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Heathenesse   Listen
Heathenesse  n.  Heathendom. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Heathenesse" Quotes from Famous Books

... whose gate at dawn— With ear that little recked the matin-bell, But a keen eye to measure wall and foss— The Soldan rode; and all day long he rode For Pavia; passing basilic, and shrine, And gaze of vineyard-workers, wotting not Yon trader was the Lord of Heathenesse. All day he rode; yet at the wane of day No gleam of gate, or ramp, or rising spire, Nor Tessin's sparkle underneath the stars Promised him Pavia; but he was 'ware Of a gay company upon the way, Ladies and lords, ...
— Indian Poetry • Edwin Arnold

... devotion was directed to sorcerers and soothsayers, something like the Schamans of the Siberian steppes. They were converted to Christianity chiefly through the instrumentality of Istvan or Stephen, called after his death St. Istvan, who ascended the throne in the year one thousand. He was born in heathenesse, and his original name was Vojk: he was the first kiraly, or king of the Magyars. Their former leaders had been called fejedelmek, or dukes. The Magyar language has properly no term either for king or house. Kiraly ...
— The Romany Rye • George Borrow

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