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Kan   Listen
Kan  v. t.  To know; to ken. (Obs.) See Ken.

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"Kan" Quotes from Famous Books

... Kan Si was the first lady who carried a fan. She lived in ages which are past, and for the most part forgotten, and she was the daughter of a Chinese Mandarin. Who ever saw a Mandarin, even on a tea-chest, without his fan? In China and Japan to this day ...
— Harper's Young People, April 27, 1880 - An Illustrated Weekly • Various

... id en er et smykke gemt,— et smykke, som aldrig kan braende. Og leder de trofast, haender det nemt at det findes af ...
— The Master Builder • Henrik Ibsen

... don't these statements illustrate Our Nation's progress up to date? We're freedom-loving and we're brave And simply cannot stand a slave. And when a crisis needs a man From Mass, or Tex. or Conn, or Kan. That man steps forward, firm of chin— So Andrew Volstead ...
— Nonsenseorship • G. G. Putnam

... month, the weather has been calm and clear, and I might easily have crossed the mountain. But I knew that you were conning the classics and did not dare disturb you. So I roamed about the mountain-side, rested at the Kan-p'ei Temple, dined with the mountain priests, and, after dinner, came home again. Going northwards, I crossed the Yuuan-pa, over whose waters the unclouded moon shone with dazzling rim. When night was far advanced, I mounted Hua-tzuu's Hill and saw the ...
— More Translations from the Chinese • Various

... xxxvii. 9 [Greek: apeilousaes taes synklaetou polemon to Grakcho dia taen metathesin ton kritaerion, tetharraekotos outos eipen hoti kan apothano, ou dialeipso to eiphos apo taes pleuras ton synklaetikon diaeraemenos.] Diodorus has preserved the utterance in a more intelligible form than Cicero (de Leg. iii. 9. 20 C. vero Gracchus ... sicis iis, quas ...
— A History of Rome, Vol 1 - During the late Republic and early Principate • A H.J. Greenidge

... gettin' out he'd hev played roots on them Injins afore they tetched ye. But," he added, with gloomy dejection, "there ain't no sand in this yer crowd, thar ain't no vim, thar ain't nothin'; and thar kan't be ez long ez thar's women and babies, and women and baby fixin's, mixed up with it. I'd hev cut the whole blamed gang ef it weren't for one or two things," ...
— A Waif of the Plains • Bret Harte

... one-fourth of the States; (2) a State may not reject and then subsequently ratify, at least when more than one-fourth of the States are on record as rejecting; and (3) more than a reasonable time has elapsed since it was submitted to the States in 1924. The Kansas Supreme Court in Coleman v. Miller (146 Kan. 390 [1937]) came to the ...
— The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation • Edward Corwin

... tragedy of the Cid produce the riots of the Fronde. Great crimes have generally been committed by ignorant great men. It is the insatiable cupidity, the indomitable pride of mankind, which have made this world a vale of tears; from Thamas Kouli-Kan, who could not read, to the custom-house clerk, who only knows how to cipher. [Footnote: August 30, 1755. ...
— The Eve of the French Revolution • Edward J. Lowell

... confoundered use in the hul on us crossin' the paraira now. We kan't hunt buffler till they've passed, anyways. So it's this child's idee that a dozen o' us 'll be enough to 'cacher' in the Peenyun, and watch for the niggurs a-goin' south. A dozen mout do it safe enough, but ...
— The Scalp Hunters • Mayne Reid

... Helium, they come," replied the slave. "I have seen Kantos Kan, Overlord of the Navy, and Prince Soran of Ptarth, and Djor Kantos, son of Kantos Kan," she shot a roguish glance at her mistress as she mentioned Djor Kantos' name, "and—oh, there were ...
— The Chessmen of Mars • Edgar Rice Burroughs

... Old Soldier's Home, Leavenworth, Kan., February 14, 1901.—Mrs. Carrie Nation:—As I have read of your grand success in Topeka, and elsewhere I wish to congratulate. For God's sake come to the Soldier's Home and save the Old Veterans. Bring your hatchet along and clear out the Canteen in the Home. Congress recently passed ...
— The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation • Carry A. Nation

