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Encore   Listen
Encore  adv., interj.  Once more; again; used by the auditors and spectators of plays, concerts, and other entertainments, to call for a repetition of a particular part.

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"Encore" Quotes from Famous Books

... turn of the path, conducted, as usual, by the herdsmen into a hollowed pine-trunk I stooped to it and drank deeply: as I raised my head, drawing breath heavily, some one behind me said, "Celui qui boira de cette eau-ci, aura encore soif." I turned, not understanding for the moment what was meant; and saw one of the hill-peasants, probably returning to his chalet from the market-place at Vevay or Villeneuve. As I looked at him with an uncomprehending expression, he went on with the verse:—"Mais celui qui boira ...
— Modern Painters, Volume IV (of V) • John Ruskin

... s'exfolie si l'on redouble les coups; mais une circonstance qui est trop frappante pour que je l'omette, c'est la figure de la manganese native, si prodigieusement conforme a celle du regule, qu'on s'y laisseroit tromper, si la mine n'etoit encore dans sa gangue: Figure tres-essentielle a observer ici, parce qu'elle est due a la nature meme de la manganese. En effet, pour reduire toutes les mines en general, il faut employer divers flux appropries. Pour la reduction ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) • James Hutton

... violently waved her to return to the stage. She returned, bowed her passionate exultation with burning face and trembling knees, and retired. The clapping continued. Yes, she would be compelled to grant an encore—to grant one. She would grant it like ...
— Tales of the Five Towns • Arnold Bennett

... disposes a faire aux noirs des avances, telles qu'elles les missent en etat d'entreprendre le commerce en grand; d'ailleurs, il faut pour ce commerce quelques connoissances preliminaires, il faut faire un noviciat dans un comptoir, et la raison n'a pas encore ouvert aux noirs la porte du comptoir. On ne leur permet pas de s'y asseoir a cote des blancs.—Si donc les noirs sont bornes ici a un petit commerce de detail, n'en accusons pas leur impuissance, mais le prejuge des blancs, qui leur donnent des entraves. ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916 • Various

... the pert shopkeeper, whose throbbing ear Aches with orchestras which he pays to hear, Whom shame, not sympathy, forbids to snore, His anguish doubled by his own 'encore!' Squeezed in 'Fop's Alley,' jostled by the beaux, Teased with his hat, and trembling for his toes, Scarce wrestles through the night, nor tastes of ease Till the dropp'd curtain gives a glad release: Why ...
— Life of Lord Byron, Vol. II - With His Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore

... runs right through the up-stairs to the skylight. You have to pay for that. Think of charging for daylight! We went to a bird show and I saw a cockatoo sitting on a pole asleep. 'Scratch its back with your parasol, Gladys,' said mother, so I did, and it opened one eye when I stopped, and said, 'Encore,' I was put out to think even the birds didn't talk American, but when I said so, mother laughed but I don't ...
— What Two Children Did • Charlotte E. Chittenden

... glad, and clap their hands because they are polite, and it don't cost anything to clap hands, and the performers turn some more flip flaps, and go running out to the dressing-room, and take a peek back into the big tent as though expecting an encore, but the audience has forgotten them and is looking for the next mess of performers, and the ones who have just been in go and lie down on straw and wonder if they can hit the treasurer for an advance on their salaries, so they can go to a ...
— Peck's Bad Boy at the Circus • George W. Peck

... conscience a l'aise en m'assurant que le droit etait le meme pour tous, et que les auteurs americains ne pouvaient conceder de privilege a qui que ce fut. Forte de cette assurance, je me mis a l'oeuvre, mais j'avoue que j'eus besoin d'encouragements reiteres pour mener mon travail a bonne fin. Encore un mot d'explication, si vous le permittez, Madame. Je ne suis pas mere, mais je suis tante; j'ai vu naitre mes neveux et nieces, je les ai berces dans mes bras, j'ai veille sur leurs premiers pas, j'ai observe le developpement graduel de leur coeur et de leur intelligence, j'ai senti a fond ...
— The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss • George L. Prentiss

... ecoles publiques telles que la Haute Ecole (High School), les ecoles de grammaire, les ecoles particulieres, on y voit encore des professeurs de langues modernes, des professeurs de dessin et de peinture, et parmi ces derniers un jeune artiste qui fera vraiment la gloire de l'Etat de Granit si la rlasse eclairee sait l'attacher permanemment a la capitale. La ...
— The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1 • Various

... white apron!" cried one who knew me. "Know you not that he is now Dictator? Vive the Dictator Jules, Emperor-of 'Encore-un-Bock'!" ...
— Bog-Myrtle and Peat - Tales Chiefly Of Galloway Gathered From The Years 1889 To 1895 • S.R. Crockett

... ne veux qu'on l'ignore. La fut mon lit, bien chetif et bien dur; La fut ma table; et je retrouve encore Trois pieds d'un vers charbonnes sur le mur. Apparaissez, plaisirs de mon bel age, Que d'un coup d'aile a fustiges le temps, Vingt fois pour vous j'ai ma montre en gage. Dans un grenier qu'on ...
— Ballads • William Makepeace Thackeray

... usages conserves encore, en partie, dans certains pays. Elle proscrit d'abord tous les moyens—annulation ou confiscation—par lesquels on chercherait a atteindre, dans leur existence, les droits nes avant la guerre. Elle exclut, en second lieu, l'ancienne pratique qui interdisait ...
— The League of Nations and its Problems - Three Lectures • Lassa Oppenheim

... un beau reve, Et t'enivrer d'un plaisir dangereux. Sur ton chemin l'etoile qui se leve Longtemps encore eblouira ...
— Thelma • Marie Corelli

... noble front. En 1860 votre parole sublime sonna en faveur des Rayahs Italiens, et l'Italie n'est plus une expression geographique. Aujourd'hui vous plaidez la cause des Rayahs Turcs, plus malheureux encore. C'est une cause qui vaincra comme la premiere, et Dieu benira vos vieux ans.... Je baise la main a votre precieuse epouse, et suis pour la vie ...
— Lady John Russell • Desmond MacCarthy and Agatha Russell

... of clapping during which she deftly fixed bells to her wrists. She smiled a little and immediately burst into energetic melody. There was a great deal more clapping when she finished, and when this was over, as an encore, she gave a piece which imitated the sea; there were little trills to represent the lapping waves and thundering chords, with the loud pedal down, to suggest a storm. After this a gentleman sang a song called Bid me Good-bye, ...
— Of Human Bondage • W. Somerset Maugham

... rapprochement was that Schiller began to take a more lively interest in the French drama, and out of this interest grew presently his translations of two of Picard's comedies, 'Mediocre et Rampant' and 'Encore des Menechmes'. In both he took his task very lightly. Picard's alexandrines, in 'Mediocre et Rampant', were converted into German prose, and the play was christened 'The Parasite'. In the case of the other, renamed 'The Nephew as Uncle', the original ...
— The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller • Calvin Thomas

