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Crustacean   Listen
Crustacean  adj.  (Zool.) Of or pertaining to the Crustacea; crustaceous.

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"Crustacean" Quotes from Famous Books

... later, for the crustacean caught him by the left ankle in a firm grip, and held on, while the would-be joker danced about on one leg, holding the other up in the air with the lobster dangling from, it. ...
— Frank and Andy Afloat - The Cave on the Island • Vance Barnum

... before me.—-He pointed to a singularly perfect and beautiful trilobite which was lying on a pile of manuscripts.—-Each time I fill a sheet of paper with what I am writing, I lay it beneath this relic of a dead world, and project my thought forward into eternity as far as this extinct crustacean carries it backward. When my heart beats too lustily with vain hopes of being remembered, I press the cold fossil against it and it grows calm. I touch my forehead with it, and its anxious furrows grow smooth. Our ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... oppressed by an increasing dubiety whether Mrs MANKLETOW is verily such an upper crustacean and habituee of the beau monde as she did represent herself to be. It is well-nigh incomprehensible that any individual should seek to appear of a higher social status than Nature has provided; but my youthful ...
— Baboo Jabberjee, B.A. • F. Anstey

... not to be trifled with. You shrinking, quivering, acquiescing natures, avaunt! You sensitive plants, you hesitating, indefinite creatures, you uncertain around the edges, you non-resisting, and you heroes, whose courage is quick, but whose wit is tardy, make way, and let the human crustacean pass. Emerson is moulded upon this pattern. It is no mush and milk that you get at this table. "A great man is coming to dine with me; I do not wish to please him; I wish that he should wish to please me." On the lecture stand he might be of wood, so far as he is responsive to the moods and feelings ...
— Birds and Poets • John Burroughs

... lancet-toothed jaws to a sea-snake in a large bottle of spirits—an unpleasant looking little serpent, said to be poisonous. In a glass case was the complete shell of a lobster, out of which the crustacean had crawled; and beside this were some South Sea bows and arrows, pieces of coral from all parts of the world, a New Zealand paddle on the wall, opposite to a couple of Australian spears. Hanks of sea-weed ...
— Menhardoc • George Manville Fenn

... preserves some abrupt change in structure. It amused me to see Sir R. Murchison quoted as a judge of affinities of animals, and it gave me a cold shudder to hear of any one speculating about a true crustacean giving birth to a true fish! (Parson's, loc. cit. page 5, speaking of Pterichthys and Cephalaspis, says:—"Now is it too much to infer from these facts that either of these animals, if a crustacean, was so nearly a fish that ...
— The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II • Francis Darwin

... me, Reader, to make my bow, And allow Me to humbly commend to your tender mercies The hero of these simple verses. By domicile, of the British Nation; By birth and family, a Crustacean. One's hero should have a name that rare is; And his was Homarus, but—Vulgaris! A Lobster, who dwelt with several others,— His sisters and brothers,— In a secluded but happy home, Under the salt sea's foam. It lay At the outermost point of a rocky bay. A sandy, tide-pooly, cliff-bound ...
— Verses for Children - and Songs for Music • Juliana Horatia Ewing

... seen through a haze, seemed unusually stern tonight; but with beery pride he produced his little present, the mail-clad delicacy, the armoured crustacean. But Dicky Freeman, offended by Dad's sudden departure in the middle of the story, had taken a mean revenge with the aid of the barman, and, as Dad unfastened the wrapping, there appeared, not the shellfish in its vermilion armour, but something smooth and black—an empty beer-bottle! Dad ...
— Jonah • Louis Stone

... wild leap Neewa was ashore. Feeling the earth under his feet he started to run, and the result was that Miki came up slowly through the mire and spread himself out like an overgrown crustacean while he got the wind back into his lungs. Neewa, sensing the fact that for a few moments his comrade was physically unfit for travel, shook himself, and waited. Miki picked up quickly. Within five minutes he was on his feet shaking himself so furiously that Neewa became the centre ...
— Nomads of the North - A Story of Romance and Adventure under the Open Stars • James Oliver Curwood

... in different directions towards the same object? I grant that different circumstances would produce different changes, but not for the same purpose. For example take eye-sight. The world shows several types of eye. The insect eye quite unlike any other; the crustacean eye also distinct; and birds, fishes, and animals having an eye which is generally similar and is somewhat imitated by the eye of the cuttle fish (which is not a fish, but ...
— Creation and Its Records • B.H. Baden-Powell

