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Fellah   Listen
Fellah  n.  (pl. Ar. fellahin, E. fellahs)  A peasant or cultivator of the soil among the Egyptians, Syrians, etc.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Fellah" Quotes from Famous Books

... caused the captain to toss me a contemptuous look. "Is this the fellah who was taken when you swam for it?" he inquired, relapsing into his drawl. Raffles said I was, and with that took a passionate oath upon our absolute rectitude as volunteers. There could be no doubting him; but the officer's eyes went back at ...
— Raffles - Further Adventures of the Amateur Cracksman • E. W. Hornung

... breakfast at Rock Spring middlin' late this morning. They butcherin' at that place. Five fat hog. My chuck wagon he stay behin' for chunk of fresh pig. I won' spoil my appetide for that tenderloin. Hol' on yourself an' take supper wis me. No?—That fellah be 'long 'bout Chris'mas if he don' git los'! He always behin', ...
— The Desert and The Sown • Mary Hallock Foote

... should resent her lover's endorsement of her own opinions is just one of those things that no fellah (unless he is a ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 153, Aug 8, 1917 • Various

... should not be obliged to take up our night's quarters in the open plain. At length, however, we came to the bed of a Wady called Hameka, which we ascended for a short distance, and in half an hour after crossing it reached Kereye, about ten at night; here we found a comfortable Fellah's house, and ...
— Travels in Syria and the Holy Land • John Burckhardt

... were wounded. "You can't tell what'll happen if you don't take care of yourself. I heard of a fellah once..." ...
— Over the Line • Harold M. Sherman

... The Egyptian fellah warms the hearth of his squalid mud hut with the mummies of the Pharaohs of Egypt, the all-powerful builders of the everlasting pyramids. Customs, conventions, codes, dynasties, states, nations come and go in incontinent succession. But, stronger than these, never disappearing, ...
— The German Classics of The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Vol. X. • Kuno Francke

... most energetic fellah I ever saw. By Jove! you're the only one aboard that's busy. What are ...
— A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder • James De Mille

... husbandman (fellah) was troubled with a foolish wife. Having to go out one day, he gave her full instructions what to do about the place, and particularly bade her fix her mind upon their cow, because he was afraid the cow might stray, as she had done before, and cause ill-feeling with the neighbours. He never thought ...
— Oriental Encounters - Palestine and Syria, 1894-6 • Marmaduke Pickthall

... fellah could do,—said the young man John, so called,—a fellah'd like the chance o' helpin' a little cripple like that. He looks as if he couldn't turn over any handier than a turtle that's laid on his back; and I guess there a'n't many people that know how to lift better than ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 25, November, 1859 • Various

... fields an' shops. I couldn't stand it. By God!" he said with a sudden im pulse of rage quite unlike him, "I'd rather live on an ice-berg and claw crabs f'r a livin' than have some feller passin' me on the road an' callin' me fellah!'" ...
— Main-Travelled Roads • Hamlin Garland

... Whiskey's the fellah,—said the young man John.—Make it into punch, cold at dinner-time 'n' hot at bed-time. I'll come up 'n' show you how to mix it. Haven't any of you seen the wonderful fat man exhibitin' down ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 3, No. 20, June, 1859 • Various

... to stand by the private pastern alway and, whenever she espy me coming, at once to open. And now I will devise a device whereby to slay this damned loon." Herewith he arose and, issuing from the pavilion door, walked till he met on the way a Fellah to whom he said, "O man, take my attire and give me thy garments." But the peasant refused, so Alaeddin stripped him of his dress perforce[FN203] and donned it, leaving to the man his own rich gear by way of gift. Then he followed the highway leading ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 3 • Richard F. Burton

... "A fellah come to me today And slapped me on the back And started makin', right away, The us'al sort of crack About how good a friend he was, How strong he was for me— But friends don't need to tell you so, There's other ways to tell ...
— More Toasts • Marion Dix Mosher

... with the other in his arms sat astride a camel, who made up by her muscular development whatever she might lack in goodness of heart and honesty of purpose; she too being wrapped in the silvery drapery which the moon throws pell-mell around pyramid and mud hut, humble fellah, descendant maybe of some long dead Pharaoh, and the jocular, jubilant millionaire, who with luck can ...
— Desert Love • Joan Conquest

... to himself four corpses lying in a pool of blood, and fright and horror seized his breast. To kill four men! Indeed they were knaves, but even so it was a horrifying affair. He recollected that at one time he saw a laborer—a fellah—killed by the crank of a steam dredge, and what a horrible impression his mortal remains, quivering in a red puddle, made upon him! He shuddered at the recollection. And now four would be necessary! four! The sin ...
— In Desert and Wilderness • Henryk Sienkiewicz

... garb: from the Egyptian functionary in his neat blue uniform and fez, and the portly merchant in his oriental robes, to the Arabs muffled up in cotton cloths with turban and bernous, the lightly-clad Fellah, and the women shrouded in dark blue cottons with their faces almost entirely hidden by the yashmack. It needed some dexterity to avoid the strings of loaded camels that made their way through the narrow streets, the porters carrying heavy weights hanging from the centre ...
— The Dash for Khartoum - A Tale of Nile Expedition • George Alfred Henty

... becoming throughout a parched and unprofitable desert. In Upper Scinde, there are very rarely more than three or four showers in the year, and the cultivator has to depend entirely upon the overflow of the river for the growth of his crops, in the same way as the fellah of Egypt is saved from famine by the annual inundation of the Nile. In Fort Bukkur, there is a gauge on which the height of the river is registered, in a similar manner to that of the celebrated one in Egypt; and the news of the rise or fall of a few inches, is received by the Scindians with ...
— Chambers' Edinburgh Journal - Volume XVII., No 423, New Series. February 7th, 1852 • Various

... but, as the weaving progressed and the line of finished cloth got beyond his reach, he crept up to it and so got farther and farther away from the breast beam until in the end he arrived at the warp beam. Similar looms are still used for mat making by the Egyptian fellah. ...
— Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms • H. Ling Roth

... Bsha'. His owner was a Fellah called Hasan Bsh—peasants often give this title as a name to a boy who is born under fortunate circumstances. Sa'd was a fat, jolly fellow, a Sidi Bh from the Mrm, or mainland of Zanzibar, who ...
— The Land of Midian, Vol. 1 • Richard Burton

... the Oxford boys said he knew an awfully good story, but it was rather risky, you know. I pricked up my ears. Did we know the story—story about a fellah—fellah who had an aunt, you know? And fellah's aunt was most frightfully keen on dogs and all that, you know.... After three minutes of it I lost interest in the story. It concerned Old George and Herbert and young Helen, and various other people who seemed ...
— Nights in London • Thomas Burke

Words linked to "Fellah" :   peasant

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