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Comatose   Listen
Comatose  adj.  Relating to, or resembling, coma; drowsy; lethargic; as, comatose sleep; comatose fever.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Comatose" Quotes from Famous Books

... who had had no real sleep since she had left the boat, had passed at last into an almost comatose condition, from which it was doubtful she could have been awakened, even at the ...
— Desert Love • Joan Conquest

... of this sartorial description should be obvious, Mr. Leary hugged closely up to the abutting house fronts when he left behind him the marooned taxi with its comatose driver asleep upon it, like one lone castaway upon a small island in a sea of emptiness, and set his face eastward. Such was the warmth of his annoyance he barely felt the chill striking upon his exposed nether limbs or took note of the big ...
— The Life of the Party • Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb

... is too beautifully delicious! Why, Patsy O'Connell, William Burgeman is the most conventional young gentleman I have ever met in my life. You would shock him into a semi-comatose condition in an afternoon—and, pray, what ...
— Seven Miles to Arden • Ruth Sawyer

... of course, and went home to give Fanny the news of the increased salary. I found her helpless and comatose on ...
— The Record of Nicholas Freydon - An Autobiography • A. J. (Alec John) Dawson

... themselves and two others for dinner when boiled with bacon. These herbs were accordingly dressed, and the poor men ate of the broth with bread, and afterwards the herbs with bacon: in a short time they were all seized with vertigo. Soon after they were comatose, two of them became convulsed, and died in ...
— The Botanist's Companion, Vol. II • William Salisbury

... lit up with the wild joys of living. And then earlier memories still—of his childhood in Duesseldorf—seemed to flow through his comatose brain; his mother and brothers and sisters; the dancing-master he threw out of the window; the emancipation of the Jewry by the French conquerors; the joyous drummer who taught him French; the passing of Napoleon on his white horse; the atheist school-boy ...
— Dreamers of the Ghetto • I. Zangwill

... next days, accordingly, the poor dean remained in the same state, half-conscious and half-comatose; and the attendant clergy began to think that no new appointment would be necessary for some few months ...
— Barchester Towers • Anthony Trollope

... in the head, referred to the region of the affected sinus, and so severe as to prevent sleep, is an early and prominent feature. The patient is usually excited, hypersensitive, and irritable in the early stages, and becomes dull and even comatose towards the end. Rigors, followed by profuse perspiration, occur early and increase in frequency as the disease progresses. The temperature is markedly remittent, varying from 103 deg. to 106 deg. F. (Fig. 196). The pulse is rapid, small, and thready. Loss of appetite, vomiting, ...
— Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition. • Alexander Miles

... we waited I cannot tell, but at last the signal came. The word was flashed to the engine room and the rope came gliding swiftly upwards. The hero was comatose and was hanging all limp and loose by the chain which had been passed about his waist. He was seized, swung to one side and lowered and landed and one great fiery flake of flannel as big as a man's hand fell from the rough garments in which he was swathed from head to foot. A bottle ...
— Recollections • David Christie Murray

... anything that is new. At first she maintained excitedly that there was no life like a country life—no centre more suited for such an ideal existence than Stagholme. For a time she forgot Seymour Michael; but love is eminently deceitful. It lies in a comatose silence for many years and then suddenly springs to life. Sometimes the long period of rest has strengthened it—sometimes the time has been passed in a chrysalis stage from which Love awakens to find itself changed ...
— From One Generation to Another • Henry Seton Merriman

Words linked to "Comatose" :   coma

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