... convention was held at Lecompton, Kan., to draw up a state constitution. In this convention the advocates of slavery were in the majority and the instrument was so prepared as not to interfere with slavery wherever it already existed in the territory. The free-soil ...
— Lincoln's Inaugurals, Addresses and Letters (Selections) • Abraham Lincoln

... heroes; the name of the epic poem of Finland. Kal'e-va'tar (Kalewa'tar). Daughter of Kaleva. Kal-e'vo. The same as Kaleva. Ka'lew. Often used for Kaleva. Kal'ma. The god of death. Kam'mo. The father of Kimmo. Kan'ka-hat'ta-ret. The goddesses of weaving. Ka'pe. A synonym of Ilmatar, the mother of Wainamoinen. Ka'po. A synonym of Osmotar. Ka-re'len. A province of Finland. Kar-ja'la, (karya'la). The seat of the waterfall, Kaatrakoski. Kat'e-ja'tar (kataya'tar). The daughter of the ...
— The Kalevala (complete) • John Martin Crawford, trans.

... Spike kan yit save you. Give up the miners map and promis to tell nobudy of the kave of gold and we wil git you free. Refuse and we wil let you hang and then git the map off yur ded bodies we wil git the map anyway so whats the use of given up yur lives. Weve got things fixed so that you kant eskape ...
— The Cave of Gold - A Tale of California in '49 • Everett McNeil

... Host' ei me to megethos tou Atlantikou pelagous ekolye, kan plein hemas ek tes Iberias eis ten Indiken dia tou autou parallelou.] ...
— The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) - with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest • John Fiske

... by glancing at the list of days, that this arrangement brought at the beginning of each year, the days Kan, Muluc, Ix and Cauac in turn, and that no other days could begin the year. These days were therefore called cuch haab, "the bearers of the years" (cuch, to bear, carry, haab, year), and years were distinguished as "a year Kan," "a year Muluc," etc., as they began with one or ...
— The Maya Chronicles - Brinton's Library Of Aboriginal American Literature, Number 1 • Various

... Styrke og anden Vilkaar berorer, som overgaaer de Menneskers der nu leve deres Vaext og Kraft, det Stykke kan ikke her noksom nu forhandles, men skal i den Danske Kronikes tredie Bog videligere omtales. Thi det jo i Sandhed befindes og bevises af adskillige Documenter og Kundskab, at disse gamle Hellede, som de kaldes, have levet fast ...
— Romantic Ballads - translated from the Danish; and Miscellaneous Pieces • George Borrow

... very high, the batteries do not run down for a long time. —Contributed by A. D. Stoddard, Clay Center, Kan. ...
— The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 - 700 Things For Boys To Do • Popular Mechanics

... Troano MS. appears to have been written about 3,500 years ago, among the Mayas of Yucatan, and the following is its description of the catastrophe that submerged the island of Poseidonis:—"In the year 6 Kan, on the 11th Muluc in the month Zac, there occurred terrible earthquakes, which continued without interruption until the 13th Chuen. The country of the hills of mud, the land of Mu was sacrificed: being twice upheaved it suddenly disappeared during ...
— The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria • W. Scott-Elliot

... the "Sioux"—a name given them by the early French traders and voyageurs. "Dakota" signifies alliance or confederation. Many separate bands, all having a common origin and speaking a common tongue, were united under this name. See "Tah-Koo Wah-Kan," or "The Gospel Among the Dakotas," by Stephen R. Riggs, pp. 1 to ...
— The Feast of the Virgins and Other Poems • H. L. Gordon

... the Tin Woodman and the Shaggy Man and Jack Pumpkinhead, in turn. Tiktok, the machine man, also said he intended to stand by Ozma. "For," said he, "I should be of no use at all in Kan-sas." ...
— The Emerald City of Oz • L. Frank Baum

... [Footnote 119: Kan-chih-pu-lo. Watters, Yuan Chuang, II. 226. The identification is not without difficulties and it has been suggested that the town is really Negapatam. The Life of the pilgrim says that it was on the coast, but he does not say so himself and his ...
— Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Charles Eliot

