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Hesitatingly   Listen
Hesitatingly  adv.  With hesitation or doubt.

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"Hesitatingly" Quotes from Famous Books

... perplexity, as though he were chasing within himself a gloomy thought which he was never able to catch. At the same time he did not give one the impression of being stuck up: he might rather have been taken for an aggrieved than a haughty man. He spoke very little, hesitatingly, in a husky voice, with unnecessary repetitions. Unlike most "fatalists," he did not use particularly elaborate expressions in speaking and only had recourse to them in writing; his handwriting was quite like a child's. His superiors regarded ...
— Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories • Ivan Turgenev

... know what to do—I suppose I've got to take you to the station, at any rate," said the policeman, hesitatingly. ...
— Cord and Creese • James de Mille

... I'... the peasant began hesitatingly in a rather hoarse voice, shaking his thin wisps of hair, and drumming with his fingers on the band of the cap he held in ...
— A Sportsman's Sketches - Volume II • Ivan Turgenev

... moment at his beaver hat, and took it off. Then the other two did so to their firm-fixed caps. And with an impulse that came from no one could tell whom, the three spoke—the first time hesitatingly, the next time together ...
— Christmas - A Story • Zona Gale

... Miss Wright was much startled by the perils it involved, and hesitatingly consulted her mother, but her devoted loyalty soon silenced every other consideration, and the brave girl resolved to comply with my request, notwithstanding it might jeopardize her life. The evening before a convalescent Confederate officer had visited her mother's house, and in conversation ...
— The Memoirs of General P. H. Sheridan, Complete • General Philip Henry Sheridan

... ask," stammered Wixon, hesitatingly. "It don't mean much to you, but it means a good deal to others. Bein' penned up on a poor-farm, with nothin' except three meals a day to take up your mind, is pretty tough on them as have seen better days. ...
— The Skipper and the Skipped - Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul • Holman Day

... frankly said Hawke. "There is all manner of official junketing on here now. I am not, of course, to be officially included, as I am not on the staff of either the visiting or commanding general. I must wait until I am invited—if I am!" he hesitatingly said. "You know that my rank is—to say the least—shadowy!" The lady passed ...
— A Fascinating Traitor • Richard Henry Savage

... the best of it, Thelamis was much ashamed of his stupidity. "I have," he said hesitatingly, "two other pastilles which have the same magic properties as those I used before. Let me cut off your heads again, and that will put matters straight." The proposal sounded tempting, but was a little risky, and after consulting together we decided to let things ...
— The Grey Fairy Book • Various

... scarf caused to rise up. He was a very respectable man who had amassed a decent fortune from the sale of iron bedsteads; yet how could I bring myself to think that this embarrassed-looking, ill-dressed, timid little creature could, with a word hesitatingly uttered, unite me in eternal bonds? Moreover, he had a ...
— Monsieur, Madame and Bebe, Complete • Gustave Droz

... said the stranger, moving hesitatingly in his chair. "If it was anything of that sort I wouldn't mind,—it might bring matters to a wind-up, and I shouldn't have to come here and have this cursed ...
— Colonel Starbottle's Client and Other Stories • Bret Harte

... of Johnny Chipman's parties at the Harlequin Club, and as usual the people the other people have been asked to meet are late and as usual Johnny is looking hesitatingly around at those already collected with the nervous kindliness of an absent-minded menagerie-trainer who is trying to make a happy family out of a wombat, a porcupine, and two small Scotch terriers because they are ...
— Young People's Pride • Stephen Vincent Benet

... to the opening of the hut. He drew the photograph hesitatingly from his pocket, and looked at it by the moonlight. His eyes filled with maudlin tears. He raised it to his ...
— A Millionaire of Yesterday • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... Philo Gubb's door hesitatingly. He expected to see an array of mahogany desks and filing cabinets for which he would have to pay every time the detective turned around. When he peered into the room he saw a tall, thin man in white overalls with a bib, sitting on an up-ended bundle of wall-paper, ...
— Philo Gubb Correspondence-School Detective • Ellis Parker Butler

... inadequate and ineffective, but even lent it all the cheapness of acting. And, as if to accent his simulation of a part, his fingers, feebly groping in his shirt bosom, slipped aimlessly and helplessly from the shining handle of a pistol in his pocket to wander hesitatingly towards the ...
— A First Family of Tasajara • Bret Harte

... "Well," Mr. Skinner replied hesitatingly, "perhaps I have no business to tell you this, because the knowledge came to me quite by accident; but the fact of the matter is, Matt is going to build ...
— Cappy Ricks Retires • Peter B. Kyne

... the "examination" deputed one of their number to take her to an adjoining county, where another New England girl was teaching. The excursion was made in a lumber wagon with an ox-team. All the ordinary questions asked and promptly answered, the trustee rather hesitatingly said, "Now, while you're about it, wouldn't you just as lief write out the certificate?" This was readily done, and the man affixing his cross thereto, triumphantly carried the applicant back to his ...
— History of Woman Suffrage, Volume III (of III) • Various

