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Gree   Listen
Gree  n.  
Good will; favor; pleasure; satisfaction; used esp. in such phrases as: to take in gree; to accept in gree; that is, to take favorably. (Obs.) "Accept in gree, my lord, the words I spoke."
Rank; degree; position. (Obs. or Scot.) "He is a shepherd great in gree."
The prize; the honor of the day; as, to bear the gree, i. e., to carry off the prize. (Obs. or Scot.)

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"Gree" Quotes from Famous Books

... Choate fer; Aint it ez easy done to drop a ballot in a box Fer one ez 'tis fer t'other, fer the bull-dog ez the fox?' It takes a mind like Dannel's, fact, ez big ez all ou' doors, To find out thet it looks like rain arter it fairly pours; I 'gree with him, it aint so dreffle troublesome to vote Fer Taylor arter all,—it's jest to go an' change your coat; 100 Wen he's once greased, you'll swaller him an' never know on 't, scurce, Unless he scratches, goin' ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell • James Lowell

... went and laboured in the said translation after my simple and poor cunning, also nigh as I can following my author, meekly beseeching the bounteous Highness of my said Lady that of her benevolence list to accept and take in gree this simple and rude work here following; and if there be anything written or said to her pleasure, I shall think my labour well employed, and whereas there is default that she arette it to the simpleness of my cunning which is full small in this behalf; and require and pray all them that shall ...
— Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books - with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations • Charles W. Eliot

... still and waved both hands at once. 'In the highest degree, sir! in the high ... est de ... gree, I do!' ...
— A Desperate Character and Other Stories • Ivan Turgenev

... father dear, My champion who shall be; A stranger knight shall for me fight, And shall my fate decree." "Well done! well done!" cried Sir Bullstrode, "That goeth with my gree; May the carrion crow be then abroad, All hungry to feed upon carrion food, That day ...
— Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV. • Revised by Alexander Leighton

... neighbour-like,' replied the Covenanter; 'and nae wonder they gree sae weel. Wha wad hae thought the goodly structure of the Kirk of Scotland, built up by our fathers in 1642, wad hae been defaced by carnal ends and, the corruptions of the time;—aye, wha wad hae thought the carved work of the sanctuary would hae been sae soon ...
— Waverley • Sir Walter Scott

... come it may, As come it will, for a' that, That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth, May bear the gree, and a' that; For a' that, and a' that, It's coming yet, for a' that, That man to man, the world all o'er Shall brothers ...
— The Liberty Minstrel • George W. Clark

... "The gree-gree!" he gasped, looking round in fear, while at that moment there sounded two ear-piercing blasts upon ...
— The Great White Queen - A Tale of Treasure and Treason • William Le Queux

... that come it may, As come it will, for a' that, That sense and worth o'er a' the earth, May bear the gree and a' that; For a' that and a' that, It's comin' yet for a' that, That man to man, the warld o'er, Shall brothers be, ...
— Poems with Power to Strengthen the Soul • Various

... sir abbot, be my friend, For thy curteys-e, And hold my land-es in thy hand Till I have made thee gree; And I will be thy true serv-ant, And truly serv-e thee, Till ye have fo-ur hundred pound Of money ...
— A Bundle of Ballads • Various

... Hor-ace Gree-ley was the son of a poor farmer. He was always fond of books. He learned to read almost as soon as he could talk. He could read easy books when he was three years old. When he was four, he could read any ...
— Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans • Edward Eggleston

... distinction between talismans, amulets and the gree-grees of the Africans as regards their pretended efficacy; though there is some in their external configuration. Magical figures, engraven or cut under superstitious observances of the characterisms and configurations of the heavens, are called talismans; to which astrologers, hermetical philosophers, ...
— Thaumaturgia • An Oxonian

... soveraine Queene, And falling her before on lowly knee, To her makes present of his service seene: Which she accepts, with thankes, and goodly gree, Greatly advauncing his gay chevalree. 140 So marcheth home, and by her takes the knight, Whom all the people follow with great glee, Shouting, and clapping all their hands on hight, That all the aire it fils, and flyes ...
— Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Book I • Edmund Spenser

... howsomever, as I knows that you can ride, and if you doesn't mind taking my 'ead man,' jerking his elbow at Leather, 'to look arter him, I wouldn't mind 'commodatin' on you, prowided we can 'gree upon terms.' ...
— Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour • R. S. Surtees

... that come it may— As come it will for a' that— That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth, May bear the gree,{8} and a' that. For a' that, and a' that, It's coming yet, for a' that, That man to man, the warld o'er, Shall brothers be ...
— Six Centuries of English Poetry - Tennyson to Chaucer • James Baldwin

