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Environmental   Listen
environmental  adj.  
Of or pertaining to the environment; as, environmental factors.
Of or pertaining to the environment (definition 2); as, environmental pollution; environmental disaster; environmental cleanup; environmental deterioration. "THOUSANDS of dead fish and other marine species, suffocated by a rotting, glutinous morass which spreads over kilometres of coral reefs. This scenario has all the hallmarks of a unnatural environmental disaster resulting from environmental negligence. However this isn't the case, instead the cause coral spawn slick deoxygenation is a natural event which has the potential to occur periodically on the reefs of the West Pilbara."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Environmental" Quotes from Famous Books

... palliative treatment appropriate manipulations are occasionally employed to stimulate or inhibit functional activity as conditions may require. Osteopaths also employ such rational hygienic measures, common to all systems of healing, as has been proven of undoubted value, and take into account environmental influences, habits and modes of life, as affecting the body in maintaining ...
— Mother's Remedies - Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers - of the United States and Canada • T. J. Ritter

... come upon us with terrific rapidity. The rush of work, noise, dust, heat, and overcrowding of modern industry make it important to have positive evidence that we have successfully adapted ourselves to these new conditions. Only by measuring the effects of these environmental forces upon our bodies can we prevent some trifling physical flaw from developing into a chronic or acute condition. As labor becomes more and more highly specialized, the body of the laborer is forced to readapt itself. The kind of work a man does determines ...
— Civics and Health • William H. Allen

Words linked to "Environmental" :   environment, Council on Environmental Policy, ecology, environmental science

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