... reply would seem to indicate. It was his habit to hold bad news in reserve as long as possible, doubtless for the satisfaction it gave him to dribble it out sparingly. He had found it to his advantage to break all sorts of news hesitatingly to his master, for he was never by way of knowing what Mr. Thorpe would regard as bad news. For example, early in his career as valet, he had rushed into Mr. Thorpe's presence with what he had every reason to believe would be good news. He had been sent over to the home of Mr. Thorpe's son ...
— From the Housetops • George Barr McCutcheon

... credit has again reared its head. Our bank paper is in equal estimation with specie. Nothing can be more agreeable than to see the satisfaction with which people bring their money to the bank, and take out paper; or the joy mixed with surprise with which some, who have hesitatingly taken bank bills for the first time, see that they can turn them into ...
— The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. VIII • Various

... end of two long hours, when he had heroically suppressed his longing for a game of poker, he said hesitatingly, "I thought you were so fond of reading. I don't see any books about. All the women are reading a novel called 'Quits.' I'll send it up to you in the morning ...
— Sleeping Fires • Gertrude Atherton

... It's a sort of impertinence to all the endless leaders of the past who created our traditions. Do not commit yourself hastily to opinions, but once you have done so, stick to them. The world would far rather have a firm man wrong, than a weak man hesitatingly right. Stick to them." ...
— The Passionate Friends • Herbert George Wells

... forest, clings to, and riots on, the luscious loveliness, as if appetite could only be sated in its exhaustion. She struggled and freed herself from his embrace: but, returning home that evening her eye was cast upon the ground; her step was set down hesitatingly; there was a tremor in her heart; a timid expression in her face and manner! These were proofs of the discovery which she then seems to have made for the first time, that there is a power stronger ...
— Charlemont • W. Gilmore Simms

... became timid again, very much embarrassed, and finally said, hesitatingly: "I will not do it until I ...
— Une Vie, A Piece of String and Other Stories • Guy de Maupassant

... Bingham, Frank Blair, the trio of Washburnes, Gooch, Schuyler Colfax, John Covode, Governor Fenton, Senator Cragin, and burly Humphrey Marshall. When all had passed between the tellers Buffington wheeled about and reported to the Speaker, who announced the result rather hesitatingly: "One hundred and ten in the affirmative. Those opposed will now pass between ...
— Perley's Reminiscences, Vol. 1-2 - of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis • Benjamin Perley Poore

... out a few minutes ago," said Madge, hesitatingly, "and I don't know if they would ...
— Master Tales of Mystery, Volume 3 • Collected and Arranged by Francis J. Reynolds

... inauguration of Washington the foreign relations of the country were few and its trade was repressed by hostile regulations; now all the civilized nations of the globe welcome our commerce, and their governments profess toward us amity. Then our country felt its way hesitatingly along an untried path, with States so little bound together by rapid means of communication as to be hardly known to one another, and with historic traditions extending over very few years; now intercourse between the States is swift and intimate; ...
— State of the Union Addresses of Andrew Johnson • Andrew Johnson

... house ... in the little back third-story bedroom, one Sunday after coming from church." It was a heart experience noted down without literary care or artistic effort, and in its original form was in too irregular measure to be sung. She set little value upon it as a poem, but when shown hesitatingly to inquiring compilers, its intrinsic worth was seen, and various revisions of it were made. The following is one of the best versions—stanzas ...
— The Story of the Hymns and Tunes • Theron Brown and Hezekiah Butterworth

... selected from each political section, so that the body as a whole represented the entire nation. They were of all sorts of social rank and all degrees of fortune, but they were mainly "of the people." They spoke hesitatingly—possibly because Teuta, or even because I, was present—but with a manifest earnestness. They made but one request—that the Queen should, on the great occasion of the Balkan Federation, wear as robes of State the Shroud that they loved to see her ...
— The Lady of the Shroud • Bram Stoker

... last when some one knocked hesitatingly on the door, for the wonderful sunset light had made her forget for the moment where she was, and it seemed a desecration to have mere mortals step in and announce supper, although the odor of pork and cabbage had been proclaiming ...
— A Voice in the Wilderness • Grace Livingston Hill

... much to tell, or rather, said I, there is too much, the much absorbs the many; some one mighty evil transcends and quells all particulars. At length the door was closed, and the man was gone. Hannah crept slowly along the passage, and looked in hesitatingly. Her very movements and stealthy pace testified that she had heard nothing which, even by comparison, she could think good news. 'Tell me not now, Hannah,' I said; 'wait till we are in the open air.' She ...
— Narrative And Miscellaneous Papers • Thomas De Quincey