... Sir: I write to say that it aint a square deal Schools is I say they is I went to a school. red and gree green and brown aint it hito bit I say he don't know his business not today nor yeaterday and you know it and I want Jennie ...
— How to Teach • George Drayton Strayer and Naomi Norsworthy

... that come it may— As come it will, for a' that— That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth, May bear the gree, for a' that; For a' that, and a' that, It's coming yet, for a'that, That man to man, the warld o'er Shall brothers be, ...
— Round the World • Andrew Carnegie

... course, sir," said the man, speaking as if he were playing into the midshipman's hand and chuckling the while. "Doctors' stuff arn't pleasant to take for human sailors, and I don't s'pose it would 'gree with sharks. I've been thinking, though, that I should like to shy a bottle o' rum overboard, corked up, say, with a bit o' the cook's duff. That would 'gest, and then he'd get the rum. Think it would kill ...
— Hunting the Skipper - The Cruise of the "Seafowl" Sloop • George Manville Fenn

... nous p'ismes avis et lui otreiasmes sa requeste sur quoi furent ordeyner c'teins gentz dune p't e d'autre a tretir sur celle matirs lequel trete ne p'st nul exploit Et adonqes volleit le dit Cardinal avoir purchace une trewe en destourbaunce de la bataille a son gree a quel treve ne voilloit assentir Et demaunderent les Fraunceys c'teins chivalers d'une p't et d'autre p' prendre owelle place issint qe la bataille ne se purroit en nulle man'e failler et en tieu man'e estoit cel jour delaiee et ...
— A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 • Anonymous

... Jeff. 'I ain't skeered er no ha'nt dat evuh walked, an' I sleeps in graveya'ds by pref'ence; fac', I jes nach'ly lacks ter talk ter ha'nts. You pay me de five dollahs, an' I'll 'gree ter stay in de ole house f'm nine er clock ...
— The Colonel's Dream • Charles W. Chesnutt

... her sair. Ellangowan's troubles began to be spoken o' publicly, and sair vexed she was—or she was proud o' her family. For Ellangowan himsell and her, they sometimes 'greed, and sometimes no—but at last they didna 'gree at a' for twa or three year—for he was aye wanting to borrow siller, and that was what she couldna bide at no hand, and she was aye wanting it paid back again, and that the Laird he liked as little. So, at last, they were clean aff thegither. ...
— Guy Mannering • Sir Walter Scott

... doesn't 'gree wid Aun' Sheba," put in her husband as she paused a moment for breath. He felt that public opinion was veering over to his side and might be employed to enforce his views. "It is all bery well fer one ter do all dey ...
— The Earth Trembled • E.P. Roe

... dis, but he bleedzd ter play biggity 'fo' Brer Rabbit, en he tuck'n 'gree ter de progrance, en den Brer Rabbit, he tuck'n tie Brer Fox ter de Hoss' tail, en atter he git 'im tie dar hard en fas', he sorter step back, he did, en put he han's 'kimbo, en grin, en ...
— Nights With Uncle Remus - Myths and Legends of the Old Plantation • Joel Chandler Harris

... all they do 'gree on these days. That's de way it is wid men, young and old.... I don't keer how long they been friends and how thick they been ... a woman kin come between 'em. David and Jonather never would have been friends so long if Jonather ...
— The Mule-Bone: - A Comedy of Negro Life in Three Acts • Zora Hurston and Langston Hughes

... I'll dent[3] the briars Round his holy corse to gree;[4] Ouphant[5] fairy, light your fires— Here my body still shall be: My love is dead, Gone to his death-bed, All ...
— Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete • George Gilfillan

... rambling monologue, while chewing a straw, he discussed humanity in general, and the professions in particular. "I ain't got no use fer lawyers—mighty hard show them fellers has, fer get'n' to heaven. As fer doctors—waal, they'll hev hard sledd'n, too; but them fellers has to do piles o' dis'gree'bl' work, they do; I'd jist rather fish fer a liv'n', then be a doctor! Still, sir-r, give me an eddicated man every time, says I. Waal, sir-r, 'n' ye hear me, one o' th' richest fellers right here in Madison, wuz born 'n' riz ...
— Afloat on the Ohio - An Historical Pilgrimage of a Thousand Miles in a Skiff, from Redstone to Cairo • Reuben Gold Thwaites

