"Equinoctial" Quotes from Famous Books
... ladder, with its seven rounds, was a symbol referring to this ascent through the spheres of the seven planets. Jacob saw the Spirits of God ascending and descending on it; and above it the Deity Himself. The Mithraic Mysteries were celebrated in caves, where gates were marked at the four equinoctial and solstitial points of the zodiac; and the seven planetary spheres were represented, which souls needs must traverse in descending from the heaven of the fixed stars to the elements that envelop the earth; and seven gates were marked, one for each planet, through which they pass, in descending ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry • Albert Pike
... in this swamp that it has always been necessary to clear it out every little while, and so the people have been in the habit of setting it on fire every year a few days before the equinoctial storms were due. They had found from experience that by the time the storms came the fires had burnt out enough of the undergrowth for their purpose, and the heavy rains which usually accompany the storms put the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 1, No. 51, October 28, 1897 - A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls • Various
... much as an angle or a curve, of its original outline. All rivers have altered their channels; many are altering them for ever.[16] Longitude and latitude might be assigned, at the most, if even those are not substantially defeated by the Miltonic "pushing askance" of the poles with regard to the equinoctial. But, finally, we remark, that whereas human nature has ever been prone to the superstition of local consecrations and personal idolatries, by means of memorial relics, apparently it is the usage ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843 • Various
... indeed—to fondle in his arms a puppy or a kitten. Yet he is liable to excitement, in his way; for once, in some high debate, wherein he assisted as listener, when one old man on a wharf was doubting the assertion of another old man about a certain equinoctial gale, I saw my friend draw his right hand slowly and painfully from his pocket, and let it fall by his side. It was really one of the most emphatic gesticulations I ever saw, and tended obviously to quell the rising discord. It was as ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Oldport Days • Thomas Wentworth Higginson
... to secure and lead it home, should we succeed in capturing one, not having any cords with us; and moreover, intending to return from the bay in the canoe. When we arrived at the bay, the night, which comes on rapidly in equinoctial countries, had almost closed. We were scarcely able to see, without terror, the changes that the late storm had occasioned; the narrow pass which led from the other side of the island, between the river and a deep stream ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Swiss Family Robinson; or Adventures in a Desert Island • Johann David Wyss
... flappings to and fro in the rough wind on winter nights. Doors and window frames were blistering and splitting for want of paint. Close by the sacred terrace itself lay the fragments of a broken chimney-pot, blown down during the last equinoctial gales and suffered to lie where it had fallen. Everywhere were visible tokens of that miserly thrift which, carried to excess, degenerates into unthrift of the worst and meanest kind, from which the transition to absolute ruin is both easy ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Argosy - Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 1891 • Various
... through Canterbury, to try the effect of her Cassandra presence on his fears;[393] but if he still delayed his marriage, it was probably neither because he was frightened by her denunciations, nor from alarm at the usual occurrence of an equinoctial storm. Many motives combined to dissuade him from further hesitation. Six years of trifling must have convinced him that by decisive action alone he could force the pope to a conclusion. He was growing old, and the exigencies of the succession, rendered doubly pressing by the long ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Reign of Henry the Eighth, Volume 1 (of 3) • James Anthony Froude
... sun rises from a point on the horizon, where the four great circles, namely, the horizon, the zodiac, theequator, and the equinoctial colure, meet, and, cutting each other, form three crosses. The sun is in the sign of Aries, "a better star," because the influence of this constellation was supposed to be benignant, and under it the earth ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Divine Comedy, Volume 3, Paradise [Paradiso] • Dante Alighieri
... from the Kremlin the spread of this fearful devastation, and, in spite of continual showers of sparks and brands, refused to listen to those who counselled retreat. On the third night, the equinoctial gale rose, the Kremlin itself took fire, and it became doubtful whether it would be possible for him to withdraw in safety; and then he at length rode out of Moscow, through streets in many parts arched over with flames, and buried, where ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The History of Napoleon Buonaparte • John Gibson Lockhart
... in February, there is another letter relating to Newman's Latin Robinson Crusoe and his own difficulties as to how to find out when are the times of spring and autumn in an equinoctial climate. ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman • Giberne Sieveking
... directly east from Peru towards the sea, and lieth under the equinoctial line; and it hath more abundance of gold than any part of Peru, and as many or more great cities than ever Peru had when it flourished most. It is governed by the same laws, and the emperor and people observe the same religion, and the same form and policies in government as were ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Discovery of Guiana • Sir Walter Raleigh
... the brimming watercourse, The wak'ning air, the birds' returning flight, The longer sunshine, and the shorter night, Arcturus' beams, and Corvus' glitt'ring rays, Diffuse a promise of the genial days. Yon muddy remnant of the winter snow Shrinks humbly in the equinoctial glow, Whilst in the fields precocious grass-blades peep Above the earth so lately wrapt in sleep. What sweet, elusive odor fills the soil, To rouse the farmer to his yearly toil! Though thick the clouds, and bare the maple bough, With what gay ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922 • Howard Phillips Lovecraft
... mortality and cursed us in a shrill voice and with a marrowy choice of language. It was a pair of very colourless urchins that fled down the lane from this remarkable experience! But I recall with a more doubtful sentiment, compounded out of fear and exultation, the coil of equinoctial tempests; trumpeting squalls, scouring flaws of rain; the boats with their reefed lugsails scudding for the harbour mouth, where danger lay, for it was hard to make when the wind had any east in it; the wives clustered with blowing ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 16 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson
... no motion of the sea, caused by this earth revolving in the solar system, could bring about that end; for let us suppose the axis of the earth to be changed from the present poles, and placed in the equinoctial line, the consequence of this might, indeed, be the formation of a continent of land about each new pole, from whence the sea would run towards the new equator; but all the rest of the globe would remain an ocean. Some new points might be discovered, and others, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton
... Harwich was short, though we had no longer any fear of not getting round to the Isle of Wight before the equinoctial gales commenced. We sailed early in the morning, papa being anxious to get across the mouth of the Thames, either as far as Ramsgate or Deal, to avoid the risk of being run down by vessels standing up or down the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A Yacht Voyage Round England • W.H.G. Kingston