... balance the reasons for or against the perpetration of a crime, to pause only for an instant to reflect whether the deed shall or shall not be done—this is to yield at once to the temptation. The desperate man who hovers hesitatingly between right and wrong, invariably adopts ...
— Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf • George W. M. Reynolds

... Geoffrey, isn't it?" she asked. Her father was Geoffrey Meade's cousin—a little boy when Geoff died, "Was he as beautiful as that?" she said, gently, putting her hand over mine that held the velvet case. And then, after another pause, she went on, hesitatingly; "Cousin Mary, I wonder if you would mind if I told you whom he looks like ...
— The Militants - Stories of Some Parsons, Soldiers, and Other Fighters in the World • Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews

... on the girl's skirt, clasped his little hands, and began to repeat his prayer with interest and fervently at first, for he knew the beginning very well; then more slowly and hesitatingly, and at last repeating word for word what Marie dictated to him, when he reached that point in his petition beyond which he had never been able to learn, as he always fell asleep just there every night. On this occasion, the labor of paying ...
— The Devil's Pool • George Sand

... Major Johnstone, who had fought at Waterloo, and had the bearing of such majors as Thackeray puts into Vanity Fair. I once asked him whether he had ever killed a man; it was on the day when he first allowed me to use a real broadsword in our lesson. "Well," replied the major, hesitatingly, "I was riding in a charge, and there came a fellow at me, with his sword up, and made a swing for my head. I dodged, and his blade just grazed me; but I let him have it, downright, at the same moment, and I caught him where ...
— Hawthorne and His Circle • Julian Hawthorne

... dressing-room, giving the captain's missive another perusal, "Mamma Vi," she said, "what—what does papa tell you about me?" She spoke hesitatingly, her head drooping, her cheeks hot with blushes. "I mean, what does he say is to ...
— Elsie's Kith and Kin • Martha Finley

... at last, a little hesitatingly, "I suppose you are a learned man who has read many books. Perhaps you know who that man is with the big helmet. And the maiden there with the bare feet, standing between the men—who is she? She looks sad, I think, and yet ...
— Ilka on the Hill-Top and Other Stories • Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen

... and when that was done, the little bent man arose and came hesitatingly forward to the baize-covered table that served as a pulpit. As President of the Stake it was his office to welcome the visitors, ...
— The Lions of the Lord - A Tale of the Old West • Harry Leon Wilson

... in the yard was a seasonable diversion, which made me get up and hesitatingly inquire, in the mingled pride and diffidence of having a purse (which I took out of my pocket), if ...
— The Ontario Readers: Fourth Book • Various

... lovely young lady," he had gone on rather hesitatingly. "An' mother she thinks maybe she's about Misselthwaite many a time lookin' after Mester Colin, same as all mothers do when they're took out o' th' world. They have to come back, tha' sees. Happen she's been in the garden an' happen it was her ...
— The Secret Garden • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... as soon as my horse is fed, for I'm on a visit to Peyton, and I intend to push as far as Santa Inez still to-night. I want to talk with you about yourself, Jim," he added gently; "your prospects and your future. I heard," he went on hesitatingly, "that you were—at work—in a restaurant in San Francisco. I'm glad to see that you are at least your own master here,"—he glanced at the wagon. "You are selling things, I suppose? For yourself, or another? Is that team yours? Come," he added, ...
— Susy, A Story of the Plains • Bret Harte

... so glad." With a second kiss, not often bestowed in public, as congratulation. He was going to tell more, when Ursula said, rather hesitatingly, "We ...
— John Halifax, Gentleman • Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

... put the letter and the note in her pocket, and as the old lady entered with a cup of steaming bouillon, she hesitatingly said: ...
— The Son of Monte-Cristo, Volume I (of 2) • Alexandre Dumas pere

... the later years have proven disastrous in the extreme," he admitted, hesitatingly. "You will pardon me, sir, if I decline to discuss misfortune. Ah, Monsieur Kirby! I have been awaiting you. Have you met with this young man who came aboard at Fort Armstrong? I—I am ...
— The Devil's Own - A Romance of the Black Hawk War • Randall Parrish

... so very much," returned Songbird, hesitatingly. "It's a little poem I was writing ...
— The Rover Boys in Business • Arthur M. Winfield

... shall I manage about my mother and sister, sir?" said I hesitatingly. "How shall I manage about them during ...
— The Ghost Ship - A Mystery of the Sea • John C. Hutcheson

... BLAND and ROPER, having knelt and kissed LILY'S foot, also sit, the former in the chair in the middle of the room, the latter in the chair on the extreme left. Finally, FARNCOMBE finds himself before LILY. He looks at her hesitatingly and she returns his look with awakened interest and ...
— The 'Mind the Paint' Girl - A Comedy in Four Acts • Arthur Pinero