... the resolucion ye knaw, for the revenge of that cawse; and his Lo. hes vrettin to me anent that purpose, qhairto I vill accorde, incase ye vill stand to and beir a part: and befoir ye resolve, meet me and M.A.R. in the Cannogat on Tysday the nixt owk, and be als var as ye kan. Indeid M.A.R. spak with me fowr or fywe dayis syn, and I hew promised his Lo. ane answar within ten dayis at farrest. As for the purpose how M.A.R. and I hes sett down the cowrse, it vill be ane very esy done ...
— James VI and the Gowrie Mystery • Andrew Lang

... reported to him, Beita Heima the karo[u] appeared before his master. In the early morning light Shu[u]zen was pouring buckets of cold water over Isuke, having himself undergone the same treatment at the chu[u]gen's hands. "Kan mairi, Heima,"[7] said Shu[u]zen with a laugh. Then he explained matters to the astonished karo[u]. Isuke's further ablutions were left to other hands. The affair now was cleared up. The removal of the slab, the fresh air penetrating the cavern, made the removal of ...
— Bakemono Yashiki (The Haunted House) - Tales of the Tokugawa, Volume 2 (of 2) • James S. De Benneville

... was Kwang-Foo-Tsz (and if you can pronounce that last word properly you can do more than many eminent Chinese scholars can)—was born in the province of Kan ...
— Miscellanea • Juliana Horatia Ewing

... w[/a]n stands for w[/a]nam n[i]'l: the fur or skin of a red or silver fox; kan[/i]ta p[^i]'sh stands for kan[/i]tana l[/a]tchash m'n[/a]lam: "outside of his lodge or cabin". The meaning of the sentence is: they raise their voices to call him out. Conjurers are in the habit of fastening a fox-skin outside of their lodges, ...
— Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages • J.O. Dorsey, A.S. Gatschet, and S.R. Riggs

... redeligkeit, glichheit und warheit, fride und genugsamkeit, und alles das, das allen tugenden zu gehoert, das muss da sin. Wa es anders ist, da ist im nit recht, als vor gesprochen ist. Wan recht als dises oder das zu diser einung nit gehelfen oder gedienen kan, also is ouch nichtes, das es geirren oder gehindern mag, denn alleine der mensch mit sinem eigen willen, der tut im disen grossen schaden. Das sol ...
— Memories • Max Muller

... i Afrika, Der Intet voxe kan, da ei det regner, Og, omvendt, ingen Regn kan falde, da Der Intet voxer. Paudan-Muller, Adam Hamo, ...
— The Earth as Modified by Human Action • George P. Marsh

... Kantos Kan, a padwar (lieutenant) in the navy of Helium. He had been a member of the ill-fated expedition which had fallen into the hands of the Tharks at the time of Dejah Thoris' capture, and he briefly related the events which followed the defeat ...
— A Princess of Mars • Edgar Rice Burroughs

... KAN-OO-SES—"Is it true you are bringing the Queen's kindness? Is it true you are bringing the Queen's messenger's kindness? Is it true you are going to give my child what he may use? Is it true you are going to give ...
— The Treaties of Canada with The Indians of Manitoba - and the North-West Territories • Alexander Morris

... yo' don't. Yo' kan't come dat on dis chile. Dat gun stay pinted jus' lak she is; an' hit goes off too ef yo' don' do what ...
— That Printer of Udell's • Harold Bell Wright

... the concept [Greek: theos], and indeed among the cultured as well as the uncultured (Orig. prolegg. in Psalm, in Pitra, Anal. T. II. p. 437, according to a Stoic source; [Greek: kat' allon de tropon legesthai theon zoion athanaton logikon opoudaion, hoste pasan asteian psychen theon huparchein, kan periechetai, allos de legesthai theon to kath' auto on zoion athanaton hos ta en anthropois periechomenas psychas me huparchein theous]). They still regarded the Gods as passionless, blessed men living for ever. The idea therefore of a [Greek: theopoiesis], and ...
— History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7) • Adolph Harnack

... Ploutonion, echon kai alsos poluteles, kai neon Ploutonos te kai Heras kan to CHARONION antron huperkeimenon tou alsous, thaumaston tei phusei.] Strabo. l. 14. ...
— A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I. • Jacob Bryant