... and flow produce a rather swift current through the submarine tunnel. It is pretty certain therefore that a floating object thrown into the lagoon when the top of the orifice is uncovered would be carried out by the receding tide. It is just possible that during the lowest equinoctial tides the top of the orifice is uncovered. This I shall be able to ascertain, as this is precisely the time they occur. To-day, September 19, I could almost distinguish the summit of the hole under the water. The day after to-morrow, if ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Facing the Flag • Jules Verne
... which the duties of men, in public and in private situations, are not to be governed by their relation to the great Governor of the Universe, or by their relation to mankind, but by climates, degrees of longitude, parallels, not of life, but of latitudes: as if, when you have crossed the equinoctial, all the virtues die, as they say some insects die when they cross the line; as if there were a kind of baptism, like that practised by seamen, by which they unbaptize themselves of all that they learned in Europe, and after which a new order ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Works Of The Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. IX. (of 12) • Edmund Burke
... sure that this was the beginning of the equinoctial gale. It might be a week before the storm would break. And where would the Wavecrest ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Swept Out to Sea - Clint Webb Among the Whalers • W. Bertram Foster
... equinoctial now parted us for nearly a week, and at the end of that time they were so low in our northern horizon that we could not make out their signals; we and they were obliged to wait till they had passed through two-thirds of their month before we could communicate ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Brick Moon, et. al. • Edward Everett Hale
... rains confined us for days to the shelter of tent and wagon; but the days were nothing to the nights, which on the banks of the Sacramento are almost equinoctial throughout the year; and we had neither coal nor candle. All the fuel that could be found was rather too little for culinary purposes. Concerning the rest of our comforts, there is no use in being particular; but at intervals between the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 444 - Volume 18, New Series, July 3, 1852 • Various
... "Isle of Pines" and of immeasurable value on the earliest years of recorded history in our New England. Even this summary, thus definitely dated, offers problems. The location of the island is given in general terms in the half-title as "below the equinoctial line," and in the text as in "xxviii or xxix degrees of Antartique latitude." Nowhere in the first London part is either location used, and in the second London part, which bears nearly the same date as the Cramoisy summary—July 22—twenty ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Isle Of Pines (1668) - and, An Essay in Bibliography by W. C. Ford • Henry Neville
... each of the lands of the continent and the islands situated and lying in America within the headland or promontory commonly called Cape Sable, lying near the forty-third degree of latitude from the equinoctial line or thereabout; from which promontory stretching westwardly toward the north by the seashore to the naval station of St. Mary, commonly called St. Marys Bay; from thence passing toward the north by a straight ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents: Tyler - Section 2 (of 3) of Volume 4: John Tyler • Compiled by James D. Richardson
... raw October noontide. The last traces of the by-gone summer were being swept away by equinoctial gales, which whirled the remaining yellowing leaves from the trees, and strewed with them the walks of the deserted Hofgarten; a stormy gray sky promised rain at the earliest opportunity; our Rhine went gliding by like a stream of ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The First Violin - A Novel • Jessie Fothergill
... being more than usually necessary, owing to the Russian-Polish troubles. On this errand, which is clearly a promotion, though in present circumstances not a welcome one for the Crown-Prince, he sets out without delay; and passes there the equinoctial and autumnal season, in a much more useful way than he could have done ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. IX. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle
... afternoon we crossed the equinoctial line in longitude 21 degrees 50 minutes west. The weather became fine and the south-east tradewind was fresh and steady, with which we kept a point free from the wind and got to the southward ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A Voyage to the South Sea • William Bligh
... his master, so before long we began to see the halter on old Scroggs. And his daughter held the leading rope. She let him rave about so long and then she retired into her pocket-handkerchief and turned on a regular equinoctial. Scroggs looked more uncomfortable than we felt. He took her in his arms and there was a family reconciliation. Every little while Martha would look over his shoulder at us four hopefuls sitting up against the wall as lively as wooden Indians, and ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — At Good Old Siwash • George Fitch
... appreciate after he has seen the scowl with which an Autumn storm can sweep down these mountains. Good May or June weather and the soft delight of Indian Summer are equally enjoyable, but avoid the Ides of March, or, in other words, the days of the equinoctial. ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The New York and Albany Post Road • Charles Gilbert Hine
... one asked us if we had seen many British soldiers around Antwerp and Ghent. We had previously decided that the answer to such talk was, "None of your business." But the fellow's bayonet was infernally bright and sharp and his countenance like ice. It wasn't only the equinoctial ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Log of a Noncombatant • Horace Green
... be no more objects of interest to detain us at Pulo Nanas, and our chuliahs having already gone on to prepare dinner at Pulo Panjan, we rallied our forces and followed suit. It was already four o'clock, and so near the equinoctial line, where there is no twilight, it is dark soon after six; but then Pulo Panjan was on our route homeward, and we should have time at least to dine and gather some of the beautiful flowers for which the island is famous, as well as to taste the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XII, No. 29. August, 1873. • Various
... farthest parts of Guinea, with all the islands that lie in the way; opposite to which western coast is described the beginning of the Indies, with the islands and places whither you may go, and how far you may bend from the North Pole towards the Equinoctial, and for how long a time—that is, how many leagues you may sail before you come to those places most fruitful in spices, jewels, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Amerigo Vespucci • Frederick A. Ober
... of green. For above an hour we glide on over the yellow, clayey, strongly agitated fresh water, until at length the boundary is passed, and we are careering over the salt waves of the sea. Unfortunately for us, equinoctial gales and heavy weather still so powerfully maintained their sway, that the deck was completely flooded with the salt brine. We could hardly stand upon our feet, and could not manage to reach the cabin-door, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A Visit to the Holy Land • Ida Pfeiffer
... run out in our galley as far as the Start, when the appearance of the weather became very threatening. It was just about the time of the equinoctial gales, and there was a consultation among us whether we should run into Torquay ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Poor Jack • Frederick Marryat
... more. We sail in the course of a day or two to survey the coast of Patagonia; as it is entirely unknown, I expect a good deal of interest. But already do I perceive the grievous difference between sailing on these seas and the Equinoctial ocean. In the "Ladies' Gulf," as the Spaniard's call it, it is so luxurious to sit on deck and enjoy the coolness of the night, and admire the new constellations of the South...I wonder when we shall ever meet again; but ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume I • Francis Darwin