... the horses and a man led out Buffalo, Karl was struck with a great wish to ride the English horse. He asked Hardy hesitatingly. Hardy told him to ask his ...
— A Danish Parsonage • John Fulford Vicary

... him five dollars, or something like that, I guess. Did she—she say anything about me?" went on Percy, hesitatingly. ...
— The Young Bridge-Tender - or, Ralph Nelson's Upward Struggle • Arthur M. Winfield

... the shed hesitatingly, and touched his cap as if half in clumsy courtesy and half in timid appeal. "Mesters," ...
— "Seth" • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... sit down if you like, for a short time," she said, hesitatingly. "I cannot stay long. I still have a good ...
— The Governors • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... at once into their three minds. It was not uncommon. They lived so close together, in such a unison of interests, that their minds often beat accordingly. Anne hesitatingly voiced ...
— The Prisoner • Alice Brown

... very kind of you," she said hesitatingly. "Don't you think, though," she added, turning to her uncle, "that I had better go with you? We could send a servant ...
— The Lost Ambassador - The Search For The Missing Delora • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... booth hesitatingly, and being accosted by the official in charge, assured that dignitary that he had just walked ten ...
— Best Short Stories • Various

... comes?" rang out in crisp tones from him who still presented his rifle hesitatingly, as he detected the Indian costume of the ...
— At War with Pontiac - The Totem of the Bear • Kirk Munroe and J. Finnemore

... said. I took out my card-case. "I want you to read this card. Don't think I'm mad. I want to talk to you for a particular reason which I'll explain in a moment." He took the card hesitatingly and read it. Then he looked at me. "The reason why I am speaking to you is this," I said. "I want to find out what a decent citizen like yourself will think of something I know. It concerns the Blue Disease ...
— The Blue Germ • Martin Swayne

... will tell you some time," I answered hesitatingly; then added reverently, "It was of a very ...
— A Day Of Fate • E. P. Roe

... Davidson standing unsteadily in the middle of the room, with a dazzled look on his face. My first impression was that he was drunk. He did not notice me. He was clawing out at something invisible a yard in front of his face. He put out his hand, slowly, rather hesitatingly, and then clutched nothing. "What's come to it?" he said. He held up his hands to his face, fingers spread out. "Great Scot!" he said. The thing happened three or four years ago, when everyone swore by that personage. Then he began raising his feet clumsily, as though he had expected to ...
— The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents • H. G. (Herbert George) Wells

... maid. Indeed, she had admitted that her father, now dead, had been a clergyman, and that she should have endeavoured to obtain a position as governess if, as a child, she had received anything better than the rudest education. She had, she added, been receiving fifty pounds a year. Hesitatingly she had inquired whether, since the employment was only temporary, we should consider an increase of ten pounds ...
— Berry And Co. • Dornford Yates

... Gee, I was just crazy to have somebody to talk to—somebody nice—I was just about nutty, I was so lonely," all in a burst. He finished, hesitatingly, "I guess the English are kinda hard to get ...
— Our Mr. Wrenn - The Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man • Sinclair Lewis

... with a shrug. Stratton regarded her thoughtfully. "You've had several offers?" he asked hesitatingly, wondering whether she would think ...
— Shoe-Bar Stratton • Joseph Bushnell Ames

... impatient step. Arrived at the door of a house of moderate pretensions, he entered hastily. We shall follow him to the third story, enter with him a large and wholly dark apartment, and watch him while he kindles a fire on the ample hearth stone. A pale-blue flame flickers hesitatingly among the wood, and conjures up from the walls around strange shapes and countenances bathed in the indistinct and lurid light. And now the flame grows brighter, and the heavy furniture in the apartment flings strange ...
— The Three Brides, Love in a Cottage, and Other Tales • Francis A. Durivage

... large seal ring which he wore on his forefinger. "Then what do you mean," he said hesitatingly—"what do you want ...
— Mr. Opp • Alice Hegan Rice

... repeated Mr. Sawyer sadly. 'It is perfectly impossible;' and he shook his head regretfully but decidedly. 'Half-a-crown, or five shillings perhaps, if you would take it,' he added hesitatingly, but stopped short on catching sight of the hard, contemptuous expression that overspread Jack's face, but ...
— Grandmother Dear - A Book for Boys and Girls • Mrs. Molesworth

... a plan as that?" I asked, suspiciously, and the old man replied, hesitatingly, as if averse to having his ...
— The Minute Boys of the Mohawk Valley • James Otis

... it is far better to do any intelligent thing consistent with the aggressive execution of the general plan, than to search hesitatingly for the ideal. This is the true rule of conduct for subordinates who are required to act ...
— Infantry Drill Regulations, United States Army, 1911 - Corrected to April 15, 1917 (Changes Nos. 1 to 19) • United States War Department

