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Forme   Listen
Forme  adj.  (Her.) Same as Pate or Patte.

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"Forme" Quotes from Famous Books

... taulke, and I so mindefull, somewhat to satisfie the honest request of so deare frend, I thought to prpare some litle treatise for a New yeares gift that Christmas. But, as it chanceth to busie builders, so, in building thys my poore Scholehouse (the rather bicause the forme of it is somewhat new, and differing ...
— The Schoolmaster • Roger Ascham

... des Bourreaux et des Bouchers, qui, a cause de leur cruaute ne sont point juges. Geoffroi Martel, Comte d'Anjou, fit faire ainsi le proces a Guerin de Craon, qu'il avait fait foi et hommage de la Baronnie de Craon a Conan, duc de Bretange. Geoffroi fit assembler ses Barons, qui, selon l'ancienne forme observee en matiere feodale, firent le proces a Guerin, son vassal, et le condamnerent, quoiqu'il fut absent.—Et il est a remarquer a ce propos, que le Pape Innocent III., qui favourisait Jean sans-Terre, parcequ'en 1213 il avait soumis son royaume d'Angleterre au Saint Siege au devoir de ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 18. Saturday, March 2, 1850 • Various

... to supply such inexhaustible food for controversy, kept silence and took no part in the discussions. But when all the theories had been presented to the public, he set about refuting them. He made himself very merry, in the seventh edition of 'Questions sur l'Encyclopedie distibuees en forme de Dictionnaire (Geneva, 1791), over the complaisance attributed to Louis XIV in acting as police-sergeant and gaoler for James II, William III, and Anne, with all of whom he was at war. Persisting still in taking 1661 ...

... eaux que la Mer Noire recoit, et qu'elle ne peut evaporer, versee dans la Mediterranee par le Bosphore de Thrace et La Propontide, forme aux Dardanelles des courans si violens, que souvent les batimens, toutes voiles dehors, out peine a les vaincre. Les pilotes doivent encore observer, lorsque le vent suffit, de diriger leur route de maniere a presenter le moins de resistance possible a l'effort des eaux. On sent ...
— Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6 (of 6) - With his Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore

... Forme ure tonitru; Iambicum as amandum, Olet Hymen promptu; Mihi is vetas an ne se, As humano erebi; Olet mecum marito ...
— The Humourous Poetry of the English Language • James Parton

... farther, the said Gyles Alleyn and Sara his wife did covenant and grant to the said James Burbage that it should and might be lawful to the said James Burbage (in consideration of the imploying and bestowing the foresaid two hundred pounds in forme aforesaid) at any time or times before the end of the said term of one and twenty years, to have, take down, and carry away to his own proper use for ever all such buildings and other things as should be builded, erected, or set up in or upon the gardens and void grounds ...
— Shakespearean Playhouses - A History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration • Joseph Quincy Adams

... belle Aminte, Sans contrainte L'on y forme des voeux; Viens, Viens dans ce bocage belle Aminte, Il est fait pour les plaisirs et ...
— Music: An Art and a Language • Walter Raymond Spalding

... Oldcastle, Scholemaster, who, as appeareth by his treatise, then taught Arithmetike, and this booke in Saint Ollaves parish in Marko Lane.'' John Melfis refers to the fact that the principle of accounts he explains (which is a simple system of double entry) is "after the forme of Venice.'' The very interesting and able book described as The Merchants Mirrour, or directions for the perfect ordering and keeping af his accounts formed by way of Debitor and Creditor, after the (so ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... room near the large double-pointed case-rack, completed the tale of machines. That case-rack alone held fifty different founts of type, and there were other caseracks. The lead-rack was nearly as large, and beneath the lead-rack was a rack containing all those "furnitures" which help to hold a forme of type together without betraying themselves to the reader of the printed sheet. And under the furniture rack was the 'random,' full of galleys. Then there was a table with a top of solid stone, upon which the formes were bolted up. And ...
— Clayhanger • Arnold Bennett

... saint jour; Il n'existe point de tristesse Pour un coeur plein de son amour. Ornons des fleurs ce sanctuaire, Parons son autel revere, Redoublons d'efforts pour lui plaire. Que ce mois lui soi, consacre; Que le parfume de ces couronnes Forme un encens delicieux, Qui s'elevant jusqu'a son trone, Lui porte et nos coeurs et nos voeux. Que le nom sacre de Marie Soit pour nous un nom de salut; Que toujours notre ame attendrie, D'amour lui paie un doux tribut. Unissons-nous aux ...
— Primitive Christian Worship • James Endell Tyler

... Sors de la fange, Peuple en proie aux deceptions, Travaille, groupe par phalange, Dans un cercle d'attractions; La terre, apres tant de desastres, Forme avec le ciel un hymen, Et la loi qui regit les astres, Donne la paix au ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... laquelle est bati le village du Prieure n'est composee que des debris de cette montagne; ces debris ont debouche par une gorge que nous traversons en montant, et se versant ensuite a droite et a gauche, ils ont pris la forme d'un cone, dont le sommet est au milieu de cette gorge. Les collines de ce genre et de cette forme se rencontrent bien frequemment dans les vallees bordees ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4) • James Hutton

