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Knee-high   Listen
Knee-high  adj.  Rising or reaching upward to the knees; as, the water is knee-high.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Knee-high" Quotes from Famous Books

... jealous of them nights, I guess, or I wouldn't of run 'em down that-a-way behind their backs. But the way she was always taking on over them was calkelated to make me see I wasn't knee-high to a duck in Martha's mind when one of them nights popped into her head. When I run 'em down that-a-way, she says to the blind all things is blind, and if I had any chivalry into me myself I'd of seen they wasn't jest dern fools, but noble, ...
— Danny's Own Story • Don Marquis

... can'idates, it's said, 130 So useful eza wooden leg,—except a wooden head; There's nothin' aint so poppylar—(wy, it 's a parfect sin To think wut Mexico hez paid fer Santy Anny's pin;)— Then I haint gut no princerples, an', sence I wuz knee-high, I never did hev any gret, ez you can testify; I'm a decided peace-man, tu, an' go agin the war,— Fer now the holl on 't's gone an' past, wut is there to go for? Ef, wile you're 'lectioneerin' round, some curus chaps should beg To know my views o' state affairs, jest answer WOODEN LEG! ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell • James Lowell

... seen an inch yet of the whole hero. Had you followed him as I have, from a knee-high urchin, you'd confess that there never was soldier fit to cry comrade to him. O! 'twould have made your blood frisk in your veins to have seen him in Turkey and Tartary, when he made the clumsy infidels dance to the music of his ...
— The Indian Princess - La Belle Sauvage • James Nelson Barker

... omitted to add the date of this dedication, which would have increased its interest, for the idea of calling a knee-high youngster of six "M. ...
— Musical Memories • Camille Saint-Saens

... stood there, motionless. Knee-high the flat ebb boiled and hissed, dragging at her stockinged feet as though to draw her seaward with the others. Yesterday she would have gone, without a thought, to join the others; but yesterday is yesterday. It seemed to her, as she ...
— The Younger Set • Robert W. Chambers

... laughter that greeted his inversion, Bettles released the bear-hug and turned fiercely on them. "Laugh, you mangy short-horns, laugh! But I tell you plain and simple, the best of you ain't knee-high fit ...
— Burning Daylight • Jack London

... a-haulin' in their net. An' I walked a ways out on the ice, a-signalin' with my bandana han'kercher; an' arter a time they seen me. 'T was Cap'n Ely from Injun Head an' his boy. Haow them young 'uns dew grow! Las' time I see that kid, he wa' n't knee-high tew ...
— Old Lady Number 31 • Louise Forsslund

... thought. Large trunks loomed up, charred with forest fires; here and there a round, white or light-grey stone, ghostly in the waning light, knee-high, I should judge. Once I passed the skeleton of a stable—the remnant of the buildings put up by a pioneer settler who had to give in after having wasted effort and substance and worn his knuckles to the bones. The wilderness ...
— Over Prairie Trails • Frederick Philip Grove

... the spot to which my mother took me when I was knee-high. I've bought it, bought the whole hillside. Next summer we will put up a house there, not a very big house, just a long, low sort of a Moorish pavilion, the architect calls it. I ...
— Baddeck and That Sort of Thing • Charles Dudley Warner

... riot and the frost, which still lay beneath the upper soil, was thawing and moistening the succulent roots of a wilderness of green. The meadow grass, swaying off to the forest margin in billowy ripples, was already knee-high. The woods were an impenetrable mass of foliage from the forest of ferns about the broad trunks to the high tree-tops, nodding and fanning in the night breeze like coquettish dames in an eastern ball-room. Everywhere—at the river bank, where our tents stood, above the long grass, and in the forest—clear, ...
— Lords of the North • A. C. Laut

... from such a god-like freedom, and from the holy all-consuming joys it brought him. His thoughts being started upon that course, it was of this they talked what time the Count resumed his garments—his hose of red, his knee-high boots of untanned leather, and his quilted brigandine of plain brown cloth, reputed dagger-proof. He rose at last to buckle on his belt of hammered steel, from which there hung, behind his loins, a stout, lengthy dagger, the only weapon that ...
— Love-at-Arms • Raphael Sabatini

... cents, and now I is paying only seventy-five cents a week. Me and Eula has to go amongst de white folks fer bread and other little things. Ain't got no bread from 'Uncle Sam' since last August. See my tater patch, wid knee-high vines. ...
— Slave Narratives Vol. XIV. South Carolina, Part 2 • Works Projects Administration

... greenness of a tree. The southerly heights, when I came here, were black with people, fishers waiting on wind and night. Now all the S.Y.S. (Stornoway boats) have beaten out of the bay, and the Wick men stay indoors or wrangle on the quays with dissatisfied fish-curers, knee-high in brine, mud, and herring refuse. The day when the boats put out to go home to the Hebrides, the girl here told me there was 'a black wind'; and on going out, I found the epithet as justifiable as it was picturesque. A cold, BLACK southerly wind, with ...
— The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson - Volume 1 • Robert Louis Stevenson

... that should have awaited us, but to skate across the slush and slime on the cabin floor, where cook and cabin-boy lay like dead men in their bunks, and to lie down in our own bunks, with our clothes on ready for a call, and to listen to the bilge-water spouting knee-high on ...
— The Cruise of the Snark • Jack London

... was now close at hand, and they straggled forward to meet it, one behind the other, through the brushing of the knee-high bushes. The child recognizing them ran screaming toward them, his hands out-stretched, crying out their names. Lucy appeared at the front of the wagon, climbed on the tongue and jumped down. She was pale, the freckles on her fair skin showing like a spattering of brown paint, ...
— The Emigrant Trail • Geraldine Bonner

... the paddock—there was wild oats and crowsfoot knee-high in it—and helped the overseer to muster and draft. He gave me a fresh horse, of course. When he saw how handy I was in the yard he got quite shook on me, and, ...
— Robbery Under Arms • Thomas Alexander Browne, AKA Rolf Boldrewood

Words linked to "Knee-high" :   sock, stocking

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