... for the first embrace, but with these two came after it. The first timid questions came through the darkness, the first timid answers found their way back. The words fell softly, like spirit sounds on the night air. At last Mildrid took courage to ask hesitatingly if her behaviour had not sometimes struck him as very strange. He assured her that he had never thought it so, never once. Had he not noticed that she had not said one word all the time they were together yesterday? No, ...
— The Bridal March; One Day • Bjornstjerne Bjornson

... Mr. Thorndyke, that I have not told you," the Rector said hesitatingly. "Sometimes, when he comes home late, he brings someone with him; I have heard voices downstairs. I have never seen who it was—for what could I have done if I went down?—but I have heard horses brought round to the stable yard, and heard them ...
— Colonel Thorndyke's Secret • G. A. Henty

... And yet the 13th Article of the Union stared them all in the face, forbidding the hideous assumptions now made by the general government. Perhaps no man living fully felt its import save Barneveld alone. For groping however dimly and hesitatingly towards the idea of religious liberty, of general toleration, he was denounced as a Papist, an atheist, a traitor, a miscreant, by the fanatics for the sacerdotal and personal power. Yet it was a pity that he could never ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

... He took a few steps, then stopped, and called hesitatingly over his shoulder, "I thought maybe I'd come ...
— Meadow Grass - Tales of New England Life • Alice Brown

... Courbertin began hesitatingly: "'The Journal of Father Yakontsk, Comprising an Account in Brief of his Life in the Benedictine Monastery at Obidorsky, and in Full of his Marvellous Adventures in East Siberia among the ...
— A Daughter of the Snows • Jack London

... say?" he asked hesitatingly. "You see, Professor Wilson, if I say yes, it will mean that I have been p-paying my ...
— Somehow Good • William de Morgan

... said Meshech Little, hesitatingly, as if his logic didn't convince himself. "They wuz gonter lick us. They'd a had us licked by this time. It's ...
— The Duke of Stockbridge • Edward Bellamy

... Slowly and hesitatingly, as if deliberating as to the best course, the man reached up to the shelf and took down a revolver, saying, with an evil-boding look at them, "If I thought you had come as detectives, you would have no chance to use your knowledge. ...
— Opening a Chestnut Burr • Edward Payson Roe

... hesitatingly. "It means that; but it means something more. We don't have to wait till we die to get the good of salvation. We shall be saved from the punishment of sin when we die, but we are saved here from its power. We come to hate what we once loved, and to see beauty and worth ...
— Christie Redfern's Troubles • Margaret Robertson

... either affected or real, he continued for some time. Mr. Robinson waited patiently until this outburst was exhausted, and then hesitatingly remarked that the queen was so anxious to secure the peace of Europe, that if tranquillity could not be restored on other terms she was even willing to cede to Prussia, in addition, ...
— The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power • John S. C. Abbott

... the bright, flushed face, and thought how little the dear child knew about all these matters, and how little patience poor Ester, who was so competent herself, would have with Sadie's ignorance, and said, slowly and hesitatingly, but ...
— Ester Ried • Pansy (aka. Isabella M. Alden)

... had left, Owen slowly prepared for his ride home; but encountering the hostess, he could not resist asking a few questions relative to Ellis Pritchard and his pretty daughter. She answered shortly but respectfully, and then said, rather hesitatingly - ...
— The Doom of the Griffiths • Elizabeth Gaskell

... tell,"—she faltered, hesitatingly—"that is, nothing happened. I don't know how to say it—the talk left my mind in a whirl. I couldn't tell you why. It was no particular thing that was said—it seemed to be more the things that I thought of while something else was being talked about—but the whole experience made a most tremendous ...
— The Market-Place • Harold Frederic

... in what corner of the graveyard it was to be found; and when she entered the small enclosure, with its wooden cross at the head of every narrow mound, she stood still for a minute or two, hesitatingly, and looking before her with a bewildered and reluctant air, as if engaged in an enterprise she recoiled from. A young priest, the cure of the nearest mountain parish, who visiting the grave of one of his parishioners lately buried ...
— Cobwebs and Cables • Hesba Stretton

... start and a shadow fell upon his face as he saw the pillared porch and the stone stairway. He seemed to see himself running up those stairs and stuffing that stolen pocketbook into the pastor's box that he remembered so clearly. These thoughts were not pleasant ones to him now, and Tode stopped hesitatingly, undecided whether to go on or to go in. It was early yet and no one was entering though the doors ...
— The Bishop's Shadow • I. T. Thurston

... from the tone of the press comment that a Shakespearean production was regarded as a serious undertaking. The theater approached the task hesitatingly, and the newspapers always qualify their praise or their blame with some apologetic remark about "the limited resources of our theater." This explains the long gaps between new productions, five years between Othello (1881) and the complete ...
— An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway • Martin Brown Ruud