... being established in 1866. In 1878 such a mission was begun at Madison for the students of the University of Wisconsin, and another at Iowa City for the University of Iowa. In more recent years college missions have been started at Lawrence, Kan.; Lincoln, Neb.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Berkeley, Cal.; Colorado Springs; and Amherst, Mass. This has proved to be one of the most effective ways of extending Unitarianism as ...
— Unitarianism in America • George Willis Cooke

... Yokohama. In all of these countries afforestation takes place quickly and the cuttings on private holdings are made once in ten, twenty or twenty-five years. When the wood is sold to those coming for it the takers pay at the rate of 40 sen per one horse load of forty kan, or 330 pounds, such as is seen in Fig. 87. Director Ono, of the Akashi Experiment station, informed us that such fuel loads in that prefecture, where the wood is cut once in ten years, bring returns amounting ...
— Farmers of Forty Centuries - or, Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan • F. H. King

... there have been stupid or malicious people who have said that Johnson's marriage with a homely woman twenty years older than himself was not a love match. For instance, Mr. E.W. Howe, of Atchison, Kan., in most respects an amiable and well-conducted philosopher, uttered in Howe's Monthly (May, 1918) the following words, which (I ...
— Mince Pie • Christopher Darlington Morley

... daughters, the fairest of whom is compelled by the hero to help him in overcoming her father. She accordingly instructs him to eat no meat and to drink no wine at the devil's house, otherwise he will be poisoned. This may remind us of Kan Puedaei, who in the Altaic ballad descends with his steed to the middle of the earth and encounters various monsters. There the grass and the water of the mountain forest through which he rode were poison. In both cases, what is ...
— The Science of Fairy Tales - An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology • Edwin Sidney Hartland

... magnificent, reminding me of French tapestries. Two diminutive and unfinished mats were lying on the cover, symbolising clothing for the deceased, and tufts of long, beautiful grass had been tied to the top at either end. The coffin was to be placed on a platform in the utan. Its name in Katungan is bkan rni; (bkan form, exterior; rni ...
— Through Central Borneo: - An Account of Two Years' Travel in the Land of Head-Hunters - Between the Years 1913 and 1917 • Carl Lumholtz

... Kan, with my other noble lieutenants, I left with Carthoris at Helium, that he might have the benefit of their wisdom, bravery, and loyalty in the performance of the arduous duties which had devolved upon him. Only Woola, ...
— Warlord of Mars • Edgar Rice Burroughs

... made tew mourn, man waz made tew laff. He iz the onla creeter or thing that God made tew laff out loud. It iz true he knows how to mourn, do duz animills know how, the birds kan tell their sorrows, and the flowers kan hang their pretty heds. Man was made tew smile, tew laff, to haw! tew throw up his hat, and sing halleluger. Man was made tew praze God, and he can't dew it by mourning. Awl ...
— Cole's Funny Picture Book No. 1 • Edward William Cole

... our joint caravan cleared the palisaded villages of Ellyria, after paying blackmail to the chief, Legge, whose villainous countenance was stamped with ferocity, avarice and sensuality. Glad to escape from this country, we crossed the Kan[i][e]ti river, a tributary of the Sobat, itself a tributary of the White Nile, and entered the country of Latooka, which is bounded by the Lafeet chain of mountains. In the forests and on the plain were countless elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Volume 19 - Travel and Adventure • Various

... is probably the more correct), Bridal-Veil Fall.... This word is said to signify 'evil wind.' The only 'evil wind' that an Indian knows of is a whirlwind, which is poi-i'-cha or Kan'-u-ma. ...
— Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest • Katharine Berry Judson

... the proude kyng; His roial trone myghte hym nat availle. Tragedie is noon oother maner thyng, Ne kan in syngyng crie ne biwaille But for that Fortune alwey wole assaile With unwar strook the regnes that been proude; For whan men trusteth hire, thanne wol she faille, And covere hire brighte face with ...
— Shakespearean Tragedy - Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth • A. C. Bradley

