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Instar   Listen
Instar  v. t.  To stud as with stars. (R.) "A golden throne instarred with gems."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Instar" Quotes from Famous Books

... life of man, one witnes alone will not suffice, ther must be tow, or y^t which is instar; y^e texts are manifest, Numb: 35. 30. Deut: 17. 6. & 19. 15. 2^ly. Ther may be conviction by one witnes, & some thing y^t hath y^e force of another, as y^e evidencie of y^e fact done by such an one, & not an other; unforced confession ...
— Bradford's History of 'Plimoth Plantation' • William Bradford

... Resurr. 63). Origen, however, really began the mischief in his homilies and commentary on the Song of Solomon. The prologue of the commentary in Rufinus commences as follows: "Epithalamium libellus hic, id est nuptiale carmen, dramatis in modum mihi videtur a Salomone conscriptus, quem cecinit instar nubentis sponsae, et erga sponsum suum qui est sermo Dei caelesti amore flagrantis. Adamavit enim eum sive anima, quae ad imaginem eius facta est, sive ecclesia." Harnack says that Gregory of Nyssa exhibits the conception in its purest and most attractive ...
— Christian Mysticism • William Ralph Inge

... Captinus inclytus ille Regis Ulyssae instar, docti arcum intendere longum; Condidit ille Johnsmith, Virginiamque vocavit, Settledit autem Jacobus rex, nomine primus, Rascalis implens ruptis, blagardisque deboshtis, Militibusque ex Falstaffi legione fugatis Wenchisque illi quas poterant seducere ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell • James Lowell

... forming a frame around a portrait, the portrait of a woman of middle age and comfortable countenance. In the right-hand top corner of the picture, in letters of faded gold, runs the legend—VXOR BONA INSTAR NAVIS. ...
— Wandering Heath • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... new in their experience, for Aurelius, unlike his predecessors, took all this with absolute seriousness. The doctrine of the sanctity of kings, that, in the words of Tacitus, Princes are as Gods—Principes instar deorum esse—seemed to have taken a novel, because a literal, sense. For Aurelius, indeed, the old legend of his descent from Numa, from [193] Numa who had talked with the gods, meant much. Attached ...
— Marius the Epicurean, Volume One • Walter Horatio Pater

... nor my mother, nor valet, nor chambermaid, should speak anything in my company, but such Latin words as each one had learned to gabble with me. —[These passages are, the basis of a small volume by the Abbe Mangin: "Education de Montaigne; ou, L'Art d'enseigner le Latin a l'instar des meres latines."]—It is not to be imagined how great an advantage this proved to the whole family; my father and my mother by this means learned Latin enough to understand it perfectly well, and to speak it to such a ...
— The Essays of Montaigne, Complete • Michel de Montaigne

... invenimus id aquam in omne Colorum genus transformare, quod merito cuipiam Paradoxum videri posset; Ligni frutex grandis, ut aiunt, non raro in molem arboris excrescit, truncus illius eft crassus, enodis, instar piri arboris, folia ciceris foliis, aut rutae haud absimilia, flores exigui, oblongi, lutei & spicatim digesti; est frigida & humida planta, licet parum recedat a medio temperamento. Hujus itaque descriptae arboris ...
— Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours (1664) • Robert Boyle

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