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Galvanometer   Listen
Galvanometer  n.  (Elec.) An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic needle.
Differential galvanometer. See under Differental, a.
Sine galvanometer, Cosine galvanometer, Tangent galvanometer (Elec.), a galvanometer in which the sine, cosine, or tangent respectively, of the angle through which the needle is deflected, is proportional to the strength of the current passed through the instrument.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Galvanometer" Quotes from Famous Books

... meter, line, rod, check; dividers; velo[obs3]. flood mark, high water mark; Plimsoll line; index &c. 550. scale; graduation, graduated scale; nonius[obs3]; vernier &c. (minuteness) 193. [instruments for measuring] bathometer, galvanometer, heliometer, interferometer, odometer, ombrometer[obs3], pantometer[obs3], pluviometer[obs3], pneumatometer[obs3], pneumometer[obs3], radiometer, refractometer, respirometer, rheometer, spirometer[obs3], ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... response to the outside stimulus, the degree, and other evidence being recorded in traces on a revolving cylinder. The tracings or curves obtained from tin and other metals, when compared with those obtained from living muscle, were found to be identical. He used a galvanometer, a very delicate and accurate scientific instrument, in his experiments. This instrument is so finely adjusted that the faintest current will cause a deflection of the registering needle, which is delicately swung on a tiny pivot. If the galvanometer be attached to a human nerve, and the end of ...
— A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga • Yogi Ramacharaka

... Pittsburgh. It will measure the one-fifty-thousandth part of a degree of heat, and consists of strips of platinum one-thirty-second of an inch wide and one-fourth of an inch long; and so thin that it requires fifty to equal the thickness of tissue paper, placed in the circuit of electricity running to a galvanometer. "When mounted in a reflected telescope it will record the heat from the body of a man or other animal in an adjoining field, and can do so at great distances. It will do this equally well at night, and ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 288 - July 9, 1881 • Various

... be verified by the following experiment: Insert one of the plates of an electrometer (sensitive galvanometer) into the stomach of a person who has remained for some time in a warm room. Now let this person inhale suddenly fresh, cold outside air. At once the galvanometer will register a ...
— Nature Cure • Henry Lindlahr

... to me by the same physician, serves to throw a light upon the connection of vital and physical energies. The doctor in question was treating a patient, who was apparently "obsessed," by means of electricity. The galvanometer needle showed what slight variations in the current there were during the course of the treatment. In the middle of the process, while the patient was conversing with the doctor, she was suddenly "obsessed." Coincidental with this obsession, ...
— The Problems of Psychical Research - Experiments and Theories in the Realm of the Supernormal • Hereward Carrington

... zero, that is, in the position which they occupy when there is no weight on either pan; the scales are then said to be balanced. Measurements are made with the potentiometer by varying a known electromotive force until it equals the unknown; when the two are equal the index of the potentiometer, the galvanometer needle, stands motionless as it is alternately connected and disconnected. The variable known weights are units separate from the scales, but the potentiometer provides its ...
— The Working of Steel - Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel • Fred H. Colvin

... magnetization is effected by an electric current. The latter has curious magnetic properties; a magnetic needle brought alongside of it will be found placing itself at right angles to the wire bearing the current. On this principle is made the galvanometer for measuring the intensity of a current. Moreover, if a piece of wire is coiled round a bar of steel, and a powerful electric current pass through the coil, the bar ...
— Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields of Popular Science • Simon Newcomb

... was a stereopticon which shot a beam of light through a tube to which I heard them refer as a galvanometer, about three feet distant. In front of this beam whirled a five- spindled wheel, governed by a chronometer which erred only a second a day. Between the poles of the galvanometer was stretched a slender thread ...
— The Dream Doctor • Arthur B. Reeve

... advanced against this conception by sceptical critics are as follows: "(1) The mental vibratory motion, or vibratory waves, are not known to science, nor recorded on scientific instruments such as the galvanometer. What is the rate of such vibrations, and what is their general character? (2) Granted the existence of such vibratory energy, or thought-waves, how and by means of what channel does the second person receive them from the first person? ...
— Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers • Bhakta Vishita

... company present, including Principal Sir Alexander Grant, Lord Curriehill, Archbishop Strain, and a number of the University professors. A committee of four gentlemen having been chosen to watch the proceedings, Mr. Bishop gave an exposure of the galvanometer test, accepted by a number of scientific men in London as conclusive proof of the bona fides of spirit manifestations. Mr. Bishop next gave an illustration of the theory of "unconscious cerebration." Archbishop Strain, having written on a slip of paper ...
— The Mysteries of All Nations • James Grant

Words linked to "Galvanometer" :   astatic galvanometer, meter

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