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Enfilade   Listen
Enfilade  n.  
A line or straight passage, or the position of that which lies in a straight line. (R.)
(Mil.) A firing in the direction of the length of a trench, or a line of parapet or troops, etc.; a raking fire.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Enfilade" Quotes from Famous Books

... the extremity of the north front of the zeriba, and thus took the whole of the eastern face in enfilade, sweeping it with their terrible musketry from end to end, and strewing the ground with corpses. Although, owing to the lines of advance having converged, there was not room for more than half the force to deploy, the brigades pushed on. The conduct of the attack passed to the company ...
— The River War • Winston S. Churchill

... deepest part of the donga, where our led horses were, and ordered the fellows with the horses to retire, and later, gave the command for us to do the same in rushes by threes. Meanwhile our bandoliers were nearly empty, and the Boers were creeping round to our right, which would enable them to enfilade our position. The first three retired, and we were blazing away to cover them, with our heads just showing as we fired over the top of the donga, when the man on my right said, "Mr. Stanley is hit," and looking at him, for he was close to ...
— A Yeoman's Letters - Third Edition • P. T. Ross

... there. I must be two minutes and three-quarters late. Mrs. Hockin, mount the big telescope and point it at the ramparts; keep the flag up also. Those fellows will be certain that I am up here, while I enfilade them from the western end with this fine binocular. Surprises maintain discipline. Good-by, my dear, and, Miss Castlewood, good-by. Tea at 6.30, and ...
— Erema - My Father's Sin • R. D. Blackmore

Words linked to "Enfilade" :   gunshot, enfilade fire

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