... and yet these are just the seasons when everything requires doing, and there is a good hour's work in every yard of a pet border any day. So verbum sap. One has to "pay with one's person" for most of one's pleasures, if one is delicate; but it is possible to do a great deal of equinoctial grubbing with safety and even benefit, if one is very warmly protected, especially about the feet and legs. These details are very tedious for young people, but not so tedious as being kept ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Last Words - A Final Collection of Stories • Juliana Horatia Ewing
... on the left. But why should they face west? In the "Chronicle" of Schedel (p. ccxc., printed in 1793, Pigafetta, Pinkerton, xi. 412) we read: "These two, (i.e. Jacob Cam and Martin Behem, or Behaim) by the help of the gods, ploughing the sea at short distance from shore, having passed the equinoctial line, entered the nether hemisphere, where, fronting the east, their shadow fell towards the south, and on their right hand." Perhaps it may simply allude to the morning sun, which would rise to port as they went southwards, and to starboard as they returned north. Again, the "First Overland ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton
... that equinoctial gale," said Sara, shyly. "I used to hear so much of its horrors from ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Olive - A Novel • Dinah Maria Craik, (AKA Dinah Maria Mulock)
... us with what zealous impatience the government attempted to make the nation forget its calamities, by stirring the hope of a better fortune in the region to which they gave the magnificent name of Equinoctial France. The establishment of a free and national population among the scented forests and teeming swamps of Guiana, was to bring rich compensation for the icy tracts of Canada. This utopia of a brilliant settlement in Guiana has steadily invested the minds of French ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Diderot and the Encyclopaedists - Volume II. • John Morley
... scientifically true. The words, "Sun rises," and "Sun sets," and "Moon rises," and "Moon sets," occur in every page; there are two pages—those devoted to the months of March and September—in which the phrase occurs, "Sun crosses the equinoctial line;" and further, in the other pages, such phrases as "Sun enters Aries," "Sun enters Taurus," "Sun enters Gemini," &c., &c., are not unfrequent. The phrase, "new moon," is also of common occurrence. And these phrases, interpreted after the manner of Turrettine, and according ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Testimony of the Rocks - or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed • Hugh Miller
... the sun at the autumnal equinox, would appear to have been already assigned to the foot of the Serpent-holder as he crushes down the Scorpion's head; but a flying eagle, Aquila, is placed as near the equinoctial point as seems to have been consistent with the ample space that it was desired to give to the emblems of the great conflict between the Deliverer and the Serpent. Thus, as in the vision of Ezekiel, so in the constellation ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Astronomy of the Bible - An Elementary Commentary on the Astronomical References - of Holy Scripture • E. Walter Maunder
... didn't act no more like a perfessor than—than Captain Kidd would if he had been travelin' with a neighborin' female, pursuin' his wife, and that female doin' the best she could for him. I kep' tellin' him that he would overtake you, but I might as well have talked to the wind—a equinoctial gale," sez she. Josiah wuz so happy her words slipped offen him without his sensin' 'em and I wuz too happy to dispute or lay anything up, when she ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Around the World with Josiah Allen's Wife • Marietta Holley
... weather was magnificent in Paris, as if the fates had decreed that nothing should lessen the splendor of the cortege, or the brilliancy of the wonderful illuminations of that evening. "The star of the Emperor," said some one in the language of that period, "has borne him twice over equinoctial winds." ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete • Constant
... Twinkham, the oldest inhabitant, said there had not been such an excitement at Hardhack since the meeting-house steeple blew down in a terrible equinoctial, forty-seven ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Romance of California Life • John Habberton
... tableau is a representation of a scene which often transpired on board of vessels in passing the line. This time-honored custom of introducing to old Neptune and his suite the persons who, for the first time in their lives, cross the equinoctial line, is now nearly abolished. But until within a quarter of a century, the occasion of crossing the line was one of no little importance. It was a jubilee on board ship which was looked forward to with eagerness by the jolly tars ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants • James H. Head
... of the earls." Tyrone and Tyrconnel, with their families and many of their friends and retainers, nearly a hundred persons in all, made their escape in one vessel from the Irish shore, and for twenty-one days were at the mercy of the sea and of the equinoctial winds, for they sailed about the middle of September. A story characteristic of the faith which then filled the hearts of Irish chieftains is told. Tyrone fastened his golden crucifix to a string and drew it through the sea at the stern of the vessel, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1-20 • Various
... Serendib is situated just under the equinoctial line; so that the days and nights there are always of twelve hours each, and the island is eighty parasangs in length, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Arabian Nights Entertainments Complete • Anonymous
... Strabo, Beda, Aquinas, and others, were grossly mistaken; or else those parts of the world lying within the burnt zone, were not in elder times habitable, by reason of the sun's heat, neither were the seas, under the equinoctial, navigable. But we know by experience, that those regions, so situate, are filled with people, and exceeding temperate; and the sea, over which we navigate, passable enough. We read also many histories of deluges: and how in the time of Phaeton, divers places in the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books - with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations • Charles W. Eliot
... fled, and at Midnight return'd From compassing the Earth, cautious of day, Since Uriel Regent of the Sun descri'd 60 His entrance, and forewarnd the Cherubim That kept thir watch; thence full of anguish driv'n, The space of seven continu'd Nights he rode With darkness, thrice the Equinoctial Line He circl'd, four times cross'd the Carr of Night From Pole to Pole, traversing each Colure; On the eighth return'd, and on the Coast averse From entrance or Cherubic Watch, by stealth Found unsuspected way. There was a place, Now not, though Sin, not Time, first wraught the change, 70 Where ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Poetical Works of John Milton • John Milton
... thou wast in very gracious fooling last night when thou spokest of Pigrogromitus, of the Vapian passing the equinoctial of Queubus. 'Twas very good, i' faith.—Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama - A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3 • E. Cobham Brewer
... anchorage. Having a gale of wind at south in the evening, we stood out to sea, but lost as much ground by the current as we had gained by the wind. The 14th, with the wind at S.S.W. we steered N.N.W. being at noon directly under the equinoctial. We had sight of a galley this day, on which we put about to speak with her; but finding she went away from us, we shaped our ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume IX. • Robert Kerr
