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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Loblolly   Listen
Loblolly  n.  Gruel; porridge; so called among seamen.
Loblolly bay (Bot.), an elegant white-flowered evergreen shrub or small tree, of the genus Gordonia (Gordonia Lasianthus), growing in the maritime parts of the Southern United States. Its bark is sometimes used in tanning. Also, a similar West Indian tree (Laplacea haematoxylon).
Loblolly boy, a surgeon's attendant on shipboard.
Loblolly pine (Bot.), a kind of pitch pine found from Delaware southward along the coast; old field pine (Pinus Taeda). Also, Pinus Bahamensis, of the West Indies.
Loblolly tree (Bot.), a name of several West Indian trees, having more or less leathery foliage, but alike in no other respect; as Pisonia subcordata, Cordia alba, and Cupania glabra.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Loblolly" Quotes from Famous Books

... of the whole ship's company have dressed themselves and are ready for muster; but the never-ending sweepers, the fussy warrant-officers' yeomen, the exact purser's steward, the slovenly midshipmen's boy, the learned loblolly boy, and the interminable host of officers' servants, who have always fifty extra things to do, are often so sorely pressed for time, that at the first tap of the drum beating to divisions, these idlers, as they are technically much miscalled, may often be seen only then lugging their shirts ...
— The Lieutenant and Commander - Being Autobigraphical Sketches of His Own Career, from - Fragments of Voyages and Travels • Basil Hall

Words linked to "Loblolly" :   loblolly pine, gruel

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