... was wanst pushed off, an' they'd waked me kindly, an' had a solemn rayqueem high mass f'r me, an' a funeral with Roddey's Hi-beryan band, an' th' A-ho-aitches, I have too much pride to come back f'r an encore. I wud so, Jawn. Whin a man's dead, he ought to make th' best iv a bad job, an' not be thrapsin' around, lookin' f'r ...
— Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen • Finley Peter Dunne

... commanded the general approval of Morris Siegelman's patrons, and loud cries of "Brava!" "Encore!" "Bis!" "Herrlich!" rewarded Curtis's lyrical effort. Some thirty people or more were scattered about the room, mostly in small parties seated around marble-topped tables. Beer was the favorite beverage; a ...
— One Wonderful Night - A Romance of New York • Louis Tracy

... to—sing between the acts and in which she could see no meaning whatever. This little song, which, to most of the ladies present, seemed simply idiotic, made the men in the audience cry "Oh!" as if half-shocked, and then "Encore! Encore!" in a sort of frenzy. It was a so-called pastoral effusion, in which Colinette rhymed with herbette, and in which the false innocence of the eighteenth century was a cloak ...
— Jacqueline, v2 • Th. Bentzon (Mme. Blanc)

... were seated on the long piano stool. Loud applause greeted them. The Duke was talking to Maurice in the wings and seemed a little nervous. He envied Albert at that moment for his superiority as a musician. When they finished, a great tumult demanded an encore, but Esperance had come to the end ...
— The Idol of Paris • Sarah Bernhardt

... but she played as best she could on the others, though she confessed afterwards that she felt like a horse that has lost its shoe. Except for this accident she would have responded to the enthusiastic calls of "Encore!"; as it was, she retired into the background to fix a new string. It lent a decided element of excitement to the programme that nobody knew what the next item was to be. The lot, as it happened, fell on one of the younger girls, who was overwhelmed ...
— For the Sake of the School • Angela Brazil

... favor of the 24th ult. duly received and contents noted. I am much gratified with your reference to my last epistle, and your hearty encore, but I can give no more musical monologues at present. I am engaged as Corresponding Secretary in the office of the Lone-Rock Mining Company. Corresponding Secretary may be too grand a name to give my humble position, but it comes ...
— Mary Ware's Promised Land • Annie Fellows Johnston

... "C'est encore le chat!" screamed Catherine, who was leaning out of a first-floor window of the salle a manger, quite undaunted by Madame Hellard's reproving "Voyons, ...
— The Argosy - Vol. 51, No. 4, April, 1891 • Various

... Fairfax, and from her agitation so had she. Launcelot held a short, prompt parley at the gate, then Babette intervened, and next was audible the advance of a firm, even step into the hall, and the closing of the salon door. "Encore un beau monsieur pour mademoiselle," announced the housekeeper, and handed in a card inscribed with the name of "Mr. Cecil Burleigh," and a letter of introduction from ...
— The Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax • Harriet Parr

... my dogs and run off," he replied. "I run after. Then, when I am to come to the trail"—he paused to find the English word, and could not—"encore to this trail I no can. So. Ah, bon Dieu, it has so awful!" He swayed and would have fallen, but she caught him, bore him up. She was so strong, and he was as slight as a ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... myself heard it more than once spoken of as an English town. At Nancy, where Father O'Leary was travelling, his native country happened to be mentioned when one of the party, a quiet French farmer of Burgundy, asked, in an unassuming tone, 'If Ireland stood encore?' 'Encore,' said an astonished John Bull, a courier coming from Germany—'encore! to be sure she does; we have her yet, I assure you, monsieur.' 'Though neither very safe, nor very sound,' interposed an officer of the Irish Brigade, who happened ...
— Irish Wit and Humor - Anecdote Biography of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell • Anonymous

... rhetoric in their speeches. Famous apostrophes which they uttered are still current phrases: Nous sommes ici par le volonte du peuple, et nous n'ont sortiront que par le force des bayonettes.—Silence aux trente voix!—De l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace! Some extracts from the orators have been given in preceding chapters, and the pamphleteers have also been drawn from; the latter, even in the pages of Desmoulins, Loustallot or Mallet, rarely attain the level of ...
— The French Revolution - A Short History • R. M. Johnston

... l'ont racont'e d''age en 'age et les enfants de Cork et de Dublin chantent encore la ballade ...
— The Countess Cathleen • William Butler Yeats

... In this context we welcome the stimulating article in a recent issue of The Times a propos of the Winchester War Memorial. "Are we never," asks the writer, "to take risks in our architecture?" and his answer, briefly summed up, is "Perish the thought. De l'audace, encore de l'audace, toujours de l'audace." It is, of course, a pity that the Winchester War Memorial scheme has not met with the unanimous approval of Wykehamists. Possibly they have reason, for while adding a new cloister, ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 156, Feb. 5, 1919 • Various

... bon royaume de France, and above all, Paris. Il a parcouru toute la France sans rapporter une seule impression de campagne. C'est un poete de ville, plus encore: un poete de quartier. Il n'est vraiment chez lui que sur la Montague Sainte-Genevieve, entre le Palais, les colleges, le Chatelet, les tavernes, les rotisseries, les tripots et les rues ou Marion l'Idole et la grande Jeanne de Bretagne tiennent leur 'publique ecole'. ...
— Figures of Several Centuries • Arthur Symons

... a German concert or opera, they hardly ever encore a song; that though they may be dying to hear it again, their good breeding usually preserves ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... jeune homme epouvante Sur son cheval vite remontait, La liberte lui etait trop chere! Et la pauvre fille degoutee N'avait qu'a reprendre sa route, et Son adresse est encore ...
— Collections and Recollections • George William Erskine Russell

... English who were coming up the ladder, and they were killed by the fall. The enemy retired. Next morning Du Guesclin, on his return to Pontorson, met Felton and his party, attacked them, and took them prisoners. When Typhaine saw Felton, she tauntingly exclaimed, "Comment, brave Felton, vous voila encore! C'est trop pour un homme de coeur comme vous d'etre battu, dans une intervalle de douze heures, une fois par la soeur, une autre par le frere." Du Guesclin caused the faithless "chambrieres" to be sewed up in sacks and flung into ...
— Brittany & Its Byways • Fanny Bury Palliser

... for the ape to return from the wings in reply to an encore the trainer directed its attention to the boy who chanced to be the sole occupant of the box in which he sat. With a spring the huge anthropoid leaped from the stage to the boy's side; but if the trainer had looked for a laughable scene of fright ...
— The Son of Tarzan • Edgar Rice Burroughs

... egalement remplies de figures en bois, ne deplaisent pas aux amateurs, mais jamais ils ne les ont payees un haut prix. La traduction angloise faite en 1509, sur le francois, et avec des figures en bois, plus mauvaises encore que leurs modeles, se paye en Angleterre 25, 30 et meme 60 guinees; c'est la, si l'on veut, du zele patriotique, ...
— The Ship of Fools, Volume 1 • Sebastian Brandt