... right-hand side.—Ver. 45. The "right hand" here refers to the northern part of the globe, and the "left hand" to the southern. He here speaks of the zones. Astronomers have divided the heavens into five parallel circles. First, the equinoctial, which lies in the middle, between the poles of the earth, and obtains its name from the equality of days and nights on the earth while the sun is in its plane. On each side are the two tropics, at the distance of 23 deg. 30 min., ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Metamorphoses of Ovid - Vol. I, Books I-VII • Publius Ovidius Naso
... of his skill and intrepidity soon followed. In March 1770, the frigate, after a tempestuous cruise, came to anchor at Marseilles. An equinoctial gale came on, and after two days of desperate exertion, and throwing many of the guns overboard, the frigate was driven from her anchors, stranded on a reef of rocks, and the crew in such peril that they were saved only by ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXLII. Vol. LV. April, 1844 • Various
... broomed and rasped the smooth bay in evanescent patches of stippled shade, and, besides the small boats, the ponderous lighters used in shipping stone were hauled up the beach in anticipation of the equinoctial attack. ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Hand of Ethelberta • Thomas Hardy
... been caught up by an enormous wave, and might have been said to be LIFTED over the barrier into her pres- ent position. Besides, on that ever memorable night, there had not only been the ordinary spring-tide, but an equinoctial tide, such a one as could not be expected to occur again for many months. Waiting was out of the question; so Curtis determined to run the risk, and to take advantage of the spring-tide, which would occur to-day, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Survivors of the Chancellor • Jules Verne
... are called equinoctial, because they are fixed at the length of the natural hour at the equinoxes. This system does not seem to have come in until late ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero • W. Warde Fowler
... summer calms were past. On as we drove, the equinoctial deep Ran mountains-high before the howling blast. We gazed with terror on the gloomy sleep Of them that perished in the whirlwind's sweep, Untaught that soon such anguish must ensue, Our hopes such harvest of affliction ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Lyrical Ballads, With Other Poems, 1800, Vol. I. • William Wordsworth
... ambushed in the lurid August skies, and circled ominously round the horizon during the first weeks of September, broke at last in an equinoctial which was long remembered in the mill-house. It took its place in the family calendar of momentous dates with the hard winter of 1800; with the late frost, which coated the incipient apples with ice, and froze the new potatoes in the ground; and with ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Stories by American Authors (Volume 4) • Constance Fenimore Woolson
... arrest him: and the moon varied from her course above five fathom, and there was manifestly seen the motion of trepidation in the firmament of the fixed stars, called Aplanes, so that the middle Pleiade, leaving her fellows, declined towards the equinoctial, and the star named Spica left the constellation of the Virgin to withdraw herself towards the Balance, known by the name of Libra, which are cases very terrible, and matters so hard and difficult that astrologians cannot set their teeth in them; and indeed their teeth had been pretty ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Gargantua and Pantagruel, Complete. • Francois Rabelais
... and the necessary war-vessels and transports come forward, when Caesar put to sea with them (25 Dec. 707 of the uncorrected, about 8 Oct. of the Julian, calendar). The enemy's fleet, which on account of the prevailing equinoctial gales was drawn up on the beach at the island Aegimurus in front of the bay of Carthage, did not oppose the passage; but, the same storms scattered the fleet of Caesar in all directions, and, when he availed himself of the opportunity of landing not far from ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The History of Rome (Volumes 1-5) • Theodor Mommsen
... Bracamoros," and says, "This prodigious extension of red sandstone in the low grounds stretching along the east of the Andes is one of the most striking phenomena I observed during my examination of rocks in the equinoctial regions."[A] When the great natural philosopher wrote these lines, he had no idea how much these deposits extended beyond the field of his observations. Indeed, they are not limited to the main bed of the Amazons; they have been ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 106, August, 1866 • Various
... to make a more minute survey of the preparations for amusement, for the fete was not yet in its equinoctial splendour. The most prominent of these were plots of the raised bank on one side, and at the termination of the principal walk, which were enclosed with hurdles or frames, a platform being elevated and decorated with festooned curtains, &c. for an orchestra, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Vol. 12, Issue 330, September 6, 1828 • Various
... intercourse is apt to degenerate into a verbal fencing bout, and misapprehensions to become ingrained. And there is another side to this, for the parent begins with an imperfect notion of the child's character, formed in early years or during the equinoctial gales of youth; to this he adheres, noting only the facts which suit with his preconception; and wherever a person fancies himself unjustly judged, he at once and finally gives up the effort to speak truth. With our chosen friends, on the other hand, and still more between lovers (for mutual ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Harvard Classics Volume 28 - Essays English and American • Various
... Berehaven. Still he held his men well together in the glens of Kerry, during the months of Summer, but the ill-news from Spain in September threw a gloom over those mountains deeper than was ever cast by equinoctial storm. Tyrrell was obliged to separate from him in the Autumn, probably from the difficulty of providing for so many mouths, and O'Sullivan himself prepared to bid a sad farewell to the land of his inheritance. On ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A Popular History of Ireland - From the earliest period to the emancipation of the Catholics • Thomas D'Arcy McGee
... and gusty weather, so incident to the equinoctial season, overtook us again before we reached the mouth of Green Bay, and kept us company until the night of our arrival upon the flats, about three miles below the settlement. Here the little steamer grounded "fast and hard." As almost every one preferred braving the elements to remaining ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Wau-bun - The Early Day in the Northwest • Juliette Augusta Magill Kinzie
... more stars under the Northern than under the Southern pole. We say the elements of man are misery and happiness, as though he had an equal proportion of both, and the days of man vicissitudinary, as though he had as many good days as ill, and that he lived under a perpetual equinoctial, night and day equal, good and ill fortune in the same measure. But it is far from that; he drinks misery, and he tastes happiness; he mows misery, and he gleans happiness; he journeys in misery, he does but walk in happiness; and, which is worst, his ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions - Together with Death's Duel • John Donne
... stormy day," continued he. "The equinoctial gale blew violently, and scattered the yellow leaves of Liberty Tree all along the street. Mr. Oliver's wig was dripping with water-drops; and he probably looked haggard, disconsolate, and humbled to the earth. Beneath the tree, in Grandfather's ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Grandfather's Chair • Nathaniel Hawthorne
... which had begun with a thin drive, had now settled into one of those sod-soaking, autumn downpours, commonly called an equinoctial storm. Estabrook was showing the effect of his nervous strain by driving the machine through it with a recklessness of which I disapproved, not only because we had twice skidded like a curling-stone from one side of the asphalt to the other, but also because ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Blue Wall - A Story of Strangeness and Struggle • Richard Washburn Child
