"Countermand" Quotes from Famous Books
... I was hindered from expressing myself through my work. Tichatschek continued hoarse, and it was said he would never sing in my opera again. I heard from Luttichau that, scared by the failure of Tannhauser, he was holding himself in readiness to countermand the order for the promised scenery for the Hall of Song, or to cancel it altogether. I was so terrified at the cowardice which was thus revealed, that I myself began to look upon Tannhauser as doomed. My prospects and my whole ... — My Life, Volume I • Richard Wagner
... headquarters. He proved it to Uthwart at all events, and a few others. Delightful heroism! delightful self-indulgence! It was delayed for a moment by orders to move forward at last, with hopes checked almost immediately after by a countermand, bringing them right round their [234] stupid dumb enemy to the same wearisome position once again, to the trenches and the rest, but with their thirst for action only stimulated the more. How great the disappointment! encouraging a certain laxity of discipline that had prevailed about them ... — Miscellaneous Studies: A Series of Essays • Walter Horatio Pater |
Words linked to "Countermand" : command, revoke, reverse, annul, renege on, cancel, go back on, rescind, repeal, renege, dictation, vacate, bid, bidding, strike down, renegue on, overturn, lift |
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