... envoyees par le President pour reprimer un mouvement dans l'interieur immediatement apres le depart de M. Jose Felix Burgos, ne fut signalee dans la ville d'Alcantara que par des desordres, les Etrangers meme n'y furent pas respectes dans cet endroit, qui n'etoit pas encore le theatre des hostilites. Un homme de ma Nation y exercant paisiblement son commerce fut attaque chez lui, eut les portes de sa maison enfoncees par les soldats, fut temoin deux fois du pillage de sa boutique et force pour sauver ses jours d'aller sejourner dans le bois; ...
— Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, - from Spanish and Portuguese Domination, Volume 2 • Thomas Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald

... Petit Monsieur que dit il? Boy. Encore qu'il et contra son Iurement, de pardonner aucune prisonner: neantmons pour les escues que vous layt a promets, il est content a vous donnes le ...
— The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare

... you," said Silver, "I should point out to them that you'd a perfect right to play what you liked for an encore. How were you to know the gallery would go off like that? You aren't responsible for them. Hullo, there's that bugle. Things seem to be on the move. ...
— The Head of Kay's • P. G. Wodehouse

... these details are derived, "et ainsi la structure en aiant ete comme retablie, on le revetit de ses armes, et le fit voir au roi, tout debout apuye sur son baton de general, de sorte qu'il semblait encore vivant. L'aspect d'un mort si illustre ayant excite quelques larmes, on le porta a l'Escurial dans l'Eglise de St Laurens auprez de ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXLV. July, 1844. Vol. LVI. • Various

... Enact reguli. Enactment regulo. Enamel emajlo. Enamel emajli. Enamoured enamigxinta. [Error in book: emamigxinta] Encase enkasigi. Enchant ravi. Enchantment ensorcxo. Enclose enfermi. Enclosed (herewith) tie cxi enfermita. Encompass cxirkauxi. Encore bis. Encounter renkonti. Encourage kuragxigi. Encyclopedia enciklopedio. Encroach trudi. End fini. End fino. Endearment kareso. Endeavour peni. Endeavour peno. Endless eterna. Endow doti. Endure (continue) dauxri. Endure (tolerate) toleri. Endure (suffer) suferi. Enema ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... stage in the full set that befitted a bill-topper. Henderson stood in the wings, unseen by the audience, and looked on. The orchestra played four of the pieces Michael had been taught by Steward, and Michael sang them, for his modulated howling was truly singing. He never responded to more than one encore, which was always "Home, Sweet Home." After that, while the audience clapped and stamped its approval and delight of the dog Caruso, Jacob Henderson would appear on the stage, bowing and smiling in stereotyped gladness and gratefulness, ...
— Michael, Brother of Jerry • Jack London

... et maintenant je ne sais pas ou le trouver encore. Est-ce que vous pouvez me montrer le route ...
— Jokes For All Occasions - Selected and Edited by One of America's Foremost Public Speakers • Anonymous

... classical, in their way, as Macready's Roman mob. Then there was no make-believe puffing of empty pipes, and fictitious drinking of small-beer for punch; every nose among the audience could appreciate the genuineness of both liquor and tobacco; and the hearty encore which the song, with its stentorian chorus, was honoured with, gave all the parties engaged time to enjoy their punch and their pipes to their satisfaction. It was quite a pity, as was unanimously agreed, when the entrance of Marlow and Hastings, as in duty bound, interrupted so jovial a ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 54, No. 338, December 1843 • Various

... etoit le nom d'un jeu que nous avions apporte des Alpes, ou il est encore en usage pendant l'hiver, et ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 79, May 3, 1851 • Various

... sont pas en elles-memes ce qu'elles sont par rapport a nous, puisque la presence du sujet modifie necessairement leur action. Supprimez tout sujet sentant, il est certain que ces causes agiraient encore puisqu'elles continueraient d'exister; mais elles agiraient autrement; elles seraient encore des qualites et des proprietes, mais qui ne ressembleraient a rien de ce que nous connaissons. Le feu ne manifesterait plus aucune des proprietes que ...
— A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive • John Stuart Mill

... and studied the faint marks keenly. "Good!" he said. "You have covered a lot of ground, Murch, I must say. That was excellent about the whisky—you made your point finely. I felt inclined to shout 'Encore!' It's a thing that I shall have ...
— The Woman in Black • Edmund Clerihew Bentley

... sur l'Antique glose, Idolatrant le hom, sans connoitre la Chose, Vrai Peste des beaux Arts, sans Gout sans Equite, Quitez ce ton pedant, ce mepris affecte, Pour tout ce que le Tems n'a pas encore gate. ...
— Six Centuries of Painting • Randall Davies

... l'expression qu'il faut avoir." I sang the phrase over again, trying to imagine what Medje's lover must have felt; but I could not satisfy Delsarte. He said my voice ought to tremble; and, in fact, I ought to sing false when I say, "Ton image encore vivante dans mon coeur qui ne bat plus." "No one," he said, "in such a moment of emotion could keep on the right note." I tried again, in vain! If I had had a dagger in my hand and a brigand before me, I might perhaps have been more successful. However, ...
— In the Courts of Memory 1858-1875. • L. de Hegermann-Lindencrone

... "Pas encore," said he in French, with a smile. "But, sisters, I have brought a stranger here, a young English officer, who was recently captured ...
— Tom Cringle's Log • Michael Scott

... my war-horse, which in reality does not belong to me at all, because I pinched it from the colonel, I shall be shot as sure as fate, and, alas! I do not want to die. I am too young to die, and meanwhile I desire encore une bouteille de champagne!" ...
— Now It Can Be Told • Philip Gibbs

... M. Naigeon a consacre a la memoire de M. le Baron d'Holbach suffit pour donner une idee juste de ses lumieres, mais le hasard m'a mis a portee de les juger encore mieux. J'ai vu M. le Baron d'Holbach dans deux voyages que j'ai faits aux eaux de Contrexeville. S'occuper de sa souffrance et de sa guerison, c'est le soin de chaque malade. M. le Baron d'Holbach ...
— Baron d'Holbach • Max Pearson Cushing

... lugubriously, in a wailing baritone, taking an imaginary encore by bowing a head picturesquely adorned with a crop of excelsior curls, accumulated during his activities in ...
— Outside Inn • Ethel M. Kelley

... admiration and confidence. There was always a promptness and "all thereness" in his nature, with a decided touch of self-reliance, and I may even say audacity. In fact, without intending any reflection upon him, I might perhaps suggest that he could appropriately take as his motto "De l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace." In proof of this I may cite one or two incidents that came under ...
— A Tale of One City: The New Birmingham - Papers Reprinted from the "Midland Counties Herald" • Thomas Anderton

... A madame sainte Marie: "Encore, dame, n'istra mie Si com moi semble du cors l'ame." "Bele fille," fait Nostre Dame, "Traveiller lais un peu le cors, Aincois que l'ame en isse hors, Si que puree soil et nete Aincois qu'en Paradis la mete. N'est or mestier qui soions plus, ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... most unpatriotic in preferring endless repetition of dry foreign arias to fresh compositions from home. The little encore song, which generally appeared anonymously, was the opening ...
— Contemporary American Composers • Rupert Hughes