... to drowning people it would be no comfort that they were shipwrecked only by equinoctial gales. There! there! what do you think of that blast?" cried Rosamond; "is not there some ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Tales and Novels, Vol. VII - Patronage • Maria Edgeworth
... affected the bolts of the keel: in the neighborhood of the Balearic Isles the sides had been strained and had opened; and, as the plating in those days was not of sheet iron, the vessel had sprung a leak. A violent equinoctial gale had come up, which had first staved in a grating and a porthole on the larboard side, and damaged the foretop-gallant-shrouds; in consequence of these injuries, the Orion had run ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Les Miserables - Complete in Five Volumes • Victor Hugo
... Equinoctiall. And yet it is reported of a trueth, that all the tract from Cape de las Palmas trending by C. de tres puntas alongst by Benin, vnto the Ile of S. Thomas (which is perpendiculer under the Equinoctial)[58] all that whole Bay is more subiect to many blooming and smoothering heates, with infectious and contagious ayres, then any other place in all Torrida Zona: and the cause thereof is some accidents ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I. • Richard Hakluyt
... navigated the rivers of equinoctial America can scarcely conceive how, at every instant, without intermission, you may be tormented by insects flying in the air, and how the multitudes of these little animals may render vast regions almost uninhabitable. Whatever fortitude be exercised to endure ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Plant Hunters - Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains • Mayne Reid
... white phantasmagoria which, at the approach of equinoctial days, mark the coming of the winds. Over the rim of the sea a bright cloud gently pushes up its head. It rises; and others rise with it, to right and left—slowly at first; then more swiftly. All are brilliantly white and flocculent, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Chita: A Memory of Last Island • Lafcadio Hearn
... a rough beginning, but many had promised to remember us in constant prayer. No small comfort was this; for we had scarcely left the Mersey when a violent equinoctial gale caught us, and for twelve days we were beating backwards and forwards in the Irish Channel, unable to get out to sea. The gale steadily increased, and after almost a week we lay to for a time; but drifting on a lee coast, we were compelled again to make sail, and endeavoured to beat on to windward. ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A Retrospect • James Hudson Taylor
... being fauourable, they inriched it by their own industry with the best wines and sugers in the world. (M351) The like maner of proceeding they vsed in the Isles of Acores by sowing therin great quantity of Woad. So dealt they in S. Thomas vnder the Equinoctial, and in Brasil and sundry other places. And if our men will follow their steps, by your wise direction I doubt not but that in due time they shall reape no lesse commodity and benefite. Moreouer there is none other likelihood but that her Maiesty, which hath Christned, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of - the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II. • Richard Hakluyt
... As to using a brush— My good dog! I beseech you, don't rush, Go quietly by me, if you please You're as bad as a breeze. I hope you'll attend to what we've said; And—whatever you do—don't touch my head, In this equinoctial, blustering weather You might knock it off ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Verses for Children - and Songs for Music • Juliana Horatia Ewing
... off at sea a fleet descried Hangs in the clouds, by equinoctial winds Close sailing from Bengala, or the isles Of Ternate and Tidore, whence merchants bring Their spicy drugs: they on the trading flood, Through the wide Ethiopian to the Cape, Ply stemming nightly towards the pole: so seemed Far off the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Life of John Milton • Richard Garnett
... Spring his cooly mildness brings us back, Now th' equinoctial heaven's rage and wrack Hushes at hest of Zephyr's bonny breeze. Far left (Catullus!) be the Phrygian leas And summery Nicaea's fertile downs: 5 Fly we to Asia's fame-illumined towns. Now lust my fluttering ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus
... to remain in the Gulf of Finland as long as is possible, consistent with the safety of his Majesty's ships; but as the equinoctial gales may soon be expected, and as it will become indispensable to withdraw the ships, particularly those stationed in Makelato Bay, I could wish to be informed whether it becomes of importance to Sweden for the squadron to remain ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. Vol II • Sir John Ross
... of the natives made it unsafe to land on this coast, he continued his voyage to the north-west, and fell in with the mighty river Amazon, which is nearly under the equinoctial line. ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Peter Parley's Tales About America and Australia • Samuel Griswold Goodrich
... third day, when I looked out from my window, I saw that the sky had cleared, and the sun was shining joyously. It was one of those lovely days which come as a lull sometimes in the midst of the equinoctial gales, as if they were weary of the havoc they had made, and were resting with folded wings. For the first time I saw the little island of Sark lying against the eastern sky. The whole length of it was visible, from ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Doctor's Dilemma • Hesba Stretton
... chose, retarding or accelerating, but always in just proportion. 'Tis set for these December days; you will remark the sun's ambit—how it lies south of the zenith, and how far short it rises and falls from the equinoctial points. But wait awhile, and in a few minutes—that is to say, days—you shall see him start to widen his circuit. Here now is Saturn, with his rim: and here Venus—mark how delicately she lifts, following the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Corporal Sam and Other Stories • A. T. Quiller-Couch
... "the Council for New England," they obtained from the king in 1620 a new charter,[4] granting to them all the territory in North America extending "in breadth from forty degrees of northerly latitude, from the equinoctial line, to forty-eight degrees of the said northerly latitude, and in length by all the breadth aforesaid throughout the main-land from sea to sea." In the new grant the number of grantees was limited to forty, and all other persons enjoying rights ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — England in America, 1580-1652 • Lyon Gardiner Tyler
... plaster would be to draw out the fire from a volcano. For more than sixty years a veil had hung before men's minds, and it was as if they saw slaves as trees walking, in an unreal world. The sea captain fears a fog more than an equinoctial storm. When the mist falls, and obscures the glass, and the ship is surrounded with white darkness, and the surf is thundering on some Nantucket, as a graveyard of the sea, the captain longs for a cold, sharp wind out of the North, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Battle of Principles - A Study of the Heroism and Eloquence of the Anti-Slavery Conflict • Newell Dwight Hillis
... the seasons, and the lengthening and shortening of the day, are natural phenomena, which occur as a consequence of the Earth's annual revolution round the Sun. Precession is a retrograde or westerly motion of the equinoctial points, caused by the attraction of the Sun, Moon, and planets on the spheroidal figure of the Earth. By this movement the poles of the Earth are made to describe a circular path in that part of the heavens to which they point; ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost' • Thomas Orchard
... and colder; The maples and sumacs are red, The wild Equinoctial is coming, The flowers in the garden are dead. The steamers are all overflowing, The railroads are all loaded down, And the beauties we've sighed for all Summer Are hurrying back ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Point Lace and Diamonds • George A. Baker, Jr.