... wonderful case of presence of mind on the part of two small and tender boys. No sooner had Railsford entered, and somewhat hesitatingly advanced to the table, preparatory to stating his business, than Sir Digby Oakshott, Baronet, winked at Arthur Herapath, Esquire, and Arthur Herapath, Esquire, kicked Sir Digby Oakshott, Baronet, under the table; after which both rose abruptly to their feet ...
— The Master of the Shell • Talbot Baines Reed

... little hesitatingly; "I ain't quite such a greeny as that. But I don't see how I can help you very much by just driving ...
— Derrick Sterling - A Story of the Mines • Kirk Munroe

... than the other directors. Of course they mayn't appoint me, but I expect they will.' Mrs. Willoughby was silent. She moved away from the window and stood by the fireplace. Fielding crossed to her. 'Drake gave me one other piece of advice,' he said hesitatingly,—'not about business. It concerned me and just one other person.' He pitched the remark in ...
— The Philanderers • A.E.W. Mason

... direction toward the highroad, came running with something in his arms toward the place where Michael and others were standing beside Agnes, who lay, apparently exhausted almost to dying, on the sward. He approached hesitatingly; and Michael saw that he carried Lucy's bonnet, clothes, ...
— McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader • William Holmes McGuffey

... "No," replied the captain hesitatingly. "You can go. Of course you'll be called later for the trial You can see your husband in the Tombs when ...
— The Third Degree - A Narrative of Metropolitan Life • Charles Klein and Arthur Hornblow

... was advanced hesitatingly, with an apologetic side glance at the big crayon portrait. But Jane was entirely convinced. She was average human; therefore, she believed what she wished ...
— The Conflict • David Graham Phillips

... ago, Japan stood hesitatingly upon the threshold of her hermit's cell, and considered whether she should go out and join the throng of bustling Europeans. America, England and Holland had beaten furiously at her doors, demanding her answer. At this fateful moment, the daimio Okubu thus addressed ...
— A Comparative Study of the Negro Problem - The American Negro Academy. Occasional Papers No. 4 • Charles C. Cook

... saved from his persecutor, even against his will, for he was anxious to meet her and get the unpleasant business over, but he liked Millicent and courtesy demanded that he should listen. Presently she rather hesitatingly mentioned ...
— Blake's Burden • Harold Bindloss

... he said hesitatingly, and rather distressing. Do you know, Leithen, I think you were wrong about—about what I spoke to you of. You said there must be one of three explanations. I am beginning to think that ...
— The Moon Endureth—Tales and Fancies • John Buchan

... broad dry bed of a stream about two days' march from Gondokoro, we halted beneath the shade of a large tree for breakfast. The women and children now approached, and hesitatingly declared that this was their country, and their villages were near. They evidently doubted my sincerity in restoring ...
— Ismailia • Samuel W. Baker

... he admitted hesitatingly. "But you can't just subpoena a woman like that without any warning and put her on the stand and make her testify. It would be ...
— By Advice of Counsel • Arthur Train

... a fine morning flushed with the new life of the world that trembles hesitatingly in the spring of the year, and steeps the hearts of men and women with stronger hope and wider ambition; such a morning as draws a veil over past failures and disappointments, and floods the future with success and achievement. It seemed a pity to have to die on such a ...
— The Brown Mask • Percy J. Brebner

... asked hesitatingly, "why can't you just tell the men what Mr. Grady wants you to do and show them that he's dishonest? They know they've been treated all right, ...
— Calumet 'K' • Samuel Merwin

... and see you," he said hesitatingly, "before going to 'The Nook.' There are explanations to be made. My wife and I are good friends, but we can't live together. It's all my fault. I make the house intolerable. I—I have an ungovernable temper, you know, ...
— Septimus • William J. Locke

... be done, sir," said the porter, hesitatingly, as if he were on the verge of divulging a State secret which would cost him his situation. He wanted the half-crown to become visible before he committed ...
— Revenge! • by Robert Barr

... and went hesitatingly down many terraces. Here, from the dimness of the marge of the island, they gradually emerged into the beginnings of the faint light. It was not like entering upon dawn, or upon the moonlight. It was by no means like going to meet the lights of a city. It was literally "a light better than ...
— Romance Island • Zona Gale

... hesitatingly; "they talk of the luck of your servant, Abdul Kassim, whom they call the wisest and richest ...
— Tales of Wonder Every Child Should Know • Various

... head ached and went to her own room up-stairs, hesitatingly holding out the tips of ...
— A House of Gentlefolk • Ivan Turgenev

... elevator after this crisp instruction, and was wafted up to his rooms. The hall man moved hesitatingly down the building's three steps to the sidewalk. One never knew exactly what young Devon was getting at. Still, if he really wanted Griggs to ...
— The Girl in the Mirror • Elizabeth Garver Jordan

... think," Pink ventured hesitatingly, "it would be hard to find its mother. I don't ...
— The Lonesome Trail and Other Stories • B. M. Bower

