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Kam   Listen
Kam  adj.  Crooked; awry. (Obs.) "This is clean kam."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Kam" Quotes from Famous Books

... the Sultan. "They are shards, weathered stone. There are no inscriptions, no art. There is no stimulation in dead stone. Now. Tomorrow I will hear a report on hybrid soybean plantings in the Upper Kam District. You will want to ...
— Sjambak • John Holbrook Vance

... that man's all-fired belief in his being the Angel Gabriel and Dan'l Webster rolled inter one don't beat anythin'! I suppose that high-flyin' jay-bird kalkilated to put you and me and my gal and yer boy inter harness for his four hoss chariot and he sittin' kam on the box drivin' us! Why don't he tend to his own business, and look arter his own concerns—instead o' leaving Jinny Bradley and Loo Macy dependent on Kings and Queens and titled folks gen'rally, and he, Jim Bradley, philanderin' with another ...
— A Phyllis of the Sierras • Bret Harte

... in with the bayonet, their predilection for "no quarter." We recall those tales that they themselves willingly tell, all in much the same words and with the same gestures. They raise their arms over their heads—"Kam'rad, Kam'rad!" "Non, pas Kam'rad!" And in pantomime they drive a bayonet forward, at belly-height, drawing it back then with the help ...
— Under Fire - The Story of a Squad • Henri Barbusse

... fo-tograh'fee? I wish to take the | Mi volas fotografi la | mee vo-lahss interior | internon | fo-tograh'fee la | | intehr'nohn Have you brought | Cxu vi kunportis vian | choo vee koonpor'teess your camera? | kamereton? | veeahn | | kam-ehreh'tohn? This is my camera | Tio cxi estas mia | tee-oh chee eh-stahss | kamereto | mee-ah kam-ehreh'toh The lens is broken | La lenso estas | la lehn-so eh-stahss | rompita | rohmpee'tah The light is too | La lumo estas ...
— Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation • William W. Mann

... were a couple more weeks of the mud and dust to be endured. I have been in sand-storms in the interior of Australia when the sun was blotted out and in Egypt when the Kam-seen said to the mountain, "Be thou removed!" and it was removed in a single night some fifty miles away, but neither of these is worse than some of the dust-storms that blow over Melbourne, and ...
— "Over There" with the Australians • R. Hugh Knyvett

... joined by four others, Aage Svendsoen, Klavs Nielsen, Jens Laurssoen, and Niels Gummeloese. The last two were town officers. As soon as the report went around Roenne that they had come, Burgomaster Klaus Kam went to ...
— Hero Tales of the Far North • Jacob A. Riis

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