... qu'elles sont faites depuis peu, encore qu'il y ait plus de treize cens ans. Entre ces figures sont treize fenestres de chacun coste, qui rendent un grand jour par toute l'eglise: derriere la troisieme et quatrieme colomne de la main droite est un tres-beau et riche base de marbre blanc de forme ronde a six pans de quelques trois pieds de diametre, qui sert ...
— Palestine or the Holy Land - From the Earliest Period to the Present Time • Michael Russell

... appliques ils prouvent que le vainqueur de l'Autriche aime les belles-lettres que j'aime de tout mon coeur. D'ailleurs D'Arnaud est un bon diable, qui par-oi par-la ne laisoe pas de rencontrer de bons tirades. Il a du gout, il se forme, et s'il aime qu'il se deforme, il n'y a pas grand mal. En un mot, la petite meprise du Roi de Prusse n'empeche pas qu'il ne soit le plus singulier de ...
— Berlin and Sans-Souci • Louise Muhlbach

... as of Monkis and Channounes. Johnne Lyn, ane Gray freare, left his hipocryticall habite, and the den of those murtheraris the Gray Frearis. Ane Black freir, called Frear Kyllour,[143] sett furth the Historye of Christis Passioun in forme of a play, quhilk he boith preached and practised opinlie in Striveling, the King him salf being present, upoun a Good Friday in the mornyng: In the which, all thingis war so levelye expressed, that the verray sempill people understood and confessed, that as the ...
— The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox

... Padoue a Milan Ou se trouvent le Cene, et un restaurant pas cher. Lui pense aux pourboires, et redige son bilan. Ils auront vu la Suisse et traverse la France. Et Saint Apollinaire, raide et ascetique, Vieille usine desaffectee de Dieu, tient encore Dans ses pierres ecroulantes la forme ...
— Poems • T. S. [Thomas Stearns] Eliot

... dans la piscine. On put alors constater tout le dommage que ce miserable petit animal avait cause aux especes sacrees dont les debris ici tombaient en poussiere, la se trouvaient ronges et laceres, de telle sorte que l'Hostie n'avait presque plus rien de sa forme circulaire, et presentait de profondes decoupures partout ou le vermisseau s'etait livre a ses sinueus ...
— Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland • George Forrest Browne

... which you must put in a spoonfull (and not above) of good Yest, then mingle it well with Butter, cream, Rose-water, and sugar, finely beaten, and working it well into paste, make it after what forme ...
— A Book of Fruits and Flowers • Anonymous

... nuicts d'hyver, ou la Lune ocieuse Tourne si lentement son char tout a l'entour, Ou le Coq si tardif nous annonce le jour, Ou la nuict semble un an a l'ame soucieuse: Je fusse mort d'ennuy sans ta forme douteuse Qui vient par une feinte alleger mon amour, Et faisant toute nue entre mes bras sejour Me pipe doucement d'une joye menteuse. Vraye tu es farouche, et fiere en cruaute: De toy fausse on jouyst en toute privaute. Pres ton mort ...
— Avril - Being Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance • H. Belloc

... a very strange and new fashion of them [cucumbers] in Campane, for there you shall have abundance of them come up in forme of a Quince. And as I heare say, one of the channced so to grow first at a very venture; but afterwards from the seed of it came a whole race and progenie of the like, which therefore they call Melonopopones, as a man would say, the Quince-pompions or cucumbers"—Pliny, Nat. Hist., ...
— The Earth as Modified by Human Action • George P. Marsh

... common summer squash, Cucurbita polymorpha, as may be seen by reference to Champlain's map of 1612, where its form is delineated over the inscription, la forme des sitroules. It is indigenous to America. Our word squash is derived from the Indian askutasquash or isquoutersquash. "In summer, when their corne is spent, Isquoutersquashes is their best bread, a fruit like the young Pumpion."—Wood's ...
— Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, Vol. 2 • Samuel de Champlain

... Elle nous les montre mme d'un sentiment trs affin dans leur simplicit nave et leur cordiale bonhomie. En somme, elle en fait des natures, des tempraments, quelque chose de typique, en mme temps qu' harmonieux de teinte et de forme. ...
— The Habitant and Other French-Canadian Poems • William Henry Drummond

... into large units called particular plantations; and it ordered that "such captaines or leaders of perticulerr plantations that shall goe there to inhabite by vertue of their graunts and plant themselves, their tenants and servants in Virginia, shall have liberty till a forme of government be here settled for them, associatinge unto them divers of the gravest and discreetes of their companies, to make orders, ordinances and constitutions for the better orderinge and dyrectinge of their servants and buisines, provided they be not repugnant ...
— American Negro Slavery - A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime • Ulrich Bonnell Phillips