... to. He pass shots with one or two he had a disagreement with. He pass shots with 'em. How's de Guv'ment gwine call a gen'elman 'destructively disloyal' when he ready any minit to pass shots with his bes' fren's, ef dey don' 'gree with his pol'tics—an' his pol'tics is on de side er Marse ...
— In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... 'gree,' said Liz almost rudely. 'Let's look at the hats in this window. I'll hae a new one next pay. Look at that crimson velvet wi' the black wings; it's awfu' neat, an' only six-and-nine. D'ye no' think it ...
— The Guinea Stamp - A Tale of Modern Glasgow • Annie S. Swan

... wi' his finger in his mouth, and his best hope was, that Dougal had seen the money-bag, and heard the Laird speak of writing the receipt. The young Laird, now Sir John, came from Edinburgh, to see things put to rights. Sir John and his father never gree'd weel. Sir John had been bred an advocate, and afterwards sat in the last Scots Parliament and voted for the Union, having gotten, it was thought, a rug of the compensations—if his father could have come out of his grave, he would have brained him for ...
— The Haunters & The Haunted - Ghost Stories And Tales Of The Supernatural • Various

... to be your very humble, true, Secret, and in my paines patient, And evermore desire, freshly new, To serven, and be alike diligent, And, with good heart, all wholly your talent Receive in gree,* how sore that me smart; *gladness Lo, this mean ...
— The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems • Geoffrey Chaucer

... is painted. De Yankees did take off all de mules, cows, hogs, and sheep, and ransack de smoke-house, but they never burnt a thing at our place. Folks wonder at dat. Some say it was 'cause General Bratton was a high 'gree mason. ...
— Slave Narratives Vol. XIV. South Carolina, Part 2 • Works Projects Administration

... thou chang'd: how doost thou and thy Master agree, I haue brought him a present; how gree you now? Lan. Well, well, but for mine owne part, as I haue set vp my rest to run awaie, so I will not rest till I haue run some ground; my Maister's a verie Iew, giue him a present, giue him a halter, I am famisht in his seruice. You may tell euerie finger I haue with my ribs: Father ...
— The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare

... Cutbert, wilt thou never leave thy old knavery? Why, we should gree together like bells, If thou wert but hanged first. Why, we are as near kin together As the cates[299] of Banbury be to the bells of Lincoln. Why, man, we are all birds of a feather, And whosoever says nay, we will hold together. ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VI • Robert Dodsley

... Hell and Heaven! whose tormentry * Enquickens frame and soul with lively gree: I marvel so delightsome house to view, * And most when 'neath it kindled fires I see: Sojourn of bliss to visitors, withal * Pools on them pour ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton

... dools, Ill har'sts, daft bargains, cutty-stools, Or worthy friends rak'd i' the mools, Sad sight to see! The tricks o' knaves, or fash o' fools, Thou bear'st the gree. ...
— The Humourous Poetry of the English Language • James Parton

... let us pray that come it may, As come it will for a' that; That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth, May bear the gree, an' a' that. [first place] For a' that, an' a' that, It's coming yet for a' that, That man to man the warld o'er Shall ...
— Robert Burns - How To Know Him • William Allan Neilson

... despair, Runs down, a brook o' laughter, thru the air. I ollus feels the sap start in my veins In Spring, with curus heats an' prickly pains, Thet drive me, when I git a chance, to walk Off by myself to hev a privit talk With a queer critter thet can't seem to 'gree Along o' me like most folks,—Mister Me. Ther' 's times when I'm unsoshle ez a stone An' sort o' suffocate to be alone,— I'm crowded jes' to think thet folks are nigh, An' can't bear nothin' closer ...
— Selections From American Poetry • Various

... here the house of high degree Thy husband's puissant home to be, Which ever shall obey thy gree. O Hymen Hymenaeus io, ...
— The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus

... Thomas an' Cale couldn't 'gree 'bout de buyin', but Cale promise to gib seventy-five dollar a year fur de use ob master's half, an' he gwo off agin ter Newbern. Den de time gwo by fur a yar or two, but master neber git nary dime out ob Cale fur his half. Cale would say dat only half ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol. 3 No 2, February 1863 - Devoted To Literature And National Policy • Various

... pray that come it may, As come it will for a' that, That sense and worth o'er a' the earth May bear the gree and a' that, For a' that and a' that, It's coming yet, for a' that, That man to man, the world o'er Shall ...
— Home Missions In Action • Edith H. Allen

