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GIF   Listen
GIF  n.  (Computers)
The Graphics Interchange Format, one of the most popular standardized formats for storing graphic data in binary computer files. The standard has been revised several times, and includes provisions for interlacing and animating images. Its disadvantage is that it can store only 256 colors. Compare JPEG.
(Computers) An image stored in GIF (1) format, or the file in which the image is stored; as, he sent three GIF's with lovely pictures of his children.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"GIF" Quotes from Famous Books

... pitch him far off in rages. I know now, Celestine Durand. I admire her; oh, yis. Fine womans—a viecked eye. Mais une—no, not zat. Bad, I tell you. If your frien' love, haf nozzin' wis her. She gif ze bad money, one piece—" he held up a lean finger, and then, "Aha! ze bell for ze tables. Allons, marchons. We dine—we eat," and he dashed out of the room as rapidly ...
— The Secret Passage • Fergus Hume

... niggers patted dere feets at de dances an' dey he'p ter shuck de co'n. At Christmas we had a big dinner, an' from den through New Year's Day we feast, an' we dance, an' we sing. De fust one what said Christmas gift ter anybody else got a gif', so of cou'se we all try ter ketch ...
— Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States • Various

... only to-night! If one of t' witch people wud come, them we heard oft' home, and gif hur all hur ...
— Life in the Iron-Mills • Rebecca Harding Davis

... Tobbermorry ass you will get in all Greenock, where they will be for mixing it with prandy and other drinks like that; and at Tobbermorry you will hef a Professor come all the way from Edinburgh and from Oban to gif a lecture on the Gaelic; but do you think he would gif a lecture in a town like Greenock? Oh no; he would ...
— Macleod of Dare • William Black

... says she, "to have a boy whatever—a boy iss a good thing, no matter which way he will be got," and she ended her little talk with a very brisk demand. "Gif me a dram, Mirren; yes"—and that set us to the laughing, for the young wife was setting the drink before us and not making signs of giving ...
— The McBrides - A Romance of Arran • John Sillars

... Henry, who after the defeat the English had sustained near Orleans, chiefly through the valour of the Scots who had joined the French army, sent for James, and desired him "to pass to the Scots, and to command them to return to Scotland. King Harry promised, gif the said James brought this matter to good effect, not only to remit his ransom but to send him to Scotland with great riches and honour." James answered courteously, with expressions of goodwill and gratitude for the humanity shown towards him, but "I ...
— Royal Edinburgh - Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets • Margaret Oliphant

... whiskey." Wutzler came shambling in, held a bottle against the light, and squinted ruefully at the yellow dregs. "I will gif you a kong full, but ...
— Dragon's blood • Henry Milner Rideout

... jovially all the while he set the bone, and Sahwah stuffed the corners of the pillow into her mouth so that no sound should escape her. "Vell, vell," he continued, "dropped a canoe on her funny bone and kicked herself all de vay across de lake, now. And pushed anoder lady by de neck! I gif it up! And now, Missis Sahvah," he said, holding up one finger at her, "you lie on de bed until I say you should get out. You could get a fever, pushing ladies around by ...
— The Camp Fire Girls in the Maine Woods - Or, The Winnebagos Go Camping • Hildegard G. Frey

... Kinge's waird, or irones, sa lang as they have ony gudes of their awin to live on. And fra they have not quhairupon to live of their awin, that their eares be nayled to the trone, or to an uther tree, and their eares cutted off, and banished the countrie; and gif thereafter they be found againe, that ...
— A Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, & Present State of the Gypsies • John Hoyland

... don't tarry; I'll gie you my bonnie black hen, [give] Gif ye will advise me to marry [If] The lad I lo'e dearly, Tam ...
— Robert Burns - How To Know Him • William Allan Neilson

... do not think we would have contemplated this step without it. During one of our riding excursions we were to secure the services of a Methodist minister in the adjoining county, and later that of the Mission padre[169-1]—when the secret was out. "I will gif her away," said Enriquez confidently, "it will on the instant propitiate the old fellow who shall perform the affair and withhold his jaw. A little chin-music from your oncle 'Arry shall finish it! Remain tranquil and forget not a ring! One does not always, in the agony and dissatisfaction ...
— Short Stories of Various Types • Various

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