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Ethmoidal   Listen
Ethmoidal, Ethmoid  adj.  (Anat.)
Like a sieve; cribriform.
Pertaining to, or in the region of, the ethmoid bone.
Ethmoid bone (Anat.), a bone of complicated structure through which the olfactory nerves pass out of the cranium and over which they are largely distributed.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Ethmoidal" Quotes from Famous Books

... floor of the cranium consists of a series of cartilage bones, the basi-occipital (b.o.), basi-sphenoid (b.sp.), pre-sphenoid (p.sp.), and in front, the ethmoid (eth.), which sends down a median plate, not shown, in the figure, to form the nasal septum between right and left nasal passages. Like extended wings on either side of the basi-occipital are the ex-occipital ...
— Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata • H. G. Wells

... palate into the nasal chamber, and very directly into the mouth. The nasal roof is formed by two bones situated between the eyes; the sphenoid or wedge-bone, which is connected with all other bones of the head, and the ethmoid or sieve-like bone. The structure of these two bones, especially of the ethmoid, consists of very thin plates or laminae, forming a mass of air cavities which communicate by small openings with the nasal cavity below. Thus, the vibrations in the nose are transmitted to the air ...
— Resonance in Singing and Speaking • Thomas Fillebrown

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