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Jackwood   Listen
Jackwood  n.  Wood of the jack (Artocarpus integrifolia), used in cabinetwork.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Jackwood" Quotes from Famous Books

... begrudged her the sip. "Then," she went on, "Mildred was always running away,—not intentionally, you understand, but just going off and forgetting to come back. Once—dear, dear! it gives me a turn to think of it!—she had been reading 'Neighbor Jackwood,' and was much delighted with the idea of the heroine's hiding in the haystack to escape her cruel pursuers. So she went out to the great haystack in the barnyard, pulled out a quantity of hay, crept into the hole, and found it so comfortable that she fell fast asleep. You may imagine, my dears, ...
— Hildegarde's Holiday - a story for girls • Laura E. Richards

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