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Electronic   Listen
Electronic  adj.  (Physics & Chem.)
Of or pertaining to an electron or electrons; as, electronic energy.
Using the methods or principles of electronics as part of the working mechanism; of devices; as, electronic circuit; electronic devices; electronic entertainment devices.
Using computerized storage or transmission of information; as, electronic banking; electronic mail; electronic fund transfer.
Of or pertaining to electronics.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Electronic" Quotes from Famous Books

... vault ostensibly to get into your own box, use these to open box 1044. There's a little electronic gadget in each box 1044. When you want immediate service on anything you put into the box, press the red button on the mechanism. Go back a few hours later and it will have been attended to. So now, when you get into the bank, ...
— Man of Many Minds • E. Everett Evans

... towering cities appeared to call for radio communications. The hundreds of atmosphere ships flashing along a system of airways between the cities seemed to indicate the existence of electronic navigational and landing aids. But perhaps the signals were all tightly beamed; we would ...
— Lost in the Future • John Victor Peterson

... kicking, sir. Only now, of all crazy-mad things, I'm a moon of this moon! The collision must have knocked me clear out of my down-to-Earth orbit.... I must have been ejected in the same direction as the moonlet's course, in its gravity field.... I don't know. Let an electronic brain figure it out some time.... Anyway, now I'm being dragged along in the orbit of the moonlet—how about that? Yes, sir, I'm circling down closer and closer to the moonlet.... No, don't worry, sir. It was a weak gravity pull, only a fraction of an Earth-g. So I'm drifting down gently ...
— Shipwreck in the Sky • Eando Binder

... footnotes are marked with an asterisk, dagger, et cetera and placed at the bottom of each page. In this electronic version I have numbered the footnotes and placed them ...
— Poems • Denis Florence MacCarthy

... whispered. "He came back to Jarviston, to our rooming house, one night. We promised to help him a little. What are you going to do with a character nuts enough about space to armor up and stuff himself inside a blastoff drum? Of course he didn't come that way from home. There's that electronic check of drum contents at the gate of the port. But he was there on a visitor's pass, waiting—having hitchhiked all the way to here. After the electronic check, he figured on stowing away, while the drums were waiting to be loaded. The only thing we did to help was to take a little of the stuff ...
— The Planet Strappers • Raymond Zinke Gallun

... then discovered a mechanical stylist in a recess beside the bathroom mirror. She swung the gadget out into the room, set it for a dye removal operation and sat down beneath it. A redhead again a minute or so later, she switched the machine to Orado styles and left it to make up its electronic mind as to what would be the most suitable creation ...
— Legacy • James H Schmitz

... always to be trusted. He lacks the architectonic faculty. In between the clusters of clear-cut phrases there are too many nebulae of gaseous formation and spiral type, which deflect the orbital movement of his essentially electronic melody and impair its impact on ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 156, June 11, 1919 • Various

... prosperity requires us, the moment we're sated with chrome chariots and miracle-fiber dressing-gowns and electronic magics, the minute our children have toys enough to last them through the age of franchise, to take in hand the feather forced upon us by regulation of the Bureau of Seasonal Gratuities and visit the parish Potlatch Pyre, our modern vomitorium, ...
— The Great Potlatch Riots • Allen Kim Lang

... radio-active substances as particular but constantly changing arrangements of the same identical particles, stable groups of which are the atoms of the elements, has been firmly established. One result of the establishment of the electronic conception of atomic structure would be an increase of our wonder at the complexity of nature's ways, and an increase of our wonder that it should be possible to substitute a simple, almost rigid, mechanical machinery for the ever-changing flow of experience, and, by the ...
— The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry • M. M. Pattison Muir

... millions of information "bits" from the shipboard instrument tapes—would be fed to an electronic brain. The brain would then calculate the probable location in latitude and longitude of the ...
— Tom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung • Victor Appleton

... The electronic theory which I have just mentioned takes us as far as a universal homogeneous ether as the source from which all matter is evolved, but it does not account for how motion originated in it; but perhaps another closely allied scientific theory will help ...
— The Law and the Word • Thomas Troward