... four times in the night, would go round to their different apartments, fearful they might be destroyed in their sleep, and ask, "Etes vous la?" when they would answer him from within, "Nous sommes encore ici." Indeed, if, when nature was exhausted, sleep by chance came to the relief of their worn-out and languid frames, it was only to awaken them to fresh horrors, which constantly threatened the convulsion by which they ...
— The Memoirs of Louis XV. and XVI., Volume 7 • Madame du Hausset, and of an Unknown English Girl and the Princess Lamballe

... highest degree be damaging to the European prestige of Great Britain. When republican France was threatened by all the tyrants of Europe, the terrible Danton said, "Il nous faut de l'audace, et encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace." To-day the Frenchman requires no Danton to teach him the lesson; for the extraordinary confession of weakness made by the Jingo government of 1878 in refusing to sanction a line that could ...
— Newfoundland and the Jingoes - An Appeal to England's Honor • John Fretwell

... ayez vu a Paris Madame de Marson, & elle y est encore; voici ce que M. le Marquis de Vaudreuil son Gendre, actuellement notre Gouverneur General, me raconta cet Hyver, & qu'il a scu de cette Dame, qui n'est rien moins qu'un esprit foible. Elle etoit un jour fort inquiette an sujet de M. de Marson, ...
— The Making of Religion • Andrew Lang

... attendre des echanges. La bibliotheque de Munich a 200,000 doubles; celle d'Iena, 12,000; celle de Saint-Petersbourg, 54,000; a Vienne, plus de 30,000 doubles, parmi lesquels un grand nombre d'incunables, sont enfouis dans des magasins. A Vienne encore, 25,000 doubles encombrent la section d'entomologie du musee bresilien. Breslau possede l'un des plus precieux manuscrits de Froissart. On trouve a Munich le cinquieme volume du roman des Quatre Fils Aymon dont les quatre premiers sont a la bibliotheque de l'Arsenal; ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

... hired all the goddesses from farces and the singers of Roast Beef(779) from between the acts at both theatres, with a man with one note in his voice, and a girl without ever an one; and so they sing, and make brave hallelujahs; and the good company encore the recitative, if it happens to have any cadence like what they call a tune. I was much diverted the other night at the opera; two gentlewoman sat before my sister, and not knowing her, discoursed at their ease. Says one, "Lord! how fine ...
— The Letters of Horace Walpole, Volume 1 • Horace Walpole

... People rose here and there to go as they rise in a music hall after the Scottish comedian has retired, bowing, from his final encore. They protested urgent appointments elsewhere. The chairman remarked that other important decisions yet remained to be taken; but his voice had no insistence because he had already settled the decisions in his own mind. G.J. seized the occasion ...
— The Pretty Lady • Arnold E. Bennett

... possibility, suppose they should look you in the eye and remark with the terrible candor of infancy, "We do not like this story!" But no; you are more fortunate. The tale is told, and you are greeted with sighs of satisfaction and with the instantaneous request, "Tell it again!" That is the encore of the Story-Teller,—"Tell it again! No, not another story; the same one over again, please!" for "what novelty is worth that sweet monotony where everything is known, and loved because it is known?" No royal accolade could be received ...
— The Story Hour • Nora A. Smith and Kate Douglas Wiggin

... said to David the painter, when the latter confessed that he had not intended to produce some artistic effect which the former had discovered in one of his pictures: "Quoi! c'est a votre insu? C'est encore mieux." To make children religious without intending to do so is a profoundly significant achievement, for it means that the fatal distinction between religious and secular education has been "utterly abolished ...
— What Is and What Might Be - A Study of Education in General and Elementary Education in Particular • Edmond Holmes

... applause was so deafening and the demands for an encore so persistent that to satisfy them he sang another old favourite—'Won't ...
— The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists • Robert Tressell

... se fait a son prejudice aucune derivation du tribut conjugal, que je me suis mis en cet etat.—Tu as done oublie, lui dis-je, et que tu as quarante-cinq ans, et que la jalousie est un mal sans remede? Ne sais-tu pas furens quid femina possit?" Je tins encore quelques autres propos peu galants, car ...
— The Physiology of Taste • Brillat Savarin

... diary. Saturday, March 11th: "Our entertainment last night was given in the cabin of a steamer which had been fashioned into a music hall and it proved a fine place to sing in and we had a packed house in spite of snow and rain. We met with a great reception and one encore after another had to be given. Sunday, 12th. We started for Steillacoom on the steamer Alida and arrived early and were taken to the Harmon House. In the absence of a hall to sing in we gave our concert ...
— Sixty Years of California Song • Margaret Blake-Alverson

... six times, but she could not be prevailed upon to give an encore, though for a long time a voice bayed intermittently:—"The Berceuse! Chopin's Berceuse!" The vast harmonies of entreaty and delight died down to sporadic solos, taken up more and more faint-heartedly by weary yet still ...
— Tante • Anne Douglas Sedgwick

... cheered: "Oh, you Barnesy!" "Kill it, Kid!" "Whatcha know about dat!" "Sand it down, Barnesy!" The old-timer was doing the famous lock-step jig he had done with Pat Rooney in "Patrice" fifteen or twenty years before. It was so old that it was new. Encore followed encore. The perspiration cascaded through his pores; he grinned and winked and frisked and capered. They would not let him stop. At the end of twenty-five minutes he bowed himself off the ...
— McClure's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, July 1908. • Various

... last note of the song applause came instantaneously, almost impatiently, as it might seem. With cries of "Encore! Encore!" it lasted some time, while the happy singer looked around with frank pleasure on the little group encircling ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... did not hear him. To the limited throb of the violins and the inspiring beat of the kettle-drums her own old ghosts were marching by and on into the darkness, and as fifes whistled and sighed in the low encore they seemed so nearly out of sight that she ...
— Flappers and Philosophers • F. Scott Fitzgerald

... ending of the song and the withdrawal of the girls and musicians. The major seemed disposed to call for an encore, but Janina silenced his forthcoming remarks with a sharp nudge. All at once, old Bara Miyan removed the amber stem of the water-pipe from his ...
— The Flying Legion • George Allan England

... husband and Lester were hanging far over the balcony, holding their hands to their eyes as though they were opera-glasses, and exclaiming with admiration and delight; and when she had finished the first verse, they pretended to think that the song was over, and shouted, "Bravo, encore," and applauded frantically, and then apparently overcome with confusion at their mistake, sank back entirely ...
— Cinderella - And Other Stories • Richard Harding Davis

... minuets have gone out of fashion, if they involved such a test of endurance as that in which Claude Duval and his fair captive now disport themselves with an amount of bodily exertion it seems real cruelty to encore. His concluding caper shakes the mask from his partner's face, and the young lady falls, with a shriek, into his arms, leaving the audience in that happy state of perplexity, which so enhances the interest of a plot, as to whether her distress originates ...
— M. or N. "Similia similibus curantur." • G.J. Whyte-Melville

... considerable, je dus faire marcher de front l'anatomie et la zoologie, les dissections et le classement; chercher dans mes premieres remarques sur l'organisation des distributions meilleures; m'en servir pour arriver a des remarques nouvelles; employer encore ces remarques a perfectionner les distributions; faire sortir enfin de cette fecondation mutuelle des deux sciences, l'une par l'autre, un systeme zoologique propre a servir d'introducteur et de guide dans le champ de l'anatomie, et un corps de doctrine anatomique propre a servir de developpement ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 09, No. 51, January, 1862 • Various