... his thinkings with a slight start, and gazed wistfully at his wife, whose face was become very pale; then he hesitatingly rose, and glanced furtively at his hat, then at his wife—a sort of mute inquiry. Mrs. Cox swallowed once or twice, with her hand at her throat, then in place of speech she nodded her head. In a moment she was alone, and mumbling ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... evidence are—yours?" I asked, hesitatingly. One does not like to accuse a lady of an undue liking ...
— The Enchanted Typewriter • John Kendrick Bangs

... Hitchcock asked hesitatingly. She scanned the doctor's face, as if to read in the grave lines the record ...
— The Web of Life • Robert Herrick

... you girls are going to make such a fuss about it, I'll sit up with you," said Louis; "and if nurse's grandfather said so," he added, hesitatingly, "perhaps it is true, after all. He was a very old man, and he ...
— Harper's Young People, November 4, 1879 - An Illustrated Weekly • Various

... you to herself just at first. But, after all, you were among old friends or their children: the Gileses and Fresbies—and little Charlotte Wynn." He paused a moment before the last name, and scrutinized her hesitatingly. "Even if they came at the wrong time, you must have been glad to see them all ...
— Autres Temps... - 1916 • Edith Wharton

... the vicar reddened a little, and said, "Yes, yes," though not at all comprehending Dick's true meaning, who, as he received no further reply, continued hesitatingly, and with another smile denoting ...
— Under the Greenwood Tree • Thomas Hardy

... was at home with all kinds of people, and though born on the sunny side of the street, and by birth and breeding an aristocrat, he became one of the most democratic of men. Because of his greatness some approached him hesitatingly, but they went away remembering only his kindness of heart. He never stood on his dignity in that sense which conveys condescension. His gay, infectious laughter which so often filled a room put people immediately at ease, and yet he never belittled ...
— Frank H. Nelson of Cincinnati • Warren C. Herrick

... understand the lay of things, Sarge," he said, rather hesitatingly. "If I have the situation sized up right, Lyn is practically alone here, and things are going to look pretty black to her when she learns what has happened. Hank never had anything much to do with his people. I doubt if Lyn has even a speaking acquaintance with her nearest kin. She has friends ...
— Raw Gold - A Novel • Bertrand W. Sinclair

... was the new member of the faculty who spoke. "If I might, sir," he said hesitatingly, "I'd like to make the suggestion that probation be lifted from all. It seems to me that that would—would simplify ...
— Left Guard Gilbert • Ralph Henry Barbour

... bowed. Marmaduke shook hands good-naturedly, and retired somewhat abashed, thrumming his banjo. Just then a faint sound of clapping was followed by the return of the quartet party, upon which Miss Lind rose and moved hesitatingly toward the platform. The tall ...
— The Irrational Knot - Being the Second Novel of His Nonage • George Bernard Shaw

... the pleasure of knowing Miss Liddell," he returned, with a grave smile and stately bow, as he took the hand Katherine hesitatingly ...
— A Crooked Path - A Novel • Mrs. Alexander

... to one; and Pennsylvania, by a majority of two to one. But there is reason to believe that these majorities in the ratifying conventions did not reflect public opinion accurately. Massachusetts, Maryland, and South Carolina followed hesitatingly, each proposing amendments to the Constitution. Toward the end of June the ninth State, New Hampshire, threw in her lot with the majority; and on the heels of this news came the intelligence that ...
— Union and Democracy • Allen Johnson

... would like the girls best," said Mrs. Allan hesitatingly. If it had not been for one thing—which I would never in this world have admitted to Mrs. Allan—I might have liked the girls' class best myself. But the truth was, Anne Shirley was in that class; and Anne Shirley was the one living human being that I ...
— Chronicles of Avonlea • Lucy Maud Montgomery

... the corner of Queen Anne Street. He put out his hand hesitatingly. The doctor took it, and, oddly enough, held it for a moment while ...
— Studies in love and in terror • Marie Belloc Lowndes

... a moment as she heard her mother's righteous indignation venting itself within, in the familiar, dry, measured tones; and it was hesitatingly and with a depressed look that she opened the gate, behind which stood Mrs. Andersen's servant-maid, furiously red, and incapable of defending herself, while Mrs. Holman, her skirts fastened up, and her feet astride over the gutter-board, was rinsing and wringing out clothes. ...
— One of Life's Slaves • Jonas Lauritz Idemil Lie

... "Oh, Clara," she said hesitatingly, "would you be angry if I went away from you a minute and left you alone? I want to see the flowers; But wait!—" Jumping away, she brought Clara some bunches of fragrant herbs and put them in her lap. Soon after she returned with ...
— Heidi - (Gift Edition) • Johanna Spyri