... but her whole frame was the prey of a hereditary disease. The tears in her eyes glistened like small specks. Her balmy breath was so gentle. She was as demure as a lovely flower reflected in the water. Her gait resembled a frail willow, agitated by the wind. Her heart, compared with that of Pi Kan, had one more aperture of intelligence; while her ailment exceeded (in intensity) by three degrees the ailment ...
— Hung Lou Meng, Book I • Cao Xueqin

... is wenn munnys on thee throan uv life to bee luvd fore ureself aloan Ann no thatt u have gott thee powr to stur a woomans hart wenn u jusst look att hur. ann o itts sweeter still iff u kan no hur paw has gott jusst oshuns uv thee doe Ann u jusst hav to furnish luv ann hee wil furnish munny fore boath u ann shee. i wood nott kair iff shee wuz poor butt o itts dubley swete too ...
— The Wit and Humor of America, Volume IV. (of X.) • Various

... their escort to, some transports that were expected with reinforcements from China. In the grey of the morning on the 25th they fell in with, and were attacked by, three of the swift protected cruisers of the Japanese fleet, the "Yoshino," "Akitsushima," and "Naniwa Kan." The fight was soon over. The gunboat was sunk, and the little cruiser was attacked at close quarters by the "Naniwa Kan," whose shells riddled her weak conning-tower, killing all within it. The "Tsing Yuen" fled, pursued by the "Naniwa," whose ...
— Famous Sea Fights - From Salamis to Tsu-Shima • John Richard Hale

... Wa [kan] el aghreb an fi hadha 'l kenz [kana]. Burton "the most marvellous article ...
— Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp • John Payne

... Born at Fulton, Kan., 1886. Educated at Washburn College, Topeka, and University of Michigan. Has been engaged in railroad and newspaper work. Taught in the Signal Corps Training School at Yale during the war. Now on the editorial staff of the Kansas ...
— The Best Short Stories of 1920 - and the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various

... kan es nicht mehr aushalten" said the young Fru Ravn, with tears in her eyes. She rose, her husband hurried to her, and they left together. Rafael sat down again, with Angelika. Those near them looked towards them and whispered together. Angry and ashamed, he looked across at Angelika, ...
— Absalom's Hair • Bjornstjerne Bjornson

... Dominus Willi. de Boteraus Senior. Dominus Willi. de Boteraus maior. Dominus Willi. de Campo Arnulphi. Dominus Thomas de Kan. Dominus Stepha. de Bello Prato. Dominus Rogerus de Carminou. Dominus Thomas de Pridias. Dominus Hugo Peuerell. Dominus Iohannes de Lambron. Dominus Rad. Bloyhon. Dominus Iohannes filius Willi. Dominus Osbertus le Sor. Dominus Robertus Gifford. Dominus ...
— The Survey of Cornwall • Richard Carew

... village was situated at Pawnee Rock, on the Arkansas river, in a beautiful valley, in what is now the southwest corner of Benton Co., Kan. The wick-i-ups were made of poles set on ends, gathered together at the top, and covered with buffalo skins from which the hair ...
— Thirty-One Years on the Plains and In the Mountains • William F. Drannan

... horses, and wagons, was recovered. Only one white child was found among them. The prisoners (warriors) were brought in under guard, their weapons having been taken from them, and they were securely tied. Among them was one chief, Wa-ka-mo-no (Wa-kan-mane), Spirit Walker, or Walking Spirit. At 10 p.m. William Quinn and two mounted men were dispatched to Camp Release to obtain a reinforcement to meet the expedition ...
— History of Company E of the Sixth Minnesota Regiment of Volunteer Infantry • Alfred J. Hill

... miles north of the city of Leavenworth, Kan., situate on Rattlesnake Hills, was first occupied as a cantonment in 1827, and became a regular fort of the U. ...
— Across the Plains to California in 1852 - Journal of Mrs. Lodisa Frizzell • Lodisa Frizell

... (4) Van Kan, J. Les Causes economiques de la criminalite. Etude historique et critique d'etiologie ...
— Introduction to the Science of Sociology • Robert E. Park

... joost yoong mans vot kan spend money. Freda don't have got no yoong mans, 'cause her Schatz vent to der var und die py der fever ...
— Life at High Tide - Harper's Novelettes • Various

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