... tout artiste a l'ecole de qui nous pouvons nous mettre sans craindre que ses lecons on ses exemples nous fourvoient. Ou encore, c'est celui qui possede . . . des qualites dont l'imitation, si elle ne peut pas faire de bien, ne peut pas non plus faire de mal.—F. Brunetiere, "Etudes Critiques," Tome III, ...
— A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century • Henry A. Beers

... supper and a pipe, we would indulge in duet singing, and when we came to the end of the song we would praise each other and encore ourselves. ...
— Jethou - or Crusoe Life in the Channel Isles • E. R. Suffling

... autrefois les chefs que se donnrent les communes corses quand elles s'insurgrent contre les seigneurs fodaux. Aujourd'hui, on donne encore quelquefois ce nom un homme qui, par ses proprits, ses alliances et sa clientle, exerce une influence et une sorte de magistrature effective sur une pieve[A] ou un canton. Les Corses se divisent, par une ancienne habitude, ...
— Quatre contes de Prosper Mrime • F. C. L. Van Steenderen

... Hellen told me at the time you lived at the old maids' house that, I believe, they wished you to marry their ward." Countess Catherine Ivanovna always hated Nekhludoff's aunts on his father's side. "So, that is she? Elle est encore jolie?" ...
— The Awakening - The Resurrection • Leo Nikoleyevich Tolstoy

... de Monsieur D'Avisson, medecin des mieux versez qui soient aujourd'huy dans la cnoissance des Belles Lettres, et sur tout de la Philosophic Naturelle. Je lui ai cette obligation entre les autres, de m' auoir non seulement mis en main cc Livre en anglois, mais encore le Manuscrit du Sieur Thomas D'Anan, gentilhomme Eccossois, recommandable pour sa vertu, sur la version duquel j' advoue que j' ay tir le plan ...
— The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1 (of 5) of the Raven Edition • Edgar Allan Poe

... ascertain if there might be a few more bars of encore. He did not know, even, that there was a possibility of such. Still in a daze, he led Eileen Pederstone to her seat. He thanked her, bowed and turned to cross the floor. But she did not sit down. She laid a detaining hand gently on ...
— The Spoilers of the Valley • Robert Watson

... it! the very next night Up rose that house in the moonlight white, Out comes the chap and drops as before, Down goes the brake and the rest encore; And so, in fact, Each night that act Occurred, till folks ...
— Complete Poetical Works of Bret Harte • Bret Harte

... satisfaction toute particuliere de pouvoir vous en donner aujourdhui un gage solennel. Je vous felicite de l'avantage remporte le 7 de ce mois par une partie de votre escadre; et vous devez etre bien persuade, qu'il ajoute encore au prix que j'attache a vos efforts pour assurer la defense des cotes de la Suede. Et sur ce je prie Dieu qu'il vous ait, Monsieur le Vice-amiral de Saumarez en sa sainte et digne garde; etant ...
— Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez. Vol II • Sir John Ross

... recevoir Dimanche prochain, rue Racine, 3. C'est le seul jour que je puisse passer chez moi; et encore je n'en suis pas absolument certaine—mais je ferai tellement mon possible, que ma bonne etoile m'y aidera peut-etre un peu. Agreez mille remerciments de coeur ainsi que Monsieur Browning, que j'espere voir avec ...
— Life and Letters of Robert Browning • Mrs. Sutherland Orr

... est grand, que l'art n'est point timide; La tout est enchante: c'est le Palais d'Armide; C'est le jardin d'Alcine, ou plutot d'un Heros, Noble dans sa retraite et grand dans son repos. Qui cherche encore a vaincre, a dompter des obstacles, Et ne marche jamais qu'entoure ...
— A Visit to the Monastery of La Trappe in 1817 • W.D. Fellowes

... I were in a dream myself.... Savez-vous! Il a prononce le nom de Telyatnikof, and I believe that that man was concealed in the entry. Yes, I remember, he suggested: calling the prosecutor and Dmitri Dmitritch, I believe...; qui me doit encore quinze roubles I won at cards, soit Ait en passant. Enfin, je n'ai pas trop compris. But I got the better of them, and what do I care for Dmitri Dmitritch? I believe I begged him very earnestly to keep it quiet; I begged him particularly, most particularly. I am afraid I demeaned myself, ...
— The Possessed - or, The Devils • Fyodor Dostoyevsky

... nature of that refreshment may be) with such archness and such a turn of the head towards next door that she is immediately understood to mean Mr. Smallweed loves to find money, and is nightly honoured with a double encore. For all this, the court discovers nothing; and as Mrs. Piper and Mrs. Perkins now communicate to the late lodger whose appearance is the signal for a general rally, it is in one continual ferment to ...
— Bleak House • Charles Dickens

... ENCORE DE GUEUSERIES (more rags and rubbish yet)! QUOI, such a paltry scraping (BICOQUE) as that, for all my just claims in Silesia? Monsieur—!' His Majesty's indignation increased here, all the more as I kept a profound silence during his hot expressions, and did ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XIII. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle

... in acting maliciously is properly called by Barrow a rascally delight. But this is no new form of malice. "Avant nous," says the sagacious but iron-hearted Montluc—"avant nous ces envies ont regne, et regneront encore apres nous, si Dieu ne nous voulait tous refondre." Its worst effect is that which Ben Jonson remarked: "The gentle reader," says he, "rests happy to hear the worthiest works misrepresented, the clearest actions ...
— Colloquies on Society • Robert Southey

... and so effective was his accompaniment and so sweet pretty Patty's singing of the old song, that their performance proved to be the most attractive number on the programme. So prolonged was the applause and so persistent the cry of "Encore!" that Patty felt she really must ...
— Patty in Paris • Carolyn Wells

... observed that I had never seen such a tone in any Claude in existence. I know many pictures which had that hue, but they have been so daubed and retouched that they are no longer the same. He showed me the Episodes. One begins, "Mes malheurs, O Caliphe sont encore plus grands que les votres, aussi bien que mes crimes, tu a ete trompe en ecoutant un navis malheureux; mais moi, pour me desobir d'une amitie la plus tendre, je suis precipite dans ...
— Recollections of the late William Beckford - of Fonthill, Wilts and Lansdown, Bath • Henry Venn Lansdown

... s'etaient faites telles que, non contents de dejeuner en face l'un de l'autre, je le ramenais diner presque tous les jours chez moi. Cela dura une quinzaine: puis il fut rappele en Angleterre. Mais il revint, et nous fimes encore une bonne etape de vie intellectuelle, morale et philosophique. Je crois qu'il me rendait deja tout ce que j'eprouvais de sympathie et d'estime, et que je ne fus pas pour rien dans son ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Volume 9 • Robert Louis Stevenson