... at the antipodes, and engaged under the frozen Serpent of the South. Falkland Islands, which seemed too remote and romantic an object for the grasp of national ambition, is but a stage and resting-place in the progress of their victorious industry. Nor is the equinoctial heat more discouraging to them than the accumulated winter of both the poles. We know that whilst some of them draw the line and strike the harpoon on the coast of Africa, others run the longitude and pursue their gigantic game along the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Public Speaking • Clarence Stratton
... staccato sentences, affecting to ignore what a gust of fresh air, high spirits, and good fellowship this flimsy bit of paper wafted into the jaded club-room. On reperusal, it was full of evil presage— 'Al scenery'—but what of equinoctial storms and October fogs? Every sane yachtsman was paying off his crew now. 'There ought to be duck'—vague, very vague. 'If it gets cold enough' . . . cold and yachting seemed to be a gratuitously monstrous union. His pals had ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Riddle of the Sands • Erskine Childers
... began to be rainy, and the weather grew decidedly unpleasant. But our boarder bade us take courage. This was probably the "equinoctial," and when it was over there would be a delightful Indian summer, and the turnips ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Rudder Grange • Frank R. Stockton
... the arguments relied upon by the Alexandrians to prove the globular form of the earth. They had correct ideas respecting the doctrine of the sphere, its poles, axis, equator, arctic and antarctic circles, equinoctial points, solstices, the distribution of climates, etc. I cannot do more than merely allude to the treatises on Conic Sections and on Maxima and Minima by Apollonius, who is said to have been the first to introduce the words ellipse and hyperbola. In like manner I must pass the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science • John William Draper
... Indian had been wronged by the white man, and how his life had been scarred by the storms of life. Then the calm of old age came over him and the placid joy of childhood memories when asked to tell a folklore tale. While relating his battle experiences we had the equinoctial gale of Indian life and then the mellow haze of Indian summer. Recalling his boyhood days, Pretty Voice Eagle told me that his tribe roamed along the river, chiefly the Missouri River. There were then no white people in ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Vanishing Race • Dr. Joseph Kossuth Dixon
... restless and not very happy, for there was a great storm prevailing, and the winds roared and the rain fell in torrents and the sea looked as if it had gone mad. Before the storm there was a report of a big battle, but no details of it had reached them. For the Pentland Firth had been in its worst equinoctial temper and the proviso added to all Orkney sailing notices, "weather permitting," had been in full force for ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — An Orkney Maid • Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr
... Hiems has but to withdraw for buds to burst. 'Jam ver egelidos refert tepores.' The equinoctial fury departs. I will leave you ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith
... be thinking of, Betsy, to delay their voyage in this way? They will in all probability be caught in the equinoctial gales. David promised me faithfully to be back before the eighteenth. Dear me! how the wind blows! The very sound of it is enough to chill one's heart. What a stormy sea! I hope they will not sail till the day ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Flora Lyndsay - or, Passages in an Eventful Life • Susan Moodie
... tropics, and equator, and equinoctial line; we'll take 'em turn and turn about; we'll do writing and ciphering one ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Sylvia's Lovers, Vol. I • Elizabeth Gaskell
... could not last long. They came to an end with the big bazaar. The band ceased to play on the lawn, the pleasure boats ceased to ply up and down the Thames, the lovely Indian summer passed into duller weather, the equinoctial gales visited the land, and Ogilvie knew that he must brace himself for something he had long made up his mind to accomplish. He must pass out of this time of quiet into a time of storm. He had known from the first that he must do this, but until the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Daddy's Girl • L. T. Meade
... can imagine that Stephano has pulled the leather jerkin or coat from the line. When he says under the line, he thinks of that as an expression sailors use when they are near the equinoctial line or equator, where the heat is intense, so strong as to take the hair or fur off the coat and ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8 • Charles H. Sylvester
... and the sun gone back towards the equinoctial, when we considered of our next adventure, which was to go over the sea of Zanguebar, as the Portuguese call it, and to land, if possible, upon ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Life, Adventures & Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton • Daniel Defoe
... voyagers on board the Mukhbir, including the excellent engineer, Mr. David Duguid, we steamed out of the quiet cove, at a somewhat late hour (6.30 a.m.) on March 21st; and, dashing into the dark and slaty sea, stood to the south-east. For two days the equinoctial weather had been detestable, dark, cloudy, and so damp that the dry and the wet bulbs showed a difference of only 4—5. This morning, too, the fire of colour had suddenly gone out; and the heavens were hung with ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Land of Midian, Vol. 2 • Richard Burton
... General Constituent and Legislative Assembly having been officially informed that your Excellency, after having freed the province of Bahia from the oppression of Portuguese troops, and having pursued them beyond the equinoctial line, led the squadron on your own judgment and responsibility to the port of the city of St. Louis of Maranhao, where, with your accustomed valour and singular good judgment, you dislodged the Portuguese ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, - from Spanish and Portuguese Domination, Volume 2 • Thomas Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald
... the equinoctial, The zodiac, poles, and line ecliptical, The nadir, zenith, and anomalies, The azimuth and ephimerides, Stars, orbs, and planets, with their motions, The oriental regradations, Eccentrics, ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. IX • Various
... as the future minister had for the church. It is rather remarkable that he seems to have had the same passion for administration, and he persuaded the government after the loss of Canada that Guiana, to be called Equinoctial France, would if well governed become some sort of equivalent for the northern possession. He was made Governor-general, but he had forgotten to take the climate into account, and the scheme came to an abortive end, involving ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 2 of 3) - Turgot • John Morley
... Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year George Gordon Byron Growing Gray Austin Dobson The One White Hair Walter Savage Landor Ballade of Middle Age Andrew Lang Middle Age Rudolph Chambers Lehmann To Critics Walter Learned The Rainbow William Wordsworth Leavetaking William Watson Equinoctial Adeline D. T. Whitney "Before the Beginning of Years" Algernon Charles Swinburne Man Henry Vaughan The Pulley George Herbert Ode on the Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Home Book of Verse, Vol. 4 (of 4) • Various