... adding anon, "I have wished for thee;" and he sat talking with him for an hour or so, after which he said to him, "Rise, O my brother, and hie with me to my house, that we may enter into the pact of brotherhood."[FN347] Replied Masrur, "With joy and goodly gree," and they repaired to the Jew's house, where the master went in and told his wife of Masrur's visit, for the purpose of conditioning their partnership, and said, "Make us ready a goodly entertainment, and needs must thou be present ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 8 • Richard F. Burton

... p'raps yu's feeling trifle in'sposed. I am, an' didn't know but what you might be same way. You may've noticed 't I'm jush trifle—er, well, some people ud shay zhrunk, Toffski—rude 'n' dish'gree'ble people dshay zhrunk. P'raps zere 'bout half right, Woffski, but it's zhrude way of putting it. Now, zhen, I want t'ask you queshun. I ask ash frien'. Look 't me carefully and shay, on y'r honor, Loffski, where d'you shin' I'm mos' ...
— Tin-Types Taken in the Streets of New York • Lemuel Ely Quigg

... rage. My other foures do intermixed tell Each others faults, and where themselves excel; How hot and dry contend with moist and cold, How Air and Earth no correspondence hold, And yet in equal tempers, how they 'gree How divers natures make one Unity Something of all (though mean) I did intend But fear'd you'ld judge Du Bartas was my friend. I honour him, but dare not wear his wealth My goods are true (though poor) I love no stealth ...
— Anne Bradstreet and Her Time • Helen Campbell

... for lacke of mery companie, We gree not halfe well within, our wenches and I, They will commaunde like mistresses, they will forbyd, If they be not serued, Trupeny must be chyd. Let them be as mery nowe as ye can desire, With turnyng ...
— Roister Doister - Written, probably also represented, before 1553. Carefully - edited from the unique copy, now at Eton College • Nicholas Udall

... 'gree to it, an' take you in with us; but of course we've got to see what Johnny an' Polly say to it, an' if you'll come over to the house with us, we'll fix the thing right ...
— Left Behind - or, Ten Days a Newsboy • James Otis

... is of medium size, well formed, coal-black in color and rather good-looking. They are intelligent and easily taught, but are extremely indolent. Their paganism takes the form of gross superstition, as seen in their constant use of gree-gree charms and in their sassa-wood ordeal. Like all the races of Africa, they are polygamists; and as the women manage the farms and do nearly all the work, a man's wealth and importance are often estimated by the number of his wives. Domestic slavery ...
— History of Liberia - Johns Hopkins University Studies In Historical And Political Science • J.H.T. McPherson

... let us pray that come it may— As come it will, for a' that— That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth, May bend the gree, and a' that. For a' that, and a' that, Its coming yet, for a' that— When man to man, the world o'er, Shall ...
— Twentieth Century Negro Literature - Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating - to the American Negro • Various

... midnight Shahrazad awoke and signalled to her sister Dunyazad who sat up and said, "Allah upon thee, O my sister, recite to us some new story, delightsome and delectable, wherewith to while away the waking hours of our latter night."[FN39] "With joy and goodly gree," answered Shahrazad, "if this pious and auspicious King permit me." "Tell on," quoth the King who chanced to be sleepless and restless and therefore was pleased with the prospect of hearing her story. So Shahrazad rejoiced; and thus, on the first night of the Thousand Nights and ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 1 • Richard F. Burton

... monument to this hour. The line of the Fir-Bolg camp can still be traced with wonderful accuracy. Caher-Speenan, the thorny fort, was a part of this camp, and still exists. More to the south-east, on the hill of Tongegee, are the remains of Caher-na-gree, the pleasant fort, and still further to the east are Lisheen, or little earthen fort, and Caher-Phaetre, pewter fort. Other forts also exist to give evidence both of the Fir-Bolg and the Danann lines. The Danann monuments are situate in the fields opposite the glebes of ...
— Folklore as an Historical Science • George Laurence Gomme

... niggers. When I marry 'em, dey marry as good as if de Lawd God hisself marry 'em and it don't take no paper to bind de tie.' Marse don't stand no messin' 'round, neither. A gal have to be of age and ask her pa and ma and Marse and Missy, and if dey 'gree, dey go ahead and git marry. Marse have de marry book to ...
— Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves - Texas Narratives, Part 1 • Works Projects Administration

... that at thy disposicioun Ledest the fyn by Iuste purveyaunce, Of every wight, my lowe confessioun Accepte in gree, and send me swich penaunce As lyketh thee, but from desesperaunce, 530 That may my goost departe awey fro thee, Thou be ...
— Troilus and Criseyde • Geoffrey Chaucer

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