... Anagnostakis, one of the most eminent professors of our Faculty of Medicine, has recently published two pamphlets full of interest relating to the archaeology of that science—[Greek: Melitai peri ten optiken ton archaion] (Studies on the Optics of the Ancients); and another small work in French, "Encore deux mots sur l'extraction de ...
— The Contemporary Review, Volume 36, September 1879 • Various

... encore, c'est-a-dire alors loin des cotes, le fond des eaux ne parait plus etre habite, du moms dans nos mers, par aucun de ces animaux" (1. c. tom. i. p. 237). The "ces animaux" leaves the meaning of the ...
— Discourses - Biological and Geological Essays • Thomas H. Huxley

... and an encore followed. It was long since Harry had heard Bluebell's voice, but he alone did not applaud. The play proceeded, and then Sir Robert came in as Amesfort. It hung a little here. He floundered, gagged, forgot the cue, and the voice ...
— Bluebell - A Novel • Mrs. George Croft Huddleston

... unvaried; mocking, chiming; retold; aforesaid, aforenamed[obs3]; above-mentioned, above-said; habitual &c. 613; another. Adv. repeatedly, often, again, anew, over again, afresh, once more; ding-dong, ditto, encore, de novo, bis[obs3], da capo[It]. again and again; over and over, over and over again; recursively [Comp]; many times over; time and again, time after time; year after year; day by day &c.; many times, several times, a number of times; many a time, full many a time; ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... end, and the inevitable applause followed, but before the singer could respond to the implied encore most of the listeners began frank and determined advances upon the tables. The ...
— The Blood Red Dawn • Charles Caldwell Dobie

... encore they turned and slowly but surely filed out of the clearing into the forest. Long after they had disappeared our eyes still hung over the edge of our apartment and we could hear in our memories ...
— The Cruise of the Kawa • Walter E. Traprock

... was so vehemently applauded that, had there been present a person connected with the theatrical profession, he might have been nervous for fear the introducer had prepared no encore. "Kedge is too smart to take it all to himself," commented Mr. Martin. "He knows it's half account of the ...
— The Gentleman From Indiana • Booth Tarkington

... of Buddhism in India. As Burnouf said in his "Introduction a l'Histoire du Buddhisme," p. 70: "On avait meme fait du Buddha une planete; et je ne sais pas si quelques savants ne se plaisent pas encore aujourd'hui a retrouver ce sage paisible sous les traits du belliqueux Odin." But we did not expect that we should have to read again, in a book published in 1869, such statements ...
— Chips From A German Workshop, Vol. V. • F. Max Mueller

... demand for an encore, Ivan rose, in the midst of a little babel of "Bis!" and, taking the virtuoso of the world by the arm, led him to the piano. Well repaid, it seemed, in that moment, for the disappointment he had lately had to endure. For ...
— The Genius • Margaret Horton Potter

... might, and then tak' and roll 'em into balls, we say we wun't, for we can't make English muscle out o' that."—And Alphonse, quite indifferent to the vulgar: "He! mais pensez donc au Papa, Monsieur Henri-Richie, sans doute il a une sante de fer: mais encore faut-il lui menager le suc gastrique, pancreatique . ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... meprisant le pouvoir, Vous consentez sans peine a ne me plus revoir, Partes, separes vous de la triste Aricie, Mais du moins en partaut assures votre vie. Defendes votre honneur d' un reproche honteux, Et forces votre pere a revoquer ses vaeux; Il en est tems encore. Pourguoi, par quel caprice, Laisses vous le champ libre a votre accusatrice? ...
— The Works of John Dryden, Volume 5 (of 18) - Amboyna; The state of Innocence; Aureng-Zebe; All for Love • John Dryden

... "Dead—passe encore; there's nothing so safe. One never knows what a living artist may do—one has mourned so many. However, one must make the worst of it. You must be as ...
— The Death of the Lion • Henry James

... artists must always be very much praised—very much—so have I heard, to make them content. It is Sir Kildene who will be the great artist, and you must cry 'Encore,' and honor him greatly with such calls. Then will we have the pleasure to hear many stories from him. Ah, I like to ...
— The Eye of Dread • Payne Erskine

... there were eight verses, an encore was demanded. Mrs. Wiggs rose in her seat and beckoned vehemently to Europena. "Come on back!" she motioned violently with her lips. "They want ...
— Lovey Mary • Alice Hegan Rice

... scene with a look of intense astonishment. When it was finished he burst into a fit of hearty laughter. Evidently it was the best piece of acting he had seen since he was born, and if he had been other than a savage, he must certainly have shouted "bravo!" perhaps "encore!" ...
— The Rover of the Andes - A Tale of Adventure on South America • R.M. Ballantyne

... au lieu de ces sornettes, Les Quatrains de Pibrac, et les doctes Tablettes Du conseiller Matthieu; l'ouvrage est de valeur, ... La Guide des p['e]cheurs est encore un bon livre. ...
— Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama - A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3 • E. Cobham Brewer

... dancing party reach the far end of the enclosure, they go back again in the same way; and so on again until the chiefs (with the great weights they are carrying) are tired; then they stop. But the men hosts thereupon politely press them to go on again, giving them in fact a sort of complimentary encore, and this they will probably do. After about half-an-hour from the commencement of the dancing they finally stop. Then the chief of the clan in one of whose villages the dance is held comes forward and removes the heavy ...
— The Mafulu - Mountain People of British New Guinea • Robert W. Williamson

... that is delightful. And can you see us in that dreadful place, as gay as a pair of school children? And we must laugh at nothing and find it enchanting—and we must dance amid the hoi polloi and clap our hands for the encore too!——" ...
— The Crimson Tide • Robert W. Chambers

... swelled and sank on the last lines of the old song, and the girls broke into hearty applause, which was startlingly reinforced from the doorway of the lumber cellar. The janitor's sallow face appeared from the gloom and his deep voice boomed an encore. ...
— Miss Pat at School • Pemberton Ginther

... out of the box and applauded; he dared even to cry encore, and, following suit, the musicians laid aside their instruments and, standing up in the orchestra, applauded with him. The conductor tapped approval with his stick on the little harmonium, the chorus at the ...
— Evelyn Innes • George Moore

... He could dance, and the girl had sense enough not to talk. She floated in his arm, her slender body close to his. When the music ceased, she clapped her little hands excitedly and told Hugh that he danced "won-der-ful-ly." After the third encore she led him to a dark ...
— The Plastic Age • Percy Marks

... 1xvii.) gives a Parisian turn; and, "Je ne puis voir sans horreur cet abominable barbier que voila: quoiqu'il soit ne dans un pays ou tout le monde est blanc, il ne laisse pas a resembler a un Ethiopien; mais il a l'ame encore plus noire et horrible que le visage" (Night clvii.), is a mere affectation of Orientalism. Lastly, "Une vieille dame de leur connaissance" (Night clviii.) puts French polish upon the matter of fact Arab's ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 • Richard F. Burton

... in den Berg der Venus ein" he was transported, his surroundings melted and once more he was gazing at the glorious woman, his Venus, his Holda. The audience was completely shaken out of its fashionable immobility, and "superb," "bravo," "magnificent," "encore," "bis," were heard on all sides. Elizabeth alone remained mute. Her skin was the pallor of ivory, and into her glance came the look of a lovely fawn run down ...
— Melomaniacs • James Huneker