... were ended, and one or two equinoctial gales had whipped the waters of Loch Beg into wild "white horses," yet still Lord Cairnforth did not return. At last, one Monday night, when Helen and her father were returning from a three days' ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A Noble Life • Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
... summer had commenced, during which there is a kind of haze in the atmosphere. One morning, a little before dawn, Mary and Emma, who happened to be up first, went out to milk the cows, when they observed that the haze was much thicker than usual. They had been expecting the equinoctial gales, which were very late this year, and Mary observed that she foresaw they were coming on, as the sky wore every appearance of wind; yet still there was but a light air, and hardly perceptible at the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Settlers in Canada • Frederick Marryat
... no use to dispute about the Indian summer. I never found two people who could agree as to the time when it ought to be here, or upon a month and day when it should be decidedly too late to look for it. It keeps coming. After the equinoctial, which begins to be talked about with the first rains of September, and isn't done with till the sun has measured half a dozen degrees of south declination, all the pleasant weather is Indian summer—away ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Faith Gartney's Girlhood • Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney
... man maybe wrong in fixing upon one name, or upon fifty, or fifty hundred, but if he agglomerates the entire mass, condenses every name into one, and gives something respectable that particular name, he won't be far off the equinoctial of exactness. In this sense, the christeners of All Saints' were wise; they went in for the posse comitatus of saints—backed the favourites as well as "the field"—and their scheme, so far as naming ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Our Churches and Chapels • Atticus
... should be new moulded, when it seemed good to those all-commanding powers, and turned inside out, as we do haycocks in harvest, top to bottom, or bottom to top: or as we turn apples to the fire, move the world upon his centre; that which is under the poles now, should be translated to the equinoctial, and that which is under the torrid zone to the circle arctic and antarctic another while, and so be reciprocally warmed by the sun: or if the worlds be infinite, and every fixed star a sun, with his compassing ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior
... and Buzzby's wife absolutely forbade him to go. Alas! Buzzby was no longer his own master. At the age of forty-five he became—as he himself expressed it—an abject slave, and he would as soon have tried to steer in a slipper-bath right in the teeth of an equinoctial hurricane, as have opposed the will of his wife. He used to sigh gruffly when spoken to on this subject, and compare himself to a Dutch galliot that made more leeway than headway, even with a wind on ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The World of Ice • Robert Michael Ballantyne
... to Philip that Hawkins was again going out, and preparations had been made to receive him. Suspecting nothing, Hawkins with his four consorts sailed, as before, in October 1567. The start was ominous. He was caught and badly knocked about by an equinoctial in the Bay of Biscay. He lost his boats. The Jesus strained her timbers and leaked, and he so little liked the look of things that he even thought of turning back and giving up the expedition for the season. However, the weather mended. They put themselves to rights at ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century - Lectures Delivered at Oxford Easter Terms 1893-4 • James Anthony Froude
... season should return, to have attempted farther discoveries in this track; and, if I should discover a continent, and procure a sufficient supply of provisions there, to keep along the coast to the southward till the sun had crossed the equinoctial, and then, getting into a high southern latitude, either have gone west about to the Cape of Good Hope, or returned to the eastward, and having touched at Falkland's Islands, if necessary, made the best of my way from ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 12 • Robert Kerr
... I remember one autumn when the equinoctial storm raged over England's sun my dragon ship was wrecked and I was tossed up on the rocks alone. Afterward everything grew calm. Oh, what long days and nights! Only the cloudless sky above and endlessly the deep blue sea around me. Not a sound of any living creature! Not even the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Plays: The Father; Countess Julie; The Outlaw; The Stronger • August Strindberg
... was a gruff, sleepy voice that spoke, and the old fisherman turned over and snored on, as though the fact of their home being afloat was of no consequence to him. His wife, however, was by no means so easy in her mind, for it was only during the equinoctial gales and an unusually high tide that their home was lifted from its moorings; and now it had been swinging and swaying for hours, and the rusty chains that held it fast to some posts were creaking and straining as though the next gust ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A Sailor's Lass • Emma Leslie
... and parallels of latitude for a seine, and drag the Atlantic Ocean for whales! I scratch my head with the lightning, and purr myself to sleep with the thunder! When I'm cold, I bile the Gulf of Mexico and bathe in it; when I'm hot I fan myself with an equinoctial storm; when I'm thirsty I reach up and suck a cloud dry like a sponge; when I range the earth hungry, famine follows in my tracks! Whoo-oop! Bow your neck and spread! I put my hand on the sun's face and make it night in the earth; I bite a piece out of the moon ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... that equinoctial storm was such a blusterer," said one of the men. "These lazy trees have dropped much of their fruit, and it lies bruised ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Little Brown Hen Hears the Song of the Nightingale & The Golden Harvest • Jasmine Stone Van Dresser
... Great green walls of water, capped with snowy foam, beat thunderously against the sides of the "Ranger." Now and then a port would be driven in, and the men between decks drenched by the incoming deluge. The "Ranger" had encountered an equinoctial ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Naval History of the United States - Volume 1 (of 2) • Willis J. Abbot
... is the jolly little chickadee. In the depth of the autumn equinoctial storm it returns to the tops of the trees close by the house, where, through the sunshine, snow, and tempest of the entire winter, you may hear its cheery, irrepressible chickadee-dee-dee-dee or day-day-day as it swings Around the dangling cones of the evergreens. It fairly overflows with ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Bird Neighbors • Neltje Blanchan
... grateful thanks, nor did I fail to present myself daily in his audience chamber, and for the rest of my time I amused myself in seeing all that was most worthy of attention in the city. The island of Serendib being situated on the equinoctial line, the days and nights there are of equal length. The chief city is placed at the end of a beautiful valley, formed by the highest mountain in the world, which is in the middle of the island. I had the curiosity to ascend to its very summit, for ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Arabian Nights Entertainments • Andrew Lang.
