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Conformist   Listen
conformist  adj.  
Marked by conformity or convention; not corresponding to current customs or rules or styles; as, underneath the radical image teenagers are surprisingly conformist. Opposite of nonconformist.
Same as conforming. Note: (Narrower terms: orthodox (vs. unorthodox))
Synonyms: conforming.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Conformist" Quotes from Famous Books

... Edinburgh, particularly one Ramsay, envied him on account of his high reputation both as a preacher, and as a teacher (the well-affected part of the people both in town and country crowding to his church), and gave the king information against him as a non-conformist: the king sent a letter December the 13th to the magistrates of the town, rebuking them for admitting him, and commanding him to be removed: The magistrates were not obedient to the command, and by a courtier intreated he might be continued, but the king would not grant their request. ...
— Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) • John Howie

... of humanistic realism is found in the writings of the English poet and humanitarian, John Milton. His Tractate on Education (1644) was extensively read, and was influential in shaping educational practice in the non-conformist secondary academies which arose a little later in England. Still later his ideas indirectly ...

... left the board upon pretence of serious business, and by coach to Paul's School, where I heard some good speeches of the boys that were to be elected this year. Thence by and by with Mr. Pullen and Barnes (a great Non-Conformist) with several others of my old acquaintance to the Nag's Head Taverne, and there did give them a bottle of sacke, and away again and I to the School, and up to hear the upper form examined; and there ...
— Diary of Samuel Pepys, Complete • Samuel Pepys

Words linked to "Conformist" :   conformism, conservative, orthodox, nonconformist, conservativist, conform, faith, conforming

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