... seems to have been a quarrelsome sort of person, for he got into trouble not only with the moralists, not only with the Restoration government, but with the Academy, which he attacked; and he is rather fond of "scratchy" references such as "On peut meriter encore quelque interet sans etre un Amadis, un Vic-van-Vor [poor Fergus!], un Han, ou un Vampire." But his intrinsic merit as a novelist did not at first seem to me great. A book worse charpente than that just quoted from, L'Artiste et le Soldat, I have seldom read. ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 - To the Close of the 19th Century • George Saintsbury

... is the last I hear until I receive this ridiculous letter, together with thy ridiculous letter. I send him to you. How drole that you two should meet all among les animaux. It is so funny that he did not kill you, this monstre allemand! Tu es en cross encore avec moi? Zut! mon vieux it is not my fault that everybody goes mad after me except mon petit mari! Leave the ridiculous garcon where he is. But why do I talk so much about a cochon? Because you are ridiculous! Tant pis pour toi! Now sois gentil and come ...
— Witch-Doctors • Charles Beadle

... asked: "How have you done In mastering ancient lore?" "I did so well," replied the son, "They gave me an encore; The Faculty like me and hold me so dear, They make me repeat ...
— Cap and Gown - A Treasury of College Verse • Selected by Frederic Knowles

... of Dickens that his characters repeat themselves quite misses the mark. As well object to an actor that he frequently responds to an encore. If indicted for the offense, he could at least insist that the audience be indicted with him ...
— Humanly Speaking • Samuel McChord Crothers

... Wilbur Wright. Wilbur Wright would not give two million people an encore, or even come back to bow. As one looked over from Mount Tom one could see all New York black and solid on the tops of its roofs and houses looking up into a great hole of air for him, and Wilbur Wright slipping quietly off down to Washington ...
— Crowds - A Moving-Picture of Democracy • Gerald Stanley Lee

... versee dans la Mediterranee par le Bosphore de Thrace et La Propontide, forme aux Dardanelles des courans si violens, que souvent les batimens, toutes voiles dehors, out peine a les vaincre. Les pilotes doivent encore observer, lorsque le vent suffit, de diriger leur route de maniere a presenter le moins de resistance possible a l'effort des eaux. On sent que cette etude a pour base la direction des courans, qui, renvoyes d'une points a l'autre, forment des obstacles a la navigation, ...
— Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 6 (of 6) - With his Letters and Journals • Thomas Moore

... darkness into the light of day," said Bakkus. "What are talents in a napkin? You are a capitalist—I am a man with ideas. May I order another of this mastroquet's bowel-gripping absinthes in order to expound a scheme? Thank you, my dear Lackaday. Oui, encore une. Tell me have you ever been ...
— The Mountebank • William J. Locke

... grandes langues du Nouveau Monde [the Iroquois and the Algonkin] etaient tres claires, tres precises, exprimant avec facilite non seulement les relations exterieures des idees, mais encore leur relations metaphysiques. C'est ce qu' out commence de demontrer mes premiers chapitres de grammaire, et ce qu'achevera de faire voir ce que je vais dire sur les verbes."—Rev. M. Cuoq, Jugement Errone de M. Ernest Renan sur les Langues ...
— Aboriginal American Authors • Daniel G. Brinton

... centre of the theatre, is his excellency the president. No Spanish entertainment is complete without its president. The curtain may not rise till his excellency has taken his seat; the actors may not respond to a call or an encore if the president is not agreeable, and does not flutter the big play-bill before him, in token of his acquiescence. The box to the right is the lawful property of the censor, who, like most Spanish authorities in Cuba, rarely pays for his pleasure. He is extremely affable and condescending with ...
— The Pearl of the Antilles, or An Artist in Cuba • Walter Goodman

... Refused a second encore, the couples stood about chatting, the hum of lively voices bespeaking eager enjoyment. There was no early chill upon the assembly, to be dissipated as the dance wore on; the day of festivity outdoors had thawed the thin crust of icy strangeness which is so natural ...
— Judith of Blue Lake Ranch • Jackson Gregory

... was commanded to repeat the trick. Then they permitted her to do it over in the "encore." Before the end of a fortnight she was doing a dance with the comedian, exchanging lines with him. Then a little individual song-and-dance specialty was introduced. At the close of the engagement on Broadway ...
— What's-His-Name • George Barr McCutcheon

... foi, l'enthousiasme, la constance de la premiere generation chretienne ne s'expliquent qu'en supposant a l'origine de tout le mouvement un homme de proportions colossales.... Cette sublime personne, qui chaque jour preside encore au destin du monde, il est permis de l'appeler divine, non en ce sens que Jesus ait absorbe tout le divin, mais en ce sens que Jesus est l'individu qui a fait faire a son espece le plus grand pas vers le divin.... ...
— Occasional Papers - Selected from The Guardian, The Times, and The Saturday Review, - 1846-1890 • R.W. Church

... for, as you must notice, she is utterly lacking in style. She is dreadfully poor now, and earns a living by singing in private houses—all her voice is really fit for, you know. So Rose takes pity on her, and has her in once in a while. Why, really, they are giving her an encore! How kind of them; and yet they say the most wealthy are the most heartless. But you are not going, Mr. Peveril? I haven't ...
— The Copper Princess - A Story of Lake Superior Mines • Kirk Munroe

... Qui alez par le monde es cours Des grans princes pour besongnier, Vostre voyage n'est pas cours ... Ne soiez mie si hastis! Il fault que vostre fait soit mis Au conseil pour respondre a plain; Attendez encore mes amis ... Il faut parler au chancelier De vostre fait et a plusours ... Temps passe et tout ...
— A Literary History of the English People - From the Origins to the Renaissance • Jean Jules Jusserand

... do not suggest those of Blake, Hawke, or Nelson. They do not fit Farragut's motto—borrowed from Danton[1]—"l'audace, encore l'audace, et toujours l'audace," or Napoleon's "frappez vite, frappez fort." War, as has been observed before, cannot be waged without taking risks. The British had a heavy margin to gamble on. As it happened, 23 out of the entire 28 battleships ...
— A History of Sea Power • William Oliver Stevens and Allan Westcott

... my opinion, a very pretty man) said of you: 'Il a de l'esprit, un savoir peu commun a son age, une grande vivacite, et quand il aura pris des manieres il sera parfait; car il faut avouer qu'il sent encore le college; mars cela viendra'. I was very glad to hear, from one whom I think so good a judge, that you wanted nothing but 'des manieres', which I am convinced you will now soon acquire, in the company ...
— The PG Edition of Chesterfield's Letters to His Son • The Earl of Chesterfield

... admirable; and Madame Zattiany, at least, gave it her undivided attention. She was, as ever, apparently unconscious of glances veiled and open, but Clavering laid a bet with himself that before the end of the encore—politely demanded—she knew what every woman in ...
— Black Oxen • Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton

