss, Longe von Downton, Ludolph's Zellernuss, Luisen's Zellernuss, Mogulnuss, Neue Riesennuss, Northamptonshire, Prolifique a coque serree, Imperial de Trebizond, and Russ. Native sorts in this group are Winkler, Littlepage, Wilder, a Corylus americana variety from the east end of Lake Ontario, and a Corylus ...
— Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting • Northern Nut Growers Association

... maketh good chere, and lassheth out the dowrye that hee hadde with mee no small pot of wine. Eulaly, where vpon? xantipha, wheron hym lykethe beste, at the tauerne, at the stewes and at the dyce. Eulalia Peace saye not so. xan. wel yet thus it is, then when he commeth home to me at midnight, longe watched for, he lyeth rowtyng lyke a sloyne all the leue longe nyght, yea and now and then he all bespeweth his bed, and worse then I will say at this tyme. Eulali. Peace thou dyshonesteth thy self, when thou doest dishonesteth thy husband. ...
— A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews and Honest Wives • Desiderius Erasmus

... Christopher-le-Stocks, London, seems to have had a collection only of service books; but five years later mention is made of "a grete librarie." "On the south side of the vestrarie standeth a grete librarie with ii longe lecturnalles thereon to lay on the bookes."[3] About the middle of the sixteenth century certain inhabitants of Rayleigh held a meeting one Sunday, after service, and, without the consent of the churchwardens, sold fifteen service books, and "four other manuscript volumes," as well as some ...
— Old English Libraries, The Making, Collection, and Use of Books • Ernest A. Savage

... arrival dates the real life of Virginia. He brought with him "Commissions and instructions from the Company for the better establishinge of a Commonwealth heere."[B] He made proclamation, "that those cruell lawes by which we" (I use the words of the Ancient Planters themselves) "had soe longe been governed, were now abrogated, and that we were to be governed by those free lawes which his Majesties subjectes live under in Englande." Nor were these considerations made dependent on the good will ...
— Colonial Records of Virginia • Various

... thos vnbeleuers with whom they do liue and are familiarlie conuersaunte / and do instructe them in the truithe / trulye teachinge them and earnestlie callinge them / vnto the knowledge of the truithe / and faythe in Christe. And this they muste not leaue of to do so longe as they be dwellinge and familiar with them. To the end also that they maye do this the better / yt ys not vnlawfull / but moste conuenient for them to shewe them selues frendlie / gentill / and louinge unto the vnbeleauers withe whom they are familiarlie conuersaunte / and dwellinge ...
— A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful • Peter Martyr

... capable of living use, internacia, konsciante ke teoria and in every respect completely disputado kondukos al nenio kaj adequate, therefore the friends ke la celo povas esti atingita of the idea of international nur per laborado praktika, jam de language, recognizing that longe cxiuj grupigxis cxirkaux theoretical discussion will lead la sola lingvo, Esperanto, kaj to nothing and that the end can laboras por gxia disvastigado kaj only be attained by practical ricxigado de gxia literaturo. and continuous effort, have long grouped themselves ...
— International Language - Past, Present and Future: With Specimens of Esperanto and Grammar • Walter J. Clark

... book is indicated in 5. It is intended for beginners, and in writing it, these words of Sir Thomas Elyot have not been forgotten: "Grammer, beinge but an introduction to the understandinge of autors, if it be made to longe or exquisite to the lerner, it in a maner mortifieth his corage: And by that time he cometh to the most swete and pleasant redinge of olde autors, the sparkes of fervent desire of lernynge are extincte with the burdone of grammer, lyke as a lyttell fyre is sone quenched with a great heape ...
— Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Exercise Book - with Inflections, Syntax, Selections for Reading, and Glossary • C. Alphonso Smith

... la divination dans l'antiquite, i, 195 ff.; iv, 153, 159; Augustine, Confessions, iv, 5: de paginis poetae cujuspiam longe allud canentis atque intendentis; if, says Augustine's friend, an apposite verse so appears, it is not wonderful that something bearing on one's affairs should issue from the human soul by some higher instinct, though the soul does not know what ...
— Introduction to the History of Religions - Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV • Crawford Howell Toy