... been a lot of electric or electronic apparatus over along this wall," one of the Space Force officers commented. "Ten or twelve electric outlets." He brushed the dusty wall with his glove, then scraped on the floor with his foot. "I can see where things ...
— Omnilingual • H. Beam Piper

... motor vehicles and parts; telecommunications equipment partners: US, Japan, UK, Germany, South Korea, Netherlands, China Imports: $118 billion (c.i.f., 1991) commodities: crude petroleum, chemicals, motor vehicles and parts, durable consumer goods, electronic computers; telecommunications equipment and parts partners: US, Japan, UK, Germany, France, Mexico, Taiwan, South Korea External debt: $247 billion (1987) Industrial production: growth rate -3.8% (August ...
— The 1992 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... following apparent misprints have been corrected for this electronic edition: Patient carrier of towel and comb,[2] —as printed, cited footnote 1, which is inapplicable and ...
— More Translations from the Chinese • Various

... and fifty thousand feet I shifted the gravity plates to the landing combinations, and started the electronic engines. ...
— Astounding Stories of Super-Science April 1930 • Various

... done, I peeled it off and attached it to an attractive suit of green plastic, complete with tail. I was really glad they had tails. The lizards didn't wear clothes and I wanted to take along a lot of electronic equipment. I built the tail over a metal frame that anchored around my waist. Then I filled the frame with all the equipment I would need and began to ...
— The Repairman • Harry Harrison

... were having trouble with the time-power calibration, but I checked with Don and he says everything's all right." She glanced through the open door of his cabin at the electronic pattern on the scanning screen. "Well, we'll be home in another twenty hours, Mr. Lord. It's a pity we didn't contact any new planets on this mission. It would have been a ...
— Impact • Irving E. Cox

... the space platform. He could imagine the speed with which the specialists at Terra base had acted. They had sent orders instantly to the fastest cruiser in the area, the Scorpius, to stand by for further instructions. Then their personnel machines must have whirred rapidly, electronic brains searching for the nearest available Planeteer officer with an astrophysics specialty ...
— Rip Foster Rides the Gray Planet • Blake Savage

... [This electronic text was transcribed from a reprint of the original edition, which was first published in New York, in September, 1914. Due to a great deal of irregularity between titles in the table of contents and in the text of the original, there are some slight differences from the original in these matters—with ...
— The Congo and Other Poems • Vachel Lindsay

... as an aid to searching — although electronic texts can be easily searched for any word, it may prove helpful to know what some of the most important subjects are. Therefore, the index is included, minus ...
— The History of the Thirty Years' War • Friedrich Schiller, Translated by Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, M.A.

... and his assistant Jerry Wallace were having coffee as the various electronic adjuncts to the instruments of the observatory warmed up. Transistors and other solid state components that made up the majority of the electronic equipment in the observatory required no "warm up" in the sense that the older electron tubes had—but when used ...
— Where I Wasn't Going • Walt Richmond

... entire Cadet Corps stepped off with electronic precision for the final drill of the term. By threes, each unit marching together, with the Polaris unit walking behind the standard bearers as honor unit, they passed the reviewing stand. Senior officers of the Solar Guard, delegates ...
— The Revolt on Venus • Carey Rockwell

... the vehicle, the other Terrestrials following. It was as bare of seats as the Terminal building. What appeared to be a defunct electronic chassis lay in the ...
— The Yillian Way • John Keith Laumer

Words linked to "Electronic" :   electronic reconnaissance, electronic instrument, electronic computer, electronic countermeasures, electronic foetal monitor, electronic dictionary, electronic converter, electronic counter-countermeasures, electronic surveillance, electronic text, electronic voltmeter, imitative electronic deception, electronic stylus, electronic image, electronic mail, electronic transistor, electronic network, electronic equipment, electronics, electronic deception, electronic data processing, electronic scanner, electronic warfare-support measures, electronic jamming, electronic organ, electronic communication, electronic simulative deception, electronic information service, simulative electronic deception

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