... besiegers laughed in scorn at the slow progress of the puny insects who sought to rule the waves of the sea. But ever, as of old, Heaven aids those who help themselves. On the first and second of October a violent equinoctial gale rolled the ocean inland, and swept the fleet on the rising waters almost to the camp of the Spaniards. The next morning the garrison sallied out to attack their enemies, but the besiegers had fled ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Pushing to the Front • Orison Swett Marden
... same. They are talking of razing the admirable chapel of Vincennes, in order to make, with its stones, some fortification, which Daumesnil did not need, however. While the Palais Bourbon, that wretched edifice, is being repaired at great expense, gusts of wind and equinoctial storms are allowed to destroy the magnificent painted windows of the Sainte-Chapelle. For the last few days there has been a scaffolding on the tower of Saint Jacques de la Boucherie; and one of these mornings the pick will be laid to it. A mason has been found to build a little white house between ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Notre-Dame de Paris - The Hunchback of Notre Dame • Victor Hugo
... foreknowledge of this inevitable result, derived from intuition or experience, is the agent which breaks up the clouds of her sorrow: so that, while the grief of a man stricken down by misfortune is an equinoctial storm, dark and dismal, which lasts for weeks and months, the grief of woman is a succession of refreshing April showers, each of brief duration, and the spaces between them ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Atlantic Monthly, Volume 6, Issue 35, September, 1860 • Various
... visited the spot of my captivity, but it had entirely changed its appearance. A storm of equinoctial violence had broken off its pyramidal height, and the drift of sand and gravel, and fragments of rocks, had given a new face to the whole recess. I sent for the seaman to ascertain the very spot: this he did; but ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay Volume 3 • Madame D'Arblay
... is under the Equinoctial line; its night is still twelve hours and its day the like. Its length is fourscore parasangs and its breadth thirty, and it is a great island, stretching between a lofty mountain and a deep valley. This mountain is visible at a distance of three ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Tales from the Arabic Volumes 1-3 • John Payne
... PEOPLE, - I keep better, and am to-day downstairs for the first time. I find the lockers entirely empty; not a cent to the front. Will you pray send us some? It blows an equinoctial gale, and has blown for nearly a week. Nimbus Britannicus; piping wind, lashing rain; the sea is a fine colour, and wind-bound ships lie at anchor under the Old Harry rocks, to make one ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson - Volume 1 • Robert Louis Stevenson
... that lives down by Middle Bay," said Miss Ruey, "used to tell about a dreadful blow they had once in time of the equinoctial storm; and what was remarkable, she insisted that she heard a baby cryin' out in the storm,—she heard it just ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Pearl of Orr's Island - A Story of the Coast of Maine • Harriet Beecher Stowe
... upon the broad sea? But we must have already emerged and gone seven hundred or eight hundred leagues; and if I had here an astrolabe to take the altitude of the pole, I could tell thee how many we have travelled, though either I know little, or we have already crossed or shall shortly cross the equinoctial line which parts the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Don Quixote • Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
... retreat was continued more slowly on March 19, 1917, when all northern France was swept by fierce equinoctial gales, and rain squalls were frequent in the battle area. Despite weather conditions, which hampered military operations, the British troops made good progress, and on the 20th held the line of the Somme in strength from Peronne southward to Canizy. British patrols were active as far east as ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Story of the Great War, Volume VI (of VIII) - History of the European War from Official Sources • Various
... of course in Adeline A calm patrician polish in the address, Which ne'er can pass the equinoctial line Of anything ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Long Vacation • Charlotte M. Yonge
... wild equinoctial storm was howling around the battlements of the castle. Of a sudden Cornelia, daughter of the de Groots, nine years of age, said to her mother ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley
... Island of S. Thomas, and sayled for Lisbone, to whome we gaue certaine letters, which were safely deliuered in Holland. [Sidenote: Their victuailes stunke and spoyled.] Departing from them and keeping on our course, vpon the fourth of Iune we passed the Equinoctial line, where the extreame heat of the ayre spoyled all our victuailes: Our flesh and fishe stunke, our Bisket molded, our Beere sowred, our water stunke, and our Butter became as thinne as Oyle, whereby diuers of our men fell sicke, and many of them dyed; but after ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 10 - Asia, Part III • Richard Hakluyt
... to be expected, should not, together with a strong and favorable wind, come immediately to their relief, it would be in pain to attempt anything further, and that the expedition would, of necessity, be abandoned. The tempest came to their relief. A violent equinoctial gale, on the night of the 1st and 2nd of October, came storming from the north-west, shifting after a few hours full eight points, and then blowing still more violently from the south-west. The waters of the North Sea were ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley
... 1.—Many different interpretations have been put upon the story of Beowulf (for argument of story, see texts). Thus Mllenhoff sees in Grendel the giant-god of the storm-tossed equinoctial sea, while Beowulf is the Scandinavian god Freyr, who in the spring drives back the sea and restores the land. Laistner finds the prototype of Grendel in the noxious exhalations that rise from the Frisian coast-marshes during the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Exercise Book - with Inflections, Syntax, Selections for Reading, and Glossary • C. Alphonso Smith
... orders were carefully observed. Denas got no more letters, and the summer weather became autumn weather; and then the leaves faded and began to fall, and the equinoctial storm set the seal of advancing winter on the cliff-breast. Yet through all these changes the clock ticked the monotonous days surely away, and one morning when Denas was standing alone in the cottage door a little lad slipped up ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — A Singer from the Sea • Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr
... air, when Madame la Comtesse thought of leaving, for if she were going to stay any longer, they must provide themselves with winter clothing. They had reached the end of September; it rained nearly every day, the streets of the village were impassable, sitting on the shore out of the question, the equinoctial gales howled across the country from the tempestuous sea; all the world had gone home, and Wilhelm and Pilar were the last guests in the desolate hotel, spending most of the day in their room, where an inadequate fire spluttered on the hearth. For a fortnight ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Malady of the Century • Max Nordau
... was blowing, the first of the equinoctial gales heralding the spring. The sound of the wind in the great chimney was like the moaning of high rigging ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Sowers • Henry Seton Merriman
... dashed as he saw the western shore turn north and bar his way. He must suddenly have understood the force of the fear that his provisions would not last him to England if this course did not open towards China. It was now October; and the furious equinoctial gales lashed the shallow sea to mountainous waves that swept clear over the decks of the Discovery, knocking the sailors from the capstan bars and setting all the lee scuppers spouting. In a rage Juet threw down his pole and declared ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The "Adventurers of England" on Hudson Bay - A Chronicle of the Fur Trade in the North (Volume 18 of the Chronicles of Canada) • Agnes C. (Agnes Christina) Laut
... of affairs sorely afflicted her, and produced a kind of equinoctial agitation in the ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — Sandy • Alice Hegan Rice
... flew in a straight line; and because whenever we attempted to rest, we were carried insensibly around the globe of the earth. For I admit the opinion of Copernicus, who maintains that it never ceases to revolve from the east to the west, not upon the poles of the Equinoctial, commonly called the poles of the world, but upon those of the Zodiac, a question of which I propose to speak more at length here-after, when I shall have leisure to refresh my memory in regard to the astrology which I learned at Salamanca ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1 (of 5) of the Raven Edition • Edgar Allan Poe
... middle of March it looked as if the equinoctial gales were over, for we had quite fine weather all the way to Buenos Aires. Cape Horn was passed on March 31 in the most delightful weather — a light westerly breeze, not a cloud in the sky, and only a ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — The South Pole, Volumes 1 and 2 • Roald Amundsen
... windy morning, a punctual equinoctial gale, gathering up its energies to keep inoffensive persons awake all night and, if possible, knock some chimney-stacks down, blew Uncle Mo's pipelight out, and caused him to make use of an expression. And Aunt M'riar reproved that expression, saying:—"Not with that blessed boy lying there ...![](http://www.e-freetranslation.com/rquot.gif) — When Ghost Meets Ghost • William Frend De Morgan |