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Electro-motive   Listen
Electro-motive  adj.  Producing electro-motion; producing, or tending to produce, electricity or an electric current; causing electrical action or effects.
Electro-motive force (Physics), the force which produces, or tends to produce, electricity, or an electric current; sometimes used to express the degree of electrification as equivalent to potential, or more properly difference of potential.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Electro-motive" Quotes from Famous Books

... in rows of twelve; they are all carefully screwed upon suitable bars of wood, and these bars are joined by other cross bars, which bind the whole in a compact form; the battery being suitably connected so as to produce a current of very high electro-motive force, and so arranged over their exciting trough that the plates can be raised or lowered at will, as seen in Fig. 1, which will explain itself almost ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 312, December 24, 1881 • Various

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