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Laminated   Listen
laminated  adj.  
Consisting of, or covered with, laminae, or thin plates, sheets, scales, or layers, one over another; laminate.
Hence: Constructed of thin sheets of material, bonded together to form a composite structure having multiple layers.
Laminated arch (Arch.), a timber arch made of layers of bent planks secured by treenails.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Laminated" Quotes from Famous Books

... better. Horn articles are limited to size of the ceratinous appendages that can be borne on the animal's head, but an imitation of horn can be made of any thickness by wrapping celluloid sheets about a cone. Ivory, which also has a laminated structure, may be imitated by rolling together alternate white opaque and colorless translucent sheets. Some of the sheets are wrinkled in order to produce the knots and irregularities of the grain of natural ivory. Man's chief difficulty in all such work is to imitate the ...
— Creative Chemistry - Descriptive of Recent Achievements in the Chemical Industries • Edwin E. Slosson

... become converted into laminae, separated from each other by surfaces of weak cohesion, and the infallible result will be a tendency to cleave at right angles to the line of pressure. [Footnote: It is scarcely necessary to say that if the mass were squeezed equally in all directions no laminated structure could be produced; it must have room to yield in a lateral direction. Mr. Warren De la Rue informs me that he once wished to obtain white-lead in a fine granular state, and to accomplish this he first compressed it. The mould was conical, and permitted ...
— Fragments of science, V. 1-2 • John Tyndall

... calcarous sericitic schist [9] is four feet thick and underlies a bed of schistose lime stone [10] six feet in thickness, which is in turn covered by a finely laminated phyllite, [11] ten feet thick. The whole is capped by thirty feet of quartzite, [12] which forms the top of ...
— The Long Labrador Trail • Dillon Wallace

... water-tight coating. This does not always give full protection, since in some cases polluting matter may pass through even ten feet of soil. This would be particularly true if the well was in a fissured or seamed rock, and very recently the writer found a well dug in a laminated granite, where a near-by sewer, leaking at the joints, contaminated the water of the well, although the well was cased with an iron casing twenty-five feet deep. The sewage escaped into a crack in the rock ...
— Rural Hygiene • Henry N. Ogden

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