... kunvespermangxas. Kelkafoje sed malofte, sxarko proksimigas al la tero, sed kvankam tiuj cxi malagrablaj vizitantoj plioftigxas, gxis nun oni povas bani sendangxere. Oni diras ke la fisxoj elvenis el la Rugxa Maro tra la Sueza Kanalo. Antaux ne longe unu el miaj Italaj amikoj estis fisxkaptanta vespere kaj malsupre, knabo nagxis. Subite la knabo ekkriis "Ho, kia bela hundego." Mia amiko rigardis kaj ekvidis proksime grandan fokon, cxirkaux tri jardoj da longeco kiu lin rigardis per ...
— The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 1 • Various

... although he acquireth all other knowledge, yet arriveth not at the knowledge of Himself—if to the Sage of Experience he proffered once again the gauds and prizes of youthe, which he hath ever since regretted and longed for—what doeth he in his wisdome? Verilie, so longe as the matter remaineth in nubibis, as the Latins say, or in the Region of the Imagination, as oure speeche hath it, he will beleeve, yea, take his oathe, that he still is master of all those capacities ...
— David Poindexter's Disappearance and Other Tales • Julian Hawthorne

... betuix those two, I shalbe rydd of a great nomber of unfreindis; for the most parte of the cuntrey will either assist the one or the other; and so will thei be otherwise occupied, then to watch for my displeasur." He fyndes the meanes, without longe process; for he laubouris with Johnne Charterowse, (a man of stout corage and many freindis,)[296] to accept the provostrie of Sanct Johnestoun, which he purchasses to him by donatioun of the Governour, with a charge to the said Toune to obey him as thare lauchfull Provest. Whareat, ...
— The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox

... of these men, who appeared to be acting in concert, belonged to the ex-"Club of Clubs," which, owing to the manoeuvres of the Reactionists, exhaled a vague odor of the police. It was necessary that we should disperse. Labrousse said to us, "I have just seen Longe-pied ...
— The History of a Crime - The Testimony of an Eye-Witness • Victor Hugo

... Eleutherius) to see the Vanity or Envy of the canting Chymists thus discover'd and chastis'd; and I could wish, that Learned Men would conspire together to make these deluding Writers sensible, that they must no longe [Transcriber's Note: longer] hope with Impunity to abuse the World. For whilst such Men are quietly permitted to publish Books with promising Titles, and therein to Assert what they please, and contradict ...
— The Sceptical Chymist • Robert Boyle

... a clear moon; but such was the confusion produced in my mind by the state of my body, that I could scarcely manage, after some hours' trial, to get a lunar observation in which I could repose confidence. The Chihune flows into the Longe, and that into the Chihombo, a feeder of the Kasai. Those who know the difficulties of taking altitudes, times, and distances, and committing all of them to paper, will sympathize with me in this and many similar instances. While at Chihune, the ...
— Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Journeys and Researches in South Africa • David Livingstone

... quem praesagus et electus symmista Dei ad terram venturum praevidens longe ante praenotavit, sicque praedixit. (This is He whose coming to earth the prophetic and chosen initiate into the mysteries of God foresaw and pointed out ...
— Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan • Clement A. Miles

... "Et errat longe mea quidem sententia Qui imperium credat esse gravius, aut stabilius, Vi quod fit, quam illud, quod ...
— The Essays of Montaigne, Complete • Michel de Montaigne

... Mithra had paved the way for reform. St. Augustine, Epist., 91 [202] (Migne, P. L., XXXIII, col. 315), c. 408 A. D., relates that moral interpretations of the old myths were told among the pagans during his time: "Illa omnia quae antiquitus de vita deorum moribusque conscripta sunt, longe aliter sunt intelligenda atque interpretanda sapientibus. Ita vero in templis populis congregatis recitari huiuscemodi salubres interpretationes heri et nudiustertius audivimus." See also Civ. Dei, II, 6: "Nec nobis nescio quos susurros ...
— The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism • Franz Cumont

... After the longe despayred fruitfulnes of thy wyfe, Ihearsay thou art made a father, and that wyth a man chylde, whyche sheweth in it selfe a meruelous towardnes, and euen to be lyke the parentes: and that if so be we maye by such markes and tokens pronosticate ...
— The Education of Children • Desiderius Erasmus

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