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Fountainhead   Listen
fountainhead  n.  
An abundant source.
Synonyms: well, wellspring.
The source of water from which a stream arises.
Synonyms: headspring, head.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Fountainhead" Quotes from Famous Books

... first. The immediate cause of death was pneumonia; but I gathered that my mother had come to the end of her store of vitality, and, it may be, of desire for life. I have sometimes thought that her complete freedom from those domestic cares of housekeeping, which had seemed to be the very source and fountainhead of continuous worry for her, may actually have robbed my mother of much of her hold upon life. In these last days I had been almost continuously beside her, and I know that she relinquished her life without one sigh that ...
— The Message • Alec John Dawson

... types, both of poetry and of prose, originated with the Greeks. Their writings are the fountainhead of the literature of Europe. They prized simplicity: they always had an intense disrelish for obscurity and bombast. The earliest poetry of the Greeks consisted of hymns to the gods. It was lyrical, an outpouring of personal feeling. The lyrical type was followed by the epic, ...
— Outline of Universal History • George Park Fisher

... as from the lowest depths of hell to the throne of the Almighty. (In an elevated tone.) From that awful height to look down securely upon the impetuous whirlpool of mankind, where blind fortune holds capricious sway! To quaff at the fountainhead unlimited draughts from the rich cup of pleasure! To hold that armed giant law beneath my feet in leading-strings, and see it struggle with fruitless efforts against the sacred power of majesty! To tame the stubborn passions of the people, and curb them with a playful rein, as ...
— The Works of Frederich Schiller in English • Frederich Schiller

Words linked to "Fountainhead" :   source, root, beginning, head, wellspring

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