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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Jigger   Listen
Jigger  n.  
(Zool.) A species of flea (Tunga penetrans, or Sarcopsylla penetrans, or Pulex penetrans), which burrows beneath the skin; called also jigger flea. See Chigoe.
(Zool.) Any one of several species of small red mites (esp. Tetranychus irritans and Tetranychus Americanus) of the family Trombiculidae, which, in the larval or leptus stage, burrow beneath the skin of man and various animals, causing great annoyance. Also called chigger. (Southern U. S.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Jigger" Quotes from Famous Books

... were all French Canadians: a merry, careless, but persevering set of fellows, just cut out for the work they had to do, and, moreover, accustomed to it. The boat was a clumsy affair, with two spritsails and a jigger or mizzen; but, notwithstanding, she looked well at a distance, and though incapable of progressing very fast through the water, she could stand a pretty heavy sea. We were badly off, how ever, with regard to camp gear, having neither tent nor oilcloth to protect ...
— Hudson Bay • R.M. Ballantyne

... her way behind the tug they hoisted her sails, a long cable called "the messenger" enabling the steam-winch forward to do all the work. Mayo was assigned to the jigger-mast, and went aloft to shake out the topsail. It was a dizzy height, and the task tried his spirit, for the sail was heavy, and he found it difficult to keep his balance while he was tugging at the folds of the canvas. He was obliged to work alone—there was only one man to ...
— Blow The Man Down - A Romance Of The Coast - 1916 • Holman Day

... day before there had been a general tumble, six in a row, on the back-wheel; one of them, losing her balance, had dragged the others with her and the lot had fallen flat in a tangle of steel and flesh. Bucking Horse, Old Jigger, Street Donkey—the nicknames they gave their bikes—had kicked them to the raw. They showed one another the bruises on their limbs: "Oh, don't it hurt, just!" "What about mine?" "Look here!" like young recruits bragging of their wounds after ...
— The Bill-Toppers • Andre Castaigne

Words linked to "Jigger" :   pony, harvest mite, trombiculid, glass, genus Trombicula, Trombicula, drinking glass, mast

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