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Leche   Listen
Leche  n.  See water buck, under 3d Buck.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Leche" Quotes from Famous Books

... consisted of: First course—Brawn and mustard, dedells in burneaux, frument with balien, pike in erbage (pike stuffed with herbs), lamprey powdered, trout, codling, fried plaice and marling, crabs, leche lumbard flourished, and tarts. Then came a subtlety representing a pelican sitting on her nest with her young and an image of St. Katherine bearing a book and disputing with the doctors, bearing a reason ...
— Christmas: Its Origin and Associations - Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries • William Francis Dawson

... yields a milk of as good quality as that from the cow. It forms large forests on the mountains near the town of Cariaco and elsewhere along the seacoast of Venezuela, reaching to a considerable height. In South America the cow tree is called Palo de Vaca, or Arbol de Leche. Its milk, which is obtained by making incisions in the trunk, so closely resembles the milk of the cow, both in appearance and quality, that it is commonly used as an article of food by the inhabitants of the places ...
— Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture • William Saunders

... helme, whych can beste skyll to gouerne the shyp: in the sonne, wh[en] not only he hymself is in ieopardy, but the father and mother and all the housholde, yea and the common wealth it selfe, wylte thou not vse like iudgement? Thy horse is sicke, whether wilt thou sende for a leche at the good word of thy friend, or for his c[un]ning in lechcraft. What? Is thy sonne of lesse price vnto the then thi horse? Yea settest thou lesse by thy selfe then by thy horse? This beyng a foule thynge ...
— The Education of Children • Desiderius Erasmus

... both for the said reason of Salomon and also for the reason that phisyk makyth in this wyse. Si tibi deficiant medici tibi fiant: hec tria mens leta labor et moderata dieta. Ye shall vnderstonde that this is for to saye, Yf a man lacke leche or medicyne he shall make thre thynges his leche and medicyne: and he shall nede neuer no moo. The fyrste of theym is a mery thought. The seconde is labour not outrageo. ...
— Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 4 • Charles Dudley Warner

... therfor wostow what I thee beseche? 855 Lat be thy wo and turning to the grounde; For who-so list have helping of his leche, To him bihoveth first unwrye his wounde. To Cerberus in helle ay be I bounde, Were it for my suster, al thy sorwe, 860 By my wil, she sholde al be thyn to-morwe. 'Loke up, I seye, and tel me what she is Anoon, that I may goon aboute thy nede; Knowe ich hir ought? ...
— Troilus and Criseyde • Geoffrey Chaucer

... of Engelond; and frere Robert Hales priour of seynt Jones hous, thanne tresorer of Engelond; and frere William Appulton a grey frere, because he was phisicion to the duke of Lancastre, and Roger Leche sergeaunt of armes; and Richard Lyons was beheded at the standard in Chepe; and Richard Somere was beheded at the Milende; and Legat of Holbourn was beheded at Goterlane ende in Chepe; and manye questmongers, jorours, men of lawe, Flemynges, and othere aliens as they comen to honde ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

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