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Iter   Listen
Iter  n.  (Anat.) A passage; esp., the passage between the third and fourth ventricles in the brain; the aqueduct of Sylvius.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Iter" Quotes from Famous Books

... a catalogue which, I admit, might be largely extended. You can never read a history, you can never open a newspaper, without seeing some example of unhappy marriage. But the conspicuous are not the frequent. In the quiet path of every-day life—the secretum iter et fallentis semita vita—I could show you many couples who are really comforts and helpmates to each other. Then, above all things, children. The great blessing of old age, the one that never fails, if all else ...
— Gryll Grange • Thomas Love Peacock

... cum lachrymantes inter nos vale dixissemus, et illi suavissima commemoratione illustrium virorum et sanctorum qui similiter e patria tyrannidi cesserunt, maesticiam meam non nihil levassent, media jam nocte in densissimis tenebris solus iter ingredior."[293] Sadly he plodded on his way through the darkness, oppressed with forebodings, for he knew of no hospitable retreat in other lands; he had neither friend nor acquaintance among foreigners; ...
— The Scottish Reformation - Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics • Alexander F. Mitchell

... to those foolish great-spleen'd cammels, That to their high heads beg'd of Jove hornes higher; Whose most uncomely and ridiculous pride When hee had satisfied, they could not use, But where they went upright before, they stoopt, 180 And bore their heads much lower for their hornes: Simil[iter.] As these high men doe, low in all true grace, Their height being priviledge to all things base. And as the foolish poet that still writ All his most selfe-lov'd verse in paper royall, 185 Or partchment rul'd with lead, smooth'd with the pumice, ...
— Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois • George Chapman

... pulvis qui dividit horas Dum vagus augustum saepe recurrit iter, Olim erat Alcippus, qui Gallae ut vidit ocellos, Arsit, et est caeco factus ab igne cinis.— Irrequiete cinis, miseros testabere amantes More tuo nulla posse ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 74, March 29, 1851 • Various

... 'undred a year to represent a Tasmanian devil. But look 'ere, now, I've no time to waste with you; I come 'ere to give you a bit of my mind. You're a fire-raiser, you are. Ah! you may well wince an' grow w'ite. You'd grow w'iter still, with a rope round your neck, if you wos left to my tender mercies, you w'ite livered villain! for I knows you; I've watched you; I've found you hout; an' I've only got to 'old up my little finger to cut ...
— Life in the Red Brigade - London Fire Brigade • R.M. Ballantyne

... Labyrinthus in alta Parietibus textum caecis iter, ancipitemque Mille viis habuisse dolum, qua signa sequendi Falleret indeprensus et inremeabilis error. Haud alio Teucruen nati vestigia cursu Impediunt, texuntque fagas ...
— Ariadne Florentina - Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving • John Ruskin

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