... a very old man that he saw now, bent and feeble, his face covered with wrinkles, crowned by very thin, white hair, and the little scarlet cap on top; he was in his black Benedictine habit with a plain abbatial cross on his breast, and walked hesitatingly, with a black stick. The only sign of vigour was in the narrow bright slit of his eyes showing beneath drooping lids. He held out his hand, smiling, and Percy, remembering in time that he was in the Vatican, bowed low only as he ...
— Lord of the World • Robert Hugh Benson

... those white things; paid her a compliment on her pretty flowers and shining copper; and then came close to look at her lace-pillow. Lastly, seeing that she was not at her ease, that she answered his remarks so shortly and hesitatingly, he gave a push to his cap, refused to say what she owed him and was gone with a skip and ...
— The Path of Life • Stijn Streuvels

... had seen them dab at their eyes with their handkerchief, and smile the next breath—but this was different. For a minute he didn't quite know what to do; he could hear the blood hammering against his temples while he stood dumbly watching her. He went hesitatingly up, and laid a gloved hand deprecatingly ...
— Her Prairie Knight • B.M. Sinclair, AKA B. M. Bower

... there. It was no different than it had been fifteen days ago. But out of the chimney there came no smoke, and the windows were white with frost. About it the snow lay clean and white, like an unspotted sheet. He made his way hesitatingly across the clearing to the door. There were no tracks. Drifted snow was piled high over the sill. He whined, and scratched at the door. There was no answer. And ...
— Nomads of the North - A Story of Romance and Adventure under the Open Stars • James Oliver Curwood

... hesitatingly, modestly. Some of the parts was simply the confirmation of assembled data; much of it, denial of published rumor and conjecture—before the story came out as ...
— Sergeant York And His People • Sam Cowan

... Willa turned hesitatingly toward Mrs. Halstead. "I am really very sorry if I have been insolent, but Liane's behavior this afternoon aroused all ...
— The Fifth Ace • Douglas Grant

... Mr. Miller, as much as to say, "I hope you are satisfied," and then proceeded to hear Julia's lesson, which was well-learned and well-recited. Julia's recitation being over, Fanny's class was called. Fanny came hesitatingly, for she knew her lesson was but poorly learned. That morning she had found under her desk a love letter from Bill Jeffrey, and she and some of the other girls had spent so much time in laughing over it, and preparing an answer, that she had scarcely thought of her lesson. She got through ...
— Tempest and Sunshine • Mary J. Holmes

... go back to Melbourne," said the stranger hesitatingly. "If you say so, we'll fit you out with three days' provisions, ...
— In A New World - or, Among The Gold Fields Of Australia • Horatio Alger

... Roy, hesitatingly, "I don't go in so deep as thet. I mean a son goes on with your ...
— The Man of the Forest • Zane Grey

... some decent fellows, of course, and to some very charming ladies," he said hesitatingly, "but as to the club—I—well, don't you think yourself that it ...
— The Malefactor • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... my mother hesitatingly. "I never wish to employ in my service those above their station,—they always make trouble; and there is something in this woman's air and manner and pronunciation that makes me feel as if she had been born and ...
— Household Papers and Stories • Harriet Beecher Stowe

... that about the 'Lamb,' before," said Desire, hesitatingly. "It seemed,—I don't know,—putting Him down, somehow; making him tame; taking the grandness away that made the gentleness any good. But,—'Tenderness;' that is beautiful! Does it mean so in the other place? About taking ...
— Real Folks • Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney

... began calling on the standing people to testify of their salvation. From various parts of the church the people spoke out, some loudly and boldly and with a ring of confidence in their voices, some tremblingly and hesitatingly. One woman wept loudly shouting between the paroxysms of sobbing that seized her, "The weight of my sins is heavy on my soul." Girls and young men when called on by the minister responded with shamed, ...
— Windy McPherson's Son • Sherwood Anderson

... and glare of the igniting trees, the panic-stricken crowd seems to have swayed hesitatingly for some moments. Sparks and burning twigs began to fall into the road, and single leaves like puffs of flame. Hats and dresses caught fire. Then came a crying from the common. There were shrieks and shouts, and suddenly a mounted policeman came galloping through the confusion ...
— The War of the Worlds • H. G. Wells

... see him, or even his secretary, for a considerable time; and when at length the secretary appeared, it was only to tell me that I could not see the Grand Juge. "Cannot I write," said I, "to your Grand Juge?" He answered hesitatingly, "Yes." A huissier took in my note, and another excellent one from the friend who was with me, F. D. The huissier returned presently, holding my papers out to me at arm's length—"The Grand Juge knows nothing of ...
— Richard Lovell Edgeworth - A Selection From His Memoir • Richard Lovell Edgeworth

... a shade more liberal than her daughter's, and she had not been at the Isles of Shoals. She answered somewhat hesitatingly, ...
— Nobody • Susan Warner

Words linked to "Hesitatingly" :   unhesitatingly

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