... rolled up to the shoulder, gave full display to a pair of arms of a mould not usually to be found outside the prize-ring, and but seldom within the sanctuary of that magic circle. As if in compensation for the merely nominal allowance of costume tolerated by this crustacean professor, his chest and arms were entirely covered with a wild arabesque of tattoo-work, in blue and red. Many and original artists must have been employed in the embellishment of Robert's tawny hide. The one to whose ...
— Atlantic Monthly Volume 7, No. 40, February, 1861 • Various

... them out of house and home whenever she pleased. A small settlement was all the real property Phillipa had secured. Although with right royal generosity Mrs. Purling gave her favourites a liberal allowance, and promised them everything when she was gone, yet was she like a crustacean in the tenacity of her grip upon her own. This close-fistedness was exceedingly distasteful to Mr. Jillingham. He had an appetite for gold not easily appeased, and four or five thousand a year was to him but a mouthful to be swallowed at ...
— The Thin Red Line; and Blue Blood • Arthur Griffiths

... The crustacean class of animals, of which the lobster, crab, and shrimp are familiar examples, have this peculiarity of structure—that their soft bodies are enclosed within a coat-of-mail formed of carbonate and phosphate of lime. In fact, they carry their skeleton outside their bodies, ...
— Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 433 - Volume 17, New Series, April 17, 1852 • Various

... begins. Further embryological study, and possibly the discovery of surviving primitive forms, of which Central Africa may yet yield a number, may enlarge our knowledge, but it is likely to remain very imperfect. The fossil records of the long ages during which the Mollusc, the Crustacean, and the Echinoderm slowly assumed their characteristic forms are hopelessly lost. But we are now prepared to return to the record which survives, and we shall find the remaining story of the earth a very ample and interesting ...
— The Story of Evolution • Joseph McCabe

... digestion were a thing to be trifled with, I might sup upon lobster, and the matter of life of the crustacean would undergo the same wonderful metamorphosis into humanity. And were I to return to my own place by sea, and undergo shipwreck, the crustacean might, and probably would, return the compliment, and demonstrate our common nature ...
— English Prose - A Series of Related Essays for the Discussion and Practice • Frederick William Roe (edit. and select.)

... applicable[918] to certain insects produced with multiple legs or antennae, for these are metamorphosed from apodal or antennaeless larvae. Alphonse Milne-Edwards[919] has described the curious case of a crustacean in which one eye-peduncle supported, instead of a complete eye, only an imperfect cornea, out of the centre of which a portion of an antenna was developed. A case has been recorded[920] of a man who had during both ...
— The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Volume II (of 2) • Charles Darwin

... Jimmie fairly screamed with fright, and wouldn't lie down in bed again until Daisy, who had been awakened by the commotion from a lovely dream about the dear Carisbrooke donkey who works at the well, came and fetched the wandering crustacean away, and put it among a lot of damp seaweed in her tin pail, where it ...
— Golden Moments - Bright Stories for Young Folks • Anonymous

... habit formation in a crustacean which we have found is that of Albrecht Bethe[2] on the crab, Carcinus maenas. In his excellent paper on the structure of the nervous system of Carcinus Bethe calls attention to a few experiments which he made to determine, as he puts ...
— Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 • Various

... type when seen in its perfect condition, avoiding the oval form, but it resumes it in metamorphosis. It is comparatively huge in its proportions, its average extreme length being the 1/1000 of an inch. Its normal form is rigidly adhered to as that of a rotifer or a crustacean. Its body-substance is a structureless sarcode. Its differentiations are a nucleus-like body, not common to the monads; generally a pair of dilating vacuoles, which open and close, like the human ...
— Scientific American Supplement, Vol. XIX, No. 470, Jan. 3, 1885 • Various

Words linked to "Crustacean" :   brachyuran, stomatopod, branchiopod crustacean, decapod crustacean, class Crustacea, stomatopod crustacean, branchiopod, seed shrimp, claw, green gland, chela, malacostracan crustacean, Crustacea, mussel shrimp, pincer, copepod, copepod crustacean, decapod, branchiopodan, arthropod

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