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Gleek   Listen
Gleek  n.  
A game at cards, once popular, played by three persons. (Obs.)
Three of the same cards held in the same hand; hence, three of anything. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Gleek" Quotes from Famous Books

... her day, but the day of her fair sisters was dawning. Mr. John Law, of Lauriston soi-disant, had made England too hot to hold him. His great genius for financial combinations was at this time employed by him in gleek, trick-track, quadrille, whist, loo, ombre, and other pastimes of mingled luck and skill. In consequence of a quarrel about a lady, Mr. Law fought and slew Beau Wilson, that mysterious person, who, from being a poverty-stricken younger son, hanging loose on ...
— Historical Mysteries • Andrew Lang

... making good the saying, that three things are thrown away in a bowling-green, namely, time, money, and oaths. In the house, many of the gentlemen betook themselves to cards or dice, and parties were formed at Ombre, at Basset, at Gleek, at Primero, and other games then in fashion; while the dice were used at various games, both with and without the tables, as Hazard, In-and-in, Passage, and so forth. The play, however, did not appear to be extravagantly deep; it was certainly conducted with great decorum and fairness; ...
— The Fortunes of Nigel • Sir Walter Scott

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