... with the grace of a hero of romance. The Frenchmen enjoyed the entire scene prodigiously, laughed a great deal, drank our healths in our own bottles, and finished by a general request that the Don would indulge them with an encore of the chant which had so tickled their ears during their advance in the wood. The Don complied, malgre, bongre; and at the conclusion of this feat, the French colonel, resolved not to be outdone in any thing, ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 360, October 1845 • Various

... to do so. They have, however, sent "liberal donations" to the Fund. We then find that "we are nevertheless so fortunate as to have with us to-night" a young actor. The Actor gives a serio-comic recitation. But his encore is his piece de resistance. It proves to be a vivid verse about marine disaster, a form of selection obviously suited to the occasion. Where, except at a ship's concert, can one get the full value ...
— Ship-Bored • Julian Street

... were more strict. At the end of the hour Captain Jay, who by nature was inclined to be taciturn and crabbed, waxed loquacious and even jovial. He sang us the songs he had learned in the winter lumber-camps, which Mr. Cooke never failed to encore to the echo. My client vowed he had not spent a pleasanter afternoon for years. He plied the captain with cigars, and explained to him the mystery of the strings and labels; and the captain experimented until he had broken some ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... loath, accepted the encore and repeated the Miltonic episode, expanding it somewhat, and dwelling with a fine art upon those portions of the narrative which he perceived to be most exciting to his audience. Plainly, they thrilled less to Paradise gained than to its losing, and the dreadful climax of the descent ...
— Penrod • Booth Tarkington

... celle qui en fait un animal raisonnable. Je ne me vante pas excessivement en me donnant pour doue de plus de raison que la plupart de ceux de mes semblables que j'ai vus de pres ou dont j'ai connu l'histoire. La raison habite rarement les ames communes, et bien plus rarement encore les grands esprits.... J'appelle raisonnable celui qui accorde sa raison particuliere avec la raison universelle, de maniere a n'etre jamais trop surpris de ce qui arrive et a s'y accommoder tant bien que mal; j'appelle raisonnable ...
— Aspects of Literature • J. Middleton Murry

... gentlemen—set of noisy young scamps!—on this happy occasion, I say"—(shouts of encore! bravo! etc.)—"what I was going to say was—umph!" (a cry of "You have said it," from a man near the door, who thought he could not be seen, but was). "Much obliged to you, sir, for your observation," continued Mr. Frampton, fixing his glance unmistakably on the Detected One, "but I have ...
— Frank Fairlegh - Scenes From The Life Of A Private Pupil • Frank E. Smedley

... of him to me, said: "I was very young at the time, but I remember the king very well—a fine, pompous-looking gentleman." George IV. went to Drury Lane on purpose to hear the boy, and commanded an encore. Liszt was also heard in the theatre at Manchester, ...
— Great Men and Famous Women, Vol. 8 (of 8) • Various

... un enfant dont la langue sans fard, A peine du filet encore debarrassee Sait d'un ...
— The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought • Alexander F. Chamberlain

... said when I had spoken for an hour—and they gave me an encore. When I had finished my encore, the dear old Colonel got up to thank the "performer"—and he couldn't do it; there was a lump in his throat and big tears were ...
— Your Boys • Gipsy Smith

... l'incertain et triste bruissement en chaque rideau purpural me traversait—m'emplissait de fantastiques terreurs pas senties encore: si bien que, pour calmer le battement de mon coeur, je demeurais maintenant rpter C'est quelque visiteur qui sollicite l'entre, la porte de ma chambre—quelque visiteur qui sollicite l'entre, la porte de ma chambre; c'est cela et rien ...
— Le Corbeau • Edgar Allan Poe

... up; the spotlight man rehearsing by throwing weird shafts into angry eyes; over all the constant tuning of the orchestra or the cheerful tumpty-tump of a Triangle tune. The boy who writes the lyrics stands in the corner, biting a pencil, with twenty minutes to think of an encore; the business manager argues with the secretary as to how much money can be spent on "those damn milkmaid costumes"; the old graduate, president in ninety-eight, perches on a box and thinks how much simpler ...
— This Side of Paradise • F. Scott Fitzgerald

... leave of the good matron, and bade "God bless her," his voice faltered, and the tears stood in his eyes,—just as they were wont to do in the eyes of George the Third, when that excellent monarch was pleased graciously to encore ...
— Paul Clifford, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... singers of roast beef from between the acts at both theatres, with a man with one note in his voice, and a girl without ever an one; and so they sing and make brave hallelujahs, and the good company encore the recitative if it happens to have any cadence like what ...
— The Standard Oratorios - Their Stories, Their Music, And Their Composers • George P. Upton

... up in the "dawn's early light," and coming down "with the twilight's last gleaming" for some weeks when the regiment marched past the gate again. I must tell you the truth,—the first man who attempted to cry "Vivent les Etats-Unis" was hushed by a cry of "Attendez-patience— pas encore," and the line swung by. That was all right. I could afford to smile,—and, at this stage of the game, to wait. You are always telling me what a "patient man" Wilson is. I don't deny ...
— On the Edge of the War Zone - From the Battle of the Marne to the Entrance of the Stars and Stripes • Mildred Aldrich

... to applaud the musicians for an encore. She shook her head. "Next's the third extra," she said. "And, anyhow, this one's going to be encored now. You can have the twenty-second—if there IS any!" William threw a wild glance about him, ...
— Seventeen - A Tale Of Youth And Summer Time And The Baxter Family Especially William • Booth Tarkington

... l'entre-croisement monstrueux des tonnerres; il entend, comme un rale au fond d'une tombe, la clameur vague de la bataille-fantome; ces ombres, ce sont les grenadiers; ces lueurs, ce sont les cuirassiers; . . . tout cela n'est plus et se heurte et combat encore; et les ravins s'empourprent, et les arbres frissonnent, et il y a de la furie jusque dans les nuees, et, dans les tenebres, toutes ces hauteurs farouches, Mont-Saint Jean, Hougomont, Frischemont, Papelotte, Plancenoit, ...
— Ponkapog Papers • Thomas Bailey Aldrich

... not," cried Carteret, bluffly. "If the French come here we shall give them a sour welcome; and as to my Lord the Governor, he will find," and he slipped in his eagerness into his native tongue, "that he has made le marche de la peau de l'ours qui ne seroit pas encore tue." ...
— St George's Cross • H. G. Keene

... que cet ingenieux Naturaliste, qui nous a deja donne et qui nous prepare encore des ouvrages plus utiles, emploie a cette odieuse tache une plume qu'il trempe dans le fiel et dans l'absinthe. Il est vrai que plusieurs de ses remarques sont fondees, et qu'a l'erreur qu'il indique, il joint en meme tems la correction. ...
— A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II) • Augustus De Morgan

... flaps were lifted and a dazzling, golden-haired creature in a filmy white evening gown to which the firelight was kind stood there smiling, a banjo in her hands. Casey gave a grunt and sat up, blinking. She sang, looking at him frequently. At the encore, which was livened by a clog danced to hidden music, she surely blew a kiss in the direction of Casey, who gulped and looked around at the ...
— Casey Ryan • B. M. Bower

Words linked to "Encore" :   quest, call for, performance, request, bespeak

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