... par devant et par derriere, et qui a conserve dans toute l'Amerique septentrionale habitee par les Francois, le nom de braguet. L'hiver ils ont generalement une chemise et une couverture de laine, faite en forme de redingotte. Les enfans restent souvent nus jusqu'a l'age de huit ans, qu'ils commencent a ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917 • Various

... cylinders covered with felt and leather were used, and formed part of the machine itself. Two of the cylinders revolved in opposite directions, so as to spread the ink, which was then transferred by two other inking cylinders alternately applied to the "forme" by the action of spiral springs. The movement of all the parts of the machine were to be derived from a steam-engine, ...
— Men of Invention and Industry • Samuel Smiles

... Elle venoit presque tous les jours lui faire une belle visite. This is altered into: Cependant chaque jour Therese venait lui faire une visite. Casanova says that some one avoit, comme de raison, forme le projet d'allier Dieu avec le diable. This is made to read: Qui, comme de raison, avait saintement forme le projet d'allier les interets du ciel aux oeuvres de ce monde. Casanova tell us that Therese would not commit a mortal sin ...
— Figures of Several Centuries • Arthur Symons

... qui n'a point de Style forme, ecrivant au hazard, employe des Expressions outrees en des Choses tres communes; & quand il en veut dire de plus relevees, il les affoiblit par des Expressions basses, & fait ramper le fort avec le foible. Il tend sans ...
— A Critical Essay on Characteristic-Writings - From his translation of The Moral Characters of Theophrastus (1725) • Henry Gally

... Oxon, Esquire, being sick and weak of bodie, but of perfect minde and memorie, I praise God therefore, this thirtieth daie of December in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fortie and six, doe make and declare this my will and testament in manner and forme following:—First and principallie, I comend my soule to the hands of Almighty God my Maker, trusting by the meritts, death, and passion of his sonn Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, to have life everlasting; ...
— The Life of John Milton Vol. 3 1643-1649 • David Masson

... and are a mere dead letter if they are not supported by the oaths of persons in a situation to give them validity." 3rd Phillimore, 394. Further, "Valin sur l'Ordonnance" says, "Il y a plus, et parceque les pieces en forme trouvees abord, peuvent encore avoir ete concertees en fraude, il a ete ordonne par arret de conseil du 26 Octobre, 1692, que les depositions contraires des gens de l'equipage pris, prevaudrojent a ces pieces." The latter authority is express ...
— The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter • Raphael Semmes

... next hee'd Hector slay, That he must borrow him from Fletchers Play; This might have beene the shame, for which he bid His Iliades in a Nut-shell should be hid: Virgill of his AEneas next begun, Whose God-like forme and tongue so soone had wonne; That Queene of Carthage and of beauty too, Two powers the whole world else were slaves unto, Urging that Prince for to repaire his faulte On earth, boldly in hell his Mistresse sought; [-The Maides Tragedy.-] But when ...
— The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher in Ten Volumes - Volume I. • Beaumont and Fletcher

... next proceeded to befool Mr. William Barrett, a surgeon and antiquary who was engaged in writing a history of Bristol. To him he supplied copies of supposed documents in the muniment room of Redcliffe Church: "Of the Auntiaunte Forme of Monies," and the like: deeds, bills, letters, inscriptions, proclamations, accounts of churches and other buildings, collected by Rowley for his patron, Canynge: many of which this singularly uncritical historian incorporated ...
— A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century • Henry A. Beers

... kinge's folly, And natheless, 'Sir king,' he said, 'there may to mast'ry, The earl hath two men him near, Brithoel and Jordan. I will make thyself, if thou wilt, through art that I can, Have all the forme of the earl, as thou were right he, And Olfyn as Jordan, and as Brithoel me.' This art was all clean ydo, that all changed they were, They three in the others' form, the solve as it were. Against even he went forth, nuste[8] no man ...
— Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete • George Gilfillan

... Lord, let me ore-rule you now; That sport best pleases that doth least know how. Where Zeale striues to content, and the contents Dies in the Zeale of that which it presents: Their forme confounded, makes most forme in mirth When great things labouring perish in their ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 197, August 6, 1853 • Various

... connoissances plus interessantes. Par la matiere et l'arrangement de ces compositions il pretend avoir reconnu quelle est la veritable origine de ce globe que nous habitons, comment et par qui il a ete forme."-Pp. xix. xx. ...
— Darwiniana • Thomas Henry Huxley

... that was farre gone for want of the wench, I led astraie most notoriously, for he beeing a monstrous vnthrift of battle axes (as one that cared not in his anger to bid flie out scuttels to fiue score of them) and a notable emboweller of quart pots, I came disguised vnto him in the forme of a halfe a crowne wench, my gowne and attire according to the custome the in request. I wis I had my curtesies in cue or in quart pot rather, for they dyu'd into the very entrailes of the dust, and I simpered ...
— The Vnfortunate Traveller, or The Life Of Jack Wilton - With An Essay On The Life And Writings Of Thomas Nash By Edmund Gosse • Thomas Nash

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