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Correspondency   Listen
Correspondency  n.  (pl. correspondencies)  Same as Correspondence, 3. "The correspondencies of types and antitypes... may be very reasonable confirmations."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Correspondency" Quotes from Famous Books

... him satisfaction; and oftentimes have I sent lovingly unto him to understand wherein, by whom, and how he found himself to be wronged. But of him could I obtain no other answer but a mere defiance, and that in my lands he did pretend only to the right of a civil correspondency and good behaviour, whereby I knew that the eternal God hath left him to the disposure of his own free will and sensual appetite—which cannot choose but be wicked, if by divine grace it be not continually guided—and to contain him within his duty, and bring him to know ...
— Gargantua and Pantagruel, Complete. • Francois Rabelais

... preliminary discussion of the origin of chivalry and knight-errantry and of the ideal knightly characteristics, "Prowess, Generosity, Gallantry, and Religion," which he derives from the military necessities of the feudal system, he proceeds to establish a "remarkable correspondency between the manners of the old heroic times, as painted by their romancer, Homer, and those which are represented to us in the books of modern knight-errantry." He compares, e.g., the Laestrygonians, Cyclopes, Circes, and Calypsos ...
— A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century • Henry A. Beers

... yet more earnestly, for Molanus saith that this Bishop, in some places, did receive Rents, Capons, etc., during his year; And it seemeth by the statute of Sarum, that he held a kind of Visitation, and had a full correspondency of all other State and Prerogative.... In case the Chorister Bishop died within the Month, his Exequies were solemnized with an answerable glorious pomp and sadness. He was buried (as all other Bishops) in ...
— A Righte Merrie Christmasse - The Story of Christ-Tide • John Ashton

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