"Excretion" Quotes from Famous Books
... there no difference between the growth of a plant or an animal, and the increase in size of a sand-bank or a snow-bank, or a river delta? or between the wear and repair of a working-man's body and the wear and repair of the machine he drives? Excretion and secretion are not in the same categories. The living and the non-living mark off the two grand divisions of matter in the world in which we live, as no two terms merely descriptive of chemical and physical phenomena ... — The Breath of Life • John Burroughs
... which are secreted into receptacles, as the urine, bile, intestinal and pulmonary mucus, have again their thinner parts absorbed; and hence, though the quantity of secreted fluid was increased, yet as the absorption was also increased, the excretion from these receptacles is lessened; at the same time that it is deeper coloured or of thicker consistence, as the urine, alvine feces, and pulmonary mucus. Whereas the perspiration being secreted on the surface of the body is visible in its increased quantity, before it can be ... — Zoonomia, Vol. II - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin
... name of common sense, do they get their authority for such a statement? Do they not know that such a contention is in direct opposition to physiological law? Does bathing the external surface of the body prevent the further excretion of perspiration; or bathing the eyes destroy the functions of the Meibomian glands? Does the drinking of water prevent any further discharge of saliva into the mouth, or of gastric juice into the stomach? If the washing away of a secretion destroyed the power of the secreting gland, human ... — The Royal Road to Health • Chas. A. Tyrrell
... of their toil grow both weak and foolish. Yet is not the State endangered by the artisan's throwing off a refuse of ill-paid and starving men who are either too many for the work or unskilful at it? Such an excretion would poison a peasantry, remaining in their body as it were, but artisans are purged thereby. This refuse it is for the State to decide upon. It may in an artisan State be used for soldiery (since such States commonly maintain but small armies and are commonly indifferent to military ... — First and Last • H. Belloc
... gas which, because it was visible as a vapor, had been carried in the rocket-ship. A visible gas was, of course, more consistent with the early pretense that the rocket-ship bore invaders from another planet. And Thorn became drenched with sweat, which aided in the excretion of the poisonous stuff. His brain cleared, and he recognized despair and discounted it and began to plan grimly to make the most of an infinitesimal chance. The chance was simply that Kreynborg had ransacked his pockets and ... — Invasion • William Fitzgerald Jenkins |
Words linked to "Excretion" : micturition, urination, excreta, excretory product, waste, voiding, incontinence, piddle, shitting, guano, human waste, vomit, excrete, urine, laxation, radioactive iodine excretion test, discharge, fecula, barf, feces, stool, elimination, waste product, expelling, defecation, fecal matter, excreting, incontinency, waste material, vomitus, wormcast, piss, faecal matter, waste matter, evacuation, dejection |
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